/** * @file ssucli.cpp * @copyright 2012 Jolla Ltd. * @author Bernd Wachter * @date 2012 */ #include #include #include #include "libssu/ssudeviceinfo.h" #include "libssu/ssurepomanager.h" #include "libssu/ssucoreconfig_p.h" #include "libssu/ssuvariables_p.h" #include #include "ssucli.h" SsuCli::SsuCli(): QObject() { connect(this, SIGNAL(done()), QCoreApplication::instance(), SLOT(quit()), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(&ssu, SIGNAL(done()), this, SLOT(handleResponse())); ssuProxy = new SsuProxy("org.nemo.ssu", "/org/nemo/ssu", QDBusConnection::systemBus(), 0); connect(ssuProxy, SIGNAL(done()), this, SLOT(handleDBusResponse())); state = Idle; } SsuCli::~SsuCli() { ssuProxy->quit(); } void SsuCli::handleResponse() { QTextStream qout(stdout); if (ssu.error()) { qout << "Last operation failed: \n" << ssu.lastError() << endl; QCoreApplication::exit(1); } else { qout << "Operation successful (direct)" << endl; QCoreApplication::exit(0); } } void SsuCli::handleDBusResponse() { QTextStream qout(stdout); if (ssuProxy->error()) { qout << "Last operation failed: \n" << ssuProxy->lastError() << endl; QCoreApplication::exit(1); } else { qout << "Operation successful" << endl; QCoreApplication::exit(0); } } void SsuCli::optDomain(QStringList opt) { QTextStream qout(stdout); if (opt.count() == 3 && opt.at(2) == "-s") { qout << ssu.domain(); state = Idle; } else if (opt.count() == 3) { qout << "Changing domain from " << ssu.domain() << " to " << opt.at(2) << endl; ssu.setDomain(opt.at(2)); state = Idle; } else if (opt.count() == 2) { qout << "Device domain is currently: " << ssu.domain() << endl; state = Idle; } } void SsuCli::optFlavour(QStringList opt) { QTextStream qout(stdout); QTextStream qerr(stderr); if (opt.count() == 3 && opt.at(2) == "-s") { qout << ssu.flavour(); state = Idle; } else if (opt.count() == 3) { qout << "Changing flavour from " << ssu.flavour() << " to " << opt.at(2) << endl; QDBusPendingReply<> reply = ssuProxy->setFlavour(opt.at(2)); reply.waitForFinished(); if (reply.isError()) { qerr << fallingBackToDirectUse(reply.error()) << endl; ssu.setFlavour(opt.at(2)); SsuRepoManager repoManager; repoManager.update(); uidWarning(); } state = Idle; } else if (opt.count() == 2) { qout << "Device flavour is currently: " << ssu.flavour() << endl; state = Idle; } } void SsuCli::optMode(QStringList opt) { QTextStream qout(stdout); QTextStream qerr(stderr); // TODO: allow setting meaningful names instead of numbers if (opt.count() == 2) { QStringList modeList; int deviceMode = ssu.deviceMode(); if ((deviceMode & Ssu::DisableRepoManager) == Ssu::DisableRepoManager) modeList.append("DisableRepoManager"); if ((deviceMode & Ssu::RndMode) == Ssu::RndMode) modeList.append("RndMode"); if ((deviceMode & Ssu::ReleaseMode) == Ssu::ReleaseMode) modeList.append("ReleaseMode"); if ((deviceMode & Ssu::LenientMode) == Ssu::LenientMode) modeList.append("LenientMode"); if ((deviceMode & Ssu::UpdateMode) == Ssu::UpdateMode) modeList.append("UpdateMode"); if ((deviceMode & Ssu::AppInstallMode) == Ssu::AppInstallMode) modeList.append("AppInstallMode"); qout << "Device mode is: " << ssu.deviceMode() << " (" << modeList.join(" | ") << ")" << endl; if ((deviceMode & Ssu::RndMode) == Ssu::RndMode && (deviceMode & Ssu::ReleaseMode) == Ssu::ReleaseMode) qout << "Both Release and RnD mode set, device is in RnD mode" << endl; state = Idle; } else if (opt.count() == 3 && opt.at(2) == "-s") { qout << ssu.deviceMode(); state = Idle; } else if (opt.count() == 3) { qout << "Setting device mode from " << ssu.deviceMode() << " to " << opt.at(2) << endl; QDBusPendingReply<> reply = ssuProxy->setDeviceMode(opt.at(2).toInt()); reply.waitForFinished(); if (reply.isError()) { qerr << fallingBackToDirectUse(reply.error()) << endl; ssu.setDeviceMode(Ssu::DeviceModeFlags(opt.at(2).toInt())); SsuRepoManager repoManager; repoManager.update(); uidWarning(); } state = Idle; } } void SsuCli::optModel(QStringList opt) { QTextStream