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Tags: sailfishos/qtsensors



Toggle mer/5.6.3+git3's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request #1 from spiiroin/jb60417_data_rates

[sensorfw] Use setDataRate() for settings data rates. Fixes JB#60417


Toggle mer/5.6.3+git2's commit message
Merge branch 'jb50383' into 'mer-5.6'

[packaging] Fix license in spec. JB#50383

See merge request mer-core/qtsensors!9


Toggle mer/5.6.3+git1's commit message
Merge branch 'jb47505' into 'mer-5.6'

[packaging] Package QtSensors 5.6.3. Fixes JB#47505

See merge request mer-core/qtsensors!7


Toggle mer1911/5.9.5+git3's commit message
[sensorfw] Fix initial proximity sensor state evaluation. Fixes JB#38675

The sensorfw plugin assumes that both proximity state query and change
notifications use the same withinProximity boolean type values. Because
the state query actually returns integer distance, the initial value
visible in for example QML ProximitySensor is logically reversed from
what it should be and it requires one or two sensor state transitions
before changes get notified in the expected manner.

Evaluate initial proximity state as "distance" value where zero means
that the sensor is covered.

Also use the initial value to setup the cached previously seen value
instead of blindly assuming that sensor is not covered.

As suggested in sensorfwd documentation: Switch from deprecated
dataAvailable() signal to reflectanceDataAvailable() signal.

Signed-off-by: Simo Piiroinen <>


Toggle mer1911/5.9.5+git2's commit message
[sensorfw] Fix initial proximity sensor state evaluation. Fixes JB#38675

The sensorfw plugin assumes that both proximity state query and change
notifications use the same withinProximity boolean type values. Because
the state query actually returns integer distance, the initial value
visible in for example QML ProximitySensor is logically reversed from
what it should be and it requires one or two sensor state transitions
before changes get notified in the expected manner.

Evaluate initial proximity state as "distance" value where zero means
that the sensor is covered.

Also use the initial value to setup the cached previously seen value
instead of blindly assuming that sensor is not covered.

As suggested in sensorfwd documentation: Switch from deprecated
dataAvailable() signal to reflectanceDataAvailable() signal.

Signed-off-by: Simo Piiroinen <>


Toggle mer1911/5.9.5+git1's commit message
Fix setup


Toggle mer1911/5.9.5+git0's commit message
[sensorfw] Fix initial proximity sensor state evaluation. Fixes JB#38675

The sensorfw plugin assumes that both proximity state query and change
notifications use the same withinProximity boolean type values. Because
the state query actually returns integer distance, the initial value
visible in for example QML ProximitySensor is logically reversed from
what it should be and it requires one or two sensor state transitions
before changes get notified in the expected manner.

Evaluate initial proximity state as "distance" value where zero means
that the sensor is covered.

Also use the initial value to setup the cached previously seen value
instead of blindly assuming that sensor is not covered.

As suggested in sensorfwd documentation: Switch from deprecated
dataAvailable() signal to reflectanceDataAvailable() signal.

Signed-off-by: Simo Piiroinen <>


Toggle mer/5.2.1+git17's commit message
Merge branch 'pressuresensor' into 'mer-stable'

[sensorfw] Add pressure sensor.

See merge request !4


Toggle mer/5.2.1+git16's commit message
[sensorfw] Fix initial proximity sensor state evaluation. Fixes JB#38675

The sensorfw plugin assumes that both proximity state query and change
notifications use the same withinProximity boolean type values. Because
the state query actually returns integer distance, the initial value
visible in for example QML ProximitySensor is logically reversed from
what it should be and it requires one or two sensor state transitions
before changes get notified in the expected manner.

Evaluate initial proximity state as "distance" value where zero means
that the sensor is covered.

Also use the initial value to setup the cached previously seen value
instead of blindly assuming that sensor is not covered.

As suggested in sensorfwd documentation: Switch from deprecated
dataAvailable() signal to reflectanceDataAvailable() signal.

Signed-off-by: Simo Piiroinen <>


Toggle mer/5.2.1+git15's commit message
Merge branch 'mer-stable' into 'mer-stable'

[qtsensors] Retry failed sensor start once DBus service becomes available. Fixes JB#35755

When sensorfw is restarting DBus service is not available.

See merge request !2