diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..83439ad --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Makefile +build/* +doc/html +doc/latex +*.pro.user diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d159169 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along + with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/buildpath.pri b/buildpath.pri new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91afc6b --- /dev/null +++ b/buildpath.pri @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +isEmpty(BUILD){ + BUILD = $$PWD/build/$$TARGET +} +isEmpty(DESTDIR){ + DESTDIR = $$BUILD +} + +OBJECTS_DIR = $$BUILD +MOC_DIR = $$BUILD +UI_DIR = $$BUILD +UI_HEADERS_DIR = $$BUILD +UI_SOURCES_DIR = $$BUILD +RCC_DIR = $$BUILD + +LIBS += -L$$PWD/build/libssu +INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/libssu diff --git a/constants.h b/constants.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..373916b --- /dev/null +++ b/constants.h @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +/** + * @file constants.h + * @copyright 2012 Jolla Ltd. + * @author Bernd Wachter + * @date 2012 + */ + +#ifndef _CONSTANTS_H +#define _CONSTANTS_H + +/// The group ID SSU expects to run as. This is usually the GID of the main phone user +#define SSU_GROUP_ID 1000 +/// Path to the main SSU configuration file +#define SSU_CONFIGURATION "/etc/ssu/ssu.ini" +/// Path to the main SSU configuration file +#define SSU_REPO_CONFIGURATION "/usr/share/ssu/repos.ini" +/// The SSU protocol version used by the ssu client libraries +#define SSU_PROTOCOL_VERSION "1" +#endif diff --git a/doc/Doxyfile b/doc/Doxyfile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51ea2c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/Doxyfile @@ -0,0 +1,1792 @@ +# Doxyfile 1.8.1 + +# This file describes the settings to be used by the documentation system +# doxygen (www.doxygen.org) for a project. +# +# All text after a hash (#) is considered a comment and will be ignored. +# The format is: +# TAG = value [value, ...] +# For lists items can also be appended using: +# TAG += value [value, ...] +# Values that contain spaces should be placed between quotes (" "). + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Project related configuration options +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# This tag specifies the encoding used for all characters in the config file +# that follow. The default is UTF-8 which is also the encoding used for all +# text before the first occurrence of this tag. Doxygen uses libiconv (or the +# iconv built into libc) for the transcoding. See +# http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv for the list of possible encodings. + +DOXYFILE_ENCODING = UTF-8 + +# The PROJECT_NAME tag is a single word (or sequence of words) that should +# identify the project. Note that if you do not use Doxywizard you need +# to put quotes around the project name if it contains spaces. + +PROJECT_NAME = "ssu" + +# The PROJECT_NUMBER tag can be used to enter a project or revision number. +# This could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or +# if some version control system is used. + +PROJECT_NUMBER = + +# Using the PROJECT_BRIEF tag one can provide an optional one line description +# for a project that appears at the top of each page and should give viewer +# a quick idea about the purpose of the project. Keep the description short. + +PROJECT_BRIEF = + +# With the PROJECT_LOGO tag one can specify an logo or icon that is +# included in the documentation. The maximum height of the logo should not +# exceed 55 pixels and the maximum width should not exceed 200 pixels. +# Doxygen will copy the logo to the output directory. + +PROJECT_LOGO = + +# The OUTPUT_DIRECTORY tag is used to specify the (relative or absolute) +# base path where the generated documentation will be put. +# If a relative path is entered, it will be relative to the location +# where doxygen was started. If left blank the current directory will be used. + +OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = doc + +# If the CREATE_SUBDIRS tag is set to YES, then doxygen will create +# 4096 sub-directories (in 2 levels) under the output directory of each output +# format and will distribute the generated files over these directories. +# Enabling this option can be useful when feeding doxygen a huge amount of +# source files, where putting all generated files in the same directory would +# otherwise cause performance problems for the file system. + +CREATE_SUBDIRS = NO + +# The OUTPUT_LANGUAGE tag is used to specify the language in which all +# documentation generated by doxygen is written. Doxygen will use this +# information to generate all constant output in the proper language. +# The default language is English, other supported languages are: +# Afrikaans, Arabic, Brazilian, Catalan, Chinese, Chinese-Traditional, +# Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Farsi, Finnish, French, German, +# Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Japanese-en (Japanese with English +# messages), Korean, Korean-en, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Macedonian, Persian, +# Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Serbian-Cyrillic, Slovak, +# Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese. + +OUTPUT_LANGUAGE = English + +# If the BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will +# include brief member descriptions after the members that are listed in +# the file and class documentation (similar to JavaDoc). +# Set to NO to disable this. + +BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC = YES + +# If the REPEAT_BRIEF tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will prepend +# the brief description of a member or function before the detailed description. +# Note: if both HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS and BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC are set to NO, the +# brief descriptions will be completely suppressed. + +REPEAT_BRIEF = YES + +# This tag implements a quasi-intelligent brief description abbreviator +# that is used to form the text in various listings. Each string +# in this list, if found as the leading text of the brief description, will be +# stripped from the text and the result after processing the whole list, is +# used as the annotated text. Otherwise, the brief description is used as-is. +# If left blank, the following values are used ("$name" is automatically +# replaced with the name of the entity): "The $name class" "The $name widget" +# "The $name file" "is" "provides" "specifies" "contains" +# "represents" "a" "an" "the" + +ABBREVIATE_BRIEF = + +# If the ALWAYS_DETAILED_SEC and REPEAT_BRIEF tags are both set to YES then +# Doxygen will generate a detailed section even if there is only a brief +# description. + +ALWAYS_DETAILED_SEC = NO + +# If the INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB tag is set to YES, doxygen will show all +# inherited members of a class in the documentation of that class as if those +# members were ordinary class members. Constructors, destructors and assignment +# operators of the base classes will not be shown. + +INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB = NO + +# If the FULL_PATH_NAMES tag is set to YES then Doxygen will prepend the full +# path before files name in the file list and in the header files. If set +# to NO the shortest path that makes the file name unique will be used. + +FULL_PATH_NAMES = YES + +# If the FULL_PATH_NAMES tag is set to YES then the STRIP_FROM_PATH tag +# can be used to strip a user-defined part of the path. Stripping is +# only done if one of the specified strings matches the left-hand part of +# the path. The tag can be used to show relative paths in the file list. +# If left blank the directory from which doxygen is run is used as the +# path to strip. + +STRIP_FROM_PATH = + +# The STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH tag can be used to strip a user-defined part of +# the path mentioned in the documentation of a class, which tells +# the reader which header file to include in order to use a class. +# If left blank only the name of the header file containing the class +# definition is used. Otherwise one should specify the include paths that +# are normally passed to the compiler using the -I flag. + +STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH = + +# If the SHORT_NAMES tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate much shorter +# (but less readable) file names. This can be useful if your file system +# doesn't support long names like on DOS, Mac, or CD-ROM. + +SHORT_NAMES = NO + +# If the JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF tag is set to YES then Doxygen +# will interpret the first line (until the first dot) of a JavaDoc-style +# comment as the brief description. If set to NO, the JavaDoc +# comments will behave just like regular Qt-style comments +# (thus requiring an explicit @brief command for a brief description.) + +JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF = NO + +# If the QT_AUTOBRIEF tag is set to YES then Doxygen will +# interpret the first line (until the first dot) of a Qt-style +# comment as the brief description. If set to NO, the comments +# will behave just like regular Qt-style comments (thus requiring +# an explicit \brief command for a brief description.) + +QT_AUTOBRIEF = NO + +# The MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF tag can be set to YES to make Doxygen +# treat a multi-line C++ special comment block (i.e. a block of //! or /// +# comments) as a brief description. This used to be the default behaviour. +# The new default is to treat a multi-line C++ comment block as a detailed +# description. Set this tag to YES if you prefer the old behaviour instead. + +MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF = NO + +# If the INHERIT_DOCS tag is set to YES (the default) then an undocumented +# member inherits the documentation from any documented member that it +# re-implements. + +INHERIT_DOCS = YES + +# If the SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES tag is set to YES, then doxygen will produce +# a new page for each member. If set to NO, the documentation of a member will +# be part of the file/class/namespace that contains it. + +SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES = NO + +# The TAB_SIZE tag can be used to set the number of spaces in a tab. +# Doxygen uses this value to replace tabs by spaces in code fragments. + +TAB_SIZE = 8 + +# This tag can be used to specify a number of aliases that acts +# as commands in the documentation. An alias has the form "name=value". +# For example adding "sideeffect=\par Side Effects:\n" will allow you to +# put the command \sideeffect (or @sideeffect) in the documentation, which +# will result in a user-defined paragraph with heading "Side Effects:". +# You can put \n's in the value part of an alias to insert newlines. + +ALIASES = + +# This tag can be used to specify a number of word-keyword mappings (TCL only). +# A mapping has the form "name=value". For example adding +# "class=itcl::class" will allow you to use the command class in the +# itcl::class meaning. + +TCL_SUBST = + +# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C tag to YES if your project consists of C +# sources only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for C. +# For instance, some of the names that are used will be different. The list +# of all members will be omitted, etc. + +OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C = NO + +# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA tag to YES if your project consists of Java +# sources only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for +# Java. For instance, namespaces will be presented as packages, qualified +# scopes will look different, etc. + +OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA = NO + +# Set the OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN tag to YES if your project consists of Fortran +# sources only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for +# Fortran. + +OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN = NO + +# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL tag to YES if your project consists of VHDL +# sources. Doxygen will then generate output that is tailored for +# VHDL. + +OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL = NO + +# Doxygen selects the parser to use depending on the extension of the files it +# parses. With this tag you can assign which parser to use for a given extension. +# Doxygen has a built-in mapping, but you can override or extend it using this +# tag. The format is ext=language, where ext is a file extension, and language +# is one of the parsers supported by doxygen: IDL, Java, Javascript, CSharp, C, +# C++, D, PHP, Objective-C, Python, Fortran, VHDL, C, C++. For instance to make +# doxygen treat .inc files as Fortran files (default is PHP), and .f files as C +# (default is Fortran), use: inc=Fortran f=C. Note that for custom extensions +# you also need to set FILE_PATTERNS otherwise the files are not read by doxygen. + +EXTENSION_MAPPING = + +# If MARKDOWN_SUPPORT is enabled (the default) then doxygen pre-processes all +# comments according to the Markdown format, which allows for more readable +# documentation. See http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ for details. +# The output of markdown processing is further processed by doxygen, so you +# can mix doxygen, HTML, and XML commands with Markdown formatting. +# Disable only in case of backward compatibilities issues. + +MARKDOWN_SUPPORT = YES + +# If you use STL classes (i.e. std::string, std::vector, etc.) but do not want +# to include (a tag file for) the STL sources as input, then you should +# set this tag to YES in order to let doxygen match functions declarations and +# definitions whose arguments contain STL classes (e.g. func(std::string); v.s. +# func(std::string) {}). This also makes the inheritance and collaboration +# diagrams that involve STL classes more complete and accurate. + +BUILTIN_STL_SUPPORT = NO + +# If you use Microsoft's C++/CLI language, you should set this option to YES to +# enable parsing support. + +CPP_CLI_SUPPORT = NO + +# Set the SIP_SUPPORT tag to YES if your project consists of sip sources only. +# Doxygen will parse them like normal C++ but will assume all classes use public +# instead of private inheritance when no explicit protection keyword is present. + +SIP_SUPPORT = NO + +# For Microsoft's IDL there are propget and propput attributes to indicate getter +# and setter methods for a property. Setting this option to YES (the default) +# will make doxygen replace the get and set methods by a property in the +# documentation. This will only work if the methods are indeed getting or +# setting a simple type. If this is not the case, or you want to show the +# methods anyway, you should set this option to NO. + +IDL_PROPERTY_SUPPORT = YES + +# If member grouping is used in the documentation and the DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC +# tag is set to YES, then doxygen will reuse the documentation of the first +# member in the group (if any) for the other members of the group. By default +# all members of a group must be documented explicitly. + +DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC = NO + +# Set the SUBGROUPING tag to YES (the default) to allow class member groups of +# the same type (for instance a group of public functions) to be put as a +# subgroup of that type (e.g. under the Public Functions section). Set it to +# NO to prevent subgrouping. Alternatively, this can be done per class using +# the \nosubgrouping command. + +SUBGROUPING = YES + +# When the INLINE_GROUPED_CLASSES tag is set to YES, classes, structs and +# unions are shown inside the group in which they are included (e.g. using +# @ingroup) instead of on a separate page (for HTML and Man pages) or +# section (for LaTeX and RTF). + +INLINE_GROUPED_CLASSES = NO + +# When the INLINE_SIMPLE_STRUCTS tag is set to YES, structs, classes, and +# unions with only public data fields will be shown inline in the documentation +# of the scope in which they are defined (i.e. file, namespace, or group +# documentation), provided this scope