qout(stdout); QTextStream qerr(stderr); SsuDeviceInfo deviceInfo; if (opt.count() == 3 && opt.at(2) == "-s") { qout << deviceInfo.deviceModel(); state = Idle; } else if (opt.count() == 2) { qout << "Device model is: " << deviceInfo.deviceModel() << endl; state = Idle; } } void SsuCli::optModifyRepo(enum Actions action, QStringList opt) { SsuRepoManager repoManager; QTextStream qout(stdout); QTextStream qerr(stderr); if (opt.count() == 3) { QDBusPendingReply<> reply = ssuProxy->modifyRepo(action, opt.at(2)); reply.waitForFinished(); if (reply.isError()) { qerr << fallingBackToDirectUse(reply.error()) << endl; switch (action) { case Add: repoManager.add(opt.at(2)); repoManager.update(); uidWarning(); break; case Remove: repoManager.remove(opt.at(2)); repoManager.update(); uidWarning(); break; case Disable: repoManager.disable(opt.at(2)); repoManager.update(); uidWarning(); break; case Enable: repoManager.enable(opt.at(2)); repoManager.update(); uidWarning(); break; } } } else if (opt.count() == 4 && action == Add) { QString url, repo; if (opt.at(2).indexOf(QRegExp("[a-z]*://", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) == 0) { url = opt.at(2); repo = opt.at(3); } else if (opt.at(3).indexOf(QRegExp("[a-z]*://", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) == 0) { url = opt.at(3); repo = opt.at(2); } else { qerr << "Invalid parameters for 'ssu ar': URL required." << endl; return; } QDBusPendingReply<> reply = ssuProxy->addRepo(repo, url); reply.waitForFinished(); if (reply.isError()) { qerr << fallingBackToDirectUse(reply.error()) << endl; repoManager.add(repo, url); repoManager.update(); uidWarning(); } } } void SsuCli::optRegister(QStringList opt) { /* * register a new device */ QString username, password; QTextStream qin(stdin); QTextStream qout(stdout); QTextStream qerr(stderr); SsuCoreConfig *ssuSettings = SsuCoreConfig::instance(); struct termios termNew, termOld; qout << "Username: " << flush; username = qin.readLine(); tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &termNew); termOld = termNew; termNew.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &termNew) == -1) qout << "WARNING: Unable to disable echo on your terminal, password will echo!" << endl; qout << "Password: " << flush; password = qin.readLine(); qout << endl; tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &termOld); if (opt.count() == 3 && opt.at(2) == "-h") ssuSettings->setValue("repository-url-variables/user", username); QDBusPendingReply<> reply = ssuProxy->registerDevice(username, password); reply.waitForFinished(); if (reply.isError()) { qerr << fallingBackToDirectUse(reply.error()) << endl; ssu.sendRegistration(username, password); } state = Busy; } void SsuCli::optRelease(QStringList opt) { QTextStream qout(stdout); QTextStream qerr(stderr); if (opt.count() == 3) { if (opt.at(2) == "-r") { qout << "Device release (RnD) is currently: " << ssu.release(true) << endl; state = Idle; } else { qout << "Changing release from " << ssu.release() << " to " << opt.at(2) << endl; qout << "Your device is now in release mode!" << endl; QDBusPendingReply<> reply = ssuProxy->setRelease(opt.at(2), false); reply.waitForFinished(); if (reply.isError()) { qerr << fallingBackToDirectUse(reply.error()) << endl; ssu.setRelease(opt.at(2)); SsuRepoManager repoManager; repoManager.update(); uidWarning(); } state = Idle; } } else if (opt.count() == 2) { qout << "Device release is currently: " << ssu.release() << endl; state = Idle; } else if (opt.count() == 4 && opt.at(2) == "-r") { qout << "Changing release (RnD) from " << ssu.release(true) << " to " << opt.at(3) << endl; qout << "Your device is now in RnD mode!" << endl; QDBusPendingReply<> reply = ssuProxy->setRelease(opt.at(3), true); reply.waitForFinished(); if (reply.isError()) { qerr << fallingBackToDirectUse(reply.error()) << endl; ssu.setRelease(opt.at(3), true); SsuRepoManager repoManager; repoManager.update(); uidWarning(); } state = Idle; } } void SsuCli::optRepos(QStringList