/** @file usb_moded-config.c Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Jolla. All rights reserved. @author: Philippe De Swert This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* #include #include */ #include "usb_moded.h" #include "usb_moded-config.h" #include "usb_moded-config-private.h" #include "usb_moded-log.h" #include "usb_moded-modes.h" static int get_conf_int(const gchar *entry, const gchar *key); static char * get_conf_string(const gchar *entry, const gchar *key); static char * get_kcmdline_string(const char *entry); static int validate_ip(const char *ipadd) { unsigned int b1, b2, b3, b4; unsigned char c; if (sscanf(ipadd, "%3u.%3u.%3u.%3u%c", &b1, &b2, &b3, &b4, &c) != 4) return(-1); if ((b1 | b2 | b3 | b4) > 255) return(-1); if (strspn(ipadd, "0123456789.") < strlen(ipadd)) return(-1); /* all ok */ return 0; } const char *find_mounts(void) { const char *ret = NULL; ret = get_conf_string(FS_MOUNT_ENTRY, FS_MOUNT_KEY); if(ret == NULL) { ret = g_strdup(FS_MOUNT_DEFAULT); log_debug("Default mount = %s\n", ret); } return(ret); } int find_sync(void) { return(get_conf_int(FS_SYNC_ENTRY, FS_SYNC_KEY)); } const char * find_alt_mount(void) { return(get_conf_string(ALT_MOUNT_ENTRY, ALT_MOUNT_KEY)); } char * find_udev_path(void) { return(get_conf_string(UDEV_PATH_ENTRY, UDEV_PATH_KEY)); } char * find_udev_subsystem(void) { return(get_conf_string(UDEV_PATH_ENTRY, UDEV_SUBSYSTEM_KEY)); } char * check_trigger(void) { return(get_conf_string(TRIGGER_ENTRY, TRIGGER_PATH_KEY)); } char * get_trigger_subsystem(void) { return(get_conf_string(TRIGGER_ENTRY, TRIGGER_UDEV_SUBSYSTEM)); } char * get_trigger_mode(void) { return(get_conf_string(TRIGGER_ENTRY, TRIGGER_MODE_KEY)); } char * get_trigger_property(void) { return(get_conf_string(TRIGGER_ENTRY, TRIGGER_PROPERTY_KEY)); } char * get_trigger_value(void) { return(get_conf_string(TRIGGER_ENTRY, TRIGGER_PROPERTY_VALUE_KEY)); } static char * get_network_ip(void) { char * ip = get_kcmdline_string(NETWORK_IP_KEY); if (ip != NULL) if(!validate_ip(ip)) return(ip); return(get_conf_string(NETWORK_ENTRY, NETWORK_IP_KEY)); } static char * get_network_interface(void) { return(get_conf_string(NETWORK_ENTRY, NETWORK_INTERFACE_KEY)); } static char * get_network_gateway(void) { char * gw = get_kcmdline_string(NETWORK_GATEWAY_KEY); if (gw != NULL) return(gw); return(get_conf_string(NETWORK_ENTRY, NETWORK_GATEWAY_KEY)); } static char * get_network_netmask(void) { char * netmask = get_kcmdline_string(NETWORK_NETMASK_KEY); if (netmask != NULL) return(netmask); return(get_conf_string(NETWORK_ENTRY, NETWORK_NETMASK_KEY)); } static char * get_network_nat_interface(void) { return(get_conf_string(NETWORK_ENTRY, NETWORK_NAT_INTERFACE_KEY)); } /* create basic conffile with sensible defaults */ static void create_conf_file(void) { GKeyFile *settingsfile; gchar *keyfile; int dir = 1; struct stat dir_stat; /* since this function can also be called when the dir exists we only create it if it is missing */ if(stat(CONFIG_FILE_DIR, &dir_stat)) { dir = mkdir(CONFIG_FILE_DIR, 0755); if(dir < 0) { log_warning("Could not create confdir, continuing without configuration!\n"); /* no point in trying to generate the config file if the dir cannot be created */ return; } } settingsfile = g_key_file_new(); g_key_file_set_string(settingsfile, MODE_SETTING_ENTRY, MODE_SETTING_KEY, MODE_DEVELOPER ); keyfile = g_key_file_to_data (settingsfile, NULL, NULL); if(g_file_set_contents(FS_MOUNT_CONFIG_FILE, keyfile, -1, NULL) == 0) log_debug("Conffile creation failed. Continuing without configuration!