import QtQuick.tooling 1.2 // This file describes the plugin-supplied types contained in the library. // It is used for QML tooling purposes only. // // This file was auto-generated by: // 'qmlplugindump -nonrelocatable Nemo.Email 0.1' Module { dependencies: ["QtQuick 2.0"] Component { name: "AttachmentListModel" prototype: "QAbstractListModel" exports: ["Nemo.Email/AttachmentListModel 0.1"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0] Enum { name: "AttachmentType" values: { "Email": 0, "Other": 1 } } Property { name: "count"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "messageId"; type: "int" } Method { name: "displayName" type: "string" Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "isDownloaded" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "mimeType" type: "string" Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "title" type: "string" Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "type" type: "AttachmentType" Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "url" type: "string" Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "location" type: "string" Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "size" type: "int" Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "int" } } } Component { name: "EmailAccount" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["Nemo.Email/EmailAccount 0.1"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0] Enum { name: "Error" values: { "ConnectionError": 0, "DiskFull": 1, "ExternalComunicationError": 2, "InvalidAccount": 3, "InvalidConfiguration": 4, "InternalError": 5, "LoginFailed": 6, "Timeout": 7, "UntrustedCertificates": 8 } } Enum { name: "ServerType" values: { "IncomingServer": 0, "OutgoingServer": 1 } } Property { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } Property { name: "description"; type: "string" } Property { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "name"; type: "string" } Property { name: "address"; type: "string" } Property { name: "username"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "server"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "password"; type: "string" } Property { name: "recvType"; type: "string" } Property { name: "recvServer"; type: "string" } Property { name: "recvPort"; type: "string" } Property { name: "recvSecurity"; type: "string" } Property { name: "recvUsername"; type: "string" } Property { name: "recvPassword"; type: "string" } Property { name: "pushCapable"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "sendServer"; type: "string" } Property { name: "sendPort"; type: "string" } Property { name: "sendAuth"; type: "string" } Property { name: "sendSecurity"; type: "string" } Property { name: "sendUsername"; type: "string" } Property { name: "sendPassword"; type: "string" } Property { name: "errorMessage"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "errorCode"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } Signal { name: "settingsRetrieved" } Signal { name: "settingsRetrievalFailed" } Signal { name: "testSucceeded" } Signal { name: "testSkipped" } Signal { name: "testFailed" Parameter { name: "serverType"; type: "ServerType" } Parameter { name: "error"; type: "Error" } } Method { name: "save"; type: "bool" } Method { name: "remove"; type: "bool" } Method { name: "test" Parameter { name: "timeout"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "test" } Method { name: "cancelTest" } Method { name: "retrieveSettings" Parameter { name: "emailAdress"; type: "string" } } Method { name: "clear" } } Component { name: "EmailAccountListModel" prototype: "QMailAccountListModel" exports: ["Nemo.Email/EmailAccountListModel 0.1"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0] Property { name: "numberOfAccounts"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "numberOfTransmitAccounts"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "lastUpdateTime"; type: "QDateTime"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "onlyTransmitAccounts"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "persistentConnectionActive"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Signal { name: "accountsAdded" } Signal { name: "accountsRemoved" } Signal { name: "accountsUpdated" } Signal { name: "modelReset" } Method { name: "accountId" type: "int" Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "allDisplayNames"; type: "QStringList" } Method { name: "allEmailAddresses"; type: "QStringList" } Method { name: "customField" type: "string" Parameter { name: "name"; type: "string" } Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "customFieldFromAccountId" type: "string" Parameter { name: "name"; type: "string" } Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "displayName" type: "string" Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "displayNameFromAccountId" type: "string" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "emailAddress" type: "string" Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "emailAddressFromAccountId" type: "string" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "indexFromAccountId" type: "int" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "standardFoldersRetrieved" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "appendSignature" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "signature" type: "string" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "useCryptoSignatureByDefault" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "cryptoSignatureType" type: "string" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "cryptoSignatureIds" type: "QStringList" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } } Component { name: "EmailAccountSettingsModel" prototype: "QAbstractListModel" exports: ["Nemo.Email/EmailAccountSettingsModel 0.1"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0] Method { name: "saveChanges" } Method { name: "deleteRow" Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "reload" } Method { name: "rowCount" type: "int" Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" } } Method { name: "rowCount"; type: "int" } Method { name: "dataWrapper" type: "QVariant" Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "setDataWrapper" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" } Parameter { name: "role"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "updateInterval"; type: "int" } Method { name: "setUpdateInterval" Parameter { name: "interval"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "signature"; type: "string" } Method { name: "setSignature" Parameter { name: "signature"; type: "string" } } Method { name: "newMailNotifications"; type: "bool" } Method { name: "setNewMailNotifications" Parameter { name: "val"; type: "bool" } } Method { name: "confirmDeleteMail"; type: "bool" } Method { name: "setConfirmDeleteMail" Parameter { name: "val"; type: "bool" } } } Component { name: "EmailAgent" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["Nemo.Email/EmailAgent 0.1"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0] Enum { name: "AttachmentStatus" values: { "Unknown": 0, "Queued": 1, "Downloading": 2, "NotDownloaded": 3, "Downloaded": 4, "Failed": 5, "FailedToSave": 6, "Canceled": 7 } } Enum { name: "SyncErrors" values: { "SyncFailed": 0, "LoginFailed": 1, "DiskFull": 2, "InvalidConfiguration": 3, "UntrustedCertificates": 4, "InternalError": 5, "SendFailed": 6, "Timeout": 7, "ServerError": 8, "NotConnected": 9 } } Enum { name: "SearchStatus" values: { "SearchDone": 0, "SearchCanceled": 1, "SearchFailed": 2 } } Enum { name: "CalendarInvitationResponse" values: { "InvitationResponseUnspecified": 0, "InvitationResponseAccept": 1, "InvitationResponseTentative": 2, "InvitationResponseDecline": 3 } } Enum { name: "OnlineFolderAction" values: { "ActionOnlineCreateFolder": 0, "ActionOnlineDeleteFolder": 1, "ActionOnlineRenameFolder": 2, "ActionOnlineMoveFolder": 3 } } Property { name: "synchronizing"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "currentSynchronizingAccountId"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } Signal { name: "attachmentDownloadProgressChanged" Parameter { name: "attachmentLocation"; type: "string" } Parameter { name: "progress"; type: "double" } } Signal { name: "attachmentDownloadStatusChanged" Parameter { name: "attachmentLocation"; type: "string" } Parameter { name: "status"; type: "EmailAgent::AttachmentStatus" } } Signal { name: "attachmentPathChanged" Parameter { name: "attachmentLocation"; type: "string" } Parameter { name: "filepath"; type: "string" } } Signal { name: "error" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "syncError"; type: "EmailAgent::SyncErrors" } } Signal { name: "folderRetrievalCompleted" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "QMailAccountId" } } Signal { name: "ipcConnectionEstablished" } Signal { name: "messagesDownloaded" Parameter { name: "messageIds"; type: "QMailMessageIdList" } Parameter { name: "success"; type: "bool" } } Signal { name: "messagePartDownloaded" Parameter { name: "messageId"; type: "QMailMessageId" } Parameter { name: "partLocation"; type: "string" } Parameter { name: "success"; type: "bool" } } Signal { name: "sendCompleted" Parameter { name: "success"; type: "bool" } } Signal { name: "standardFoldersCreated" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "QMailAccountId" } } Signal { name: "networkConnectionRequested" } Signal { name: "searchMessageIdsMatched" Parameter { name: "ids"; type: "QMailMessageIdList" } } Signal { name: "searchCompleted" Parameter { name: "search"; type: "string" } Parameter { name: "matchedIds"; type: "QMailMessageIdList" } Parameter { name: "isRemote"; type: "bool" } Parameter { name: "remainingMessagesOnRemote"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "status"; type: "EmailAgent::SearchStatus" } } Signal { name: "calendarInvitationResponded" Parameter { name: "response"; type: "CalendarInvitationResponse" } Parameter { name: "success"; type: "bool" } } Signal { name: "onlineFolderActionCompleted" Parameter { name: "action"; type: "OnlineFolderAction" } Parameter { name: "success"; type: "bool" } } Method { name: "isOnline"; type: "bool" } Method { name: "accountsSyncInbox" Parameter { name: "minimum"; type: "uint" } } Method { name: "accountsSyncInbox" } Method { name: "accountsSyncAllFolders" Parameter { name: "minimum"; type: "uint" } } Method { name: "accountsSyncAllFolders" } Method { name: "createFolder" Parameter { name: "name"; type: "string" } Parameter { name: "mailAccountId"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "parentFolderId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "deleteFolder" Parameter { name: "folderId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "deleteMessage" Parameter { name: "messageId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "deleteMessagesFromVariantList" Parameter { name: "ids"; type: "QVariantList" } } Method { name: "expungeMessages" Parameter { name: "ids"; type: "QMailMessageIdList" } } Method { name: "downloadAttachment" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "messageId"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "attachmentLocation"; type: "string" } } Method { name: "cancelAttachmentDownload" Parameter { name: "attachmentLocation"; type: "string" } } Method { name: "exportUpdates" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "getMoreMessages" Parameter { name: "folderId"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "minimum"; type: "uint" } } Method { name: "getMoreMessages" Parameter { name: "folderId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "signatureForAccount" type: "string" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "inboxFolderId" type: "int" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "outboxFolderId" type: "int" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "draftsFolderId" type: "int" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "sentFolderId" type: "int" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "trashFolderId" type: "int" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "junkFolderId" type: "int" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "isAccountValid" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "isMessageValid" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "messageId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "markMessageAsRead" Parameter { name: "messageId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "markMessageAsUnread" Parameter { name: "messageId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "moveFolder" Parameter { name: "folderId"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "parentFolderId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "moveMessage" Parameter { name: "messageId"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "destinationId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "renameFolder" Parameter { name: "folderId"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "name"; type: "string" } } Method { name: "retrieveFolderList" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "folderId"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "descending"; type: "bool" } } Method { name: "retrieveFolderList" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "folderId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "retrieveFolderList" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "retrieveMessageList" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "folderId"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "minimum"; type: "uint" } } Method { name: "retrieveMessageList" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "folderId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "retrieveMessageRange" Parameter { name: "messageId"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "minimum"; type: "uint" } } Method { name: "processSendingQueue" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "synchronize" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "minimum"; type: "uint" } } Method { name: "synchronize" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "synchronizeInbox" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "minimum"; type: "uint" } } Method { name: "synchronizeInbox" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "respondToCalendarInvitation" Parameter { name: "messageId"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "response"; type: "CalendarInvitationResponse" } Parameter { name: "responseSubject"; type: "string" } } Method { name: "accountIdForMessage" type: "int" Parameter { name: "messageId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "folderIdForMessage" type: "int" Parameter { name: "messageId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "accessorFromFolderId" type: "FolderAccessor*" Parameter { name: "folderId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "accountWideSearchAccessor" type: "FolderAccessor*" Parameter { name: "accountId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "combinedInboxAccessor"; type: "FolderAccessor*" } } Component { name: "EmailFolder" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["Nemo.Email/EmailFolder 0.1"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0] Enum { name: "FolderType" values: { "InvalidFolder": 0, "NormalFolder": 1, "InboxFolder": 2, "OutboxFolder": 3, "SentFolder": 4, "DraftsFolder": 5, "TrashFolder": 6, "JunkFolder": 7 } } Property { name: "folderAccessor"; type: "FolderAccessor"; isPointer: true } Property { name: "displayName"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "folderId"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "parentAccountId"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "parentFolderId"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "folderType"; type: "FolderType"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "isOutgoingFolder"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "folderUnreadCount"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "EmailMessage" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["Nemo.Email/EmailMessage 0.1"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0] Enum { name: "Priority" values: { "LowPriority": 0, "NormalPriority": 1, "HighPriority": 2 } } Enum { name: "ContentType" values: { "Plain": 0, "HTML": 1 } } Enum { name: "ResponseType" values: { "NoResponse": 0, "Reply": 1, "ReplyToAll": 2, "Forward": 3, "ForwardPart": 4, "Redirect": 5, "UnspecifiedResponse": 6 } } Enum { name: "AttachedDataStatus" values: { "Unknown": 0, "Downloaded": 1, "Downloading": 2, "Failed": 3, "FailedToSave": 4, "Saved": 5 } } Enum { name: "SignatureStatus" values: { "NoDigitalSignature": 0, "SignatureDownloading": 1, "SignatureMissing": 2, "SignatureChecking": 3, "SignedValid": 4, "SignedInvalid": 5, "SignedExpired": 6, "SignedMissing": 7, "SignedUnchecked": 8, "SignedFailure": 9 } } Enum { name: "EncryptionStatus" values: { "NoDigitalEncryption": 0, "Encrypted": 1 } } Enum { name: "CryptoProtocol" values: { "UnknownProtocol": 0, "OpenPGP": 1, "SecureMIME": 2 } } Property { name: "accountId"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "accountAddress"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "folderId"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "attachments"; type: "QStringList" } Property { name: "bcc"; type: "QStringList" } Property { name: "body"; type: "string" } Property { name: "calendarInvitationUrl"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "hasCalendarInvitation"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "hasCalendarCancellation"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "calendarInvitationStatus"; type: "AttachedDataStatus"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "calendarInvitationBody"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "calendarInvitationSupportsEmailResponses"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "cc"; type: "QStringList" } Property { name: "ccEmailAddresses"; type: "QStringList"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "contentType"; type: "ContentType"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "autoVerifySignature"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "cryptoProtocol"; type: "CryptoProtocol"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "signatureStatus"; type: "SignatureStatus"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "encryptionStatus"; type: "EncryptionStatus"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "date"; type: "QDateTime"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "from"; type: "string" } Property { name: "fromAddress"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "fromDisplayName"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "htmlBody"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "inReplyTo"; type: "string" } Property { name: "signingPlugin"; type: "string" } Property { name: "signingKeys"; type: "QStringList" } Property { name: "messageId"; type: "int" } Property { name: "multipleRecipients"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "numberOfAttachments"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "originalMessageId"; type: "int" } Property { name: "preview"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "priority"; type: "Priority" } Property { name: "quotedBody"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "recipients"; type: "QStringList"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "recipientsDisplayName"; type: "QStringList"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "read"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "replyTo"; type: "string" } Property { name: "responseType"; type: "ResponseType" } Property { name: "requestReadReceipt"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "size"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "subject"; type: "string" } Property { name: "to"; type: "QStringList" } Property { name: "toEmailAddresses"; type: "QStringList"; isReadonly: true } Signal { name: "sendEnqueued" Parameter { name: "success"; type: "bool" } } Signal { name: "sendCompleted" Parameter { name: "success"; type: "bool" } } Signal { name: "calendarInvitationSupportsEmailResponsesChanged"; type: "bool" } Signal { name: "messageDownloaded" } Signal { name: "messageDownloadFailed" } Signal { name: "storedMessageChanged" } Signal { name: "inlinePartsDownloaded" } Method { name: "cancelMessageDownload" } Method { name: "downloadMessage" } Method { name: "getCalendarInvitation" } Method { name: "loadFromFile" Parameter { name: "path"; type: "string" } } Method { name: "send" } Method { name: "sendReadReceipt" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "subjectPrefix"; type: "string" } Parameter { name: "readReceiptBodyText"; type: "string" } } Method { name: "saveDraft" } Method { name: "verifySignature" } Method { name: "getSignatureStatusForKey" type: "SignatureStatus" Parameter { name: "keyIdentifier"; type: "string" } } Method { name: "cryptoProtocolForKey" type: "CryptoProtocol" Parameter { name: "pluginName"; type: "string" } Parameter { name: "keyIdentifier"; type: "string" } } } Component { name: "EmailMessageListModel" prototype: "QMailMessageListModel" exports: ["Nemo.Email/EmailMessageListModel 0.1"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0] Enum { name: "Priority" values: { "LowPriority": 0, "NormalPriority": 1, "HighPriority": 2 } } Enum { name: "Sort" values: { "Time": 0, "Sender": 1, "Size": 2, "ReadStatus": 3, "Priority": 