opt) { QTextStream qout(stdout); SsuRepoManager repoManager; SsuDeviceInfo deviceInfo; QHash repoParameters, repoOverride; QString device = ""; bool rndRepo = false; int micMode = 0, flagStart = 0; if ((ssu.deviceMode() & Ssu::RndMode) == Ssu::RndMode) rndRepo = true; if (opt.count() >= 3 && opt.at(2) == "-m") { micMode = 1; // TODO: read the default mic override variables from some config /* repoOverride.insert("release", "@RELEASE@"); repoOverride.insert("rndRelease", "@RNDRELEASE@"); repoOverride.insert("flavour", "@FLAVOUR@"); repoOverride.insert("arch", "@ARCH@"); */ } if (opt.count() >= 3 + micMode) { // first argument is flag if (opt.at(2 + micMode).contains("=")) { flagStart = 2 + micMode; } else if (!opt.at(2 + micMode).contains("=") && opt.count() == 3 + micMode) { // first (and only) argument is device) device = opt.at(2 + micMode); } else if (!opt.at(2 + micMode).contains("=") && opt.count() > 3 + micMode && opt.at(3 + micMode).contains("=")) { // first argument is device, second flag device = opt.at(2 + micMode); flagStart = 3 + micMode; } else { state = UserError; return; } } if (flagStart != 0) { for (int i = flagStart; i < opt.count(); i++) { if (opt.at(i).count("=") != 1) { qout << "Invalid flag: " << opt.at(i) << endl; state = Idle; return; } QStringList split = opt.at(i).split("="); repoOverride.insert(split.at(0), split.at(1)); } } if (repoOverride.contains("rnd")) { if (repoOverride.value("rnd") == "true") rndRepo = true; else if (repoOverride.value("rnd") == "false") rndRepo = false; } if (device != "") { deviceInfo.setDeviceModel(device); repoOverride.insert("model", device); } // TODO: rnd mode override needs to be implemented QStringList repos; // micMode? handle it and return, as it's a lot simpler than full mode if (micMode) { repos = repoManager.repos(rndRepo, deviceInfo, Ssu::BoardFilter); foreach (const QString &repo, repos) { QString repoName = repo; if (repo.endsWith("-debuginfo")) { repoName = repo.left(repo.size() - 10); repoParameters.insert("debugSplit", "debug"); } else if (repoParameters.value("debugSplit") == "debug") repoParameters.remove("debugSplit"); QString repoUrl = ssu.repoUrl(repoName, rndRepo, repoParameters, repoOverride); qout << "repo --name=" << repo << "-" << (rndRepo ? repoOverride.value("rndRelease") : repoOverride.value("release")) << " --baseurl=" << repoUrl << endl; } state = Idle; return; } if (device.isEmpty()) repos = repoManager.repos(rndRepo, deviceInfo, Ssu::BoardFilterUserBlacklist); else { qout << "Printing repository configuration for '" << device << "'" << endl << endl; repos = repoManager.repos(rndRepo, deviceInfo, Ssu::BoardFilter); } SsuCoreConfig *ssuSettings = SsuCoreConfig::instance(); qout << "Enabled repositories (global): " << endl; for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { // for each repository, print repo and resolve url int longestField = 0; foreach (const QString &repo, repos) if (repo.length() > longestField) longestField = repo.length(); qout.setFieldAlignment(QTextStream::AlignLeft); foreach (const QString &repo, repos) { QString repoName = repo; if (repo.endsWith("-debuginfo")) { repoName = repo.left(repo.size() - 10); repoParameters.insert("debugSplit", "debug"); } else if (repoParameters.value("debugSplit") == "debug") repoParameters.remove("debugSplit"); QString repoUrl = ssu.repoUrl(repoName, rndRepo, repoParameters, repoOverride); qout << " - " << qSetFieldWidth(longestField) << repo << qSetFieldWidth(0) << " ... " << repoUrl << endl; } if (i == 0) { if (device != "") { repos.clear(); continue; } repos = repoManager.repos(rndRepo, deviceInfo, Ssu::UserFilter); qout << endl << "Enabled repositories (user): " << endl; } else if (i == 1) { repos = deviceInfo.disabledRepos(); if (device.isEmpty()) qout << endl << "Disabled repositories (global, might be overridden by user config): " << endl; else qout << endl << "Disabled repositories (global): " << endl; } else if (i == 2) { repos.clear(); if (device != "") continue; if (ssuSettings->contains("disabled-repos")) repos.append(ssuSettings->value("disabled-repos").toStringList()); qout << endl << "Disabled repositories (user): " << endl; } } state = Idle; } void SsuCli::optSet(QStringList opt) { QTextStream qout(stdout); SsuVariables var; SsuCoreConfig *settings = SsuCoreConfig::instance(); QHash storageHash; // set repository specific variable if (opt.count() == 5 && opt.at(2) == "-r") { settings->setValue("repository-url-variables/" + opt.at(3), opt.at(4)); // clear repo specific variable } else if (opt.count() == 4 && opt.at(2) == "-r") { settings->remove("repository-url-variables/" + opt.at(3)); // list repo specific variables } else if (opt.count() == 3 && opt.at(2) == "-r") { qout << "Repository specific variables:" << endl << endl; var.variableSection(settings, "repository-url-variables", &storageHash); // set global variable } else if (opt.count() == 4) { settings->setValue("global-variables/" + opt.at(2), opt.at(3)); // clear global variable } else if (opt.count() == 3) { settings->remove("global-variables/" + opt.at(2)); // list global variables } else if (opt.count() == 2) { qout << "Global variables:" << endl << endl; var.variableSection(settings, "global-variables", &storageHash); } settings->sync(); if (!storageHash.isEmpty()) { QHash::const_iterator i = storageHash.constBegin(); while (i != storageHash.constEnd()) { qout << i.key() << "=" << i.value() << endl; i++; } } state = Idle; } void SsuCli::optStatus(QStringList opt) { Q_UNUSED(opt) QTextStream qout(stdout); QTextStream qerr(stderr); SsuDeviceInfo deviceInfo; /* * print device information and registration status */ QString deviceUid; QDBusPendingReply reply = ssuProxy->deviceUid(); reply.waitForFinished(); if (reply.isError()) { qerr << "DBus unavailable, UUID not necessarily connected to reality." << endl; deviceUid = deviceInfo.deviceUid(); } else deviceUid = reply.value(); qout << "Device registration status: " << (ssu.isRegistered() ? "registered" : "not registered") << endl; qout << "Device model: " << deviceInfo.displayName(Ssu::DeviceModel) << " (" << deviceInfo.deviceModel() << " / " << deviceInfo.displayName(Ssu::DeviceDesignation) << ")" << endl; if (deviceInfo.deviceVariant() != "") qout << "Device variant: " << deviceInfo.deviceVariant() << endl; qout << "Device UID: " << deviceUid << endl; if ((ssu.deviceMode() & Ssu::RndMode) == Ssu::RndMode) qout << "Release (rnd): " << ssu.release(true) << " (" << ssu.flavour() << ")" << endl; else qout << "Release: " << ssu.release() << endl; qout << "Domain: " << ssu.domain() << endl; } void SsuCli::optUpdateCredentials(QStringList opt) { QTextStream qout(stdout); /* * update the credentials * optional argument: -f */ bool force = false; if (opt.count() == 3 && opt.at(2) == "-f") force = true; if (!ssu.isRegistered()) { qout << "Device is not registered, can't update credentials" << endl; state = Idle; QCoreApplication::exit(1); } else { ssu.updateCredentials(force); state = Busy; } } void SsuCli::optUpdateRepos(QStringList opt) { Q_UNUSED(opt) QTextStream qerr(stdout); QDBusPendingReply<> reply = ssuProxy->updateRepos(); reply.waitForFinished(); if (reply.isError()) { qerr << fallingBackToDirectUse(reply.error()) << endl; SsuRepoManager repoManager; repoManager.update(); uidWarning(); } } void SsuCli::run() { QTextStream qout(stdout); QTextStream qerr(stderr); QStringList arguments = QCoreApplication::arguments(); SsuCoreConfig *ssuSettings = SsuCoreConfig::instance(); if (!ssuSettings->isWritable()) qerr << "WARNING: ssu.ini does not seem to be writable. Setting values might not work." << endl; // make sure there's a first argument to parse if (arguments.count() < 2) { usage(); return; } struct { const char *longopt; // long option name const char *shortopt; // option shortcut name int minargs; // minimum number of required args int maxargs; // -1 for "function will handle max args" void (SsuCli::*handler)(QStringList opt); // handler