/* * OpenConnect (SSL + DTLS) VPN client * * Copyright © 2008-2015 Intel Corporation. * * Author: David Woodhouse * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include "openconnect-internal.h" #define ALGO_MD5 0 #define ALGO_MD5_SESS 1 static struct oc_text_buf *get_qs(char **str) { struct oc_text_buf *res; int escaped = 0; char *p = *str; if (*p != '\"') return NULL; res = buf_alloc(); while (*++p) { if (!escaped && *p == '\"') { *str = p+1; if (buf_error(res)) break; return res; } if (escaped) escaped = 0; else if (*p == '\\') escaped = 1; buf_append_bytes(res, p, 1); } buf_free(res); return NULL; } static void buf_append_unq(struct oc_text_buf *buf, const char *str) { while (*str) { if (*str == '\"' || *str == '\\') buf_append(buf, "\\"); buf_append_bytes(buf, str, 1); str++; } } static void buf_append_md5(struct oc_text_buf *buf, void *data, int len) { unsigned char md5[16]; if (openconnect_md5(md5, data, len)) { buf->error = -EIO; return; } buf_append_hex(buf, md5, 16); } int digest_authorization(struct openconnect_info *vpninfo, int proxy, struct http_auth_state *auth_state, struct oc_text_buf *hdrbuf) { char *chall; int ret = -EINVAL; int algo = ALGO_MD5; int qop_auth = 0; int nc = 1; struct oc_text_buf *realm = NULL, *nonce = NULL, *opaque = NULL; struct oc_text_buf *a1 = NULL, *a2 = NULL, *kd = NULL; struct oc_text_buf *cnonce = NULL; unsigned char cnonce_random[32]; const char *user, *pass; if (proxy) { user = vpninfo->proxy_user; pass = vpninfo->proxy_pass; } else { /* Need to parse this out of the URL */ return -EINVAL; } if (!user || !pass) return -EINVAL; if (auth_state->state < AUTH_AVAILABLE) return -EINVAL; if (auth_state->state == AUTH_IN_PROGRESS) { auth_state->state = AUTH_FAILED; return -EAGAIN; } chall = auth_state->challenge; if (!chall) return -EINVAL; while (*chall) { if (!realm && !strncmp(chall, "realm=", 6)) { chall += 6; realm = get_qs(&chall); if (!realm) goto err; } else if (!nonce && !strncmp(chall, "nonce=", 6)) { chall += 6; nonce = get_qs(&chall); if (!nonce) goto err; } else if (!strncmp(chall, "qop=", 4)) { chall += 4; if (strncmp(chall, "\"auth\"", 6)) { /* We don't support "auth-int" */ goto err; } qop_auth = 1; chall += 6; } else if (!opaque && !strncmp(chall, "opaque=", 7)) { chall += 7; opaque = get_qs(&chall); if (!opaque) goto err; } else if (!strncmp(chall, "algorithm=", 10)) { chall += 10; if (!strncmp(chall, "MD5-sess", 8)) { algo = ALGO_MD5_SESS; chall += 8; } else if (!strncmp(chall, "MD5", 3)) { algo = ALGO_MD5; chall += 3; } } else { char *p = strchr(chall, '='); if (!p) goto err; p++; if (*p == '\"') { /* Eat and discard a quoted-string */ int escaped = 0; p++; do { if (escaped) escaped = 0; else if (*p == '\\') escaped = 1; if (!*p) goto err; } while (escaped || *p != '\"'); chall = p+1; } else { /* Not quoted. Just find the next comma (or EOL) */ p = strchr(p, ','); if (!p) break; chall = p; } } while (isspace((int)(unsigned char)*chall)) chall++; if (!*chall) break; if (*chall != ',') goto err; chall++; while (isspace((int)(unsigned char)*chall)) chall++; if (!*chall) break; } if (!nonce || !realm) goto err; if (openconnect_random(&cnonce_random, sizeof(cnonce_random))) goto err; cnonce = buf_alloc(); buf_append_base64(cnonce, cnonce_random, sizeof(cnonce_random)); if (buf_error(cnonce)) goto err; /* * According to RFC2617 § * A1 = unq(username-value) ":" unq(realm-value) ":" passwd * So the username is escaped, while the password isn't. */ a1 = buf_alloc(); buf_append_unq(a1, user); buf_append(a1, ":%s:%s", realm->data, pass); if (buf_error(a1)) goto err; if (algo == ALGO_MD5_SESS) { struct oc_text_buf *old_a1 = a1; a1 = buf_alloc(); buf_append_md5(a1, old_a1->data, old_a1->pos); buf_free(old_a1); buf_append(a1, ":%s:%s\n", nonce->data, cnonce->data); if (buf_error(a1)) goto err; } a2 = buf_alloc(); buf_append(a2, "CONNECT:%s:%d", vpninfo->hostname, vpninfo->port); if (buf_error(a2)) goto err; kd = buf_alloc(); buf_append_md5(kd, a1->data, a1->pos); buf_append(kd, ":%s:", nonce->data); if (qop_auth) { buf_append(kd, "%08x:%s:auth:", nc, cnonce->data); } buf_append_md5(kd, a2->data, a2->pos); if (buf_error(kd)) goto err; buf_append(hdrbuf, "%sAuthorization: Digest username=\"", proxy ? "Proxy-" : ""); buf_append_unq(hdrbuf, user); buf_append(hdrbuf, "\", realm=\"%s\", nonce=\"%s\", uri=\"%s:%d\", ", realm->data, nonce->data, vpninfo->hostname, vpninfo->port); if (qop_auth) buf_append(hdrbuf, "cnonce=\"%s\", nc=%08x, qop=auth, ", cnonce->data, nc); if (opaque) buf_append(hdrbuf, "opaque=\"%s\", ", opaque->data); buf_append(hdrbuf, "response=\""); buf_append_md5(hdrbuf, kd->data, kd->pos); buf_append(hdrbuf, "\"\r\n"); ret = 0; auth_state->state = AUTH_IN_PROGRESS; if (proxy) vpn_progress(vpninfo, PRG_INFO, _("Attempting Digest authentication to proxy\n")); else vpn_progress(vpninfo, PRG_INFO, _("Attempting Digest authentication to server '%s'\n"), vpninfo->hostname); err: if (a1 && a1->data) memset(a1->data, 0, a1->pos); buf_free(a1); buf_free(a2); buf_free(kd); buf_free(realm); buf_free(nonce); buf_free(cnonce); buf_free(opaque); return ret; }