/** * @file ssuurlresolver.cpp * @copyright 2012 Jolla Ltd. * @author Bernd Wachter * @date 2012 */ #include "ssuurlresolver.h" #include #include #include #include #include "libssu/sandbox_p.h" #include "libssu/ssulog.h" SsuUrlResolver::SsuUrlResolver(): QObject(){ QObject::connect(this,SIGNAL(done()), QCoreApplication::instance(),SLOT(quit()), Qt::QueuedConnection); } void SsuUrlResolver::error(QString message){ SsuLog *ssuLog = SsuLog::instance(); ssuLog->print(LOG_WARNING, message); PluginFrame out("ERROR"); out.setBody(message.toStdString()); out.writeTo(std::cout); QCoreApplication::exit(1); } bool SsuUrlResolver::writeZyppCredentialsIfNeeded(QString credentialsScope){ QString filePath = Sandbox::map("/etc/zypp/credentials.d/" + credentialsScope); QFileInfo credentialsFileInfo(filePath); /// @TODO: add scope to lastCredentialsUpdate() to allow scope specific update /// tracking if (credentialsFileInfo.exists() && credentialsFileInfo.lastModified() > ssu.lastCredentialsUpdate() && credentialsScope != "store"){ // zypp credentials up to date return true; } QFile credentialsFile(filePath); QPair credentials = ssu.credentials(credentialsScope); SsuLog *ssuLog = SsuLog::instance(); if (credentials.first == "" || credentials.second == ""){ ssuLog->print(LOG_WARNING, "Returned credentials are empty, skip writing"); return false; } if (!credentialsFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate)){ ssuLog->print(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to open credentials file for writing"); return false; } QTextStream out(&credentialsFile); out << "[" << ssu.credentialsUrl(credentialsScope) << "]\n"; out << "username=" << credentials.first << "\n"; out << "password=" << credentials.second << "\n"; out.flush(); credentialsFile.close(); return true; } void SsuUrlResolver::run(){ QHash repoParameters; QString resolvedUrl, repo; bool isRnd = false; SsuLog *ssuLog = SsuLog::instance(); PluginFrame in(std::cin); if (in.headerEmpty()){ error("Received empty header list. Most likely your ssu setup is broken"); } PluginFrame::HeaderListIterator it; QStringList headerList; /* hasKey() for some reason makes zypper run into timeouts, so we have to handle special keys here */ for (it=in.headerBegin();it!=in.headerEnd();it++){ QString first = QString::fromStdString((*it).first); QString second = QString::fromStdString((*it).second); if (first == "repo"){ repo = second; } else if (first == "rnd"){ isRnd = true; } else if (first == "deviceFamily"){ repoParameters.insert(first, second); } else if (first == "arch"){ repoParameters.insert(first, second); } else if (first == "debug"){ repoParameters.insert("debugSplit", "debug"); } else { if ((*it).second.empty()) headerList.append(first); else headerList.append(QString("%1=%2") .arg(first) .arg(second)); } } if (!ssu.useSslVerify()) headerList.append("ssl_verify=no"); if (ssu.isRegistered()){ SignalWait w; connect(&ssu, SIGNAL(done()), &w, SLOT(finished())); ssu.updateCredentials(); w.sleep(); // error can be found in ssu.log, so just exit // TODO: figure out if there's better eror handling for // zypper plugins than 'blow up' if (ssu.error()){ error(ssu.lastError()); } } else ssuLog->print(LOG_DEBUG, "Device not registered -- skipping credential update"); // resolve base url resolvedUrl = ssu.repoUrl(repo, isRnd, repoParameters); QString credentialsScope = ssu.credentialsScope(repo, isRnd); // only do credentials magic on secure connections if (resolvedUrl.startsWith("https://") && !credentialsScope.isEmpty() && (ssu.isRegistered() || credentialsScope == "store")){ // TODO: check for credentials scope required for repository; check if the file exists; // compare with configuration, and dump credentials to file if necessary ssuLog->print(LOG_DEBUG, QString("Requesting credentials for '%1' with RND status %2...").arg(repo).arg(isRnd)); // personal store repositories as well as the ones listed in the // store-auth-repos domain setting use store credentials. Refresh // here, as we only know after checking scope if we need to have // store credentials at all if (credentialsScope == "store"){ ssu.updateStoreCredentials(); if (ssu.error()) error (ssu.lastError()); } headerList.append(QString("credentials=%1").arg(credentialsScope)); writeZyppCredentialsIfNeeded(credentialsScope); } else ssuLog->print(LOG_DEBUG, QString("Skipping credential for %1 with scope %2").arg(repo).arg(credentialsScope)); if (!headerList.isEmpty() && !resolvedUrl.isEmpty()){ resolvedUrl = QString("%1?%2") .arg(resolvedUrl) .arg(headerList.join("&")); } // TODO, we should bail out here if the configuration specifies that the repo // is protected, but device is not registered and/or we don't have credentials ssuLog->print(LOG_INFO, QString("%1 resolved to %2").arg(repo).arg(resolvedUrl)); if (resolvedUrl.isEmpty()){ error("URL for repository is not set."); } else if (resolvedUrl.indexOf(QRegExp("[a-z]*://", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) != 0) { error("URL for repository is invalid."); } else { PluginFrame out("RESOLVEDURL"); out.setBody(resolvedUrl.toStdString()); out.writeTo(std::cout); } emit done(); }