is documented. If set to NO (the default), +# structs, classes, and unions are shown on a separate page (for HTML and Man +# pages) or section (for LaTeX and RTF). + +INLINE_SIMPLE_STRUCTS = NO + +# When TYPEDEF_HIDES_STRUCT is enabled, a typedef of a struct, union, or enum +# is documented as struct, union, or enum with the name of the typedef. So +# typedef struct TypeS {} TypeT, will appear in the documentation as a struct +# with name TypeT. When disabled the typedef will appear as a member of a file, +# namespace, or class. And the struct will be named TypeS. This can typically +# be useful for C code in case the coding convention dictates that all compound +# types are typedef'ed and only the typedef is referenced, never the tag name. + +TYPEDEF_HIDES_STRUCT = NO + +# The SYMBOL_CACHE_SIZE determines the size of the internal cache use to +# determine which symbols to keep in memory and which to flush to disk. +# When the cache is full, less often used symbols will be written to disk. +# For small to medium size projects (<1000 input files) the default value is +# probably good enough. For larger projects a too small cache size can cause +# doxygen to be busy swapping symbols to and from disk most of the time +# causing a significant performance penalty. +# If the system has enough physical memory increasing the cache will improve the +# performance by keeping more symbols in memory. Note that the value works on +# a logarithmic scale so increasing the size by one will roughly double the +# memory usage. The cache size is given by this formula: +# 2^(16+SYMBOL_CACHE_SIZE). The valid range is 0..9, the default is 0, +# corresponding to a cache size of 2^16 = 65536 symbols. + +SYMBOL_CACHE_SIZE = 0 + +# Similar to the SYMBOL_CACHE_SIZE the size of the symbol lookup cache can be +# set using LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE. This cache is used to resolve symbols given +# their name and scope. Since this can be an expensive process and often the +# same symbol appear multiple times in the code, doxygen keeps a cache of +# pre-resolved symbols. If the cache is too small doxygen will become slower. +# If the cache is too large, memory is wasted. The cache size is given by this +# formula: 2^(16+LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE). The valid range is 0..9, the default is 0, +# corresponding to a cache size of 2^16 = 65536 symbols. + +LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE = 0 + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Build related configuration options +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# If the EXTRACT_ALL tag is set to YES doxygen will assume all entities in +# documentation are documented, even if no documentation was available. +# Private class members and static file members will be hidden unless +# the EXTRACT_PRIVATE and EXTRACT_STATIC tags are set to YES + +EXTRACT_ALL = NO + +# If the EXTRACT_PRIVATE tag is set to YES all private members of a class +# will be included in the documentation. + +EXTRACT_PRIVATE = NO + +# If the EXTRACT_PACKAGE tag is set to YES all members with package or internal scope will be included in the documentation. + +EXTRACT_PACKAGE = NO + +# If the EXTRACT_STATIC tag is set to YES all static members of a file +# will be included in the documentation. + +EXTRACT_STATIC = NO + +# If the EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES tag is set to YES classes (and structs) +# defined locally in source files will be included in the documentation. +# If set to NO only classes defined in header files are included. + +EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES = YES + +# This flag is only useful for Objective-C code. When set to YES local +# methods, which are defined in the implementation section but not in +# the interface are included in the documentation. +# If set to NO (the default) only methods in the interface are included. + +EXTRACT_LOCAL_METHODS = NO + +# If this flag is set to YES, the members of anonymous namespaces will be +# extracted and appear in the documentation as a namespace called +# 'anonymous_namespace{file}', where file will be replaced with the base +# name of the file that contains the anonymous namespace. By default +# anonymous namespaces are hidden. + +EXTRACT_ANON_NSPACES = NO + +# If the HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide all +# undocumented members of documented classes, files or namespaces. +# If set to NO (the default) these members will be included in the +# various overviews, but no documentation section is generated. +# This option has no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled. + +HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS = NO + +# If the HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide all +# undocumented classes that are normally visible in the class hierarchy. +# If set to NO (the default) these classes will be included in the various +# overviews. This option has no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled. + +HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES = NO + +# If the HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide all +# friend (class|struct|union) declarations. +# If set to NO (the default) these declarations will be included in the +# documentation. + +HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS = NO + +# If the HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide any +# documentation blocks found inside the body of a function. +# If set to NO (the default) these blocks will be appended to the +# function's detailed documentation block. + +HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS = NO + +# The INTERNAL_DOCS tag determines if documentation +# that is typed after a \internal command is included. If the tag is set +# to NO (the default) then the documentation will be excluded. +# Set it to YES to include the internal documentation. + +INTERNAL_DOCS = NO + +# If the CASE_SENSE_NAMES tag is set to NO then Doxygen will only generate +# file names in lower-case letters. If set to YES upper-case letters are also +# allowed. This is useful if you have classes or files whose names only differ +# in case and if your file system supports case sensitive file names. Windows +# and Mac users are advised to set this option to NO. + +CASE_SENSE_NAMES = YES + +# If the HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES tag is set to NO (the default) then Doxygen +# will show members with their full class and namespace scopes in the +# documentation. If set to YES the scope will be hidden. + +HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES = NO + +# If the SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES tag is set to YES (the default) then Doxygen +# will put a list of the files that are included by a file in the documentation +# of that file. + +SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES = YES + +# If the FORCE_LOCAL_INCLUDES tag is set to YES then Doxygen +# will list include files with double quotes in the documentation +# rather than with sharp brackets. + +FORCE_LOCAL_INCLUDES = NO + +# If the INLINE_INFO tag is set to YES (the default) then a tag [inline] +# is inserted in the documentation for inline members. + +INLINE_INFO = YES + +# If the SORT_MEMBER_DOCS tag is set to YES (the default) then doxygen +# will sort the (detailed) documentation of file and class members +# alphabetically by member name. If set to NO the members will appear in +# declaration order. + +SORT_MEMBER_DOCS = YES + +# If the SORT_BRIEF_DOCS tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the +# brief documentation of file, namespace and class members alphabetically +# by member name. If set to NO (the default) the members will appear in +# declaration order. + +SORT_BRIEF_DOCS = NO + +# If the SORT_MEMBERS_CTORS_1ST tag is set to YES then doxygen +# will sort the (brief and detailed) documentation of class members so that +# constructors and destructors are listed first. If set to NO (the default) +# the constructors will appear in the respective orders defined by +# SORT_MEMBER_DOCS and SORT_BRIEF_DOCS. +# This tag will be ignored for brief docs if SORT_BRIEF_DOCS is set to NO +# and ignored for detailed docs if SORT_MEMBER_DOCS is set to NO. + +SORT_MEMBERS_CTORS_1ST = NO + +# If the SORT_GROUP_NAMES tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the +# hierarchy of group names into alphabetical order. If set to NO (the default) +# the group names will appear in their defined order. + +SORT_GROUP_NAMES = NO + +# If the SORT_BY_SCOPE_NAME tag is set to YES, the class list will be +# sorted by fully-qualified names, including namespaces. If set to +# NO (the default), the class list will be sorted only by class name, +# not including the namespace part. +# Note: This option is not very useful if HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES is set to YES. +# Note: This option applies only to the class list, not to the +# alphabetical list. + +SORT_BY_SCOPE_NAME = NO + +# If the STRICT_PROTO_MATCHING option is enabled and doxygen fails to +# do proper type resolution of all parameters of a function it will reject a +# match between the prototype and the implementation of a member function even +# if there is only one candidate or it is obvious which candidate to choose +# by doing a simple string match. By disabling STRICT_PROTO_MATCHING doxygen +# will still accept a match between prototype and implementation in such cases. + +STRICT_PROTO_MATCHING = NO + +# The GENERATE_TODOLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or +# disable (NO) the todo list. This list is created by putting \todo +# commands in the documentation. + +GENERATE_TODOLIST = YES + +# The GENERATE_TESTLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or +# disable (NO) the test list. This list is created by putting \test +# commands in the documentation. + +GENERATE_TESTLIST = YES + +# The GENERATE_BUGLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or +# disable (NO) the bug list. This list is created by putting \bug +# commands in the documentation. + +GENERATE_BUGLIST = YES + +# The GENERATE_DEPRECATEDLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or +# disable (NO) the deprecated list. This list is created by putting +# \deprecated commands in the documentation. + +GENERATE_DEPRECATEDLIST= YES + +# The ENABLED_SECTIONS tag can be used to enable conditional +# documentation sections, marked by \if sectionname ... \endif. + +ENABLED_SECTIONS = + +# The MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES tag determines the maximum number of lines +# the initial value of a variable or macro consists of for it to appear in +# the documentation. If the initializer consists of more lines than specified +# here it will be hidden. Use a value of 0 to hide initializers completely. +# The appearance of the initializer of individual variables and macros in the +# documentation can be controlled using \showinitializer or \hideinitializer +# command in the documentation regardless of this setting. + +MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES = 30 + +# Set the SHOW_USED_FILES tag to NO to disable the list of files generated +# at the bottom of the documentation of classes and structs. If set to YES the +# list will mention the files that were used to generate the documentation. + +SHOW_USED_FILES = YES + +# Set the SHOW_FILES tag to NO to disable the generation of the Files page. +# This will remove the Files entry from the Quick Index and from the +# Folder Tree View (if specified). The default is YES. + +SHOW_FILES = YES + +# Set the SHOW_NAMESPACES tag to NO to disable the generation of the +# Namespaces page. +# This will remove the Namespaces entry from the Quick Index +# and from the Folder Tree View (if specified). The default is YES. + +SHOW_NAMESPACES = YES + +# The FILE_VERSION_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program or script that +# doxygen should invoke to get the current version for each file (typically from +# the version control system). Doxygen will invoke the program by executing (via +# popen()) the command , where is the value of +# the FILE_VERSION_FILTER tag, and is the name of an input file +# provided by doxygen. Whatever the program writes to standard output +# is used as the file version. See the manual for examples. + +FILE_VERSION_FILTER = + +# The LAYOUT_FILE tag can be used to specify a layout file which will be parsed +# by doxygen. The layout file controls the global structure of the generated +# output files in an output format independent way. The create the layout file +# that represents doxygen's defaults, run doxygen with the -l option. +# You can optionally specify a file name after the option, if omitted +# DoxygenLayout.xml will be used as the name of the layout file. + +LAYOUT_FILE = + +# The CITE_BIB_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more bib files +# containing the references data. This must be a list of .bib files. The +# .bib extension is automatically appended if omitted. Using this command +# requires the bibtex tool to be installed. See also +# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX for more info. For LaTeX the style +# of the bibliography can be controlled using LATEX_BIB_STYLE. To use this +# feature you need bibtex and perl available in the search path. + +CITE_BIB_FILES = + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# configuration options related to warning and progress messages +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# The QUIET tag can be used to turn on/off the messages that are generated +# by doxygen. Possible values are YES and NO. If left blank NO is used. + +QUIET = NO + +# The WARNINGS tag can be used to turn on/off the warning messages that are +# generated by doxygen. Possible values are YES and NO. If left blank +# NO is used. + +WARNINGS = YES + +# If WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED is set to YES, then doxygen will generate warnings +# for undocumented members. If EXTRACT_ALL is set to YES then this flag will +# automatically be disabled. + +WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED = YES + +# If WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR is set to YES, doxygen will generate warnings for +# potential errors in the documentation, such as not documenting some +# parameters in a documented function, or documenting parameters that +# don't exist or using markup commands wrongly. + +WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR = YES + +# The WARN_NO_PARAMDOC option can be enabled to get warnings for +# functions that are documented, but have no documentation for their parameters +# or return value. If set to NO (the default) doxygen will only warn about +# wrong or incomplete parameter documentation, but not about the absence of +# documentation. + +WARN_NO_PARAMDOC = NO + +# The WARN_FORMAT tag determines the format of the warning messages that +# doxygen can produce. The string should contain the $file, $line, and $text +# tags, which will be replaced by the file and line number from which the +# warning originated and the warning text. Optionally the format may contain +# $version, which will be replaced by the version of the file (if it could +# be obtained via FILE_VERSION_FILTER) + +WARN_FORMAT = "$file:$line: $text" + +# The WARN_LOGFILE tag can be used to specify a file to which warning +# and error messages should be written. If left blank the output is written +# to stderr. + +WARN_LOGFILE = + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# configuration options related to the input files +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# The INPUT tag can be used to specify the files and/or directories that contain +# documented source files. You may enter file names like "myfile.cpp" or +# directories like "/usr/src/myproject". Separate the files or directories +# with spaces. + +INPUT = . + +# This tag can be used to specify the character encoding of the source files +# that doxygen parses. Internally doxygen uses the UTF-8 encoding, which is +# also the default input encoding. Doxygen uses libiconv (or the iconv built +# into libc) for the transcoding. See http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv for +# the list of possible encodings. + +INPUT_ENCODING = UTF-8 + +# If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the +# FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp +# and *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. If left +# blank the following patterns are tested: +# *.c *.cc *.cxx *.cpp *.c++ *.d *.java *.ii *.ixx *.ipp *.i++ *.inl *.h *.hh +# *.hxx *.hpp *.h++ *.idl *.odl *.cs *.php *.php3 *.inc *.m *.mm *.dox *.py +# *.f90 *.f *.for *.vhd *.vhdl + +FILE_PATTERNS = + +# The RECURSIVE tag can be used to turn specify whether or not subdirectories +# should be searched for input files as well. Possible values are YES and NO. +# If left blank NO is used. + +RECURSIVE = YES + +# The EXCLUDE tag can be used to specify files and/or directories that should be +# excluded from the INPUT source files. This way you can easily exclude a +# subdirectory from a directory tree whose root is specified with the INPUT tag. +# Note that relative paths are relative to the directory from which doxygen is +# run. + +EXCLUDE = build + +# The EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS tag can be used to select whether or not files or +# directories that are symbolic links (a Unix file system feature) are excluded +# from the input. + +EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS = NO + +# If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the +# EXCLUDE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard patterns to exclude +# certain files from those directories. Note that the wildcards are matched +# against the file with absolute path, so to exclude all test directories +# for example use the pattern */test/* + +EXCLUDE_PATTERNS = + +# The EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS tag can be used to specify one or more symbol names +# (namespaces, classes, functions, etc.) that should be excluded from the +# output. The symbol name can be a fully qualified name, a word, or if the +# wildcard * is used, a substring. Examples: ANamespace, AClass, +# AClass::ANamespace, ANamespace::*Test + +EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS = + +# The EXAMPLE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or +# directories that contain example code fragments that are included (see +# the \include command). + +EXAMPLE_PATH = + +# If the value of the EXAMPLE_PATH tag contains directories, you can use the +# EXAMPLE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp +# and *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. If left +# blank all files are included. + +EXAMPLE_PATTERNS = + +# If the EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE tag is set to YES then subdirectories will be +# searched for input files to be used with the \include or \dontinclude +# commands irrespective of the value of the RECURSIVE tag. +# Possible values are YES and NO. If left blank NO is used. + +EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE = NO + +# The IMAGE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or +# directories that contain image that are included in the documentation (see +# the \image command). + +IMAGE_PATH = + +# The INPUT_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program that doxygen should +# invoke to filter for each input file. Doxygen will invoke the filter program +# by executing (via popen()) the command , where +# is the value of the INPUT_FILTER tag, and is the name of an +# input file. Doxygen will then use the output that the filter program writes +# to standard output. +# If FILTER_PATTERNS is specified, this tag will be +# ignored. + +INPUT_FILTER = + +# The FILTER_PATTERNS tag can be used to specify filters on a per file pattern +# basis. +# Doxygen will compare the file name with each pattern and apply the +# filter if there is a match. +# The filters are a list of the form: +# pattern=filter (like *.cpp=my_cpp_filter). See INPUT_FILTER for further +# info on how filters are used. If FILTER_PATTERNS is empty or if +# non of the patterns match the file name, INPUT_FILTER is applied. + +FILTER_PATTERNS = + +# If the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES tag is set to YES, the input filter (if set using +# INPUT_FILTER) will be used to filter the input files when producing source +# files to browse (i.e. when SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES). + +FILTER_SOURCE_FILES = NO + +# The FILTER_SOURCE_PATTERNS tag can be used to specify source filters per file +# pattern. A pattern will override the setting for FILTER_PATTERN (if any) +# and it is also possible to disable source filtering for a specific pattern +# using *.ext= (so without naming a filter). This option only has effect when +# FILTER_SOURCE_FILES is enabled. + +FILTER_SOURCE_PATTERNS = + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# configuration options related to source browsing +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# If the SOURCE_BROWSER tag is set to YES then a list of source files will +# be generated. Documented entities will be cross-referenced with these sources. +# Note: To get rid of all source code in the generated output, make sure also +# VERBATIM_HEADERS is set to NO. + +SOURCE_BROWSER = YES + +# Setting the INLINE_SOURCES tag to YES will include the body +# of functions and classes directly in the documentation. + +INLINE_SOURCES = NO + +# Setting the STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS tag to YES (the default) will instruct +# doxygen to hide any special comment blocks from generated source code +# fragments. Normal C and C++ comments will always remain visible. + +STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS = YES + +# If the REFERENCED_BY_RELATION tag is set to YES +# then for each documented function all documented +# functions referencing it will be listed. + +REFERENCED_BY_RELATION = NO + +# If the REFERENCES_RELATION tag is set to YES +# then for each documented function all documented entities +# called/used by that function will be listed. + +REFERENCES_RELATION = NO + +# If the REFERENCES_LINK_SOURCE tag is set to YES (the default) +# and SOURCE_BROWSER tag is set to YES, then the hyperlinks from +# functions in REFERENCES_RELATION and REFERENCED_BY_RELATION lists will +# link to the source code. +# Otherwise they will link to the documentation. + +REFERENCES_LINK_SOURCE = YES + +# If the USE_HTAGS tag is set to YES then the references to source code +# will point to the HTML generated by the htags(1) tool instead of doxygen +# built-in source browser. The htags tool is part of GNU's global source +# tagging system (see http://www.gnu.org/software/global/global.html). You +# will need version 4.8.6 or higher. + +USE_HTAGS = NO + +# If the VERBATIM_HEADERS tag is set to YES (the default) then Doxygen +# will generate a verbatim copy of the header file for each class for +# which an include is specified. Set to NO to disable this. + +VERBATIM_HEADERS = YES + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# configuration options related to the alphabetical class index +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# If the ALPHABETICAL_INDEX tag is set to YES, an alphabetical index +# of all compounds will be generated. Enable this if the project +# contains a lot of classes, structs, unions or interfaces. + +ALPHABETICAL_INDEX = YES + +# If the alphabetical index is enabled (see ALPHABETICAL_INDEX) then +# the COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX tag can be used to specify the number of columns +# in which this list will be split (can be a number in the range [1..20]) + +COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX = 5 + +# In case all classes in a project start with a common prefix, all +# classes will be put under the same header in the alphabetical index. +# The IGNORE_PREFIX tag can be used to specify one or more prefixes that +# should be ignored while generating the index headers. + +IGNORE_PREFIX = + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# configuration options related to the HTML output +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# If the GENERATE_HTML tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will +# generate HTML output. + +GENERATE_HTML = YES + +# The HTML_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the HTML docs will be put. +# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be +# put in front of it. If left blank `html' will be used as the default path. + +HTML_OUTPUT = html + +# The HTML_FILE_EXTENSION tag can be used to specify the file extension for +# each generated HTML page (for example: .htm,.php,.asp). If it is left blank +# doxygen will generate files with .html extension. + +HTML_FILE_EXTENSION = .html + +# The HTML_HEADER tag can be used to specify a personal HTML header for +# each generated HTML page. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a +# standard header. Note that when using a custom header you are responsible +# for the proper inclusion of any scripts and style sheets that doxygen +# needs, which is dependent on the configuration options used. +# It is advised to generate a default header using "doxygen -w html +# header.html footer.html stylesheet.css YourConfigFile" and then modify +# that header. Note that the header is subject to change so you typically +# have to redo this when upgrading to a newer version of doxygen or when +# changing the value of configuration settings such as GENERATE_TREEVIEW! + +HTML_HEADER = + +# The HTML_FOOTER tag can be used to specify a personal HTML footer for +# each generated HTML page. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a +# standard footer. + +HTML_FOOTER = + +# The HTML_STYLESHEET tag can be used to specify a user-defined cascading +# style sheet that is used by each HTML page. It can be used to +# fine-tune the look of the HTML output. If the tag is left blank doxygen +# will generate a default style sheet. Note that doxygen will try to copy +# the style sheet file to the HTML output directory, so don't put your own +# style sheet in the HTML output directory as well, or it will be erased! + +HTML_STYLESHEET = + +# The HTML_EXTRA_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more extra images or +# other source files which should be copied to the HTML output directory. Note +# that these files will be copied to the base HTML output directory. Use the +# $relpath$ marker in the HTML_HEADER and/or HTML_FOOTER files to load these +# files. In the HTML_STYLESHEET file, use the file name only. Also note that +# the files will be copied as-is; there are no commands or markers available. + +HTML_EXTRA_FILES = + +# The HTML_COLORSTYLE_HUE tag controls the color of the HTML output. +# Doxygen will adjust the colors in the style sheet and background images +# according to this color. Hue is specified as an angle on a colorwheel, +# see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hue for more information. +# For instance the value 0 represents red, 60 is yellow, 120 is green, +# 180 is cyan, 240 is blue, 300 purple, and 360 is red again. +# The allowed range is 0 to 359. + +HTML_COLORSTYLE_HUE = 220 + +# The HTML_COLORSTYLE_SAT tag controls the purity (or saturation) of +# the colors in the HTML output. For a value of 0 the output will use +# grayscales only. A value of 255 will produce the most vivid colors. + +HTML_COLORSTYLE_SAT = 100 + +# The HTML_COLORSTYLE_GAMMA tag controls the gamma correction applied to +# the luminance component of the colors in the HTML output. Values below +# 100 gradually make the output lighter, whereas values above 100 make +# the output darker. The value divided by 100 is the actual gamma applied, +# so 80 represents a gamma of 0.8, The value 220 represents a gamma of 2.2, +# and 100 does not change the gamma. + +HTML_COLORSTYLE_GAMMA = 80 + +# If the HTML_TIMESTAMP tag is set to YES then the footer of each generated HTML +# page will contain the date and time when the page was generated. Setting +# this to NO can help when comparing the output of multiple runs. + +HTML_TIMESTAMP = YES + +# If the HTML_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS tag is set to YES then the generated HTML +# documentation will contain sections that can be hidden and shown after the +# page has loaded. + +HTML_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS = NO + +# With HTML_INDEX_NUM_ENTRIES one can control the preferred number of +# entries shown in the various tree structured indices initially; the user +# can expand and collapse entries dynamically later on. Doxygen will expand +# the tree to such a level that at most the specified number of entries are +# visible (unless a fully collapsed tree already exceeds this amount). +# So setting the number of entries 1 will produce a full collapsed tree by +# default. 0 is a special value representing an infinite number of entries +# and will result in a full expanded tree by default. + +HTML_INDEX_NUM_ENTRIES = 100 + +# If the GENERATE_DOCSET tag is set to YES, additional index files +# will be generated that can be used as input for Apple's Xcode 3 +# integrated development environment, introduced with OSX 10.5 (Leopard). +# To create a documentation set, doxygen will generate a Makefile in the +# HTML output directory. Running make will produce the docset in that +# directory and running "make install" will install the docset in +# ~/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets so that Xcode will find +# it at startup. +# See http://developer.apple.com/tools/creatingdocsetswithdoxygen.html +# for more information. + +GENERATE_DOCSET = NO + +# When GENERATE_DOCSET tag is set to YES, this tag determines the name of the +# feed. A documentation feed provides an umbrella under which multiple +# documentation sets from a single provider (such as a company or product suite) +# can be grouped. + +DOCSET_FEEDNAME = "Doxygen generated docs" + +# When GENERATE_DOCSET tag is set to YES, this tag specifies a string that +# should uniquely identify the documentation set bundle. This should be a +# reverse domain-name style string, e.g. com.mycompany.MyDocSet. Doxygen +# will append .docset to the name. + +DOCSET_BUNDLE_ID = org.doxygen.Project + +# When GENERATE_PUBLISHER_ID tag specifies a string that should uniquely identify +# the documentation publisher. This should be a reverse domain-name style +# string, e.g. com.mycompany.MyDocSet.documentation. + +DOCSET_PUBLISHER_ID = org.doxygen.Publisher + +# The GENERATE_PUBLISHER_NAME tag identifies the documentation publisher. + +DOCSET_PUBLISHER_NAME = Publisher + +# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, additional index files +# will be generated that can be used as input for tools like the +# Microsoft HTML help workshop to generate a compiled HTML help file (.chm) +# of the generated HTML documentation. + +GENERATE_HTMLHELP = NO + +# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the CHM_FILE tag can +# be used to specify the file name of the resulting .chm file. You +# can add a path in front of the file if the result should not be +# written to the html output directory. + +CHM_FILE = + +# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the HHC_LOCATION tag can +# be used to specify the location (absolute path including file name) of +# the HTML help compiler (hhc.exe). If non-empty doxygen will try to run +# the HTML help compiler on the generated index.hhp. + +HHC_LOCATION = + +# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the GENERATE_CHI flag +# controls if a separate .chi index file is generated (YES) or that +# it should be included in the master .chm file (NO). + +GENERATE_CHI = NO + +# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the CHM_INDEX_ENCODING +# is used to encode HtmlHelp index (hhk), content (hhc) and project file +# content. + +CHM_INDEX_ENCODING = + +# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the BINARY_TOC flag +# controls whether a binary table of contents is generated (YES) or a +# normal table of contents (NO) in the .chm file. + +BINARY_TOC = NO + +# The TOC_EXPAND flag can be set to YES to add extra items for group members +# to the contents of the HTML help documentation and to the tree view. + +TOC_EXPAND = NO + +# If the GENERATE_QHP tag is set to YES and both QHP_NAMESPACE and +# QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER are set, an additional