# Configuration file for MCE - Debug/panic led patterns for hybris backend [LEDPatternHybris] # Patterns used for the hybris hardware; # Please prefix pattern names with Pattern to avoid name space clashes # # [0] Priority (0 - highest, 255 - lowest) # [1] ScreenOn # 0 only show pattern when the display is off # 1 show pattern even when the display is on # 2 only show pattern when the display is off, including acting dead # 3 show pattern even when the display is on, including acting dead # 4 only show pattern if the display is off, or if in acting dead # 5 always show pattern, even if LED disabled # 6 Like 0, but automatically disable after display on # [2] Timeout in seconds before pattern is disabled, 0 for infinite # [3] OnPeriod in milliseconds # [4] OffPeriod in milliseconds # [5] RGB24 as hexadecimal number # # Note: If blinking is enabled, only full intensity colors are applicable # i.e. red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan or white should be used. # Agressively blinking patterns are used to alert situations # where actions related to display blanking/unblanking are # taking much longer than anticipated. # Frame buffer does not wakeup -> yellow PatternDisplayResumeFailed=11;5;0;100;100;ffff00 # No reply to UI start dbus ipc -> green PatternDisplayUnblankFailed=13;5;0;100;100;00ff00 # No reply to UI stop dbus ipc -> red PatternDisplayBlankFailed=13;5;0;100;100;ff0000 # Frame buffer does not go to sleep -> cyan PatternDisplaySuspendFailed=11;5;0;100;100;00ffff # Attempting to core dump lipstick -> Magenta PatternKillingLipstick=12;5;0;100;100;ff00ff # Touch input blocked after wakeup -> blue PatternTouchInputBlocked=14;5;0;100;100;0000ff # Fingerprint scanner active -> static yellow PatternScanningFingerprint=11;1;0;0;0;ffff00 # Fingerprint acquired -> blue blip PatternFingerprintAcquired=10;1;1;0;0;0000ff # Proximity sensor covered -> red PatternProximityCovered=14;5;0;0;0;ff0000 # Proximity sensor uncovered - waiting -> yellow PatternProximityUncovering=14;5;0;0;0;ffff00 # Proximity sensor uncovered - effective -> green PatternProximityUncovered=14;5;0;0;0;00ff00