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Displaced items were moving unnecessarily
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They should only move if they actually change from the last set
position, and not if they are simply changing from their current item
position, as that is wrong during an animation.

This also cleans up some code for resetting the transition data.

Task-number: QTBUG-24586
Change-Id: I0a6635903975ebc40d5cf8398b943a9de92d4493
Reviewed-by: Martin Jones <>
  • Loading branch information
Bea Lam authored and Qt by Nokia committed Mar 13, 2012
1 parent fb1ce5e commit 52d3d36
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Showing 6 changed files with 326 additions and 28 deletions.
86 changes: 59 additions & 27 deletions src/quick/items/qquickitemviewtransition.cpp
Expand Up @@ -333,6 +333,8 @@ QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem::QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem(QQuickItem *i
, nextTransitionType(QQuickItemViewTransitioner::NoTransition)
, isTransitionTarget(false)
, nextTransitionToSet(false)
, nextTransitionFromSet(false)
, lastMovedToSet(false)
, prepared(false)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -367,12 +369,17 @@ qreal QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem::itemY() const

void QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem::moveTo(const QPointF &pos, bool immediate)
if (!nextTransitionFromSet && nextTransitionType != QQuickItemViewTransitioner::NoTransition) {
nextTransitionFrom = item->pos();
nextTransitionFromSet = true;

lastMovedTo = pos;
lastMovedToSet = true;

if (immediate || !transitionScheduledOrRunning()) {
if (immediate) {
if (transition)
if (immediate)
} else {
nextTransitionTo = pos;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -402,17 +409,27 @@ bool QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem::isPendingRemoval() const

bool QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem::prepareTransition(QQuickItemViewTransitioner *transitioner, int index, const QRectF &viewBounds)
bool doTransition = false;
if (nextTransitionType == QQuickItemViewTransitioner::NoTransition)
return false;

if (isTransitionTarget) {
// If item is not already moving somewhere, set it to not move anywhere.
// This ensures that removed targets don't transition to the default (0,0) and that
// items set for other transition types only transition if they actually move somewhere.
if (!nextTransitionToSet)
} else {
// don't start displaced transitions that don't move anywhere
if (!nextTransitionToSet || (nextTransitionFromSet && nextTransitionFrom == nextTransitionTo)) {
return false;

// If item is not already moving somewhere, set it to not move anywhere.
// This ensures that removed targets don't transition to the default (0,0) and that
// items set for other transition types only transition if they actually move somewhere.
if (nextTransitionType != QQuickItemViewTransitioner::NoTransition && !nextTransitionToSet)
bool doTransition = false;

// For move transitions (both target and displaced) and displaced transitions of other
// types, only run the transition if the item is actually moving to another position.

switch (nextTransitionType) {
case QQuickItemViewTransitioner::NoTransition:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -465,10 +482,8 @@ bool QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem::prepareTransition(QQuickItemViewTransitio
if (!doTransition) {
// if transition type is not valid, the previous transition still has to be
// canceled so that the item can move immediately to the right position
if (transition)

prepared = true;
Expand All @@ -490,14 +505,8 @@ void QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem::startTransition(QQuickItemViewTransitione
transition = new QQuickItemViewTransitionJob;

// if item is not already moving somewhere, set it to not move anywhere
// so that removed items do not move to the default (0,0)
if (!nextTransitionToSet)

transition->startTransition(this, index, transitioner, nextTransitionType, nextTransitionTo, isTransitionTarget);
nextTransitionType = QQuickItemViewTransitioner::NoTransition;
prepared = false;

void QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem::setNextTransition(QQuickItemViewTransitioner::TransitionType type, bool isTargetItem)
Expand All @@ -507,27 +516,50 @@ void QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem::setNextTransition(QQuickItemViewTransitio
// to calculate positions for transitions for other items in the view.
nextTransitionType = type;
isTransitionTarget = isTargetItem;

if (!nextTransitionFromSet && lastMovedToSet) {
nextTransitionFrom = lastMovedTo;
nextTransitionFromSet = true;

bool QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem::transitionWillChangePosition() const
if (transitionRunning() && transition->m_toPos != nextTransitionTo)
return true;
return nextTransitionTo != item->pos();
if (!nextTransitionFromSet)
return false;
return nextTransitionTo != nextTransitionFrom;

void QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem::finishedTransition()
void QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem::resetNextTransitionPos()
nextTransitionToSet = false;
nextTransitionTo = QPointF();

void QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem::resetTransitionData()
void QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem::finishedTransition()

void QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem::clearCurrentScheduledTransition()
// Just clear the current scheduled transition - don't touch the nextTransitionTo
// which may have already been set for a previously scheduled transition

nextTransitionType = QQuickItemViewTransitioner::NoTransition;
isTransitionTarget = false;
nextTransitionTo = QPointF();
nextTransitionToSet = false;
prepared = false;
nextTransitionFromSet = false;

void QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem::stopTransition()
if (transition)

