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Revert "[mcp-account-manager] Delay creating accounts until enabled f…
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This reverts commit 4739efe. New
crashes are showing up in mission-control after this patch.
  • Loading branch information
John Brooks committed Nov 12, 2013
1 parent 65ba651 commit 0284b50
Showing 1 changed file with 70 additions and 122 deletions.
192 changes: 70 additions & 122 deletions mcp-account-manager-uoa/mcp-account-manager-uoa.c
Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
#define KEY_READONLY_PARAMS "mc-readonly-params"

static void account_storage_iface_init (McpAccountStorageIface *iface);
static void create_account(AgAccountService *service, McpAccountManagerUoa *self);

G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (McpAccountManagerUoa, mcp_account_manager_uoa,
Expand All @@ -72,11 +71,6 @@ struct _McpAccountManagerUoaPrivate
* AgAccount, even if unlikely. */
GHashTable *accounts;

/* List of AgAccountService that are monitored but don't yet have an
* associated telepathy account and identifier. A reference must be held
* to watch signals. */
GList *pending_accounts;

/* Queue of owned DelayedSignalData */
GQueue *pending_signals;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,32 +200,16 @@ _service_enabled_cb (AgAccountService *service,
McpAccountManagerUoa *self)
gchar *account_name = _service_dup_tp_account_name (service);
GList *node;

if (account_name == NULL)
if (enabled)
create_account (service, self);
if (!self->priv->ready || account_name == NULL)

node = g_list_find (self->priv->pending_accounts, service);
if (node)
self->priv->pending_accounts = g_list_delete_link (self->priv->pending_accounts,
g_object_unref (service);
DEBUG ("UOA account %s toggled: %s", account_name,
enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
DEBUG ("UOA account %s toggled: %s", account_name,
enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");

/* FIXME: Should this update the username from signon credentials first,
* in case that was changed? */
g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "toggled", account_name, enabled);
/* FIXME: Should this update the username from signon credentials first,
* in case that was changed? */
g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "toggled", account_name, enabled);

g_free (account_name);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,22 +263,29 @@ _add_service (McpAccountManagerUoa *self,
g_strdup (account_name),
g_object_ref (service));

g_signal_connect (service, "enabled",
G_CALLBACK (_service_enabled_cb), self);
g_signal_connect (service, "changed",
G_CALLBACK (_service_changed_cb), self);

return TRUE;

static void
_account_create(McpAccountManagerUoa *self, AgAccountService *service)
AgAccount *account = ag_account_service_get_account (service);
gchar *cm_name = _service_dup_tp_value (service, "manager");
gchar *protocol_name = _service_dup_tp_value (service, "protocol");
gchar *service_name = 0;
gchar *account_name = 0;
gchar *tmp;
guint account_id = 0;

g_object_get (ag_account_service_get_account (service), "id", &account_id, NULL);

if (tp_str_empty (cm_name) || tp_str_empty (protocol_name))
g_debug ("UOA _account_create missing manager/protocol for new account %u, ignoring", account->id);
g_debug ("UOA _account_create missing manager/protocol for new account %u, ignoring", account_id);
g_free (cm_name);
g_free (protocol_name);
Expand All @@ -318,10 +303,11 @@ _account_create(McpAccountManagerUoa *self, AgAccountService *service)

service_name = tp_escape_as_identifier (ag_service_get_name (ag_account_service_get_service (service)));
account_name = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/%s_%u", cm_name, protocol_name,
service_name, account->id);
service_name, account_id);

_service_set_tp_account_name (service, account_name);
ag_account_store (account, _account_stored_cb, self);
ag_account_store (ag_account_service_get_account (service),
_account_stored_cb, self);

g_debug("UOA _account_create: %s", account_name);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -366,6 +352,7 @@ _account_created_signon_cb(SignonIdentity *signon,

g_object_unref (data->service);
g_object_unref (data->account);
g_object_unref (signon);
Expand All @@ -375,102 +362,88 @@ _account_created_cb (AgManager *manager,
AgAccountId id,
McpAccountManagerUoa *self)
AgAccount *account;
GList *l;
AgAccount *account = ag_manager_get_account (self->priv->manager, id);

if (!self->priv->ready)
DelayedSignalData *data = g_slice_new0 (DelayedSignalData);

data->signal = DELAYED_CREATE;
data->account_id = account->id;
data->account_id = id;

g_queue_push_tail (self->priv->pending_signals, data);

account = ag_manager_get_account (self->priv->manager, id);

l = ag_account_list_services_by_type (account, SERVICE_TYPE);
while (l != NULL)
AgAccountService *service = ag_account_service_new (account, l->data);
g_signal_connect (service, "enabled",
G_CALLBACK (_service_enabled_cb), self);
g_signal_connect (service, "changed",
G_CALLBACK (_service_changed_cb), self);

if (ag_account_get_enabled (account))
create_account (service, self);
self->priv->pending_accounts = g_list_prepend (self->priv->pending_accounts,
g_object_ref (service));
gchar *account_name = _service_dup_tp_account_name (service);

g_object_unref (service);
ag_service_unref (l->data);
l = g_list_delete_link (l, l);

g_object_unref (account);

static void
create_account(AgAccountService *service,
McpAccountManagerUoa *self)
gchar *account_name = _service_dup_tp_account_name (service);