\n"); free(keyfile); g_key_file_free(settingsfile); } static int get_conf_int(const gchar *entry, const gchar *key) { GKeyFile *settingsfile; gboolean test = FALSE; gchar **keys, **origkeys; int ret = 0; settingsfile = g_key_file_new(); test = g_key_file_load_from_file(settingsfile, FS_MOUNT_CONFIG_FILE, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, NULL); if(!test) { log_debug("no conffile, Creating\n"); create_conf_file(); } keys = g_key_file_get_keys (settingsfile, entry, NULL, NULL); if(keys == NULL) return ret; origkeys = keys; while (*keys != NULL) { if(!strcmp(*keys, key)) { ret = g_key_file_get_integer(settingsfile, entry, *keys, NULL); log_debug("%s key value = %d\n", key, ret); } keys++; } g_strfreev(origkeys); g_key_file_free(settingsfile); return(ret); } static char * get_conf_string(const gchar *entry, const gchar *key) { GKeyFile *settingsfile; gboolean test = FALSE; gchar **keys, **origkeys, *tmp_char = NULL; settingsfile = g_key_file_new(); test = g_key_file_load_from_file(settingsfile, FS_MOUNT_CONFIG_FILE, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, NULL); if(!test) { log_debug("No conffile. Creating\n"); create_conf_file(); /* should succeed now */ g_key_file_load_from_file(settingsfile, FS_MOUNT_CONFIG_FILE, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, NULL); } keys = g_key_file_get_keys (settingsfile, entry, NULL, NULL); if(keys == NULL) goto end; origkeys = keys; while (*keys != NULL) { if(!strcmp(*keys, key)) { tmp_char = g_key_file_get_string(settingsfile, entry, *keys, NULL); if(tmp_char) { log_debug("key %s value = %s\n", key, tmp_char); } } keys++; } g_strfreev(origkeys); end: g_key_file_free(settingsfile); return(tmp_char); } static char * get_kcmdline_string(const char *entry) { int fd; char cmdLine[1024]; char *ret = NULL; int len; gint argc = 0; gchar **argv = NULL; gchar **arg_tokens = NULL, **network_tokens = NULL; GError *optErr = NULL; int i; if ((fd = open("/proc/cmdline", O_RDONLY)) < 0) { log_debug("could not read /proc/cmdline"); return(ret); } len = read(fd, cmdLine, sizeof(cmdLine) - 1); close(fd); if (len <= 0) { log_debug("kernel command line was empty"); return(ret); } cmdLine[len] = '\0'; /* we're looking for a piece of the kernel command line matching this: ip= */ if (!g_shell_parse_argv(cmdLine, &argc, &argv, &optErr)) { g_error_free(optErr); return(ret); } /* find the ip token */ for (i=0; i < argc; i++) { arg_tokens = g_strsplit(argv[i], "=", 2); if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(arg_tokens[0], "usb_moded_ip")) { network_tokens = g_strsplit(arg_tokens[1], ":", 7); /* check if it is for the usb or rndis interface */ if(g_strrstr(network_tokens[5], "usb")|| (g_strrstr(network_tokens[5], "rndis"))) { if(!strcmp(entry, NETWORK_IP_KEY)) { ret = g_strdup(network_tokens[0]); log_debug("Command line ip = %s\n", ret); } if(!strcmp(entry, NETWORK_GATEWAY_KEY)) { /* gateway might be empty, so we do not want to return an empty string */ if(strlen(network_tokens[2]) > 2) { ret = g_strdup(network_tokens[2]); log_debug("Command line gateway = %s\n", ret); } } if(!strcmp(entry, NETWORK_NETMASK_KEY)) { ret = g_strdup(network_tokens[3]); log_debug("Command line netmask = %s\n", ret); } } } g_strfreev(arg_tokens); } g_strfreev(argv); g_strfreev(network_tokens); return(ret); } char * get_mode_setting(void) { char * mode = get_kcmdline_string(MODE_SETTING_KEY); if (mode != NULL) return(mode); return(get_conf_string(MODE_SETTING_ENTRY, MODE_SETTING_KEY)); } /* * @param