Expand Down
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/quick/items/qquickitemviewtransition_p.h
Expand Up @@ -142,11 +142,15 @@ class QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem
void startTransition(QQuickItemViewTransitioner *transitioner, int index);

QPointF nextTransitionTo;
QPointF lastMovedTo;
QPointF nextTransitionFrom;
QQuickItem *item;
QQuickItemViewTransitionJob *transition;
QQuickItemViewTransitioner::TransitionType nextTransitionType;
bool isTransitionTarget;
bool nextTransitionToSet;
bool nextTransitionFromSet;
bool lastMovedToSet;
bool prepared;

Expand All @@ -155,7 +159,9 @@ class QQuickItemViewTransitionableItem
void setNextTransition(QQuickItemViewTransitioner::TransitionType, bool isTargetItem);
bool transitionWillChangePosition() const;
void finishedTransition();
void resetTransitionData();
void resetNextTransitionPos();
void clearCurrentScheduledTransition();
void stopTransition();

Expand Down
81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions tests/auto/quick/qquickgridview/data/multipleDisplaced.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
id: root
width: 500
height: 600

property int duration: 10
property int count: grid.count

Component {
id: myDelegate
Rectangle {
id: wrapper

property string nameData: name

objectName: "wrapper"
width: 80
height: 60
border.width: 1
Column {
Text { text: index }
Text {
text: wrapper.x + ", " + wrapper.y
Text {
id: textName
objectName: "textName"
text: name
color: GridView.isCurrentItem ? "lightsteelblue" : "white"

GridView {
id: grid

property var displaceTransitionsStarted: new Object()
property bool displaceTransitionsDone: false

objectName: "grid"
focus: true
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: 240
height: 320
cellWidth: 80
cellHeight: 60
model: testModel
delegate: myDelegate

displaced: Transition {
id: transition
SequentialAnimation {
ScriptAction {
script: {
var name = transition.ViewTransition.item.nameData
if (grid.displaceTransitionsStarted[name] == undefined)
grid.displaceTransitionsStarted[name] = 0
grid.displaceTransitionsStarted[name] += 1
NumberAnimation {
properties: "x,y"
duration: root.duration
easing.type: Easing.OutBounce
easing.amplitude: 10.0 // longer-lasting bounce to trigger bug
PropertyAction { target: grid; property: "displaceTransitionsDone"; value: true }

Rectangle {
anchors.fill: grid
color: "lightsteelblue"
opacity: 0.2

50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions tests/auto/quick/qquickgridview/tst_qquickgridview.cpp
Expand Up @@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ private slots:
void displacedTransitions_data();
void multipleTransitions();
void multipleTransitions_data();
void multipleDisplaced();

QList<int> toIntList(const QVariantList &list);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4975,6 +4976,55 @@ void tst_QQuickGridView::multipleTransitions_data()
<< true << true << false << false;

void tst_QQuickGridView::multipleDisplaced()
// multiple move() operations should only restart displace transitions for items that
// moved from previously set positions, and not those that have moved from their current
// item positions (which may e.g. still be changing from easing bounces in the last transition)

QmlListModel model;
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
model.addItem("Original item" + QString::number(i), "");

QQuickView *canvas = createView();
QQmlContext *ctxt = canvas->rootContext();
ctxt->setContextProperty("testModel", &model);

QQuickGridView *gridview = findItem<QQuickGridView>(canvas->rootObject(), "grid");
QTRY_VERIFY(gridview != 0);
QQuickItem *contentItem = gridview->contentItem();
QVERIFY(contentItem != 0);
QTRY_COMPARE(QQuickItemPrivate::get(gridview)->polishScheduled, false);

model.moveItems(12, 8, 1);
QTest::qWait(canvas->rootObject()->property("duration").toInt() / 2);
model.moveItems(8, 3, 1);

QVariantMap transitionsStarted = gridview->property("displaceTransitionsStarted").toMap();
foreach (const QString &name, transitionsStarted.keys()) {
QVERIFY2(transitionsStarted[name] == 1,
QTest::toString(QString("%1 was displaced %2 times").arg(name).arg(transitionsStarted[name].toInt())));

// verify all items moved to the correct final positions
QList<QQuickItem*> items = findItems<QQuickItem>(contentItem, "wrapper");
for (int i=0; i < model.count() && i < items.count(); ++i) {
QQuickItem *item = findItem<QQuickItem>(contentItem, "wrapper", i);
QVERIFY2(item, QTest::toString(QString("Item %1 not found").arg(i)));
QTRY_COMPARE(item->x(), (i%3)*80.0);
QTRY_COMPARE(item->y(), (i/3)*60.0);
QQuickText *name = findItem<QQuickText>(contentItem, "textName", i);
QVERIFY(name != 0);

delete canvas;

void tst_QQuickGridView::cacheBuffer()
QQuickView *canvas = createView();
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