function } handlers[] = { // functions accepting no additional arguments "status", "s", 0, 0, &SsuCli::optStatus, "updaterepos", "ur", 0, 0, &SsuCli::optUpdateRepos, // functions requiring at least one argument "addrepo", "ar", 1, 2, &SsuCli::optAddRepo, "removerepo", "rr", 1, 1, &SsuCli::optRemoveRepo, "enablerepo", "er", 1, 1, &SsuCli::optEnableRepo, "disablerepo", "dr", 1, 1, &SsuCli::optDisableRepo, // functions accepting 0 or more arguments // those need to set state to Idle on success "register", "r", 0, -1, &SsuCli::optRegister, "repos", "lr", 0, -1, &SsuCli::optRepos, "flavour", "fl", 0, -1, &SsuCli::optFlavour, "mode", "m", 0, -1, &SsuCli::optMode, "model", "mo", 0, -1, &SsuCli::optModel, "release", "re", 0, -1, &SsuCli::optRelease, "update", "up", 0, -1, &SsuCli::optUpdateCredentials, "domain", "do", 0, -1, &SsuCli::optDomain, "set", "set", 0, -1, &SsuCli::optSet, }; bool found = false; int argc = arguments.count() - 2; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(handlers) / sizeof(handlers[0]); i++) { if ((arguments.at(1) != handlers[i].longopt) && (arguments.at(1) != handlers[i].shortopt)) { continue; } if (argc < handlers[i].minargs) { usage(QString("%1: Too few arguments").arg(handlers[i].longopt)); return; } if (handlers[i].maxargs != -1 && argc > handlers[i].maxargs) { usage(QString("%1: Too many arguments").arg(handlers[i].longopt)); return; } // Call option handler (this->*(handlers[i].handler))(arguments); found = true; break; } if (!found) state = UserError; // functions that need to wait for a response from ssu should set a flag so // we can do default exit catchall here if (state == Idle) QCoreApplication::exit(0); else if (state == UserError) usage(); } void SsuCli::uidWarning(QString message) { if (message.isEmpty()) message = "Run 'ssu ur' as root to recreate repository files"; if (geteuid() != 0) { QTextStream qout(stderr); qout << "You're not root. " << message << endl; } } void SsuCli::usage(QString message) { QTextStream qout(stderr); qout << "\nUsage: ssu [-command-options] [arguments]" << endl << endl << "Repository management:" << endl << "\tupdaterepos, ur \tupdate repository files" << endl << "\trepos, lr \tlist configured repositories" << endl << "\t [-m] \tformat output suitable for kickstart" << endl << "\t [device] \tuse repos for 'device'" << endl << "\t [flags] \tadditional flags" << endl << "\t rnd= \tset rnd or release mode (default: take from host)" << endl << "\taddrepo, ar \tadd this repository" << endl << "\t [url] \tspecify URL, if not configured" << endl << "\tremoverepo, rr \tremove this repository from configuration" << endl << "\tenablerepo, er \tenable this repository" << endl << "\tdisablerepo, dr \tdisable this repository" << endl << endl << "Configuration management:" << endl << "\tflavour, fl \tdisplay flavour used (RnD only)" << endl << "\t [newflavour] \tset new flavour" << endl << "\trelease, re \tdisplay release used" << endl << "\t [-r] \tuse RnD release" << endl << "\t [newrelease] \tset new (RnD)release" << endl << "\tset \tdisplay global variables" << endl << "\t [-r] \toperate on repository only variables" << endl << "\t \tdisplay value of " << endl << "\t \tset value of to " << endl << endl << "Device management:" << endl << "\tstatus, s \tprint registration status and device information" << endl << "\tregister, r \tregister this device" << endl << "\t [-h] \tconfigure user for OBS home" << endl << "\tupdate, up \tupdate repository credentials" << endl << "\t [-f] \tforce update" << endl << "\tmodel, mo \tprint name of device model (like N9)" << endl << endl; if (!message.isEmpty()) qout << message << endl; qout.flush(); QCoreApplication::exit(1); } QString SsuCli::fallingBackToDirectUse(const QDBusError &reason) const { if (reason.type() == QDBusError::Disconnected) return QStringLiteral("DBus unavailable, falling back to libssu"); else return QStringLiteral("WARNING: DBus call failed, falling back to libssu: ") + reason.message(); }