4, "Attachments": 5, "Subject": 6, "Recipients": 7 } } Enum { name: "SearchOn" values: { "LocalAndRemote": 0, "Local": 1, "Remote": 2 } } Property { name: "folderAccessor"; type: "FolderAccessor"; isPointer: true } Property { name: "canFetchMore"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "count"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "selectedMessageCount"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "limit"; type: "uint" } Property { name: "searchLimit"; type: "uint" } Property { name: "searchOn"; type: "EmailMessageListModel::SearchOn" } Property { name: "searchFrom"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "searchRecipients"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "searchSubject"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "searchBody"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "searchRemainingOnRemote"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "sortBy"; type: "EmailMessageListModel::Sort" } Property { name: "unreadMailsSelected"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Method { name: "setSearch" Parameter { name: "search"; type: "string" } } Method { name: "cancelSearch" } Method { name: "indexFromMessageId" type: "int" Parameter { name: "messageId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "selectAllMessages" } Method { name: "deselectAllMessages" } Method { name: "selectMessage" Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "deselectMessage" Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "moveSelectedMessages" Parameter { name: "folderId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "deleteSelectedMessages" } Method { name: "markAsReadSelectedMessages" } Method { name: "markAsUnReadSelectedMessages" } Method { name: "markAllMessagesAsRead" } } Component { name: "FolderAccessor" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["Nemo.Email/FolderAccessor 0.1"] isCreatable: false exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0] } Component { name: "FolderListFilterTypeModel" prototype: "QSortFilterProxyModel" exports: ["Nemo.Email/FolderListFilterTypeModel 0.1"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0] Property { name: "count"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "syncFolderList"; type: "QStringList"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "accountKey"; type: "int" } Property { name: "typeFilter"; type: "QList" } } Component { name: "FolderListModel" prototype: "QAbstractListModel" exports: ["Nemo.Email/FolderListModel 0.1"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0] Property { name: "accountKey"; type: "int" } Property { name: "canCreateTopLevelFolders"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "supportsFolderActions"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Signal { name: "resyncNeeded" } Signal { name: "countChanged" } Method { name: "folderId" type: "int" Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "folderAccessor" type: "FolderAccessor*" Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "indexFromFolderId" type: "int" Parameter { name: "folderId"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "standardFolderIndex" type: "int" Parameter { name: "folderType"; type: "EmailFolder::FolderType" } } Method { name: "isFolderAncestorOf" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "folderId"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "ancestorFolderId"; type: "int" } } } Component { name: "FolderListProxyModel" prototype: "QAbstractProxyModel" exports: ["Nemo.Email/FolderListProxyModel 0.1"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0] Property { name: "includeRoot"; type: "bool" } } Component { name: "QAbstractProxyModel" prototype: "QAbstractItemModel" Property { name: "sourceModel"; type: "QAbstractItemModel"; isPointer: true } Method { name: "mapToSource" type: "QModelIndex" Parameter { name: "proxyIndex"; type: "QModelIndex" } } Method { name: "mapFromSource" type: "QModelIndex" Parameter { name: "sourceIndex"; type: "QModelIndex" } } Method { name: "mapSelectionToSource" type: "QItemSelection" Parameter { name: "selection"; type: "QItemSelection" } } Method { name: "mapSelectionFromSource" type: "QItemSelection" Parameter { name: "selection"; type: "QItemSelection" } } } Component { name: "QMailAccountListModel"; prototype: "QAbstractListModel" } Component { name: "QMailMessageListModel"; prototype: "QMailMessageModelBase" } Component { name: "QMailMessageModelBase" prototype: "QAbstractItemModel" Signal { name: "modelChanged" } } Component { name: "QSortFilterProxyModel" prototype: "QAbstractProxyModel" Property { name: "filterRegExp"; type: "QRegExp" } Property { name: "filterKeyColumn"; type: "int" } Property { name: "dynamicSortFilter"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "filterCaseSensitivity"; type: "Qt::CaseSensitivity" } Property { name: "sortCaseSensitivity"; type: "Qt::CaseSensitivity" } Property { name: "isSortLocaleAware"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "sortRole"; type: "int" } Property { name: "filterRole"; type: "int" } Method { name: "setFilterRegExp" Parameter { name: "pattern"; type: "string" } } Method { name: "setFilterWildcard" Parameter { name: "pattern"; type: "string" } } Method { name: "setFilterFixedString" Parameter { name: "pattern"; type: "string" } } Method { name: "clear" } Method { name: "invalidate" } } }