index file will be generated +# that can be used as input for Qt's qhelpgenerator to generate a +# Qt Compressed Help (.qch) of the generated HTML documentation. + +GENERATE_QHP = NO + +# If the QHG_LOCATION tag is specified, the QCH_FILE tag can +# be used to specify the file name of the resulting .qch file. +# The path specified is relative to the HTML output folder. + +QCH_FILE = + +# The QHP_NAMESPACE tag specifies the namespace to use when generating +# Qt Help Project output. For more information please see +# http://doc.trolltech.com/qthelpproject.html#namespace + +QHP_NAMESPACE = org.doxygen.Project + +# The QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER tag specifies the namespace to use when generating +# Qt Help Project output. For more information please see +# http://doc.trolltech.com/qthelpproject.html#virtual-folders + +QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER = doc + +# If QHP_CUST_FILTER_NAME is set, it specifies the name of a custom filter to +# add. For more information please see +# http://doc.trolltech.com/qthelpproject.html#custom-filters + +QHP_CUST_FILTER_NAME = + +# The QHP_CUST_FILT_ATTRS tag specifies the list of the attributes of the +# custom filter to add. For more information please see +# +# Qt Help Project / Custom Filters. + +QHP_CUST_FILTER_ATTRS = + +# The QHP_SECT_FILTER_ATTRS tag specifies the list of the attributes this +# project's +# filter section matches. +# +# Qt Help Project / Filter Attributes. + +QHP_SECT_FILTER_ATTRS = + +# If the GENERATE_QHP tag is set to YES, the QHG_LOCATION tag can +# be used to specify the location of Qt's qhelpgenerator. +# If non-empty doxygen will try to run qhelpgenerator on the generated +# .qhp file. + +QHG_LOCATION = + +# If the GENERATE_ECLIPSEHELP tag is set to YES, additional index files +# will be generated, which together with the HTML files, form an Eclipse help +# plugin. To install this plugin and make it available under the help contents +# menu in Eclipse, the contents of the directory containing the HTML and XML +# files needs to be copied into the plugins directory of eclipse. The name of +# the directory within the plugins directory should be the same as +# the ECLIPSE_DOC_ID value. After copying Eclipse needs to be restarted before +# the help appears. + +GENERATE_ECLIPSEHELP = NO + +# A unique identifier for the eclipse help plugin. When installing the plugin +# the directory name containing the HTML and XML files should also have +# this name. + +ECLIPSE_DOC_ID = org.doxygen.Project + +# The DISABLE_INDEX tag can be used to turn on/off the condensed index (tabs) +# at top of each HTML page. The value NO (the default) enables the index and +# the value YES disables it. Since the tabs have the same information as the +# navigation tree you can set this option to NO if you already set +# GENERATE_TREEVIEW to YES. + +DISABLE_INDEX = NO + +# The GENERATE_TREEVIEW tag is used to specify whether a tree-like index +# structure should be generated to display hierarchical information. +# If the tag value is set to YES, a side panel will be generated +# containing a tree-like index structure (just like the one that +# is generated for HTML Help). For this to work a browser that supports +# JavaScript, DHTML, CSS and frames is required (i.e. any modern browser). +# Windows users are probably better off using the HTML help feature. +# Since the tree basically has the same information as the tab index you +# could consider to set DISABLE_INDEX to NO when enabling this option. + +GENERATE_TREEVIEW = NO + +# The ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE tag can be used to set the number of enum values +# (range [0,1..20]) that doxygen will group on one line in the generated HTML +# documentation. Note that a value of 0 will completely suppress the enum +# values from appearing in the overview section. + +ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE = 4 + +# If the treeview is enabled (see GENERATE_TREEVIEW) then this tag can be +# used to set the initial width (in pixels) of the frame in which the tree +# is shown. + +TREEVIEW_WIDTH = 250 + +# When the EXT_LINKS_IN_WINDOW option is set to YES doxygen will open +# links to external symbols imported via tag files in a separate window. + +EXT_LINKS_IN_WINDOW = NO + +# Use this tag to change the font size of Latex formulas included +# as images in the HTML documentation. The default is 10. Note that +# when you change the font size after a successful doxygen run you need +# to manually remove any form_*.png images from the HTML output directory +# to force them to be regenerated. + +FORMULA_FONTSIZE = 10 + +# Use the FORMULA_TRANPARENT tag to determine whether or not the images +# generated for formulas are transparent PNGs. Transparent PNGs are +# not supported properly for IE 6.0, but are supported on all modern browsers. +# Note that when changing this option you need to delete any form_*.png files +# in the HTML output before the changes have effect. + +FORMULA_TRANSPARENT = YES + +# Enable the USE_MATHJAX option to render LaTeX formulas using MathJax +# (see http://www.mathjax.org) which uses client side Javascript for the +# rendering instead of using prerendered bitmaps. Use this if you do not +# have LaTeX installed or if you want to formulas look prettier in the HTML +# output. When enabled you may also need to install MathJax separately and +# configure the path to it using the MATHJAX_RELPATH option. + +USE_MATHJAX = NO + +# When MathJax is enabled you need to specify the location relative to the +# HTML output directory using the MATHJAX_RELPATH option. The destination +# directory should contain the MathJax.js script. For instance, if the mathjax +# directory is located at the same level as the HTML output directory, then +# MATHJAX_RELPATH should be ../mathjax. The default value points to +# the MathJax Content Delivery Network so you can quickly see the result without +# installing MathJax. +# However, it is strongly recommended to install a local +# copy of MathJax from http://www.mathjax.org before deployment. + +MATHJAX_RELPATH = http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest + +# The MATHJAX_EXTENSIONS tag can be used to specify one or MathJax extension +# names that should be enabled during MathJax rendering. + +MATHJAX_EXTENSIONS = + +# When the SEARCHENGINE tag is enabled doxygen will generate a search box +# for the HTML output. The underlying search engine uses javascript +# and DHTML and should work on any modern browser. Note that when using +# HTML help (GENERATE_HTMLHELP), Qt help (GENERATE_QHP), or docsets +# (GENERATE_DOCSET) there is already a search function so this one should +# typically be disabled. For large projects the javascript based search engine +# can be slow, then enabling SERVER_BASED_SEARCH may provide a better solution. + +SEARCHENGINE = YES + +# When the SERVER_BASED_SEARCH tag is enabled the search engine will be +# implemented using a PHP enabled web server instead of at the web client +# using Javascript. Doxygen will generate the search PHP script and index +# file to put on the web server. The advantage of the server +# based approach is that it scales better to large projects and allows +# full text search. The disadvantages are that it is more difficult to setup +# and does not have live searching capabilities. + +SERVER_BASED_SEARCH = NO + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# configuration options related to the LaTeX output +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# If the GENERATE_LATEX tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will +# generate Latex output. + +GENERATE_LATEX = YES + +# The LATEX_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the LaTeX docs will be put. +# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be +# put in front of it. If left blank `latex' will be used as the default path. + +LATEX_OUTPUT = latex + +# The LATEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the LaTeX command name to be +# invoked. If left blank `latex' will be used as the default command name. +# Note that when enabling USE_PDFLATEX this option is only used for +# generating bitmaps for formulas in the HTML output, but not in the +# Makefile that is written to the output directory. + +LATEX_CMD_NAME = latex + +# The MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the command name to +# generate index for LaTeX. If left blank `makeindex' will be used as the +# default command name. + +MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME = makeindex + +# If the COMPACT_LATEX tag is set to YES Doxygen generates more compact +# LaTeX documents. This may be useful for small projects and may help to +# save some trees in general. + +COMPACT_LATEX = NO + +# The PAPER_TYPE tag can be used to set the paper type that is used +# by the printer. Possible values are: a4, letter, legal and +# executive. If left blank a4wide will be used. + +PAPER_TYPE = a4 + +# The EXTRA_PACKAGES tag can be to specify one or more names of LaTeX +# packages that should be included in the LaTeX output. + +EXTRA_PACKAGES = + +# The LATEX_HEADER tag can be used to specify a personal LaTeX header for +# the generated latex document. The header should contain everything until +# the first chapter. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a +# standard header. Notice: only use this tag if you know what you are doing! + +LATEX_HEADER = + +# The LATEX_FOOTER tag can be used to specify a personal LaTeX footer for +# the generated latex document. The footer should contain everything after +# the last chapter. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a +# standard footer. Notice: only use this tag if you know what you are doing! + +LATEX_FOOTER = + +# If the PDF_HYPERLINKS tag is set to YES, the LaTeX that is generated +# is prepared for conversion to pdf (using ps2pdf). The pdf file will +# contain links (just like the HTML output) instead of page references +# This makes the output suitable for online browsing using a pdf viewer. + +PDF_HYPERLINKS = YES + +# If the USE_PDFLATEX tag is set to YES, pdflatex will be used instead of +# plain latex in the generated Makefile. Set this option to YES to get a +# higher quality PDF documentation. + +USE_PDFLATEX = YES + +# If the LATEX_BATCHMODE tag is set to YES, doxygen will add the \\batchmode. +# command to the generated LaTeX files. This will instruct LaTeX to keep +# running if errors occur, instead of asking the user for help. +# This option is also used when generating formulas in HTML. + +LATEX_BATCHMODE = NO + +# If LATEX_HIDE_INDICES is set to YES then doxygen will not +# include the index chapters (such as File Index, Compound Index, etc.) +# in the output. + +LATEX_HIDE_INDICES = NO + +# If LATEX_SOURCE_CODE is set to YES then doxygen will include +# source code with syntax highlighting in the LaTeX output. +# Note that which sources are shown also depends on other settings +# such as SOURCE_BROWSER. + +LATEX_SOURCE_CODE = NO + +# The LATEX_BIB_STYLE tag can be used to specify the style to use for the +# bibliography, e.g. plainnat, or ieeetr. The default style is "plain". See +# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX for more info. + +LATEX_BIB_STYLE = plain + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# configuration options related to the RTF output +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# If the GENERATE_RTF tag is set to YES Doxygen will generate RTF output +# The RTF output is optimized for Word 97 and may not look very pretty with +# other RTF readers or editors. + +GENERATE_RTF = NO + +# The RTF_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the RTF docs will be put. +# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be +# put in front of it. If left blank `rtf' will be used as the default path. + +RTF_OUTPUT = rtf + +# If the COMPACT_RTF tag is set to YES Doxygen generates more compact +# RTF documents. This may be useful for small projects and may help to +# save some trees in general. + +COMPACT_RTF = NO + +# If the RTF_HYPERLINKS tag is set to YES, the RTF that is generated +# will contain hyperlink fields. The RTF file will +# contain links (just like the HTML output) instead of page references. +# This makes the output suitable for online browsing using WORD or other +# programs which support those fields. +# Note: wordpad (write) and others do not support links. + +RTF_HYPERLINKS = NO + +# Load style sheet definitions from file. Syntax is similar to doxygen's +# config file, i.e. a series of assignments. You only have to provide +# replacements, missing definitions are set to their default value. + +RTF_STYLESHEET_FILE = + +# Set optional variables used in the generation of an rtf document. +# Syntax is similar to doxygen's config file. + +RTF_EXTENSIONS_FILE = + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# configuration options related to the man page output +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# If the GENERATE_MAN tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will +# generate man pages + +GENERATE_MAN = NO + +# The MAN_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the man pages will be put. +# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be +# put in front of it. If left blank `man' will be used as the default path. + +MAN_OUTPUT = man + +# The MAN_EXTENSION tag determines the extension that is added to +# the generated man pages (default is the subroutine's section .3) + +MAN_EXTENSION = .3 + +# If the MAN_LINKS tag is set to YES and Doxygen generates man output, +# then it will generate one additional man file for each entity +# documented in the real man page(s). These additional files +# only source the real man page, but without them the man command +# would be unable to find the correct page. The default is NO. + +MAN_LINKS = NO + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# configuration options related to the XML output +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# If the GENERATE_XML tag is set to YES Doxygen will +# generate an XML file that captures the structure of +# the code including all documentation. + +GENERATE_XML = NO + +# The XML_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the XML pages will be put. +# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be +# put in front of it. If left blank `xml' will be used as the default path. + +XML_OUTPUT = xml + +# The XML_SCHEMA tag can be used to specify an XML schema, +# which can be used by a validating XML parser to check the +# syntax of the XML files. + +XML_SCHEMA = + +# The XML_DTD tag can be used to specify an XML DTD, +# which can be used by a validating XML parser to check the +# syntax of the XML files. + +XML_DTD = + +# If the XML_PROGRAMLISTING tag is set to YES Doxygen will +# dump the program listings (including syntax highlighting +# and cross-referencing information) to the XML output. Note that +# enabling this will significantly increase the size of the XML output. + +XML_PROGRAMLISTING = YES + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# If the GENERATE_AUTOGEN_DEF tag is set to YES Doxygen will +# generate an AutoGen Definitions (see autogen.sf.net) file +# that captures the structure of the code including all +# documentation. Note that this feature is still experimental +# and incomplete at the moment. + +GENERATE_AUTOGEN_DEF = NO + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# configuration options related to the Perl module output +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# If the GENERATE_PERLMOD tag is set to YES Doxygen will +# generate a Perl module file that captures the structure of +# the code including all documentation. Note that this +# feature is still experimental and incomplete at the +# moment. + +GENERATE_PERLMOD = NO + +# If the PERLMOD_LATEX tag is set to YES Doxygen will generate +# the necessary Makefile rules, Perl scripts and LaTeX code to be able +# to generate PDF and DVI output from the Perl module output. + +PERLMOD_LATEX = NO + +# If the PERLMOD_PRETTY tag is set to YES the Perl module output will be +# nicely formatted so it can be parsed by a human reader. +# This is useful +# if you want to understand what is going on. +# On the other hand, if this +# tag is set to NO the size of the Perl module output