# OpenConnect OpenConnect is an SSL VPN client initially created to support [Cisco's AnyConnect SSL VPN](http://www.cisco.com/go/asm). It has since been ported to support the Juniper SSL VPN (which is now known as [Pulse Connect Secure](https://www.pulsesecure.net/products/connect-secure/)), and the [Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect SSL VPN](https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/features/vpn). An openconnect VPN server (ocserv), which implements an improved version of the Cisco AnyConnect protocol, has also been written. You can find it on Gitlab at [https://gitlab.com/openconnect/ocserv](https://gitlab.com/openconnect/ocserv). ## Licence OpenConnect is released under the [GNU Lesser Public License, version 2.1](https://www.infradead.org/openconnect/licence.html). ## Documentation Documentation for OpenConnect is built from the `www/` directory in this repository, and lives in rendered form at [https://www.infradead.org/openconnect](https://www.infradead.org/openconnect). Commonly-sought documentation: * [Manual](https://www.infradead.org/openconnect/manual.html) * [Getting Started / Building](https://www.infradead.org/openconnect/building.html) (includes build instructions) * [Contribute](https://www.infradead.org/openconnect/contribute.html) * [Mailing list / Help](https://www.infradead.org/openconnect/mail.html) * [GUIs / Front Ends](https://www.infradead.org/openconnect/gui.html) * [VPN Server / ocserv](http://www.infradead.org/ocserv/)