/* If this is the first time we see this service, we have to generate an
* account_name for it. */
if (account_name == NULL)
gchar *username = _service_dup_tp_value(service, "param-account");
if (!username)
/* If this is the first time we see this service, we have to generate an
* account_name for it. */
if (account_name == NULL)
/* Request auth data to get the username from signon; it's not available
* from the account. */
AgAuthData *auth_data = ag_account_service_get_auth_data (service);
if (!auth_data)
gchar *username = _service_dup_tp_value(service, "param-account");
if (!username)
DEBUG("UOA account is missing auth data; ignored");
/* Request auth data to get the username from signon; it's not available
* from the account. */
AgAuthData *auth_data = ag_account_service_get_auth_data (service);
if (!auth_data)
DEBUG("UOA account is missing auth data; ignored");
g_object_unref (service);
g_object_unref (account);

guint cred_id = ag_auth_data_get_credentials_id (auth_data);
guint cred_id = ag_auth_data_get_credentials_id (auth_data);

SignonIdentity *signon = signon_identity_new_from_db (cred_id);
if (!signon)
DEBUG("UOA cannot create signon identity from account (cred_id %u); ignored", cred_id);
SignonIdentity *signon = signon_identity_new_from_db (cred_id);
if (!signon)
DEBUG("UOA cannot create signon identity from account (cred_id %u); ignored", cred_id);
g_object_unref (service);
g_object_unref (account);

/* Callback frees/unrefs data */
AccountCreateData *data = g_new(AccountCreateData, 1);
data->account = ag_account_service_get_account (service);
data->service = g_object_ref (service);
data->self = self;
/* Callback frees/unrefs data */
AccountCreateData *data = g_new(AccountCreateData, 1);
data->account = account;
data->service = service;
data->self = self;

DEBUG("UOA querying account info from signon");
signon_identity_query_info(signon, _account_created_signon_cb, data);
DEBUG("UOA querying account info from signon");
signon_identity_query_info(signon, _account_created_signon_cb, data);
_account_create (self, service);
g_free (username);
_account_create (self, service);
g_free (username);
if (_add_service (self, service, account_name))
g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "created", account_name);
if (_add_service (self, service, account_name))
g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "created", account_name);

g_free (account_name);
g_object_unref (service);

g_free (account_name);
g_object_unref (account);

static void
Expand All @@ -480,7 +453,6 @@ _account_deleted_cb (AgManager *manager,
GHashTableIter iter;
gpointer value;
GList *node;

if (!self->priv->ready)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -514,22 +486,6 @@ _account_deleted_cb (AgManager *manager,

g_free (account_name);

node = self->priv->pending_accounts;
while (node)
GList *next = g_list_next (node);
AgAccountService *service = node->data;
AgAccount *account = ag_account_service_get_account (service);

if (account->id == id)
g_object_unref (service);
self->priv->pending_accounts = g_list_delete_link (self->priv->pending_accounts, node);

node = next;

static void
Expand All @@ -542,9 +498,6 @@ mcp_account_manager_uoa_dispose (GObject *object)
tp_clear_pointer (&self->priv->accounts, g_hash_table_unref);
tp_clear_object (&self->priv->monitor);

g_list_free_full (self->priv->pending_accounts, g_object_unref);
self->priv->pending_accounts = NULL;

G_OBJECT_CLASS (mcp_account_manager_uoa_parent_class)->dispose (object);

Expand All @@ -558,7 +511,6 @@ mcp_account_manager_uoa_init (McpAccountManagerUoa *self)

self->priv->accounts = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
g_free, g_object_unref);
self->priv->pending_accounts = NULL;
self->priv->pending_signals = g_queue_new ();

self->priv->manager = ag_manager_new_for_service_type (SERVICE_TYPE);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -607,10 +559,6 @@ _ensure_loaded (McpAccountManagerUoa *self)
/* This service was already known, we can add it now */
_add_service (self, service, account_name);
g_signal_connect (service, "enabled",
G_CALLBACK (_service_enabled_cb), self);
g_signal_connect (service, "changed",
G_CALLBACK (_service_changed_cb), self);
g_free (account_name);
Expand Down

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