will be much smaller +# and Perl will parse it just the same. + +PERLMOD_PRETTY = YES + +# The names of the make variables in the generated doxyrules.make file +# are prefixed with the string contained in PERLMOD_MAKEVAR_PREFIX. +# This is useful so different doxyrules.make files included by the same +# Makefile don't overwrite each other's variables. + +PERLMOD_MAKEVAR_PREFIX = + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Configuration options related to the preprocessor +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# If the ENABLE_PREPROCESSING tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will +# evaluate all C-preprocessor directives found in the sources and include +# files. + +ENABLE_PREPROCESSING = YES + +# If the MACRO_EXPANSION tag is set to YES Doxygen will expand all macro +# names in the source code. If set to NO (the default) only conditional +# compilation will be performed. Macro expansion can be done in a controlled +# way by setting EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF to YES. + +MACRO_EXPANSION = NO + +# If the EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF and MACRO_EXPANSION tags are both set to YES +# then the macro expansion is limited to the macros specified with the +# PREDEFINED and EXPAND_AS_DEFINED tags. + +EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF = NO + +# If the SEARCH_INCLUDES tag is set to YES (the default) the includes files +# pointed to by INCLUDE_PATH will be searched when a #include is found. + +SEARCH_INCLUDES = YES + +# The INCLUDE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more directories that +# contain include files that are not input files but should be processed by +# the preprocessor. + +INCLUDE_PATH = + +# You can use the INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard +# patterns (like *.h and *.hpp) to filter out the header-files in the +# directories. If left blank, the patterns specified with FILE_PATTERNS will +# be used. + +INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS = + +# The PREDEFINED tag can be used to specify one or more macro names that +# are defined before the preprocessor is started (similar to the -D option of +# gcc). The argument of the tag is a list of macros of the form: name +# or name=definition (no spaces). If the definition and the = are +# omitted =1 is assumed. To prevent a macro definition from being +# undefined via #undef or recursively expanded use the := operator +# instead of the = operator. + +PREDEFINED = + +# If the MACRO_EXPANSION and EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF tags are set to YES then +# this tag can be used to specify a list of macro names that should be expanded. +# The macro definition that is found in the sources will be used. +# Use the PREDEFINED tag if you want to use a different macro definition that +# overrules the definition found in the source code. + +EXPAND_AS_DEFINED = + +# If the SKIP_FUNCTION_MACROS tag is set to YES (the default) then +# doxygen's preprocessor will remove all references to function-like macros +# that are alone on a line, have an all uppercase name, and do not end with a +# semicolon, because these will confuse the parser if not removed. + +SKIP_FUNCTION_MACROS = YES + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Configuration::additions related to external references +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# The TAGFILES option can be used to specify one or more tagfiles. For each +# tag file the location of the external documentation should be added. The +# format of a tag file without this location is as follows: +# +# TAGFILES = file1 file2 ... +# Adding location for the tag files is done as follows: +# +# TAGFILES = file1=loc1 "file2 = loc2" ... +# where "loc1" and "loc2" can be relative or absolute paths +# or URLs. Note that each tag file must have a unique name (where the name does +# NOT include the path). If a tag file is not located in the directory in which +# doxygen is run, you must also specify the path to the tagfile here. + +TAGFILES = + +# When a file name is specified after GENERATE_TAGFILE, doxygen will create +# a tag file that is based on the input files it reads. + +GENERATE_TAGFILE = + +# If the ALLEXTERNALS tag is set to YES all external classes will be listed +# in the class index. If set to NO only the inherited external classes +# will be listed. + +ALLEXTERNALS = NO + +# If the EXTERNAL_GROUPS tag is set to YES all external groups will be listed +# in the modules index. If set to NO, only the current project's groups will +# be listed. + +EXTERNAL_GROUPS = YES + +# The PERL_PATH should be the absolute path and name of the perl script +# interpreter (i.e. the result of `which perl'). + +PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Configuration options related to the dot tool +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# If the CLASS_DIAGRAMS tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will +# generate a inheritance diagram (in HTML, RTF and LaTeX) for classes with base +# or super classes. Setting the tag to NO turns the diagrams off. Note that +# this option also works with HAVE_DOT disabled, but it is recommended to +# install and use dot, since it yields more powerful graphs. + +CLASS_DIAGRAMS = YES + +# You can define message sequence charts within doxygen comments using the \msc +# command. Doxygen will then run the mscgen tool (see +# http://www.mcternan.me.uk/mscgen/) to produce the chart and insert it in the +# documentation. The MSCGEN_PATH tag allows you to specify the directory where +# the mscgen tool resides. If left empty the tool is assumed to be found in the +# default search path. + +MSCGEN_PATH = + +# If set to YES, the inheritance and collaboration graphs will hide +# inheritance and usage relations if the target is undocumented +# or is not a class. + +HIDE_UNDOC_RELATIONS = YES + +# If you set the HAVE_DOT tag to YES then doxygen will assume the dot tool is +# available from the path. This tool is part of Graphviz, a graph visualization +# toolkit from AT&T and Lucent Bell Labs. The other options in this section +# have no effect if this option is set to NO (the default) + +HAVE_DOT = NO + +# The DOT_NUM_THREADS specifies the number of dot invocations doxygen is +# allowed to run in parallel. When set to 0 (the default) doxygen will +# base this on the number of processors available in the system. You can set it +# explicitly to a value larger than 0 to get control over the balance +# between CPU load and processing speed. + +DOT_NUM_THREADS = 0 + +# By default doxygen will use the Helvetica font for all dot files that +# doxygen generates. When you want a differently looking font you can specify +# the font name using DOT_FONTNAME. You need to make sure dot is able to find +# the font, which can be done by putting it in a standard location or by setting +# the DOTFONTPATH environment variable or by setting DOT_FONTPATH to the +# directory containing the font. + +DOT_FONTNAME = Helvetica + +# The DOT_FONTSIZE tag can be used to set the size of the font of dot graphs. +# The default size is 10pt. + +DOT_FONTSIZE = 10 + +# By default doxygen will tell dot to use the Helvetica font. +# If you specify a different font using DOT_FONTNAME you can use DOT_FONTPATH to +# set the path where dot can find it. + +DOT_FONTPATH = + +# If the CLASS_GRAPH and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen +# will generate a graph for each documented class showing the direct and +# indirect inheritance relations. Setting this tag to YES will force the +# CLASS_DIAGRAMS tag to NO. + +CLASS_GRAPH = YES + +# If the COLLABORATION_GRAPH and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen +# will generate a graph for each documented class showing the direct and +# indirect implementation dependencies (inheritance, containment, and +# class references variables) of the class with other documented classes. + +COLLABORATION_GRAPH = YES + +# If the GROUP_GRAPHS and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen +# will generate a graph for groups, showing the direct groups dependencies + +GROUP_GRAPHS = YES + +# If the UML_LOOK tag is set to YES doxygen will generate inheritance and +# collaboration diagrams in a style similar to the OMG's Unified Modeling +# Language. + +UML_LOOK = NO + +# If the UML_LOOK tag is enabled, the fields and methods are shown inside +# the class node. If there are many fields or methods and many nodes the +# graph may become too big to be useful. The UML_LIMIT_NUM_FIELDS +# threshold limits the number of items for each type to make the size more +# managable. Set this to 0 for no limit. Note that the threshold may be +# exceeded by 50% before the limit is enforced. + +UML_LIMIT_NUM_FIELDS = 10 + +# If set to YES, the inheritance and collaboration graphs will show the +# relations between templates and their instances. + +TEMPLATE_RELATIONS = NO + +# If the ENABLE_PREPROCESSING, SEARCH_INCLUDES, INCLUDE_GRAPH, and HAVE_DOT +# tags are set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for each documented +# file showing the direct and indirect include dependencies of the file with +# other documented files. + +INCLUDE_GRAPH = YES + +# If the ENABLE_PREPROCESSING, SEARCH_INCLUDES, INCLUDED_BY_GRAPH, and +# HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for each +# documented header file showing the documented files that directly or +# indirectly include this file. + +INCLUDED_BY_GRAPH = YES + +# If the CALL_GRAPH and HAVE_DOT options are set to YES then +# doxygen will generate a call dependency graph for every global function +# or class method. Note that enabling this option will significantly increase +# the time of a run. So in most cases it will be better to enable call graphs +# for selected functions only using the \callgraph command. + +CALL_GRAPH = NO + +# If the CALLER_GRAPH and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then +# doxygen will generate a caller dependency graph for every global function +# or class method. Note that enabling this option will significantly increase +# the time of a run. So in most cases it will be better to enable caller +# graphs for selected functions only using the \callergraph command. + +CALLER_GRAPH = NO + +# If the GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen +# will generate a graphical hierarchy of all classes instead of a textual one. + +GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY = YES + +# If the DIRECTORY_GRAPH and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES +# then doxygen will show the dependencies a directory has on other directories +# in a graphical way. The dependency relations are determined by the #include +# relations between the files in the directories. + +DIRECTORY_GRAPH = YES + +# The DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT tag can be used to set the image format of the images +# generated by dot. Possible values are svg, png, jpg, or gif. +# If left blank png will be used. If you choose svg you need to set +# HTML_FILE_EXTENSION to xhtml in order to make the SVG files +# visible in IE 9+ (other browsers do not have this requirement). + +DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT = png + +# If DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT is set to svg, then this option can be set to YES to +# enable generation of interactive SVG images that allow zooming and panning. +# Note that this requires a modern browser other than Internet Explorer. +# Tested and working are Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera. For IE 9+ you +# need to set HTML_FILE_EXTENSION to xhtml in order to make the SVG files +# visible. Older versions of IE do not have SVG support. + +INTERACTIVE_SVG = NO + +# The tag DOT_PATH can be used to specify the path where the dot tool can be +# found. If left blank, it is assumed the dot tool can be found in the path. + +DOT_PATH = + +# The DOTFILE_DIRS tag can be used to specify one or more directories that +# contain dot files that are included in the documentation (see the +# \dotfile command). + +DOTFILE_DIRS = + +# The MSCFILE_DIRS tag can be used to specify one or more directories that +# contain msc files that are included in the documentation (see the +# \mscfile command). + +MSCFILE_DIRS = + +# The DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES tag can be used to set the maximum number of +# nodes that will be shown in the graph. If the number of nodes in a graph +# becomes larger than this value, doxygen will truncate the graph, which is +# visualized by representing a node as a red box. Note that doxygen if the +# number of direct children of the root node in a graph is already larger than +# DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES then the graph will not be shown at all. Also note +# that the size of a graph can be further restricted by MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH. + +DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES = 50 + +# The MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH tag can be used to set the maximum depth of the +# graphs generated by dot. A depth value of 3 means that only nodes reachable +# from the root by following a path via at most 3 edges will be shown. Nodes +# that lay further from the root node will be omitted. Note that setting this +# option to 1 or 2 may greatly reduce the computation time needed for large +# code bases. Also note that the size of a graph can be further restricted by +# DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES. Using a depth of 0 means no depth restriction. + +MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH = 0 + +# Set the DOT_TRANSPARENT tag to YES to generate images with a transparent +# background. This is disabled by default, because dot on Windows does not +# seem to support this out of the box. Warning: Depending on the platform used, +# enabling this option may lead to badly anti-aliased labels on the edges of +# a graph (i.e. they become hard to read). + +DOT_TRANSPARENT = NO + +# Set the DOT_MULTI_TARGETS tag to YES allow dot to generate multiple output +# files in one run (i.e. multiple -o and -T options on the command line). This +# makes dot run faster, but since only newer versions of dot (>1.8.10) +# support this, this feature is disabled by default. + +DOT_MULTI_TARGETS = YES + +# If the GENERATE_LEGEND tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will +# generate a legend page explaining the meaning of the various boxes and +# arrows in the dot generated graphs. + +GENERATE_LEGEND = YES + +# If the DOT_CLEANUP tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will +# remove the intermediate dot files that are used to generate +# the various graphs. + +DOT_CLEANUP = YES diff --git a/libssu/libssu.pro b/libssu/libssu.pro new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50ea700 --- /dev/null +++ b/libssu/libssu.pro @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +BUILD = ../build/libssu +HEADERS = ssu.h \ + ../constants.h +SOURCES = ssu.cpp +TEMPLATE = lib +TARGET = ssu +CONFIG += dll mobility +QT -= gui +QT += network xml +MOBILITY += systeminfo + +unix:target.path = $${PREFIX}/usr/lib +INSTALLS += target + +!include( ../buildpath.pri ) { error("Unable to find build path specification") } diff --git a/libssu/ssu.cpp b/libssu/ssu.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1fce233 --- /dev/null +++ b/libssu/ssu.