/* * Copyright (c) 2016 - 2020 Jolla Ltd. * Copyright (c) 2019 - 2020 Open Mobile Platform LLC. * * You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: * * "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Nemo Mobile nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." */ #include "partitionmanager_p.h" #include "udisks2monitor_p.h" #include "udisks2blockdevices_p.h" #include "logging_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const auto userName = QString(qgetenv("USER")); PartitionManagerPrivate *PartitionManagerPrivate::sharedInstance = nullptr; PartitionManagerPrivate::PartitionManagerPrivate() { Q_ASSERT(!sharedInstance); sharedInstance = this; m_udisksMonitor.reset(new UDisks2::Monitor(this)); connect(m_udisksMonitor.data(), &UDisks2::Monitor::status, this, &PartitionManagerPrivate::status); connect(m_udisksMonitor.data(), &UDisks2::Monitor::errorMessage, this, &PartitionManagerPrivate::errorMessage); connect(m_udisksMonitor.data(), &UDisks2::Monitor::lockError, this, &PartitionManagerPrivate::lockError); connect(m_udisksMonitor.data(), &UDisks2::Monitor::unlockError, this, &PartitionManagerPrivate::unlockError); connect(m_udisksMonitor.data(), &UDisks2::Monitor::mountError, this, &PartitionManagerPrivate::mountError); connect(m_udisksMonitor.data(), &UDisks2::Monitor::unmountError, this, &PartitionManagerPrivate::unmountError); connect(m_udisksMonitor.data(), &UDisks2::Monitor::formatError, this, &PartitionManagerPrivate::formatError); connect(UDisks2::BlockDevices::instance(), &UDisks2::BlockDevices::externalStoragesPopulated, this, &PartitionManagerPrivate::externalStoragesPopulatedChanged); QVariantMap defaultDrive; defaultDrive.insert(QLatin1String("model"), QString()); defaultDrive.insert(QLatin1String("vendor"), QString()); defaultDrive.insert(QLatin1String("connectionBus"), Partition::SDIO); QExplicitlySharedDataPointer root(new PartitionPrivate(this)); root->storageType = Partition::System; root->mountPath = QStringLiteral("/"); root->drive = defaultDrive; m_partitions.append(root); QExplicitlySharedDataPointer home(new PartitionPrivate(this)); home->storageType = Partition::User; home->mountPath = QStringLiteral("/home"); home->drive = defaultDrive; m_partitions.append(home); refresh(m_partitions, m_partitions); // Remove any prospective internal partitions that aren't mounted. int internalPartitionCount = 0; for (Partitions::iterator it = m_partitions.begin(); it != m_partitions.end();) { auto partition = *it; if (partition->storageType & Partition::Internal) { if (partition->status == Partition::Mounted) { internalPartitionCount += 1; } else { it = m_partitions.erase(it); continue; } } ++it; } // Check that /home is not actually the same device as / if (home->status == Partition::Mounted && root->status == Partition::Mounted && home->devicePath == root->devicePath) { m_partitions.erase(m_partitions.begin() + 1); --internalPartitionCount; } if (internalPartitionCount == 1) { root->storageType = Partition::Mass; } if (root->status == Partition::Mounted) { m_root = Partition(QExplicitlySharedDataPointer(root)); } } PartitionManagerPrivate::~PartitionManagerPrivate() { sharedInstance = nullptr; for (auto partition : m_partitions) { partition->manager = nullptr; } } PartitionManagerPrivate *PartitionManagerPrivate::instance() { return sharedInstance ? sharedInstance : new PartitionManagerPrivate; } Partition PartitionManagerPrivate::root() const { return m_root; } QVector PartitionManagerPrivate::partitions(const Partition::StorageTypes types) const { QVector partitions; for (const auto partition : m_partitions) { if (partition->storageType & types) { if ((types & Partition::ExcludeParents) && !partitions.isEmpty() && partitions.last().d->isParent(partition)) { partitions.last() = Partition(partition); } else { partitions.append(Partition(partition)); } } } return partitions; } void PartitionManagerPrivate::add(QExplicitlySharedDataPointer partition) { int insertIndex = 0; for (const auto existingPartition : m_partitions) { if (existingPartition->drive.value(QLatin1String("connectionBus")).toInt() <= partition->drive.value(QLatin1String("connectionBus")).toInt()) ++insertIndex; else break; } m_partitions.insert(insertIndex, partition); Partitions addedPartitions = { partition }; refresh(addedPartitions, addedPartitions); emit partitionAdded(Partition(partition)); } void PartitionManagerPrivate::remove(const Partitions &partitions) { for (const auto removedPartition : partitions) { for (int i = m_partitions.count() - 1; i >= 0 && m_partitions.at(i)->storageType == Partition::External; --i) { const auto partition = m_partitions.at(i); if (removedPartition->devicePath == partition->devicePath) { m_partitions.removeAt(i); } } emit partitionRemoved(Partition(removedPartition)); } } void PartitionManagerPrivate::refresh() { Partitions changedPartitions; for (int index = 0; index < m_partitions.count(); ++index) { const auto partition = m_partitions.at(index); if (partition->storageType == Partition::External) { changedPartitions.append(partition); } } refresh(m_partitions, changedPartitions); for (const auto partition : changedPartitions) { emit partitionChanged(Partition(partition)); } } void PartitionManagerPrivate::refresh(PartitionPrivate *partition) { refresh(Partitions() << QExplicitlySharedDataPointer(partition), Partitions() << QExplicitlySharedDataPointer(partition)); emit partitionChanged(Partition(QExplicitlySharedDataPointer(partition))); } void PartitionManagerPrivate::refresh(const Partitions &partitions, Partitions &changedPartitions) { for (auto partition : partitions) { // Reset properties to the unmounted defaults. If the partition is mounted these will be restored // by the refresh. partition->bytesFree = 0; partition->bytesAvailable = 0; if (!partition->valid) { if (partition->status != Partition::Formatting) { partition->status = partition->activeState == QStringLiteral("activating") ? Partition::Mounting : Partition::Unmounted; } partition->canMount = false; partition->readOnly = true; partition->filesystemType.clear(); } } FILE *mtab = setmntent("/etc/mtab", "r"); mntent mountEntry; char buffer[3 * PATH_MAX]; while (getmntent_r(mtab, &mountEntry, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) { if (!mountEntry.mnt_fsname || !mountEntry.mnt_dir) { continue; } const QString mountPath = QString::fromUtf8(mountEntry.mnt_dir); const QString devicePath = QString::fromUtf8(mountEntry.mnt_fsname); const QString deviceName = devicePath.section(QChar('/'), 2); for (auto partition : partitions) { if (partition->valid || ((partition->status == Partition::Mounted || partition->status == Partition::Mounting) && (partition->storageType != Partition::External))) { continue; } if (((partition->storageType & Partition::Internal) && partition->mountPath == mountPath && devicePath.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) || (partition->storageType == Partition::External && partition->devicePath == devicePath)) { partition->mountPath = mountPath; partition->devicePath = devicePath; // There two values wrong for system partitions as devicePath will not start with mmcblk. // Currently deviceName and deviceRoot are merely informative data fields. partition->deviceName = deviceName; partition->deviceRoot = deviceRoot.match(deviceName).hasMatch(); partition->filesystemType = QString::fromUtf8(mountEntry.mnt_type); partition->isSupportedFileSystemType = supportedFileSystems().contains(partition->filesystemType); partition->status = partition->activeState == QStringLiteral("deactivating") ? Partition::Unmounting : Partition::Mounted; partition->canMount = true; } } } endmntent(mtab); for (auto partition : partitions) { if (partition->status == Partition::Mounted) { qint64 quotaAvailable = std::numeric_limits::max(); struct if_dqblk quota; if (::quotactl(QCMD(Q_GETQUOTA, USRQUOTA), partition->devicePath.toUtf8().constData(), ::getuid(), (caddr_t)"a) == 0 && quota.dqb_bsoftlimit != 0) quotaAvailable = std::max((qint64)dbtob(quota.dqb_bsoftlimit) - (qint64)quota.dqb_curspace, 0LL); struct statvfs64 stat; if (::statvfs64(partition->mountPath.toUtf8().constData(), &stat) == 0) { partition->bytesTotal = stat.f_blocks * stat.f_frsize; qint64 bytesFree = stat.f_bfree * stat.f_frsize; qint64 bytesAvailable = std::min((qint64)(stat.f_bavail * stat.f_frsize), quotaAvailable); partition->readOnly = (stat.f_flag & ST_RDONLY) != 0; if (partition->bytesFree != bytesFree || partition->bytesAvailable != bytesAvailable) { if (!changedPartitions.contains(partition)) { changedPartitions.append(partition); } } partition->bytesFree = bytesFree; partition->bytesAvailable = bytesAvailable; } } } } bool PartitionManagerPrivate::isActionAllowed(const QString &devicePath, const QString &action) { qCInfo(lcMemoryCardLog) << "Is auto:" << UDisks2::BlockDevices::instance()->hintAuto(devicePath); if (!UDisks2::BlockDevices::instance()->hintAuto(devicePath)) { qCWarning(lcMemoryCardLog) << action << " allowed only allowed for automountable partitions," << devicePath << "is not allowed"; return false; } return true; } void PartitionManagerPrivate::lock(const QString &devicePath) { if (isActionAllowed(devicePath, QStringLiteral("lock"))) m_udisksMonitor->lock(devicePath); } void PartitionManagerPrivate::unlock(const Partition &partition, const QString &passphrase) { if (isActionAllowed(partition.devicePath(), QStringLiteral("unlock"))) m_udisksMonitor->unlock(partition.devicePath(), passphrase); } void PartitionManagerPrivate::mount(const Partition &partition) { if (isActionAllowed(partition.devicePath(), QStringLiteral("mount"))) m_udisksMonitor->mount(partition.devicePath()); } void PartitionManagerPrivate::unmount(const Partition &partition) { if (isActionAllowed(partition.devicePath(), QStringLiteral("unmount"))) m_udisksMonitor->unmount(partition.devicePath()); } void PartitionManagerPrivate::format(const QString &devicePath, const QString &filesystemType, const QVariantMap &arguments) { if (isActionAllowed(devicePath, QStringLiteral("format"))) m_udisksMonitor->format(devicePath, filesystemType, arguments); } QString PartitionManagerPrivate::objectPath(const QString &devicePath) const { QString deviceName = devicePath.section(QChar('/'), 2); if (UDisks2::BlockDevices::instance()->hintAuto(devicePath)) { return UDisks2::BlockDevices::instance()->objectPath(devicePath); } else { qCWarning(lcMemoryCardLog) << "Object path existing only for external memory cards:" << devicePath; return QString(); } } QStringList PartitionManagerPrivate::supportedFileSystems() const { // Query filesystems supported by this device // Note this will only find filesystems supported either directly by the // kernel, or by modules already loaded. QStringList supportedFs; QFile filesystems(QStringLiteral("/proc/filesystems")); if (filesystems.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QString line = filesystems.readLine(); while (line.length() > 0) { supportedFs << line.trimmed().split('\t').last(); line = filesystems.readLine(); } } return supportedFs; } bool PartitionManagerPrivate::externalStoragesPopulated() const { return UDisks2::BlockDevices::instance()->populated(); } PartitionManager::PartitionManager(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , d(PartitionManagerPrivate::instance()) { connect(d.data(), &PartitionManagerPrivate::partitionChanged, this, &PartitionManager::partitionChanged); connect(d.data(), &PartitionManagerPrivate::partitionAdded, this, &PartitionManager::partitionAdded); connect(d.data(), &PartitionManagerPrivate::partitionRemoved, this, &PartitionManager::partitionRemoved); connect(d.data(), &PartitionManagerPrivate::externalStoragesPopulatedChanged, this, &PartitionManager::externalStoragesPopulated); } PartitionManager::~PartitionManager() { } Partition PartitionManager::root() const { return d->root(); } QVector PartitionManager::partitions(Partition::StorageTypes types) const { return d->partitions(types); } void PartitionManager::refresh() { d->refresh(); }