#!/bin/sh # Check that all files that should have the current version agree on it MAK_PATH=Makefile MAK_VERS=$(grep '^VERSION.*:=' $MAK_PATH |sed -e 's/^.*:=[[:space:]]*//') DEB_PATH=debian/changelog DEB_VERS=$(head -1 $DEB_PATH | sed -e 's/^.*(//' -e 's/).*$//') RPM_PATH=${RPM_SOURCE_DIR:-rpm}/${RPM_PACKAGE_NAME:-mce}.spec RPM_VERS=$(grep '^Version:' $RPM_PATH |sed -e 's/^.*:[[:space:]]*//') # Remove initial part of rpm version that equals with version from Makefile RPM_XTRA=${RPM_VERS#$MAK_VERS} # From that remove initial part that equals with version from spec-file RPM_XTRA=${RPM_XTRA#$RPM_VERS} # If the result is non-empty string, then OBS is doing # delta-after-matching-tag kind of build, which is ok. # But empty string means that spec and Makefile are completely # out of sync, which is bad. RES=0 if [ "$DEB_VERS" != "$MAK_VERS" ]; then echo >&2 "$MAK_PATH $MAK_VERS vs $DEB_PATH $DEB_VERS" RES=1 fi if [ "$RPM_VERS" != "$MAK_VERS" ]; then if [ -z "$RPM_XTRA" ]; then echo >&2 "$MAK_PATH $MAK_VERS vs $RPM_PATH $RPM_VERS" RES=1 else echo "(ignoring patch level in spec file: $RPM_XTRA)" fi fi if [ $RES != 0 ]; then echo >&2 "Conflicting package versions" fi exit $RES