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,470 @@ +/** + * @file ssu.cpp + * @copyright 2012 Jolla Ltd. + * @author Bernd Wachter + * @date 2012 + */ + +#include + +#include +#include "ssu.h" +#include "../constants.h" + +QTM_USE_NAMESPACE + +Ssu::Ssu(): QObject(){ + errorFlag = false; + + // dirty hack to make sure we can write to the configuration + // this is currently required since there's no global gconf, + // and we migth not yet have users on bootstrap + QFileInfo settingsInfo(SSU_CONFIGURATION); + if (settingsInfo.groupId() != SSU_GROUP_ID || + !settingsInfo.permission(QFile::WriteGroup)){ + QProcess proc; + proc.start("/usr/bin/ssuconfperm"); + proc.waitForFinished(); + } + + settings = new QSettings(SSU_CONFIGURATION, QSettings::IniFormat); + repoSettings = new QSettings(SSU_REPO_CONFIGURATION, QSettings::IniFormat); + + bool initialized=settings->value("initialized").toBool(); + if (!initialized){ + // FIXME, there's currently no fallback for missing configuration + settings->setValue("initialized", true); + settings->setValue("flavour", "testing"); + } + +#ifdef TARGET_ARCH + if (!settings->contains("arch")) + settings->setValue("arch", TARGET_ARCH); +#else +// FIXME, try to guess a matching architecture +#warning "TARGET_ARCH not defined" +#endif + settings->sync(); + + manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this); + connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply *)), + SLOT(requestFinished(QNetworkReply *))); +} + +QPair Ssu::credentials(QString scope){ + QPair ret; + settings->beginGroup("credentials-" + scope); + ret.first = settings->value("username").toString(); + ret.second = settings->value("password").toString(); + settings->endGroup(); + return ret; +} + +QString Ssu::credentialsScope(QString repoName, bool rndRepo){ + if (settings->contains("credentials-scope")) + return settings->value("credentials-scope").toString(); + else + return "your-configuration-is-broken-and-does-not-contain-credentials-scope"; +} + +QString Ssu::deviceFamily(){ + QString model = deviceModel(); + + if (model == "N900") + return "n900"; + if (model == "N9" || model == "N950") + return "n950-n9"; + + return "UNKNOWN"; +} + +QString Ssu::deviceModel(){ + QDir dir; + QFile procCpuinfo; + + if (dir.exists("/mer-sdk-chroot")) + return "SDK"; + + // This part should be handled using QTM::SysInfo, but that's currently broken + // on Nemo for N9/N950 + procCpuinfo.setFileName("/proc/cpuinfo"); + procCpuinfo.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); + if (procCpuinfo.isOpen()){ + QTextStream in(&procCpuinfo); + QString cpuinfo = in.readAll(); + if (cpuinfo.contains("Nokia RX-51 board")) + return "N900"; + if (cpuinfo.contains("Nokia RM-680 board")) + return "N950"; + if (cpuinfo.contains("Nokia RM-696 board")) + return "N9"; + } + + return "UNKNOWN"; +} + +QString Ssu::deviceUid(){ + QString IMEI; + QSystemDeviceInfo devInfo; + IMEI = devInfo.imei(); + // this might not be completely unique (or might change on reflash), but works for now + if (IMEI == "") + IMEI = devInfo.uniqueDeviceID(); + return IMEI; +} + +bool Ssu::error(){ + return errorFlag; +} + +QString Ssu::flavour(){ + if (settings->contains("flavour")) + return settings->value("flavour").toString(); + else + return "release"; +} + +bool Ssu::isRegistered(){ + if (!settings->contains("privateKey")) + return false; + if (!settings->contains("certificate")) + return false; + return settings->value("registered").toBool(); +} + +QDateTime Ssu::lastCredentialsUpdate(){ + return settings->value("lastCredentialsUpdate").toDateTime(); +} + +QString Ssu::lastError(){ + return errorString; +} + +bool Ssu::registerDevice(QDomDocument *response){ + QString certificateString = response->elementsByTagName("certificate").at(0).toElement().text(); + QSslCertificate certificate(certificateString.toAscii()); + + if (certificate.isNull()){ + // make sure device is in unregistered state on failed registration + settings->setValue("registered", false); + setError("Certificate is invalid"); + return false; + } else + settings->setValue("certificate", certificate.toPem()); + + QString privateKeyString = response->elementsByTagName("privateKey").at(0).toElement().text(); + QSslKey privateKey(privateKeyString.toAscii(), QSsl::Rsa); + + if (privateKey.isNull()){ + settings->setValue("registered", false); + setError("Private key is invalid"); + return false; + } else + settings->setValue("privateKey", privateKey.toPem()); + + // oldUser is just for reference purposes, in case we want to notify + // about owner changes for the device + QString oldUser = response->elementsByTagName("user").at(0).toElement().text(); + qDebug() << "Old user:" << oldUser; + + // if we came that far everything required for device registration is done + settings->setValue("registered", true); + settings->sync(); + emit registrationStatusChanged(); + return true; +} + +QString Ssu::release(bool rnd){ + if (rnd) + return settings->value("rndRelease").toString(); + else + return settings->value("release").toString(); +} + +// RND repos have flavour (devel, testing, release), and release (latest, next) +// Release repos only have release (latest, next, version number) +QString Ssu::repoUrl(QString repoName, bool rndRepo, QHash repoParameters){ + QString r; + QStringList configSections; + + errorFlag = false; + + if (rndRepo){ + repoParameters.insert("flavour", repoSettings->value(flavour()+"-flavour/flavour-pattern").toString()); + repoParameters.insert("release", settings->value("rndRelease").toString()); + configSections << flavour()+"-flavour" << "rnd" << "all"; + } else { + repoParameters.insert("release", settings->value("release").toString()); + configSections << "release" << "all"; + } + + if (!repoParameters.contains("debugSplit")) + repoParameters.insert("debugSplit", "packages"); + + if (!repoParameters.contains("arch")) + repoParameters.insert("arch", settings->value("arch").toString()); + + repoParameters.insert("adaptation", settings->value("adaptation").toString()); + repoParameters.insert("deviceFamily", deviceFamily()); + + foreach (const QString §ion, configSections){ + repoSettings->beginGroup(section); + if (repoSettings->contains(repoName)){ + r = repoSettings->value(repoName).toString(); + repoSettings->endGroup(); + break; + } + repoSettings->endGroup(); + } + + QHashIterator i(repoParameters); + while (i.hasNext()){ + i.next(); + r.replace( + QString("%(%1)").arg(i.key()), + i.value()); + } + + return r; +} + +void Ssu::requestFinished(QNetworkReply *reply){ + QSslConfiguration sslConfiguration = reply->sslConfiguration(); + + qDebug() << sslConfiguration.peerCertificate().issuerInfo(QSslCertificate::CommonName); + qDebug() << sslConfiguration.peerCertificate().subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::CommonName); + + foreach (const QSslCertificate cert, sslConfiguration.peerCertificateChain()){ + qDebug() << "Cert from chain" << cert.subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::CommonName); + } + + if (reply->error() > 0){ + setError(reply->errorString()); + return; + } else { + QByteArray data = reply->readAll(); + qDebug() << "RequestOutput" << data; + + QDomDocument doc; + QString xmlError; + if (!doc.setContent(data, &xmlError)){ + setError(tr("Unable to parse server response (%1)").arg(xmlError)); + return; + } + + QString action = doc.elementsByTagName("action").at(0).toElement().text(); + + if (!verifyResponse(&doc)) return; + + if (action == "register"){ + if (!registerDevice(&doc)) return; + } else if (action == "credentials"){ + if (!setCredentials(&doc)) return; + } else { + setError(tr("Response to unknown action encountered: %1").arg(action)); + return; + } + + emit done(); + } +} + +void Ssu::sendRegistration(QString username, QString password){ + errorFlag = false; + + QString ssuCaCertificate, ssuRegisterUrl; + if (!settings->contains("ca-certificate")){ + setError("CA certificate for SSU not set (config key 'ca-certificate')"); + return; + } else + ssuCaCertificate = settings->value("ca-certificate").toString(); + + if (!settings->contains("register-url")){ + setError("URL for SSU registration not set (config key 'register-url')"); + return; + } else + ssuRegisterUrl = settings->value("register-url").toString(); + + QString IMEI = deviceUid(); + + QSslConfiguration sslConfiguration; + if (!useSslVerify()) + sslConfiguration.setPeerVerifyMode(QSslSocket::VerifyNone); + + sslConfiguration.setCaCertificates(QSslCertificate::fromPath(ssuCaCertificate)); + + QNetworkRequest request; + request.setUrl(QUrl(QString(ssuRegisterUrl) + .arg(IMEI) + )); + request.setSslConfiguration(sslConfiguration); + request.setRawHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + + QByteArray(QString("%1:%2") + .arg(username).arg(password) + .toAscii()).toBase64()); + request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); + + QUrl form; + form.addQueryItem("protocolVersion", SSU_PROTOCOL_VERSION); + form.addQueryItem("deviceModel", deviceModel()); + + qDebug() << "Sending request to " << request.url(); + QNetworkReply *reply; + + reply = manager->post(request, form.encodedQuery()); + // we could expose downloadProgress() from reply in case we want progress info +} + +bool Ssu::setCredentials(QDomDocument *response){ + // generate list with all scopes for generic section, add sections + QDomNodeList credentialsList = response->elementsByTagName("credentials"); + QStringList credentialScopes; + for (int i=0;ibeginGroup("credentials-" + scope); + settings->setValue("username", username.text()); + settings->setValue("password", password.text()); + settings->endGroup(); + settings->sync(); + credentialScopes.append(scope); + } + } else { + setError(""); + return false; + } + } + settings->setValue("credentialScopes", credentialScopes); + settings->setValue("lastCredentialsUpdate", QDateTime::currentDateTime()); + settings->sync(); + emit credentialsChanged(); + + return true; +} + +void Ssu::setError(QString errorMessage){ + errorFlag = true; + errorString = errorMessage; + emit done(); +} + +void Ssu::setFlavour(QString flavour){ + settings->setValue("flavour", flavour); + emit flavourChanged(); +} + +void Ssu::setRelease(QString release, bool rnd){ + if (rnd) + settings->setValue("rndRelease", release); + else + settings->setValue("release", release); +} + +void Ssu::updateCredentials(bool force){ + errorFlag = false; + + QString ssuCaCertificate, ssuCredentialsUrl; + if (!settings->contains("ca-certificate")){ + setError("CA certificate for SSU not set (config key 'ca-certificate')"); + return; + } else + ssuCaCertificate = settings->value("ca-certificate").toString(); + + if (!settings->contains("credentials-url")){ + setError("URL for credentials update not set (config key 'credentials-url')"); + return; + } else + ssuCredentialsUrl = settings->value("credentials-url").toString(); + + if (!isRegistered()){ + setError("Device is not registered."); + return; + } + + if (!force){ + // skip updating if the last update was less than a day ago + QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); + + if (settings->contains("lastCredentialsUpdate")){ + QDateTime last = settings->value("lastCredentialsUpdate").toDateTime(); + if (last >= now.addDays(-1)){ + emit done(); + return; + } + } + } + + // check when the last update was, decide if an update is required + QSslConfiguration sslConfiguration; + if (!useSslVerify()) + sslConfiguration.setPeerVerifyMode(QSslSocket::VerifyNone); + + QSslKey privateKey(settings->value("privateKey").toByteArray(), QSsl::Rsa); + QSslCertificate certificate(settings->value("certificate").toByteArray()); + + QList caCertificates; + caCertificates << QSslCertificate::fromPath(ssuCaCertificate); + sslConfiguration.setCaCertificates(caCertificates); + + sslConfiguration.setPrivateKey(privateKey); + sslConfiguration.setLocalCertificate(certificate); + + QNetworkRequest request; + request.setUrl(QUrl(ssuCredentialsUrl.arg(deviceUid()))); + + qDebug() << request.url(); + request.setSslConfiguration(sslConfiguration); + + QUrl form; + form.addQueryItem("protocolVersion", SSU_PROTOCOL_VERSION); + + QNetworkReply *reply = manager->get(request); +} + +bool Ssu::useSslVerify(){ + if (settings->contains("ssl-verify")) + return settings->value("ssl-verify").toBool(); + else + return true; +} + +void Ssu::unregister(){ + settings->setValue("privateKey", ""); + settings->setValue("certificate", ""); + settings->setValue("registered", false); + emit registrationStatusChanged(); +} + +bool Ssu::verifyResponse(QDomDocument *response){ + QString action = response->elementsByTagName("action").at(0).toElement().text(); + QString deviceId = response->elementsByTagName("deviceId").at(0).toElement().text(); + QString protocolVersion = response->elementsByTagName("protocolVersion").at(0).toElement().text(); + // compare device ids + + if (protocolVersion != SSU_PROTOCOL_VERSION){ + setError( + tr("Response has unsupported protocol version %1, client requires version %2") + .arg(protocolVersion) + .arg(SSU_PROTOCOL_VERSION) + ); + return false; + } + + return true; +} diff --git a/libssu/ssu.h b/libssu/ssu.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae222da --- /dev/null +++ b/libssu/ssu.h @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +/** + * @file ssu.h + * @copyright 2012 Jolla Ltd. + * @author Bernd Wachter + * @date 2012 + */ + +#ifndef _Ssu_H +#define _Ssu_H + +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +#include + +class Ssu: public QObject { + Q_OBJECT + + public: + Ssu(); + /** + * Find a username/password pair for the given scope + * @return a QPair with username and password, or an empty QPair if scope is invalid + */ + QPair credentials(QString scope); + /** + * Get the scope for a repository, taking into account different scopes for + * release and RnD repositories + * + * Please note that variable scope is not yet implemented -- one default scope is + * read from the configuration file. + * + * @return a string containing the scope; it can be used to look up login credentials using credentials() + */ + QString credentialsScope(QString repoName, bool rndRepo=false); + /** + * Try to find the device family for the system this is running on + */ + Q_INVOKABLE QString deviceFamily(); + /** + * Try to find out ond what kind of system this is running + */ + Q_INVOKABLE QString deviceModel(); + /** + * Calculate the device ID used in SSU requests + * @return QSystemDeviceInfo::imei(), if available, or QSystemDeviceInfo::uniqueDeviceID() + */ + Q_INVOKABLE QString deviceUid(); + /** + * Returns if the last operation was successful + * @retval true last operation was successful + * @retval false last operation failed, you should check lastError() for details + */ + Q_INVOKABLE bool error(); + /** + * Get the current flavour when RnD repositories are used + * @return current flavour (usually something like testing, release, ..) + */ + Q_INVOKABLE QString flavour(); + /** + * Return devices RND registration status + * @retval true device is registered + * @retval false device is not registered + */ + Q_INVOKABLE bool isRegistered(); + /** + * Return the date/time when the credentials to access internal + * SSU servers were updated the last time + */ + Q_INVOKABLE QDateTime lastCredentialsUpdate(); + /** + * Return an error message for the last error encountered. The message + * will not be cleared, check error() to see if the last operation was + * successful. + */ + Q_INVOKABLE QString lastError(); + /** + * Return the release version string for either a release, or a RnD snapshot + */ + Q_INVOKABLE QString release(bool rnd=false); + /** + * Resolve a repository url + * @return the repository URL on success, an empty string on error + */ + QString repoUrl(QString repoName, bool rndRepo=false, QHash repoParameters=QHash()); + /** + * Set the flavour used when resolving RND repositories + */ + Q_INVOKABLE void setFlavour(QString flavour); + /** + * Set the release version string for either a release, or a RnD snapshot + */ + Q_INVOKABLE void setRelease(QString release, bool rnd=false); + /** + * Unregister a device. This will clean all registration data from a device, + * though will not touch the information on SSU server; the information there + * has to be manually cleaned for a device we don't own anymore, but will be + * overwritten next time the device gets registered + */ + Q_INVOKABLE void unregister(); + /** + * Return configuration settings regarding ssl verification + * @retval true SSL verification must be used; that's the default if not configured + * @retval false SSL verification should be disabled + */ + Q_INVOKABLE bool useSslVerify(); + + private: + QString errorString; + bool errorFlag; + QNetworkAccessManager *manager; + QSettings *settings, *repoSettings; + bool registerDevice(QDomDocument *response); + bool setCredentials(QDomDocument *response); + bool verifyResponse(QDomDocument *response); + + private slots: + void requestFinished(QNetworkReply *reply); + /** + * Set errorString returned by lastError to errorMessage, set + * errorFlag returned by error() to true, and emit done() + */ + void setError(QString errorMessage); + + public slots: + /** + * Attempt RND device registration, using @a username and @a password supplied + * @param username Jolla username + * @param password Jolla password + * + * When the operation has finished the done() signal will be sent. You can call + * error() to check if an error occured, and use lastError() to retrieve the last + * error message. + */ + void sendRegistration(QString username, QString password); + /** + * Try to update the RND repository credentials. The device needs to be registered + * for this to work. updateCredentials remembers the time of the last credentials + * update, and skips updating if only little time has elapsed since the last update. + * An update may be forced by setting @a force to true + * @param force force credentials updating + * + * When the operation has finished the done() signal will be sent. You can call + * error() to check if an error occured, and use lastError() to retrieve the last + * error message. + */ + void updateCredentials(bool force=false); + + signals: + /** + * Emitted after an asynchronous operation finished + */ + void done(); + // we don't get notifications from settings -> this won't work over different instances (yet) + void flavourChanged(); + void releaseChanged(); + void registrationStatusChanged(); + void credentialsChanged(); + +}; + +#endif diff --git a/repos.ini b/repos.