settingsfile: already opened settingsfile we want to read an entry from * @param entry: entry we want to read * @param key: key value of the entry we want to read * @new_value: potentially new value we want to compare against * * @return: 1 when the old value is the same as the new one, 0 otherwise */ int config_value_changed(GKeyFile *settingsfile, const char *entry, const char *key, const char *new_value) { char *old = g_key_file_get_string(settingsfile, entry, key, NULL); if (old) { gboolean unchanged = (g_strcmp0(old, entry) == 0); g_free(old); if (unchanged) { return 1; } } return 0; } set_config_result_t set_config_setting(const char *entry, const char *key, const char *value) { GKeyFile *settingsfile; gboolean test = FALSE; set_config_result_t ret = SET_CONFIG_ERROR; gchar *keyfile; settingsfile = g_key_file_new(); test = g_key_file_load_from_file(settingsfile, FS_MOUNT_CONFIG_FILE, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, NULL); if(test) { if(config_value_changed(settingsfile, entry, key, value)) { g_key_file_free(settingsfile); return SET_CONFIG_UNCHANGED; } } else { log_debug("No conffile. Creating.\n"); create_conf_file(); } g_key_file_set_string(settingsfile, entry, key, value); keyfile = g_key_file_to_data (settingsfile, NULL, NULL); /* free the settingsfile before writing things out to be sure the contents will be correctly written to file afterwards. Just a precaution. */ g_key_file_free(settingsfile); if (g_file_set_contents(FS_MOUNT_CONFIG_FILE, keyfile, -1, NULL)) ret = SET_CONFIG_UPDATED; g_free(keyfile); return (ret); } set_config_result_t set_mode_setting(const char *mode) { return (set_config_setting(MODE_SETTING_ENTRY, MODE_SETTING_KEY, mode)); } /* Builds the string used for hidden modes, when hide set to one builds the new string of hidden modes when adding one, otherwise it will remove one */ static const char * make_hidden_modes_string(const char *hidden, int hide) { GString *modelist_str; char *hidden_modes_list; gchar **hidden_mode_split; int i; hidden_modes_list = get_hidden_modes(); if(hidden_modes_list) { hidden_mode_split = g_strsplit(hidden_modes_list, ",", 0); } else { /* no hidden modes yet. So just return the original string */ return hidden; } modelist_str = g_string_new(NULL); for(i = 0; hidden_mode_split[i] != NULL; i++) { if(strlen(hidden_mode_split[i]) == 0) continue; if(!strcmp(hidden_mode_split[i], hidden)) { /* if hiding a mode that is already hidden do nothing */ if(hide) return(NULL); if(!hide) continue; } if(strlen(modelist_str->str) != 0) modelist_str = g_string_append(modelist_str, ","); modelist_str = g_string_append(modelist_str, hidden_mode_split[i]); } if(hide) { if(strlen(modelist_str->str) != 0) modelist_str = g_string_append(modelist_str, ","); modelist_str = g_string_append(modelist_str, hidden); } g_strfreev(hidden_mode_split); return(g_string_free(modelist_str, FALSE)); } set_config_result_t set_hide_mode_setting(const char *mode) { set_config_result_t ret; ret = set_config_setting(MODE_SETTING_ENTRY, MODE_HIDE_KEY, make_hidden_modes_string(mode, 1)); if(ret == SET_CONFIG_UPDATED) { send_hidden_modes_signal(); send_supported_modes_signal(); } return(ret); } set_config_result_t set_unhide_mode_setting(const char *mode) { set_config_result_t ret; ret = set_config_setting(MODE_SETTING_ENTRY, MODE_HIDE_KEY, make_hidden_modes_string(mode, 0)); if(ret == SET_CONFIG_UPDATED) { send_hidden_modes_signal(); send_supported_modes_signal(); } return(ret); } /* * @param config : the key