# RPM build: Hybris plugin has separate spec file that does: # qmake CONFIG+=hybris # And pro-file behavioral differences are handled via: # contains(CONFIG,hybris) { ... } # # Debian builds: debian/rules triggers build time hybris check: # qmake CONFIG+=autohybris # And pro-file behavioral differences are handled via: # config_hybris { ... } contains(CONFIG,autohybris) { load(configure) qtCompileTest(hybris) } TEMPLATE = subdirs CONFIG += ordered SUBDIRS = datatypes \ adaptors \ core \ filters \ sensors \ sensord \ qt-api \ chains \ tests \ examples equals(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): { SUBDIRS = datatypes qt-api } contains(CONFIG,configs) { # !contains(CONFIG,hybris) { SENSORDHYBRISCONFIGFILE.files = config/sensord-hybris.conf SENSORDHYBRISCONFIGFILE.path = /etc/sensorfw INSTALLS += SENSORDHYBRISCONFIGFILE # } SENSORFWCONFIGFILES.files = config/sensord-rx_51.conf \ config/sensord-oaktrail.conf \ config/sensord-exopc.conf \ config/sensord-aava.conf \ config/sensord-rm_696.conf \ config/sensord-arm_grouper_0000.conf \ config/sensord-mrst_cdk.conf \ config/sensord-ncdk.conf \ config/sensord.conf \ config/sensord-rm_680.conf \ config/sensord-icdk.conf \ config/sensord-u8500.conf \ SENSORFWCONFIGFILES.path = /etc/sensorfw SENSORCONFIG_SETUP.files = config/sensord-daemon-conf-setup SENSORCONFIG_SETUP.path = /usr/bin INSTALLS += SENSORFWCONFIGFILES SENSORCONFIG_SETUP } contains(CONFIG,hybris) { SUBDIRS = core/hybris.pro \ adaptors } else { config_hybris { SUBDIRS += core/hybris.pro \ adaptors } publicheaders.files += include/*.h INSTALLS += PKGCONFIGFILES QTCONFIGFILES PKGCONFIGFILES.path = /usr/lib/pkgconfig QTCONFIGFILES.files = sensord.prf qt-api.depends = datatypes sensord.depends = datatypes adaptors sensors chains include( doc/doc.pri ) include( common-install.pri ) include( common-config.pri ) equals(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4):{ PKGCONFIGFILES.files = sensord.pc QTCONFIGFILES.path = /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features } equals(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5):{ PKGCONFIGFILES.files = sensord-qt5.pc QTCONFIGFILES.path = /usr/share/qt5/mkspecs/features } } # How to make this work in all cases? #PKGCONFIGFILES.commands = sed -i \"s/Version:.*$$/Version: `head -n1 debian/changelog | cut -f 2 -d\' \' | tr -d \'()\'`/\" sensord.pc equals(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5): { !contains(CONFIG,hybris) { # config file installation not handled here DBUSCONFIGFILES.files = sensorfw.conf DBUSCONFIGFILES.path = /etc/dbus-1/system.d INSTALLS += DBUSCONFIGFILES SENSORDCONFIGFILES.files = config/10-sensord-default.conf SENSORDCONFIGFILES.files += config/20-sensors-default.conf SENSORDCONFIGFILES.path = /etc/sensorfw/sensord.conf.d INSTALLS += SENSORDCONFIGFILES SENSORSYSTEMD.files = rpm/sensorfwd.service SENSORSYSTEMD.path = /lib/systemd/system INSTALLS += SENSORSYSTEMD } } equals(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): { OTHER_FILES += rpm/sensorfw.spec \ rpm/sensorfw.yaml } equals(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5): { OTHER_FILES += rpm/sensorfw-qt5.spec \ rpm/sensorfw-qt5.yaml OTHER_FILES += rpm/sensorfw-qt5-hybris.spec \ rpm/sensorfw-qt5-hybris.yaml } OTHER_FILES += config/*