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a8bf94 --- /dev/null +++ b/repos.ini @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +### Don't edit this file manually. Update it in git, if there's a good reason to do so ### +# +# Variables resolved during package build: +# %(arch) Package architecture, as in i586 or armv7hl +# +# Variables resolved by URL parameters in repository: +# %(deviceFamily) A device family in adaptation, like mrst or n9xx +# %(debugSplit) Set to debug if 'debug' parameter is present, to packages otherwise +# +# Variables resolved from configuration: +# %(release) A release, which will be replaced to 'next' or 'latest' for RnD, or a release number +# %(flavour) A flavour (RnD only), which will be replaced to one of 'devel', 'testing' or 'release' +# %(adaptation) The device specific adaptation, for example 'n900' or 'n950-n9' +# +# +# Repository lookup will happen based on the 'repo' parameter in repository +# URLs. For RnD repositories order will be -> rnd -> all, for +# release repositories release -> all. +# +# Valid url specifications in repo files for RnD repositories include: +# +# baseurl=plugin:ssu?repo=non-oss&rnd +# baseurl=plugin:ssu?repo=mer-core&rnd&debug +# baseurl=plugin:ssu?repo=non-oss&rnd&deviceFamily=mrst +# +# Valid url specifications in repo files for release repositories include: +# +# baseurl=plugin:ssu?repo=non-oss +# baseurl=plugin:ssu?repo=non-oss&deviceFamily=mrst + + +[all] +credentials=jolla + + +[release] +jolla=https://packages.example.com/releases/%(release)/jolla/%(arch)/ +jolla-bad=https://packages.example.com/notused-bad/%(release)/bad/%(arch)/ +mer-core=https://packages.example.com/%(release)/mer/%(arch)/%(debugSplit)/ +adaptation-common-main=https://packages.example.com/releases/%(release)/nemo/adaptation-%(deviceFamily)-common/%(arch)/ +adaptation=https://packages.example.com/releases/%(release)/nemo/adaptation-%(adaptation)/%(arch)/ +nemo=https://packages.example.com/releases/%(release)/nemo/platform/%(arch)/ + + +[rnd] +mer-core=https://packages.example.com/mer/%(release)/builds/%(arch)/%(debugSplit)/ +adaptation-common-main=https://packages.example.com/nemo/%(release)/adaptation-%(adaptation)-common/%(arch)/ +adaptation=https://packages.example.com/nemo/%(release)/adaptation-%(deviceFamily)/%(arch)/ +nemo=https://packages.example.com/nemo/%(release)/platform/%(arch)/ +non-oss-bad=https://dump.example.com/pj:/non-oss-bad%(flavour)/%(release)_%(arch)/ +non-oss=https://dump.example.com/pj:/non-oss%(flavour)/%(release)_%(arch)/ +oss-bad=https://dump.example.com/pj:/oss-bad%(flavour)/%(release)_%(arch)/ +oss=https://dump.example.com/pj:/oss%(flavour)/%(release)_%(arch)/ + +[devel-flavour] +flavour-pattern= + +[release-flavour] +flavour-pattern=:/release + +[testing-flavour] +flavour-pattern=:/testing diff --git a/rndregisterui/main.cpp b/rndregisterui/main.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5246ae --- /dev/null +++ b/rndregisterui/main.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +/** + * @file main.cpp + * @copyright 2012 Jolla Ltd. + * @author Bernd Wachter + * @date 2012 + */ + +#include +#include "rndregisterui.h" + +Q_DECL_EXPORT int main(int argc, char** argv){ + QApplication app(argc, argv); + QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("Jolla"); + QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain("http://www.jollamobile.com"); + QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("rndregisterui"); + + RndRegisterUi mw; + mw.showFullScreen(); + + return app.exec(); +} diff --git a/rndregisterui/resources.qrc b/rndregisterui/resources.qrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a77ffa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/rndregisterui/resources.qrc @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + + + resources/qml/rndregisterui.qml + resources/qml/RndSsuPage.qml + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/rndregisterui/resources/qml/RndSsuPage.qml b/rndregisterui/resources/qml/RndSsuPage.qml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b177331 --- /dev/null +++ b/rndregisterui/resources/qml/RndSsuPage.qml @@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ +import QtQuick 1.1 +import com.nokia.meego 1.0 + +Page { + id: rndSsuPage + + Connections { + target: ssu + onDone: { + if (ssu.error()){ + lblRegistrationStatus.text = qsTr("Device registration failed") + lblRegistrationStatus.text += ssu.lastError() + registerButton.enabled = true + } else { + lblRegistrationStatus.text = qsTr("Device is registered") + } + refreshCredentialsButton.enabled = true + } + onRegistrationStatusChanged: { + if (ssu.isRegistered()){ + columnRegister.visible = false + columnRegistered.visible = true + } else { + columnRegister.visible = true + columnRegistered.visible = false + } + } + onCredentialsChanged: { + lblCredentialsDate.text = ssu.lastCredentialsUpdate() + } + onFlavourChanged: { + var flavour = ssu.flavour(); + if (flavour == "devel"){ + btnFlvrDevel.checked = true + } else if (flavour == "testing"){ + btnFlvrTesting.checked = true + } else if (flavour == "release"){ + btnFlvrRelease.checked = true + } + } + } + + TabGroup{ + id: tabgroup + currentTab: tab1 + Page { + id: tab1 + Flickable { + id: flickT1 + width: parent.width + height: parent.height + flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick + contentWidth: columnT1.paintedWidth + contentHeight: columnT1.height + + Column { + id: columnT1 + width: parent.width + spacing: 20; + + Label { + id: lblRegistrationHeader + width: parent.width + text: qsTr("Device registration") + } + + Column { + id: columnRegister + width: parent.width + visible: !ssu.isRegistered() + spacing: 20 + + Label { + id: lblJollaId + text: qsTr("Jolla Username:") + width: parent.width + } + TextField { + id: inputJollaId + text: "" + width: parent.width + } + Label { + id: lblJollaPasswd + text: "Jolla password:" + width: parent.width + } + TextField { + id: inputJollaPasswd + echoMode: TextInput.Password + text: "" + width: parent.width + } + + Button { + id: registerButton + + function registerButtonClicked(){ + registerButton.enabled = false + ssu.sendRegistration(inputJollaId.text, inputJollaPasswd.text) + } + onClicked: registerButtonClicked() + text: qsTr("Register Device") + width: parent.width + } + Label { + id: lblRegistrationStatus + width: parent.width + } + } + Column { + id: columnRegistered + width: parent.width + visible: ssu.isRegistered() + spacing: 20; + + Label { + id: lblDeviceRegistered + text: qsTr("This device is registered") + width: parent.width + } + Button { + id: unregisterDeviceButton + onClicked: ssu.unregister() + text: qsTr("Unregister device") + width: parent.width + } + Button { + id: refreshCredentialsButton + + function refreshCredentialsButtonClicked(){ + refreshCredentialsButton.enabled = false + ssu.updateCredentials(true); + } + onClicked: refreshCredentialsButtonClicked() + text: qsTr("Update credentials") + width: parent.width + } + Label { text: qsTr("Last credentials update:") } + Label { + id: lblCredentialsDate + text: ssu.lastCredentialsUpdate() + width: parent.width + } + } + } + } + } + Page { + id: tab2 + Flickable { + id: flickT2 + width: parent.width + height: parent.height + flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick + contentWidth: columnT2.paintedWidth + contentHeight: columnT2.height + + Column { + id: columnT2 + width: parent.width + spacing: 20 + + } + } + } + Page { + id: tab3 + Flickable { + id: flickT3 + width: parent.width + height: parent.height + flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick + contentWidth: columnT3.paintedWidth + contentHeight: columnT3.height + + Column { + id: columnT3 + width: parent.width + spacing: 20 + + Label { id: lblT3_1; text: "Settings" } + Label { id: lblFlvr; text: "Flavour" } + ButtonColumn { + width: parent.width + + Button { + id: btnFlvrDevel + text: "devel" + onClicked: ssu.setFlavour("devel") + checked: ssu.flavour() == "devel" + } + Button { + id: btnFlvrTesting + text: "testing" + onClicked: ssu.setFlavour("testing") + checked: ssu.flavour() == "testing" + } + Button { + id: btnFlvrRelease + text: "release" + onClicked: ssu.setFlavour("release") + checked: ssu.flavour() == "release" + } + } + + Label { id: lblRelease; text: "Release" } + ButtonColumn { + width: parent.width + + Button { text: "latest"; onClicked: ssu.setRelease("latest", true) } + Button { text: "next"; onClicked: ssu.setRelease("next", true) } + } + } + } + } + } + + tools:ToolBarLayout { + id: commonTools + visible: true + ButtonRow { + style: TabButtonStyle { } + TabButton { + text: qsTr("Registration") + tab: tab1 + } + TabButton { + text: "B" + tab: tab2 + visible: false + } + TabButton { + text: qsTr("Settings") + tab: tab3 + } + } + ToolIcon { + platformIconId: "toolbar-view-menu" + anchors.right: (parent === undefined) ? undefined : parent.right + onClicked: (myMenu.status == DialogStatus.Closed) ? myMenu.open() : myMenu.close() + } + } + Menu { + id: myMenu + visualParent: pageStack + MenuLayout { + MenuItem { text: qsTr("About"); } + MenuItem { text: qsTr("Exit application"); onClicked: root.quit() } + } + } +} diff --git a/rndregisterui/resources/qml/rndregisterui.qml b/rndregisterui/resources/qml/rndregisterui.qml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1256079 --- /dev/null +++ b/rndregisterui/resources/qml/rndregisterui.qml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +import QtQuick 1.1 +import com.nokia.meego 1.0 + +PageStackWindow { + id: root + + signal quit() + + showStatusBar: true + showToolBar: true + + initialPage: RndSsuPage {} +} diff --git a/rndregisterui/rndregisterui.cpp b/rndregisterui/rndregisterui.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61c815f --- /dev/null +++ b/rndregisterui/rndregisterui.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +/** + * @file rndregisterui.cpp + * @copyright 2012 Jolla Ltd. + * @author Bernd Wachter + * @date 2012 + */ + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "rndregisterui.h" + +RndRegisterUi::RndRegisterUi(QWidget *parent): QMainWindow(parent){ + ui = new QDeclarativeView; + + ui->rootContext()->setContextProperty("ssu", &ssu); + + QDir dir; + if (dir.exists("/home/nemo/rndregisterui.qml")) + ui->setSource(QUrl("file:///home/nemo/rndregisterui.qml")); + else + ui->setSource(QUrl("qrc:/resources/qml/rndregisterui.qml")); + + setCentralWidget(ui); + + QObject *item=dynamic_cast(ui->rootObject()); + connect(item, SIGNAL(quit()), QApplication::instance(), SLOT(quit())); +} + +RndRegisterUi::~RndRegisterUi(){ + delete ui; +} diff --git a/rndregisterui/rndregisterui.desktop b/rndregisterui/rndregisterui.desktop new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53940df --- /dev/null +++ b/rndregisterui/rndregisterui.desktop @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +[Desktop Entry] +Encoding=UTF-8 +Version=1.0 +Type=Application +Terminal=false +Name=Jolla RND +Exec=invoker --type=q -s /usr/bin/rndregisterui +Icon=mad-developer +StartupNotify=true diff --git a/rndregisterui/rndregisterui.h b/rndregisterui/rndregisterui.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..382c838 --- /dev/null +++ b/rndregisterui/rndregisterui.h @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +/** + * @file rndregisterui.h + * @copyright 2012 Jolla Ltd. + * @author Bernd Wachter + * @date 2012 + */ + +#ifndef RndRegisterUi_H +#define RndRegisterUi_H + +#include +#include + +#include + +namespace Ui { + class RndRegisterUi; +} + +class RndRegisterUi: public QMainWindow{ + Q_OBJECT + + public: + explicit RndRegisterUi(QWidget *parent = 0); + ~RndRegisterUi(); + + private: + Ssu ssu; + QDeclarativeView *ui; +}; + +#endif diff --git a/rndregisterui/rndregisterui.pro b/rndregisterui/rndregisterui.pro new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aecf8c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/rndregisterui/rndregisterui.pro @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +HEADERS = rndregisterui.h +SOURCES = main.cpp \ + rndregisterui.cpp +RESOURCES = resources.qrc +TEMPLATE = app +TARGET = rndregisterui +LIBS += -lssu + +CONFIG += qdeclarative-boostable +CONFIG -= app_bundle +QT += core gui declarative network + +OTHER_FILES += \ + resources/qml/rndregisterui.qml \ + resources/qml/RndSsuPage.qml +unix:target.path = $${PREFIX}/usr/bin + +desktop.files = rndregisterui.desktop +desktop.path = /usr/share/applications/ + +INSTALLS += target desktop + +!include( ../buildpath.pri ) { error("Unable to find build path specification") } diff --git a/rndssucli/main.cpp b/rndssucli/main.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb7d572 --- /dev/null +++ b/rndssucli/main.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +/** + * @file main.cpp + * @copyright 2012 Jolla Ltd. + * @author Bernd Wachter + * @date 2012 + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "rndssucli.h" + +int main(int argc, char** argv){ + QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); + QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("Jolla"); + QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain("http://www.jollamobile.com"); + QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("rndssu"); + + QTranslator qtTranslator; + qtTranslator.load("qt_" + QLocale::system().name(), + QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath)); + app.installTranslator(&qtTranslator); + + RndSsuCli mw; + QTimer::singleShot(0, &mw, SLOT(run())); + + return app.exec(); +} diff --git a/rndssucli/rndssucli.cpp b/rndssucli/rndssucli.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4848743 --- /dev/null +++ b/rndssucli/rndssucli.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +/** + * @file rndssucli.cpp + * @copyright 2012 Jolla Ltd. + * @author Bernd Wachter + * @date 2012 + */ + +#include +#include "rndssucli.h" + +RndSsuCli::RndSsuCli(): QObject(){ + connect(this,SIGNAL(done()), + QCoreApplication::instance(),SLOT(quit()), Qt::DirectConnection); + connect(&ssu, SIGNAL(done()), + this, SLOT(handleResponse())); +} + +void RndSsuCli::handleResponse(){ + QTextStream qout(stdout); + + if (ssu.error()){ + qout << "Last operation failed: \n" << ssu.lastError() << endl; + QCoreApplication::exit(1); + } else { + qout << "Operation successful" << endl; + QCoreApplication::exit(0); + } +} + + +void RndSsuCli::run(){ + QTextStream qout(stdout); + + QStringList arguments = QCoreApplication::arguments(); + + + if (arguments.count() != 2){ + usage(); + return; + } + + if (arguments.at(1) == "register"){ + QString username, password; + QTextStream qin(stdin); + + qout << "Username: " << flush; + username = qin.readLine(); + qout << "Password: " << flush; + password = qin.readLine(); + + ssu.sendRegistration(username, password); + } else if (arguments.at(1) == "update"){ + if (!ssu.isRegistered()){ + qout << "Device is not registered, can't update credentials" << endl; + QCoreApplication::exit(1); + } else { + ssu.updateCredentials(); + } + } else if (arguments.at(1) == "status"){ + qout << "Device registration status: " + << (ssu.isRegistered() ? "registered" : "not registered") << endl; + qout << "Device family: " << ssu.deviceFamily() << endl; + qout << "Device model: " << ssu.deviceModel() << endl; + qout << "Device UID: " << ssu.deviceUid() << endl; + QCoreApplication::exit(1); + } else + usage(); + +} + +void RndSsuCli::usage(){ + QTextStream qout(stdout); + qout << "Usage: rndssu register|update|status" << endl; + QCoreApplication::exit(1); +} diff --git a/rndssucli/rndssucli.h b/rndssucli/rndssucli.