to be set * @param setting : The value to be set */ set_config_result_t set_network_setting(const char *config, const char *setting) { GKeyFile *settingsfile; gboolean test = FALSE; gchar *keyfile; if(!strcmp(config, NETWORK_IP_KEY) || !strcmp(config, NETWORK_GATEWAY_KEY)) if(validate_ip(setting) != 0) return SET_CONFIG_ERROR; settingsfile = g_key_file_new(); test = g_key_file_load_from_file(settingsfile, FS_MOUNT_CONFIG_FILE, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, NULL); if(!strcmp(config, NETWORK_IP_KEY) || !strcmp(config, NETWORK_INTERFACE_KEY) || !strcmp(config, NETWORK_GATEWAY_KEY)) { set_config_result_t ret = SET_CONFIG_ERROR; if (test) { if(config_value_changed(settingsfile, NETWORK_ENTRY, config, setting)) { g_key_file_free(settingsfile); return SET_CONFIG_UNCHANGED; } } else { log_debug("No conffile. Creating.\n"); create_conf_file(); } g_key_file_set_string(settingsfile, NETWORK_ENTRY, config, setting); keyfile = g_key_file_to_data (settingsfile, NULL, NULL); /* free the settingsfile before writing things out to be sure the contents will be correctly written to file afterwards. Just a precaution. */ g_key_file_free(settingsfile); if (g_file_set_contents(FS_MOUNT_CONFIG_FILE, keyfile, -1, NULL)) ret = SET_CONFIG_UPDATED; free(keyfile); return ret; } else { g_key_file_free(settingsfile); return SET_CONFIG_ERROR; } } char * get_network_setting(const char *config) { char * ret = 0; struct mode_list_elem *data; if(!strcmp(config, NETWORK_IP_KEY)) { ret = get_network_ip(); if(!ret) ret = strdup(""); } else if(!strcmp(config, NETWORK_INTERFACE_KEY)) { /* check main configuration before using the information from the specific mode */ ret = get_network_interface(); if(ret) goto end; /* no interface override specified, let's use the one from the mode config */ data = get_usb_mode_data(); if(data) { if(data->network_interface) { ret = strdup(data->network_interface); goto end; } } ret = strdup("usb0"); } else if(!strcmp(config, NETWORK_GATEWAY_KEY)) return(get_network_gateway()); else if(!strcmp(config, NETWORK_NETMASK_KEY)) { ret = get_network_netmask(); if(!ret) ret = strdup(""); } else if(!strcmp(config, NETWORK_NAT_INTERFACE_KEY)) return(get_network_nat_interface()); else /* no matching keys, return error */ return(NULL); end: return(ret); } int conf_file_merge(void) { GDir *confdir; struct stat fileinfo, dir; char *mode = 0, *ip = 0, *gateway = 0, *udev = 0, *hide = 0; gchar *filename_full; const gchar *filename; GString *keyfile_string = NULL; GKeyFile *settingsfile; int ret = 0, test = 0, conffile_created = 0; confdir = g_dir_open(CONFIG_FILE_DIR, 0, NULL); if(!confdir) { log_debug("No configuration. Creating defaults.\n"); create_conf_file(); /* since there was no configuration at all there is no info to be merged */ return (ret); } if (stat(FS_MOUNT_CONFIG_FILE, &fileinfo) == -1) { /* conf file not created yet, make default and merge all */ create_conf_file(); conffile_created = 1; } /* config file is created, so the dir must exists */ if(stat(CONFIG_FILE_DIR, &dir)) { log_warning("Directory still does not exists. FS might be ro/corrupted!\n"); ret = 1; goto end; } /* st_mtime is changed by file modifications, st_mtime of a directory is changed by the creation or deletion of files in that directory. So if the st_mtime of the config file is equal to the directory time we can be sure the config is untouched and we do not need to re-merge the config. */ if(fileinfo.st_mtime == dir.st_mtime) { /* if a conffile was created, the st_mtime would have been updated so this check will miss information that might be there already, like after a config file removal for example. So we run a merge anyway if we needed to create the conf file */ if(!conffile_created) goto end; } log_debug("Merging/creating configuration.