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[aliases] Improve timezone alias data handling. Fixes JB#53711
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"Etc/GMT+2" is a valid timezone name, it is defined in similarly named
file under /usr/share/zoneinfo, and thus it should be possible to select
is as the current timezone. However attempt to do so, e.g. via
  timedclient-qt5 --set-info=timezoneManual=Etc/GMT+2
fails and timed logs warning:
  ERROR: rejecting invalid timezone: 'Iso8601/-0200'

This happens because /usr/share/tzdata-timed/zone.alias config record
  Iso8601/-0200 Iso8601/-02:00 Iso8601/-02 Etc/GMT+2
is processed by timed in a way that makes other names to be aliases for
the first one - without considering whether corresponding data files
are actually available or not. And in this case: there is no timezone
data file for Iso8601/-0200 (but one for Etc/GMT+2 does exist).

Rewrite the zone.alias parsing so that the first entry that exists in
device file system is treated as timezone name and the rest as aliases.

Signed-off-by: Simo Piiroinen <>
  • Loading branch information
spiiroin committed Apr 1, 2021
1 parent 5b45ae6 commit ba3a0a4
Showing 1 changed file with 42 additions and 109 deletions.
151 changes: 42 additions & 109 deletions src/lib/aliases.cpp
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
** **
** Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Nokia Corporation. **
** Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 Nokia Corporation. **
** Copyright (c) 2021 Jolla Ltd. **
** **
** Author: Ilya Dogolazky <> **
** Author: Simo Piiroinen <> **
** Author: Victor Portnov <> **
** Author: Simo Piiroinen <> **
** **
** This file is part of Timed **
** **
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,55 +46,53 @@ static vector<string> zones ;
static bool loaded = false ;

static void read_tz_list() ;
static const char *read_file(const char *file) ;
static void free_file_memory(const char *buffer) ;

using namespace Maemo::Timed ;

void read_tz_list()
static char *slice(char *pos, char **ppos)
if (loaded)
free_tz_list() ;

const char *txt = read_file(ZONE_ALIAS) ;

if (txt==NULL)
log_error("can't load olson name list (%s): %m", ZONE_ALIAS) ;
return ;

// log_debug("loaded %d bytes from '%s'", strlen(txt), ZONE_ALIAS) ;
while (*pos && isspace(*pos))
char *beg = pos;
while (*pos && !isspace(*pos))
if (*pos)
*pos++ = 0;
if (ppos)
*ppos = pos;
return beg;

bool new_line = true ;
for(const char *p=txt; *p != '\0'; )
if (isspace(*p))
if (*p++=='\n')
new_line = true ;
const char *w = p ;
while (not isspace(*p) and *p!='\0')
++ p ;
string word(w, p-w) ;
if (new_line)
zones.push_back(word) ;
new_line = false ;
static void read_tz_list()
if (loaded)
FILE *input = fopen(ZONE_ALIAS, "r");
if (input) {
char *text = nullptr;
size_t size = 0;
while (getline(&text, &size, input) >= 0) {
vector<string> columns;
char *pos = text;
char *tok;
while (*(tok = slice(pos, &pos)))
for (auto name : columns) {
string path = "/usr/share/zoneinfo/" + name;
if (access(path.c_str(), R_OK) == 0) {
int index = zones.size();
for (auto alias : columns)
alias_to_zone[alias] = index;
alias_to_zone[word] = zones.size() - 1 ;
// log_debug("word: '%s' is alias for zone %d (name '%s')", word.c_str(), alias_to_zone[word], zones[alias_to_zone[word]].c_str()) ;

log_notice("loaded '%s': %d time zone names (%d with aliases)", ZONE_ALIAS, zones.size(), alias_to_zone.size()) ;

loaded = true ;

free_file_memory(txt) ;
log_notice("loaded '%s': %d time zone names (%d with aliases)", ZONE_ALIAS, zones.size(), alias_to_zone.size());
loaded = true;

void Maemo::Timed::free_tz_list()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,70 +127,3 @@ string Maemo::Timed::tz_alias_to_name(const string &tz)

return zones[it->second] ;

void free_file_memory(const char *buffer)
delete[] buffer ;

const char *read_file(const char *file)
int fd = open(file, O_RDONLY) ;

if(fd < 0)
return NULL ;

struct stat st ;
if(fstat(fd, &st) < 0)
int errno_copy = errno ;
close(fd) ;
errno = errno_copy ;
return NULL ;

int size = st.st_size ;

close(fd) ;
errno = EIO ; // TODO find a better one?
return NULL ;

int done = 0 ;
char *buffer = new char[size+1] ;
log_assert(buffer) ;

while(done < size)
ssize_t bytes = read (fd, buffer + done, size - done) ;
done += bytes ;
else if(bytes==0 || errno!=EINTR) // EOF or error (not interrupt)
break ;
else if(lseek(fd, done, SEEK_SET)!=done) // fix the position, if interrupted
break ;

int errno_copy = errno ;
close(fd) ; // failed? who cares, we got data already

if(done < size)
delete[] buffer ;
errno = errno_copy ;
return NULL ;

buffer[size] = '\0' ;

if(strlen(buffer)!=(unsigned)size) // some '\0' inside ?
delete[] buffer ;
errno = EILSEQ ;
return NULL ;

return buffer ;

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