/* * Copyright (c) 2013 – 2019 Jolla Ltd. * Copyright (c) 2019 – 2020 Open Mobile Platform LLC. * Contact: Thomas Perl * Contact: Raine Makelainen * * You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: * * "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Nemo Mobile nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." */ #include "developermodesettings.h" #include "logging_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Symbolic constants */ #define PROGRESS_INDETERMINATE (-1) /* Interfaces for IP addresses */ #define USB_NETWORK_FALLBACK_INTERFACE "usb0" #define USB_NETWORK_FALLBACK_IP "" #define WLAN_NETWORK_INTERFACE "wlan0" #define WLAN_NETWORK_FALLBACK_INTERFACE "tether" /* A file that is provided by the developer mode package */ #define DEVELOPER_MODE_PROVIDED_FILE "/usr/bin/devel-su" #define DEVELOPER_MODE_PACKAGE "jolla-developer-mode" #define DEVELOPER_MODE_PACKAGE_PRELOAD_DIR "/var/lib/jolla-developer-mode/preloaded/" #define EMULATOR_PROVIDED_FILE "/etc/sailfishos-emulator" /* D-Bus service */ #define USB_MODED_SERVICE "com.meego.usb_moded" #define USB_MODED_PATH "/com/meego/usb_moded" #define USB_MODED_INTERFACE "com.meego.usb_moded" /* D-Bus method names */ #define USB_MODED_GET_NET_CONFIG "get_net_config" #define USB_MODED_SET_NET_CONFIG "net_config" /* USB Mode Daemon network configuration properties */ #define USB_MODED_CONFIG_IP "ip" #define USB_MODED_CONFIG_INTERFACE "interface" /* Package which will move debug folder to /home/.system/usr/lib */ #define DEBUG_HOME_PACKAGE "jolla-developer-mode-home-debug-location" static QMap enumerate_network_interfaces() { QMap result; for (const QNetworkInterface &intf : QNetworkInterface::allInterfaces()) { for (const QNetworkAddressEntry &entry : intf.addressEntries()) { if (entry.ip().protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) { result[intf.name()] = entry.ip().toString(); } } } return result; } static QString get_cached_package(const QString &version) { QDir dir(DEVELOPER_MODE_PACKAGE_PRELOAD_DIR); QStringList filters; filters << QStringLiteral("%1-%2.*.rpm").arg(DEVELOPER_MODE_PACKAGE).arg(version); auto preloaded = dir.entryList(filters, QDir::Files, QDir::Name); if (preloaded.empty()) return QString(); return dir.absoluteFilePath(preloaded.last()); } namespace { bool debugHomeFolderExists() { QDir pathDir("/home/.system/usr/lib/debug"); if (pathDir.exists()) { return true; } return false; } } class DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate: public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: enum Command { InstallCommand, RemoveCommand }; DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate(DeveloperModeSettings *parent) : QObject(parent) , q(parent) , m_connection(QDBusConnection::systemBus()) , m_usbModeDaemon(this, m_connection, USB_MODED_SERVICE, USB_MODED_PATH, USB_MODED_INTERFACE) , m_wlanIpAddress("-") , m_usbInterface(USB_NETWORK_FALLBACK_INTERFACE) , m_usbIpAddress(USB_NETWORK_FALLBACK_IP) , m_username(qgetenv("USER")) , m_developerModeEnabled(QFile::exists(DEVELOPER_MODE_PROVIDED_FILE) || QFile::exists(EMULATOR_PROVIDED_FILE)) , m_workStatus(DeveloperModeSettings::Idle) , m_workProgress(PROGRESS_INDETERMINATE) , m_transactionRole(PackageKit::Transaction::RoleUnknown) , m_transactionStatus(PackageKit::Transaction::StatusUnknown) , m_refreshedForInstall(false) , m_localInstallFailed(false) , m_localDeveloperModePackagePath(get_cached_package(QStringLiteral("*"))) // Initialized to possibly incompatible package , m_debugHomeEnabled(debugHomeFolderExists()) , m_installationType(DeveloperModeSettings::None) {} ~DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate() {} void reportTransactionErrorCode(PackageKit::Transaction::Error code, const QString &details); void updateState(int percentage, PackageKit::Transaction::Status status, PackageKit::Transaction::Role role); void resetState(); void setWorkStatus(DeveloperModeSettings::Status status); void refreshPackageCacheAndInstall(); void resolveAndExecute(Command command); bool installAndRemove(Command command); void connectCommandSignals(PackageKit::Transaction *transaction); void setInstallationType(DeveloperModeSettings::InstallationType type); QString usbModedGetConfig(const QString &key, const QString &fallback); void usbModedSetConfig(const QString &key, const QString &value); DeveloperModeSettings *q; NemoDBus::Connection m_connection; NemoDBus::Interface m_usbModeDaemon; QString