\n"); keyfile_string = g_string_new(NULL); /* check each ini file and get contents */ while((filename = g_dir_read_name(confdir)) != NULL) { if(!strstr(filename, ".ini")) { /* skip this file as it might be a dir or not an ini file */ continue; } filename_full = g_strconcat(CONFIG_FILE_DIR, "/", filename, NULL); log_debug("filename = %s\n", filename_full); if(!strcmp(filename_full, FS_MOUNT_CONFIG_FILE)) { /* store mode info to add it later as we want to keep it */ mode = get_mode_setting(); /* store udev path (especially important for the upgrade path */ udev = find_udev_path(); /* store network info */ ip = get_conf_string(NETWORK_ENTRY, NETWORK_IP_KEY); gateway = get_conf_string(NETWORK_ENTRY, NETWORK_GATEWAY_KEY); /* store hidden modes */ hide = get_hidden_modes(); continue; } /* load contents of file, if it fails skip to next one */ settingsfile = g_key_file_new(); test = g_key_file_load_from_file(settingsfile, filename_full, G_KEY_FILE_KEEP_COMMENTS, NULL); if(!test) { log_debug("%d failed loading config file %s\n", test, filename_full); goto next; } log_debug("file data = %s\n", g_key_file_to_data(settingsfile, NULL, NULL)); keyfile_string = g_string_append(keyfile_string, g_key_file_to_data(settingsfile, NULL, NULL)); log_debug("keyfile_string = %s\n", keyfile_string->str); g_key_file_free(settingsfile); next: g_free(filename_full); } if(keyfile_string) { /* write out merged config file */ /* g_file_set_contents returns 1 on succes, this function returns 0 */ ret = !g_file_set_contents(FS_MOUNT_CONFIG_FILE, keyfile_string->str, -1, NULL); g_string_free(keyfile_string, TRUE); if(mode) { set_mode_setting(mode); } if(udev) { set_config_setting(UDEV_PATH_ENTRY, UDEV_PATH_KEY, udev); } /* check if no network data came from an ini file */ if( get_conf_string(NETWORK_ENTRY, NETWORK_IP_KEY)) goto cleanup; if(ip) set_network_setting(NETWORK_IP_KEY, ip); if(gateway) set_network_setting(NETWORK_GATEWAY_KEY, gateway); /* re-add hidden modes info */ if(hide) set_hide_mode_setting(hide); } else ret = 1; cleanup: if(mode) free(mode); if(udev) free(udev); if(ip) free(ip); if(gateway) free(gateway); end: g_dir_close(confdir); return(ret); } char * get_android_manufacturer(void) { return(get_conf_string(ANDROID_ENTRY, ANDROID_MANUFACTURER_KEY)); } char * get_android_vendor_id(void) { return(get_conf_string(ANDROID_ENTRY, ANDROID_VENDOR_ID_KEY)); } char * get_android_product(void) { return(get_conf_string(ANDROID_ENTRY, ANDROID_PRODUCT_KEY)); } char * get_android_product_id(void) { return(get_conf_string(ANDROID_ENTRY, ANDROID_PRODUCT_ID_KEY)); } char * get_hidden_modes(void) { return(get_conf_string(MODE_SETTING_ENTRY, MODE_HIDE_KEY)); } int check_android_section(void) { GKeyFile *settingsfile; gboolean test = FALSE; gchar **keys; int ret = 1; settingsfile = g_key_file_new(); test = g_key_file_load_from_file(settingsfile, FS_MOUNT_CONFIG_FILE, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, NULL); if(!test) { ret = 0; goto cleanup; } keys = g_key_file_get_keys (settingsfile, ANDROID_ENTRY, NULL, NULL); if(keys == NULL) { ret = 0; goto cleanup; } g_strfreev(keys); cleanup: g_key_file_free(settingsfile); return(ret); } int is_roaming_not_allowed(void) { return(get_conf_int(NETWORK_ENTRY, NO_ROAMING_KEY)); }