; use keycodes from: ; http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qt.html#Key-enum ; ; - [] will leave an empty space in the keyboard ; - Recognized modifier keys are shift, alt, ctrl ; - Letters will automatically handle upper/lowercase ; - Empty row in the file acts as a keyboard row separator ["esc", 0x1000000, "", 0x0] [">", 0x3e, "<", 0x3c] ["|", 0x7c, "&", 0x26] ["!", 0x21, "?", 0x3f] ["\"", 0x22, "$", 0x24] ["'", 0x27, "`", 0x60] ["_", 0x5f, "@", 0x40] ["=", 0x3d, "~", 0x7e] ["/", 0x2f, "\\", 0x5c] ["-", 0x2d, "*", 0x2a] [":backspace", 0x1000003, "", 0x0] [":tab", 0x1000001, "", 0x0] ["1", 0x31, "+", 0x2b] ["2", 0x32, "^", 0x5e] ["3", 0x33, "#", 0x23] ["4", 0x34, "%", 0x25] ["5", 0x35, "(", 0x28] ["6", 0x36, ")", 0x29] ["7", 0x37, "[", 0x5b] ["8", 0x38, "]", 0x5d] ["9", 0x39, "{", 0x7b] ["0", 0x30, "}", 0x7d] ["q", 0x51, "", 0x0] ["w", 0x57, "", 0x0] ["e", 0x45, "", 0x0] ["r", 0x52, "", 0x0] ["t", 0x54, "", 0x0] ["y", 0x59, "", 0x0] ["u", 0x55, "", 0x0] ["i", 0x49, "", 0x0] ["o", 0x4f, "", 0x0] ["p", 0x50, "", 0x0] [":enter", 0x1000004, "", 0x0] ["a", 0x41, "", 0x0] ["s", 0x53, "", 0x0] ["d", 0x44, "", 0x0] ["f", 0x46, "", 0x0] ["g", 0x47, "", 0x0] ["h", 0x48, "", 0x0] ["j", 0x4a, "", 0x0] ["k", 0x4b, "", 0x0] ["l", 0x4c, "", 0x0] ["ä", 0xc4, "", 0x0] ["pgup", 0x1000016, "home", 0x1000010] [":shift", 0x2000000, "", 0x0] ["z", 0x5a, "", 0x0] ["x", 0x58, "", 0x0] ["c", 0x43, "", 0x0] ["v", 0x56, "", 0x0] ["b", 0x42, "", 0x0] ["n", 0x4e, "", 0x0] ["m", 0x4d, "", 0x0] ["ö", 0xd6, "", 0x0] [":up", 0x1000013, "", 0x0] ["pgdn", 0x1000017, "end", 0x1000011] ["ctrl", 0x4000000, "", 0x0] ["alt", 0x8000000, "", 0x0] ["å", 0xc5, "", 0x0] [",", 0x2c, ";", 0x3b] [[[" ", 0x20, "", 0x0]]] [".", 0x2e, ":", 0x3a] [":left", 0x1000012, "", 0x0] [":down", 0x1000015, "", 0x0] [":right", 0x1000014, "", 0x0]