/* Copyright 2011-2012 Heikki Holstila This file is part of FingerTerm. FingerTerm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FingerTerm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FingerTerm. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "keyloader.h" #include "util.h" KeyLoader::KeyLoader(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), iVkbRows(0), iVkbColumns(0), iUtil(0) { } KeyLoader::~KeyLoader() { } bool KeyLoader::loadLayout(const QString &layout) { bool ret = false; if(layout.isEmpty() || !iUtil) return false; if (layout.at(0)==':') { // load from resources QResource res(layout); QByteArray resArr( reinterpret_cast(res.data()) ); QBuffer resBuf( &resArr ); ret = loadLayoutInternal(resBuf); } else { // load from file QFile f(iUtil->configPath() + "/" + layout + ".layout"); if (!f.exists()) // fallback to installation directory f.setFileName(QStringLiteral(DEPLOYMENT_PATH) + "/data/" + layout + ".layout"); ret = loadLayoutInternal(f); } return ret; } bool KeyLoader::loadLayoutInternal(QIODevice &from) { iKeyData.clear(); bool ret = true; iVkbRows = 0; iVkbColumns = 0; bool lastLineHadKey = false; if( !from.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text) ) return false; QList keyRow; while(!from.atEnd()) { QString line = QString::fromUtf8(from.readLine()).simplified(); if(line.length()>=2 && line.at(0)!=';' && line.at(0)=='[' && line.at(line.length()-1)==']') { KeyData key; key.label = ""; key.code = 0; key.label_alt = ""; key.code_alt = 0; key.isModifier = false; line.replace("\\\\", "\\x5C"); line.replace("\" \"", "\\x20"); line.replace(" ", ""); line.replace("\"[\"", "\\x5B"); line.replace("\"]\"", "\\x5D"); line.replace("\",\"", "\\x2C"); line.replace("\\\"", "\\x22"); line.replace("\"", ""); key.width = line.count('['); line.replace("[", ""); line.replace("]", ""); line.replace("\\x20", " "); line.replace("\\x22", "\""); line.replace("\\x5B", "["); line.replace("\\x5D", "]"); line.replace("\\x5C", "\\"); QStringList parts = line.split(",", QString::KeepEmptyParts); if(parts.count()>=2) { bool ok = true; key.label = parts.at(0); key.label.replace("\\x2C",","); parts[1].replace("0x",""); key.code = parts.at(1).toInt(&ok,16); if(!ok) { ret = false; break; } if(key.code==Qt::AltModifier || key.code==Qt::ControlModifier || key.code==Qt::ShiftModifier) key.isModifier = true; if(parts.count()>=4 && !key.isModifier) { key.label_alt = parts.at(2); key.label_alt.replace("\\x2C",","); parts[3].replace("0x",""); key.code_alt = parts.at(3).toInt(&ok,16); if(!ok) { ret = false; break; } } } lastLineHadKey = true; cleanUpKey(key); keyRow.append(key); } else if(line.length()==0 && lastLineHadKey) { if(keyRow.count() > iVkbColumns) { iVkbColumns = keyRow.count(); } iKeyData.append(keyRow); keyRow.clear(); lastLineHadKey = false; } else { lastLineHadKey = false; } } if(keyRow.count() > 0) iKeyData.append(keyRow); iVkbRows = iKeyData.count(); foreach(QList r, iKeyData) { if(r.count() > iVkbColumns) iVkbColumns = r.count(); } from.close(); if (iVkbColumns <= 0 || iVkbRows <= 0) ret = false; if (!ret) iKeyData.clear(); else emit vkbChanged(); return ret; } QVariantList KeyLoader::keyAt(int row, int col) { QVariantList ret; ret.append(""); //label ret.append(0); //code ret.append(""); //label_alt ret.append(0); //code_alt ret.append(0); //width ret.append(false); //isModifier if(iKeyData.count() <= row) return ret; if(iKeyData.at(row).count() <= col) return ret; ret[0] = iKeyData.at(row).at(col).label; ret[1] = iKeyData.at(row).at(col).code; ret[2] = iKeyData.at(row).at(col).label_alt; ret[3] = iKeyData.at(row).at(col).code_alt; ret[4] = iKeyData.at(row).at(col).width; ret[5] = iKeyData.at(row).at(col).isModifier; return ret; } const QStringList KeyLoader::availableLayouts() { if (!iUtil) return QStringList(); QDir confDir(iUtil->configPath()); QStringList filter("*.layout"); QStringList results = confDir.entryList(filter, QDir::Files|QDir::Readable, QDir::Name); QStringList ret; foreach(QString s, results) { ret << s.left(s.lastIndexOf('.')); } // Add also layouts from installation path. QDir dataDir(QStringLiteral(DEPLOYMENT_PATH) + "/data"); results = dataDir.entryList(filter, QDir::Files|QDir::Readable, QDir::Name); foreach(QString s, results) { QString layout = s.left(s.lastIndexOf('.')); if (!ret.contains(layout)) ret << layout; } return ret; } void KeyLoader::cleanUpKey(KeyData &key) { // make sure that a key does not try to use some (currently) unsupported feature... // if the label is an image or a modifier, we do not support an alternative label if ((key.label.startsWith(':') && key.label.length()>1) || key.isModifier) { key.label_alt = ""; key.code_alt = 0; } // if the alternative label is an image (and the default one was not), use it as the (only) default if (key.label_alt.startsWith(':') && key.label_alt.length()>1) { key.label = key.label_alt; key.code = key.code_alt; key.label_alt = ""; key.code_alt = 0; } // alphabet letters can't have an alternative, they just switch between lower and upper case if (key.label.length()==1 && key.label.at(0).isLetter()) { key.label_alt = ""; key.code_alt = 0; } // ... also, can't have alphabet letters as an alternative label if (key.label_alt.length()==1 && key.label_alt.at(0).isLetter()) { key.label_alt = ""; key.code_alt = 0; } }