m_wlanIpAddress; QString m_usbInterface; QString m_usbIpAddress; QString m_username; QString m_packageId; bool m_developerModeEnabled; DeveloperModeSettings::Status m_workStatus; int m_workProgress; PackageKit::Transaction::Role m_transactionRole; PackageKit::Transaction::Status m_transactionStatus; bool m_refreshedForInstall; bool m_localInstallFailed; QString m_localDeveloperModePackagePath; bool m_debugHomeEnabled; DeveloperModeSettings::InstallationType m_installationType; }; void DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::reportTransactionErrorCode(PackageKit::Transaction::Error code, const QString &details) { qCWarning(lcDeveloperModeLog) << "Transaction error:" << code << details; } void DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::updateState(int percentage, PackageKit::Transaction::Status status, PackageKit::Transaction::Role role) { // Expected changes from PackageKit when installing packages: // 1. Change to 'install packages' role or 'install files' if installing from local package file // 2. Status changes: // setup -> refresh cache -> query -> resolve deps -> install (refer to as 'Preparing' status) // -> download ('DownloadingPackages' status) // -> install ('InstallingPackages' status) // -> finished // // If installing from local package fails, it starts over! // // Expected changes from PackageKit when removing packages: // 1. Change to 'remove packages' role // 2. Status changes: // setup -> remove -> resolve deps (refer to as 'Preparing' status) // -> remove ('RemovingPackages' status) // -> finished // // Notice the 'install' and 'remove' packagekit status changes occur twice. int progress = m_workProgress; DeveloperModeSettings::Status workStatus = m_workStatus; m_transactionRole = role; m_transactionStatus = status; // Do not update progress when finished or role is unknown. if (m_transactionStatus == PackageKit::Transaction::StatusFinished || m_transactionRole == PackageKit::Transaction::RoleUnknown) { return; } if (percentage >= 0 && percentage <= 100) { int rangeStart = 0; int rangeEnd = 0; if (m_transactionRole == PackageKit::Transaction::RoleInstallPackages || m_transactionRole == PackageKit::Transaction::RoleInstallFiles) { switch (m_transactionStatus) { case PackageKit::Transaction::StatusRefreshCache: // 0-10 % rangeStart = 0; rangeEnd = 10; break; case PackageKit::Transaction::StatusQuery: // fall through; packagekit progress changes 0-100 over query->resolve stages case PackageKit::Transaction::StatusDepResolve: // 10-20 % rangeStart = 10; rangeEnd = 20; break; case PackageKit::Transaction::StatusDownload: // 20-60 % // Skip downloading when installing from local file if (m_transactionRole != PackageKit::Transaction::RoleInstallFiles) { workStatus = DeveloperModeSettings::DownloadingPackages; } rangeStart = 20; rangeEnd = 60; break; case PackageKit::Transaction::StatusInstall: // 60-100 % workStatus = DeveloperModeSettings::InstallingPackages; rangeStart = 60; rangeEnd = 100; break; default: break; } } else if (m_transactionRole == PackageKit::Transaction::RoleRemovePackages) { if (m_transactionStatus == PackageKit::Transaction::StatusSetup) { // Let the setup to be bound between 0-20 % rangeStart = 0; rangeEnd = 20; } else { // 20-100 % workStatus = DeveloperModeSettings::RemovingPackages; rangeStart = 20; rangeEnd = 100; } } if (rangeEnd > 0 && rangeEnd > rangeStart) { progress = rangeStart + ((rangeEnd - rangeStart) * (percentage / 100.0)); } } progress = qBound(0, qMax(progress, m_workProgress), 100); // Ensure the emitted progress value never decreases. setWorkStatus(workStatus); if (m_workProgress != progress) { m_workProgress = progress; emit q->workProgressChanged(); } } void DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::resetState() { if (m_installationType == DeveloperModeSettings::DeveloperMode) { bool enabled = QFile::exists(DEVELOPER_MODE_PROVIDED_FILE) || QFile::exists(EMULATOR_PROVIDED_FILE); if (m_developerModeEnabled != enabled) { m_developerModeEnabled = enabled; emit q->developerModeEnabledChanged(); } } else if (m_installationType == DeveloperModeSettings::DebugHome) { if (m_debugHomeEnabled != debugHomeFolderExists()) { m_debugHomeEnabled = debugHomeFolderExists(); emit q->debugHomeEnabledChanged(); } } setWorkStatus(DeveloperModeSettings::Idle); setInstallationType(DeveloperModeSettings::None); if (m_workProgress != PROGRESS_INDETERMINATE) { m_workProgress = PROGRESS_INDETERMINATE; emit q->workProgressChanged(); } } void DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::setWorkStatus(DeveloperModeSettings::Status status) { if (m_workStatus != status) { m_workStatus = status; emit q->workStatusChanged(); } } void DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::refreshPackageCacheAndInstall() { m_refreshedForInstall = true; // Soft refresh, do not clear & reload valid cache. PackageKit::Transaction *refreshCache = PackageKit::Daemon::refreshCache(false); connect(refreshCache, &PackageKit::Transaction::errorCode, this, &DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::reportTransactionErrorCode); connect(refreshCache, &PackageKit::Transaction::finished, this, [this](PackageKit::Transaction::Exit status, uint runtime) { qCDebug(lcDeveloperModeLog) << "Package cache updated:" << status << runtime; resolveAndExecute(InstallCommand); // trying again regardless of success, some repositories might be updated }); } void DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::resolveAndExecute(Command command) { setWorkStatus(DeveloperModeSettings::Preparing); m_workProgress = 0; m_packageId.clear(); // might differ between installed/available if (command == InstallCommand && !m_localInstallFailed && !m_localDeveloperModePackagePath.isEmpty() && m_installationType == DeveloperModeSettings::DeveloperMode) { // Resolve which version of developer mode package is expected PackageKit::Transaction *resolvePackage = PackageKit::Daemon::resolve(DEVELOPER_MODE_PACKAGE"-preload", PackageKit::Transaction::FilterInstalled); connect(resolvePackage, &PackageKit::Transaction::errorCode, this, &DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::reportTransactionErrorCode); connect(resolvePackage, &PackageKit::Transaction::package, this, [this](PackageKit::Transaction::Info info, const QString &packageID, const QString &summary) { Q_UNUSED(summary) Q_ASSERT(info == PackageKit::Transaction::InfoInstalled); const QString version = PackageKit::Transaction::packageVersion(packageID); m_localDeveloperModePackagePath = get_cached_package(version); emit q->repositoryAccessRequiredChanged(); qCDebug(lcDeveloperModeLog) << "Preload package version: " << version << ", local package path: " << m_localDeveloperModePackagePath; }); connect(resolvePackage, &PackageKit::Transaction::finished, this, [this](PackageKit::Transaction::Exit status, uint runtime) { Q_UNUSED(runtime) if (status != PackageKit::Transaction::ExitSuccess || m_localDeveloperModePackagePath.isEmpty()) { qCDebug(lcDeveloperModeLog) << "Preloaded package not found, must use remote package"; // No cached package => install from repos resolveAndExecute(InstallCommand); } else { PackageKit::Transaction *tx = PackageKit::Daemon::installFiles(QStringList() << m_localDeveloperModePackagePath); connectCommandSignals(tx); connect(tx, &PackageKit::Transaction::finished, this, [this](PackageKit::Transaction::Exit status, uint runtime) { if (status == PackageKit::Transaction::ExitSuccess) { qCDebug(lcDeveloperModeLog) << "Developer mode installation from local package transaction done:" << status << runtime; resetState(); } else if (status == PackageKit::Transaction::ExitFailed) { qCWarning(lcDeveloperModeLog) << "Developer mode installation from local package failed, trying from repos"; m_localInstallFailed = true; emit q->repositoryAccessRequiredChanged(); resolveAndExecute(InstallCommand); // TODO: If repo access is not available this can not bail out } // else ExitUnknown (ignored) }); } }); } else { // Install package form repos installAndRemove(command); } } bool DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::installAndRemove(Command command) { if (q->packageName().isEmpty()) { qCWarning(lcDeveloperModeLog) << "No installation package name set. Shouldn't happen."; resetState(); return false; } PackageKit::Transaction::Filters filters; if (command == RemoveCommand) { filters = PackageKit::Transaction::FilterInstalled; } else { filters = PackageKit::Transaction::FilterNewest; } PackageKit::Transaction *resolvePackage = PackageKit::Daemon::resolve(q->packageName(), filters); connect(resolvePackage, &PackageKit::Transaction::errorCode, this, &DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::reportTransactionErrorCode); connect(resolvePackage, &PackageKit::Transaction::package, this, [this](PackageKit::Transaction::Info info, const QString &packageId, const QString &summary) { qCDebug(lcDeveloperModeLog) << "Package transaction:" << info << packageId << "summary:" << summary; m_packageId = packageId; }); connect(resolvePackage, &PackageKit::Transaction::finished, this, [this, command](PackageKit::Transaction::Exit status, uint runtime) { Q_UNUSED(runtime) if (status != PackageKit::Transaction::ExitSuccess || m_packageId.isEmpty()) { if (command == InstallCommand) { if (m_refreshedForInstall) { qCWarning(lcDeveloperModeLog) << "Failed to install, package didn't resolve."; resetState(); } else { refreshPackageCacheAndInstall(); // try once if it helps } } else if (command == RemoveCommand) { qCWarning(lcDeveloperModeLog) << "Removing package but package didn't resolve into anything. Shouldn't happen."; resetState(); } } else if (command == InstallCommand) { PackageKit::Transaction *tx = PackageKit::Daemon::installPackage(m_packageId); connectCommandSignals(tx); if (m_refreshedForInstall) { connect(tx, &PackageKit::Transaction::finished, this, [this](PackageKit::Transaction::Exit status, uint runtime) { qCDebug(lcDeveloperModeLog) << "Installation transaction done (with refresh):" << status << runtime; resetState(); }); } else { connect(tx, &PackageKit::Transaction::finished, this, [this](PackageKit::Transaction::Exit status, uint runtime) { if (status == PackageKit::Transaction::ExitSuccess) { qCDebug(lcDeveloperModeLog) << "Installation transaction done:" << status << runtime; resetState(); } else { qCDebug(lcDeveloperModeLog) << "Installation failed, trying again after refresh"; refreshPackageCacheAndInstall(); } }); } } else { PackageKit::Transaction *tx = PackageKit::Daemon::removePackage(m_packageId, true, true); connectCommandSignals(tx); connect(tx, &PackageKit::Transaction::finished, this, [this](PackageKit::Transaction::Exit status, uint runtime) { qCDebug(lcDeveloperModeLog) << "Package removal transaction done:" << status << runtime; resetState(); }); } }); return true; } void DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::connectCommandSignals(PackageKit::Transaction *transaction) { connect(transaction, &PackageKit::Transaction::errorCode, this, &DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::reportTransactionErrorCode); connect(transaction, &PackageKit::Transaction::percentageChanged, this, [this, transaction]() { updateState(transaction->percentage(), m_transactionStatus, m_transactionRole); }); connect(transaction, &PackageKit::Transaction::statusChanged, this, [this, transaction]() { updateState(m_workProgress, transaction->status(), m_transactionRole); }); connect(transaction, &PackageKit::Transaction::roleChanged, this, [this, transaction]() { updateState(m_workProgress, m_transactionStatus, transaction->role()); }); } void DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::setInstallationType(DeveloperModeSettings::InstallationType type) { if (m_installationType != type) { m_installationType = type; emit q->installationTypeChanged(); } } QString DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::usbModedGetConfig(const QString &key, const QString &fallback) { QString value = fallback; QDBusMessage msg = m_usbModeDaemon.blockingCall(USB_MODED_GET_NET_CONFIG, key); QList result = msg.arguments(); if (result[0].toString() == key && result.size() == 2) { value = result[1].toString(); } return value; } void DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::usbModedSetConfig(const QString &key, const QString &value) { m_usbModeDaemon.call(USB_MODED_SET_NET_CONFIG, key, value); } DeveloperModeSettings::DeveloperModeSettings(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , d_ptr(new DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate(this)) { // Resolve and update local package path if (!d_ptr->m_localDeveloperModePackagePath.isEmpty()) { PackageKit::Transaction *resolvePackage = PackageKit::Daemon::resolve(DEVELOPER_MODE_PACKAGE"-preload", PackageKit::Transaction::FilterInstalled); connect(resolvePackage, &PackageKit::Transaction::errorCode, d_ptr, &DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::reportTransactionErrorCode); connect(resolvePackage, &PackageKit::Transaction::package, this, [this](PackageKit::Transaction::Info info, const QString &packageID, const QString &summary) { Q_UNUSED(summary) Q_ASSERT(info == PackageKit::Transaction::InfoInstalled); const QString version = PackageKit::Transaction::packageVersion(packageID); d_ptr->m_localDeveloperModePackagePath = get_cached_package(version); if (d_ptr->m_localDeveloperModePackagePath.isEmpty()) { emit repositoryAccessRequiredChanged(); } qCDebug(lcDeveloperModeLog) << "Preload package version: " << version << ", local package path: " << d_ptr->m_localDeveloperModePackagePath; }); } refresh(); // TODO: Watch WLAN / USB IP addresses for changes // TODO: Watch package manager for changes to developer mode } DeveloperModeSettings::~DeveloperModeSettings() { } QString DeveloperModeSettings::wlanIpAddress() const { return d_ptr->m_wlanIpAddress; } QString DeveloperModeSettings::usbIpAddress() const { return d_ptr->m_usbIpAddress; } QString DeveloperModeSettings::username() const { return d_ptr->m_username; } bool DeveloperModeSettings::developerModeEnabled() const { return d_ptr->m_developerModeEnabled; } enum DeveloperModeSettings::Status DeveloperModeSettings::workStatus() const { return d_ptr->m_workStatus; } int DeveloperModeSettings::workProgress() const { return d_ptr->m_workProgress; } bool DeveloperModeSettings::repositoryAccessRequired() const { // Aka local-install-of-developer-mode-package-is-not-possible return d_ptr->m_localInstallFailed || d_ptr->m_localDeveloperModePackagePath.isEmpty(); } bool DeveloperModeSettings::debugHomeEnabled() const { return d_ptr->m_debugHomeEnabled; } enum DeveloperModeSettings::InstallationType DeveloperModeSettings::installationType() const { return d_ptr->m_installationType; } QString DeveloperModeSettings::packageName() { if (d_ptr->m_installationType == DeveloperMode) { return DEVELOPER_MODE_PACKAGE; } else if (d_ptr->m_installationType == DebugHome) { return DEBUG_HOME_PACKAGE; } else { return QString(); } } void DeveloperModeSettings::setDeveloperMode(bool enabled) { if (d_ptr->m_developerModeEnabled != enabled) { if (d_ptr->m_workStatus != Idle) { qCWarning(lcDeveloperModeLog) << "DeveloperMode state change requested during activity, ignored."; return; } d_ptr->m_refreshedForInstall = false; d_ptr->setInstallationType(DeveloperMode); if (enabled) { d_ptr->resolveAndExecute(DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::InstallCommand); } else { d_ptr->resolveAndExecute(DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::RemoveCommand); } } } void DeveloperModeSettings::moveDebugToHome(bool enabled) { if (d_ptr->m_debugHomeEnabled != enabled) { if (d_ptr->m_workStatus != Idle) { qCWarning(lcDeveloperModeLog) << "Debug home state change requested during activity, ignored."; return; } d_ptr->m_refreshedForInstall = false; d_ptr->setInstallationType(DebugHome); if (enabled) { d_ptr->resolveAndExecute(DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::InstallCommand); } else { d_ptr->resolveAndExecute(DeveloperModeSettingsPrivate::RemoveCommand); } } } void DeveloperModeSettings::setUsbIpAddress(const QString &usbIpAddress) { if (d_ptr->m_usbIpAddress != usbIpAddress) { d_ptr->usbModedSetConfig(USB_MODED_CONFIG_IP, usbIpAddress); d_ptr->m_usbIpAddress = usbIpAddress; emit usbIpAddressChanged(); } } void DeveloperModeSettings::refresh() { /* Retrieve network configuration from usb_moded */ d_ptr->m_usbInterface = d_ptr->usbModedGetConfig(USB_MODED_CONFIG_INTERFACE, USB_NETWORK_FALLBACK_INTERFACE); QString usbIp = d_ptr->usbModedGetConfig(USB_MODED_CONFIG_IP, USB_NETWORK_FALLBACK_IP); if (usbIp != d_ptr->m_usbIpAddress) { d_ptr->m_usbIpAddress = usbIp; emit usbIpAddressChanged(); } /* Retrieve network configuration from interfaces */ QMap entries = enumerate_network_interfaces(); if (entries.contains(d_ptr->m_usbInterface)) { QString ip = entries[d_ptr->m_usbInterface]; if (d_ptr->m_usbIpAddress != ip) { d_ptr->m_usbIpAddress = ip; emit usbIpAddressChanged(); } } if (entries.contains(WLAN_NETWORK_INTERFACE)) { QString ip = entries[WLAN_NETWORK_INTERFACE]; if (d_ptr->m_wlanIpAddress != ip) { d_ptr->m_wlanIpAddress = ip; emit wlanIpAddressChanged(); } } else if (entries.contains(WLAN_NETWORK_FALLBACK_INTERFACE)) { // If the WLAN network interface does not have an IP address, // but there is a "tether" interface that does have an IP, assume // it is the WLAN interface in tethering mode, and use its IP. QString ip = entries[WLAN_NETWORK_FALLBACK_INTERFACE]; if (d_ptr->m_wlanIpAddress != ip) { d_ptr->m_wlanIpAddress = ip; emit wlanIpAddressChanged(); } } for (const QString &device : entries.keys()) { qCDebug(lcDeveloperModeLog) << "Device:" << device << "IP:" << entries[device]; } } #include "developermodesettings.moc"