## ## EXAMPLES ## ## Thu Jul 22 08:28:11 EEST 2010 ## ## Timo Rongas ## This folder contains examples for extending sensord. Current examples: adaptorplugin: Adaptor plugin based on SysfsAdaptor. filterplugin : Simple filter. chainplugin : Simple chain, one input, one output, one filter sensorplugin : Sample sensor providing data from chain The examples make use of each other, so that SampleSensor gets data from SampleChain, which filters data from SampleAdaptor with SampleFilter. The code has been commented in order to explain the structure. Not all comments are replicated to all plugins, so reading through the whole set is encouraged. Please see the documentation in doc/ for further description of logic. Examples on how to use the sensor framework from client applications might be here someday as well. For now, the fastest way to get started is to have a look in the tests folder, specifically tests/client.