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5516cc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/rndssucli/rndssucli.h @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +/** + * @file rndssucli.h + * @copyright 2012 Jolla Ltd. + * @author Bernd Wachter + * @date 2012 + */ + +#ifndef _RndSsuCli_H +#define _RndSsuCli_H + +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +class RndSsuCli: public QObject { + Q_OBJECT + + public: + RndSsuCli(); + + public slots: + void run(); + + private: + Ssu ssu; + QSettings settings; + void usage(); + + private slots: + void handleResponse(); + + signals: + void done(); + +}; + +#endif diff --git a/rndssucli/rndssucli.pro b/rndssucli/rndssucli.pro new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5dca9bd --- /dev/null +++ b/rndssucli/rndssucli.pro @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +HEADERS = rndssucli.h +SOURCES = main.cpp \ + rndssucli.cpp +#RESOURCES = rndregister.qrc +TEMPLATE = app +TARGET = rndssu +LIBS += -lssu +CONFIG -= app_bundle +CONFIG += console +QT -= gui +QT += network + +unix:target.path = $${PREFIX}/usr/bin +INSTALLS += target + +!include( ../buildpath.pri ) { error("Unable to find build path specification") } diff --git a/ssu.ini b/ssu.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed1cf31 --- /dev/null +++ b/ssu.ini @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +[General] +initialized=true +flavour=testing +registered=false +rndRelease=latest +release= +adaptation= +ca-certificate= +credentials-url=https://example.com/ssu/device/%1/credentials.xml +register-url=https://example.com/ssu/device/%1/register.xml +credentials-scope=example diff --git a/ssu.pro b/ssu.pro new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c88e92 --- /dev/null +++ b/ssu.pro @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +contains(QT_VERSION, ^4\\.[0-7]\\..*) { + error("Can't build with Qt version $${QT_VERSION}. Use at least Qt 4.8.") +} + +TEMPLATE = subdirs +SUBDIRS = libssu +SUBDIRS += rndssucli rndregisterui ssuurlresolver ssuconfperm +SUBDIRS += tests + +rndssucli.depends = libssu +rndregisterui.depends = libssu +ssuurlresolver.depends = libssu +tests.depends = libssu + +config.files = ssu.ini +config.path = /etc/ssu + +static_config.files = repos.ini +static_config.path = /usr/share/ssu + +INSTALLS += config static_config diff --git a/ssuconfperm/ssuconfperm.c b/ssuconfperm/ssuconfperm.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1442d36 --- /dev/null +++ b/ssuconfperm/ssuconfperm.c @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +/** + * @file ssuconfperm.c + * @copyright 2012 Jolla Ltd. + * @author Bernd Wachter + * @date 2012 + * + * This is a dirty hack to make sure the main user can write to the + * configuration file; this will be obsolete once we have some + * security framework in place. + */ + +#include +#include + +#include "../constants.h" + +int main(int argc, char **argv){ + struct stat sb; + + if (!stat(SSU_CONFIGURATION, &sb)){ + chown(SSU_CONFIGURATION, 0, SSU_GROUP_ID); + chmod(SSU_CONFIGURATION, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH); + } +} diff --git a/ssuconfperm/ssuconfperm.pro b/ssuconfperm/ssuconfperm.pro new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e68b80 --- /dev/null +++ b/ssuconfperm/ssuconfperm.pro @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +TEMPLATE = app +TARGET = ssuconfperm +SOURCES = ssuconfperm.c +HEADERS = ../constants.h +CONFIG -= qt + +!include(../buildpath.pri){ error("Unable to find build path configuration")} + +unix:target.path = $${PREFIX}/usr/bin +INSTALLS += target diff --git a/ssuurlresolver/main.cpp b/ssuurlresolver/main.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e13f2d --- /dev/null +++ b/ssuurlresolver/main.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +/** + * @file main.cpp + * @copyright 2012 Jolla Ltd. + * @author Bernd Wachter + * @date 2012 + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "ssuurlresolver.h" + +int main(int argc, char** argv){ + QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); + QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("Jolla"); + QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain("http://www.jollamobile.com"); + QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("SSU Url Resolver"); + + QTranslator qtTranslator; + qtTranslator.load("qt_" + QLocale::system().name(), + QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath)); + app.installTranslator(&qtTranslator); + + SsuUrlResolver mw; + QTimer::singleShot(0, &mw, SLOT(run())); + + return app.exec(); +} diff --git a/ssuurlresolver/ssuurlresolver.cpp b/ssuurlresolver/ssuurlresolver.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7f1fb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ssuurlresolver/ssuurlresolver.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +/** + * @file ssuurlresolver.cpp + * @copyright 2012 Jolla Ltd. + * @author Bernd Wachter + * @date 2012 + */ + +#include +#include "ssuurlresolver.h" + +SsuUrlResolver::SsuUrlResolver(): QObject(){ + logfile.setFileName("/var/log/ssu.log"); + logfile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append); + logstream.setDevice(&logfile); + QObject::connect(this,SIGNAL(done()), + QCoreApplication::instance(),SLOT(quit()), + Qt::QueuedConnection); +} + +void SsuUrlResolver::run(){ + QHash repoParameters; + QString resolvedUrl, repo; + bool isRnd = false; + + PluginFrame in(std::cin); + + if (in.headerEmpty()){ + // FIXME, do something; we need at least repo header + logstream << "D'oh, received empty header list\n"; + } + + PluginFrame::HeaderListIterator it; + QStringList headerList; + + /* + hasKey() for some reason makes zypper run into timeouts, so we have + to handle special keys here + */ + for (it=in.headerBegin();it!=in.headerEnd();it++){ + QString first = QString::fromStdString((*it).first); + QString second = QString::fromStdString((*it).second); + + if (first == "repo"){ + repo = second; + } else if (first == "rnd"){ + isRnd = true; + } else if (first == "deviceFamily"){ + repoParameters.insert(first, second); + } else if (first == "arch"){ + repoParameters.insert(first, second); + } else if (first == "debug"){ + repoParameters.insert("debugSplit", "debug"); + } else { + if ((*it).second.empty()) + headerList.append(first); + else + headerList.append(QString("%1=%2") + .arg(first) + .arg(second)); + } + } + + if (!ssu.useSslVerify()) + headerList.append("ssl_verify=no"); + + if (isRnd){ + SignalWait w; + connect(&ssu, SIGNAL(done()), &w, SLOT(finished())); + ssu.updateCredentials(); + w.sleep(); + } + + // TODO: check for credentials scope required for repository; check if the file exists; + // compare with configuration, and dump credentials to file if necessary + logstream << QString("Requesting credentials for '%1' with RND status %2...").arg(repo).arg(isRnd); + QString credentialsScope = ssu.credentialsScope(repo, isRnd); + if (!credentialsScope.isEmpty()){ + headerList.append(QString("credentials=%1").arg(credentialsScope)); + + QFileInfo credentialsFileInfo("/etc/zypp/credentials.d/" + credentialsScope); + if (!credentialsFileInfo.exists() || + credentialsFileInfo.lastModified() <= ssu.lastCredentialsUpdate()){ + QFile credentialsFile(credentialsFileInfo.filePath()); + credentialsFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate); + QTextStream out(&credentialsFile); + QPair credentials = ssu.credentials(credentialsScope); + out << "[ssu-credentials]\n"; + out << "username=" << credentials.first << "\n"; + out << "password=" << credentials.second << "\n"; + out.flush(); + credentialsFile.close(); + } + } + + if (headerList.isEmpty()){ + resolvedUrl = ssu.repoUrl(repo, isRnd, repoParameters); + } else { + resolvedUrl = QString("%1?%2") + .arg(ssu.repoUrl(repo, isRnd, repoParameters)) + .arg(headerList.join("&")); + } + + logstream << QString("resolved to %1\n").arg(resolvedUrl); + PluginFrame out("RESOLVEDURL"); + out.setBody(resolvedUrl.toStdString()); + out.writeTo(std::cout); + + emit done(); +} diff --git a/ssuurlresolver/ssuurlresolver.h b/ssuurlresolver/ssuurlresolver.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fac96f --- /dev/null +++ b/ssuurlresolver/ssuurlresolver.h @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +/** + * @file ssuurlresolver.h + * @copyright 2012 Jolla Ltd. + * @author Bernd Wachter + * @date 2012 + */ + +#ifndef _SsuUrlResolver_H +#define _SsuUrlResolver_H + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include + +#include + +// quick hack for waiting for a signal +class SignalWait: public QObject { + Q_OBJECT + public: + SignalWait(){ + needRunning=1; + } + + public slots: + void sleep(){ + if (needRunning==1) + loop.exec(); + } + + virtual void finished(){ + needRunning=0; + loop.exit(); + } + + private: + QEventLoop loop; + int needRunning; +}; + +using namespace zypp; + +class SsuUrlResolver: public QObject { + Q_OBJECT + + public: + SsuUrlResolver(); + + private: + Ssu ssu; + QFile logfile; + QTextStream logstream; + + public slots: + void run(); + + signals: + void done(); + +}; + +#endif diff --git a/ssuurlresolver/ssuurlresolver.pro b/ssuurlresolver/ssuurlresolver.pro new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d0e59af --- /dev/null +++ b/ssuurlresolver/ssuurlresolver.pro @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +HEADERS = ssuurlresolver.h +SOURCES = main.cpp \ + ssuurlresolver.cpp +TEMPLATE = app +TARGET = ssu +LIBS += -lssu +CONFIG -= app_bundle +CONFIG += console link_pkgconfig +QT -= gui +QT += network +PKGCONFIG += libzypp + +unix:target.path = $${PREFIX}/usr/lib/zypp/plugins/urlresolver +INSTALLS += target + +!include( ../buildpath.pri ) { error("Unable to find build path specification") } diff --git a/tests/tests.pri b/tests/tests.pri new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e084d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests.pri @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +TESTS_PATH = /opt/tests/ssu \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/tests.pro b/tests/tests.pro new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7441cb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests.pro @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +TEMPLATE = subdirs +CONFIG += qt ordered coverage debug +SUBDIRS = ut_urlresolver + +!include( tests.pri ) { error("Unable to find tests include") } + +tests.files = tests.xml +tests.path = $$TESTS_PATH +INSTALLS += tests diff --git a/tests/tests.xml b/tests/tests.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34fed57 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests.xml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + + + + + + + + /opt/tests/ssu/ut_urlresolver + + + + diff --git a/tests/ut_urlresolver/main.cpp b/tests/ut_urlresolver/main.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26b3bd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/ut_urlresolver/main.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +/** + * @file main.cpp + * @copyright 2012 Jolla Ltd. + * @author Bernd Wachter + * @date 2012 + */ + +#include + +#include "urlresolvertest.cpp" + +int main(int argc, char **argv){ + UrlResolverTest urlResolverTest; + + if (QTest::qExec(&urlResolverTest, argc, argv)) + return 1; + + return 0; +} diff --git a/tests/ut_urlresolver/urlresolvertest.cpp b/tests/ut_urlresolver/urlresolvertest.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf5cfc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/ut_urlresolver/urlresolvertest.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +/** + * @file urlresolvertest.cpp + * @copyright 2012 Jolla Ltd. + * @author Bernd Wachter + * @date 2012 + */ + +#include "urlresolvertest.h" + +void UrlResolverTest::initTestCase(){ +#ifdef TARGET_ARCH + // test will fail if executed without proper installation of libssu and repos + QString arch = ""; + arch = TARGET_ARCH; + rndRepos["nemo"] = QString("https://packages.example.com/nemo/latest/platform/%1/").arg(arch); + rndRepos["mer-core"] = QString("https://packages.example.com/mer/latest/builds/%1/packages/").arg(arch); +/* + rndRepos["non-oss"] = ""; +*/ + releaseRepos["nemo"] = QString("https://packages.example.com/releases/0.1/nemo/platform/%1/").arg(arch); + releaseRepos["mer-core"] = QString("https://packages.example.com/0.1/mer/%1/packages/").arg(arch); + releaseRepos["jolla"] = QString("https://packages.example.com/releases/0.1/jolla/%1/").arg(arch); +#else +#warning "TARGET_ARCH not defined" +// if run in build dir, ssu.ini and repos missing the repo urls to compare will be empty! + rndRepos["nemo"] = ""; + rndRepos["mer-core"] = ""; + /* + rndRepos["non-oss"] = ""; + */ + releaseRepos["nemo"] = ""; + releaseRepos["mer-core"] = ""; + releaseRepos["jolla"] = ""; +#endif +} + +void UrlResolverTest::cleanupTestCase(){ + +} + +void UrlResolverTest::checkFlavour(){ + ssu.setFlavour("testing"); + QCOMPARE(ssu.flavour(), QString("testing")); + ssu.setFlavour("release"); + QCOMPARE(ssu.flavour(), QString("release")); + Ssu ssu2; + QCOMPARE(ssu2.flavour(), QString("release")); + +} + +void UrlResolverTest::checkRelease(){ + ssu.setRelease("0.1"); + QCOMPARE(ssu.release(), QString("0.1")); + ssu.setRelease("0.2", true); + QCOMPARE(ssu.release(), QString("0.1")); + QCOMPARE(ssu.release(true), QString("0.2")); + Ssu ssu2; + QCOMPARE(ssu2.release(), QString("0.1")); + QCOMPARE(ssu2.release(true), QString("0.2")); + ssu.setRelease("latest", true); +} + +void UrlResolverTest::checkCleanUrl(){ + QHashIterator i(rndRepos); + while (i.hasNext()){ + i.next(); + QString url=ssu.repoUrl(i.key(), true); + QVERIFY(!url.contains("%(")); + } + +} + +void UrlResolverTest::simpleRepoUrlLookup(){ + QHashIterator i(rndRepos); + while (i.hasNext()){ + QString url; + i.next(); + url=ssu.repoUrl(i.key(), true); + QCOMPARE(url, i.value()); + url=ssu.repoUrl(i.key(), false); +#ifdef TARGET_ARCH + QVERIFY(url.compare(i.value()) != 0); +#else + QCOMPARE(url, i.value()); +#endif + } +/* + QCOMPARE(ssu.repoUrl("jolla", 0), QString("")); + QCOMPARE(ssu.repoUrl("non-oss", 1), QString("")); +*/ +} + +void UrlResolverTest::checkReleaseRepoUrls(){ + QHashIterator i(releaseRepos); + while (i.hasNext()){ + QString url; + i.next(); + url=ssu.repoUrl(i.key(), false); + QCOMPARE(url, i.value()); + url=ssu.repoUrl(i.key()); + QCOMPARE(url, i.value()); + } +} diff --git a/tests/ut_urlresolver/urlresolvertest.h b/tests/ut_urlresolver/urlresolvertest.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e784734 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/ut_urlresolver/urlresolvertest.h @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/** + * @file urlresolvertest.h + * @copyright 2012 Jolla Ltd. + * @author Bernd Wachter + * @date 2012 + */ + +#ifndef _URLRESOLVERTEST_H +#define _URLRESOLVERTEST_H + +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +class UrlResolverTest: public QObject { + Q_OBJECT + + private slots: + void initTestCase(); + void cleanupTestCase(); + void checkFlavour(); + void checkRelease(); + void checkCleanUrl(); + void simpleRepoUrlLookup(); + void checkReleaseRepoUrls(); + + private: + Ssu ssu; + QHash rndRepos, releaseRepos; +}; + +#endif diff --git a/tests/ut_urlresolver/ut_urlresolver.pro b/tests/ut_urlresolver/ut_urlresolver.pro new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e335941 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/ut_urlresolver/ut_urlresolver.pro @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +HEADERS = urlresolvertest.h +SOURCES = main.cpp \ + urlresolvertest.cpp +TEMPLATE = app +TARGET = ut_urlresolver +LIBS += -lssu +CONFIG -= app_bundle +CONFIG += console qtestlib +QT -= gui +QT += network testlib + +!include( ../tests.pri ) { error("Unable to find tests include") } + +unix:target.path = $${PREFIX}/$$TESTS_PATH +INSTALLS += target + +!include( ../../buildpath.pri ) { error("Unable to find build path specification") }