/* Copyright 2011-2012 Heikki Holstila This file is part of FingerTerm. FingerTerm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FingerTerm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FingerTerm. If not, see . */ #include #include "textrender.h" #include "terminal.h" #include "util.h" Terminal* TextRender::sTerm = 0; Util* TextRender::sUtil = 0; TextRender::TextRender(QQuickItem *parent) : QQuickPaintedItem(parent), newSelection(true), iAllowGestures(true) { setFlag(ItemHasContents); connect(this,SIGNAL(widthChanged()),this,SLOT(updateTermSize())); connect(this,SIGNAL(heightChanged()),this,SLOT(updateTermSize())); connect(this,SIGNAL(fontSizeChanged()),this,SLOT(updateTermSize())); //normal iColorTable.append(QColor(0, 0, 0)); iColorTable.append(QColor(210, 0, 0)); iColorTable.append(QColor(0, 210, 0)); iColorTable.append(QColor(210, 210, 0)); iColorTable.append(QColor(0, 0, 240)); iColorTable.append(QColor(210, 0, 210)); iColorTable.append(QColor(0, 210, 210)); iColorTable.append(QColor(235, 235, 235)); //bright iColorTable.append(QColor(127, 127, 127)); iColorTable.append(QColor(255, 0, 0)); iColorTable.append(QColor(0, 255, 0)); iColorTable.append(QColor(255, 255, 0)); iColorTable.append(QColor(92, 92, 255)); iColorTable.append(QColor(255, 0, 255)); iColorTable.append(QColor(0, 255, 255)); iColorTable.append(QColor(255, 255, 255)); //colour cube for (int r = 0x00; r < 0x100; r += 0x33) for (int g = 0x00; g < 0x100; g += 0x33) for (int b = 0x00; b < 0x100; b += 0x33) iColorTable.append(QColor(r, g, b)); //greyscale ramp int ramp[] = { 0, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 110, 121, 133, 144, 155, 166, 177, 188, 199, 210, 221, 232, 243, 255 }; for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) iColorTable.append(QColor(ramp[i], ramp[i], ramp[i])); if(iColorTable.size() != 256) qFatal("invalid color table"); iShowBufferScrollIndicator = false; iFont = QFont(sUtil->fontFamily(), sUtil->fontSize()); iFont.setBold(false); QFontMetrics fontMetrics(iFont); iFontHeight = fontMetrics.height(); iFontWidth = fontMetrics.maxWidth(); iFontDescent = fontMetrics.descent(); Q_ASSERT(sTerm); connect(sTerm, SIGNAL(displayBufferChanged()), this, SLOT(redraw())); connect(sTerm, SIGNAL(cursorPosChanged(QPoint)), this, SLOT(redraw())); connect(sTerm, SIGNAL(termSizeChanged(int,int)), this, SLOT(redraw())); connect(sTerm, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(redraw())); connect(sTerm, SIGNAL(scrollBackBufferAdjusted(bool)), this, SLOT(handleScrollBack(bool))); updateTermSize(); } TextRender::~TextRender() { } void TextRender::paint(QPainter* painter) { painter->save(); painter->setFont(iFont); int y=0; if (sTerm->backBufferScrollPos() != 0 && sTerm->backBuffer().size()>0) { int from = sTerm->backBuffer().size() - sTerm->backBufferScrollPos(); if(from<0) from=0; int to = sTerm->backBuffer().size(); if(to-from > sTerm->rows()) to = from + sTerm->rows(); paintFromBuffer(painter, sTerm->backBuffer(), from, to, y); if(to-from < sTerm->rows() && sTerm->buffer().size()>0) { int to2 = sTerm->rows() - (to-from); if(to2 > sTerm->buffer().size()) to2 = sTerm->buffer().size(); paintFromBuffer(painter, sTerm->buffer(), 0, to2, y); } } else { int count = qMin(sTerm->rows(), sTerm->buffer().size()); paintFromBuffer(painter, sTerm->buffer(), 0, count, y); } // cursor if (sTerm->showCursor()) { painter->setOpacity(0.5); QPoint cursor = cursorPixelPos(); QSize csize = cursorPixelSize(); painter->setPen(Qt::transparent); painter->setBrush(iColorTable[Terminal::defaultFgColor]); painter->drawRect(cursor.x(), cursor.y(), csize.width(), csize.height()); } // selection QRect selection = sTerm->selection(); if (!selection.isNull()) { painter->setOpacity(0.5); painter->setPen(Qt::transparent); painter->setBrush(Qt::blue); QPoint start, end; if (selection.top() == selection.bottom()) { start = charsToPixels(selection.topLeft()); end = charsToPixels(selection.bottomRight()); painter->drawRect(start.x(), start.y(), end.x()-start.x()+fontWidth(), end.y()-start.y()+fontHeight()); } else { start = charsToPixels(selection.topLeft()); end = charsToPixels(QPoint(sTerm->columns(), selection.top())); painter->drawRect(start.x(), start.y(), end.x()-start.x()+fontWidth(), end.y()-start.y()+fontHeight()); start = charsToPixels(QPoint(1, selection.top()+1)); end = charsToPixels(QPoint(sTerm->columns(), selection.bottom()-1)); painter->drawRect(start.x(), start.y(), end.x()-start.x()+fontWidth(), end.y()-start.y()+fontHeight()); start = charsToPixels(QPoint(1, selection.bottom())); end = charsToPixels(selection.bottomRight()); painter->drawRect(start.x(), start.y(), end.x()-start.x()+fontWidth(), end.y()-start.y()+fontHeight()); } } painter->restore(); } void TextRender::paintFromBuffer(QPainter* painter, QList >& buffer, int from, int to, int &y) { const int leftmargin = 2; int cutAfter = property("cutAfter").toInt() + iFontDescent; TermChar tmp = sTerm->zeroChar; TermChar nextAttrib = sTerm->zeroChar; TermChar currAttrib = sTerm->zeroChar; int currentX = leftmargin; for(int i=from; i= cutAfter) painter->setOpacity(0.3); else painter->setOpacity(1.0); int xcount = qMin(buffer.at(i).count(), sTerm->columns()); // background for the current line currentX = leftmargin; int fragWidth = 0; for(int j=0; jsetPen(Qt::transparent); painter->setBrush( iColorTable[style.bgColor] ); painter->drawRect(x, y, width, iFontHeight); } void TextRender::drawTextFragment(QPainter* painter, int x, int y, QString text, TermChar style) { if (style.attrib & attribNegative) { int c = style.fgColor; style.fgColor = style.bgColor; style.bgColor = c; } if (style.attrib & attribBold) { iFont.setBold(true); painter->setFont(iFont); if(style.fgColor < 8) style.fgColor += 8; } else if(iFont.bold()) { iFont.setBold(false); painter->setFont(iFont); } painter->setPen( iColorTable[style.fgColor] ); painter->setBrush(Qt::transparent); painter->drawText(x, y, text); } void TextRender::redraw() { update(); } void TextRender::setUtil(Util *util) { sUtil = util; } void TextRender::setTerminal(Terminal *terminal) { sTerm = terminal; } void TextRender::updateTermSize() { QSize size((width() - 4) / iFontWidth, (height() - 4) / iFontHeight); sTerm->setTermSize(size); } void TextRender::mousePress(float eventX, float eventY) { if (!allowGestures()) return; dragOrigin = QPointF(eventX, eventY); newSelection = true; } void TextRender::mouseMove(float eventX, float eventY) { QPointF eventPos(eventX, eventY); if (!allowGestures()) return; if(sUtil->dragMode() == Util::DragScroll) { dragOrigin = scrollBackBuffer(eventPos, dragOrigin); } else if(sUtil->dragMode() == Util::DragSelect) { selectionHelper(eventPos, true); } } void TextRender::mouseRelease(float eventX, float eventY) { QPointF eventPos(eventX, eventY); const int reqDragLength = 140; if (!allowGestures()) return; if(sUtil->dragMode() == Util::DragGestures) { int xdist = qAbs(eventPos.x() - dragOrigin.x()); int ydist = qAbs(eventPos.y() - dragOrigin.y()); if(eventPos.x() < dragOrigin.x()-reqDragLength && xdist > ydist*2) doGesture(PanLeft); else if(eventPos.x() > dragOrigin.x()+reqDragLength && xdist > ydist*2) doGesture(PanRight); else if(eventPos.y() > dragOrigin.y()+reqDragLength && ydist > xdist*2) doGesture(PanDown); else if(eventPos.y() < dragOrigin.y()-reqDragLength && ydist > xdist*2) doGesture(PanUp); } else if(sUtil->dragMode() == Util::DragScroll) { scrollBackBuffer(eventPos, dragOrigin); } else if(sUtil->dragMode() == Util::DragSelect) { selectionHelper(eventPos, false); } } void TextRender::selectionHelper(QPointF scenePos, bool selectionOngoing) { int yCorr = fontDescent(); QPoint start(qRound((dragOrigin.x()+2) / fontWidth()), qRound((dragOrigin.y()+yCorr) / fontHeight())); QPoint end(qRound((scenePos.x()+2) / fontWidth()), qRound((scenePos.y()+yCorr) / fontHeight())); if (start != end) { sTerm->setSelection(start, end, selectionOngoing); newSelection = false; } } void TextRender::handleScrollBack(bool reset) { if (reset) { setShowBufferScrollIndicator(false); } else { setShowBufferScrollIndicator(sTerm->backBufferScrollPos() != 0); } redraw(); } void TextRender::setFontPointSize(int psize) { if (iFont.pointSize() != psize) { iFont.setPointSize(psize); QFontMetrics fontMetrics(iFont); iFontHeight = fontMetrics.height(); iFontWidth = fontMetrics.maxWidth(); iFontDescent = fontMetrics.descent(); emit fontSizeChanged(); } } QPoint TextRender::cursorPixelPos() { return charsToPixels(sTerm->cursorPos()); } QPoint TextRender::charsToPixels(QPoint pos) { // not 100% accurrate with all fonts return QPoint(2+(pos.x()-1)*iFontWidth, (pos.y()-1)*iFontHeight+iFontDescent+1); } QSize TextRender::cursorPixelSize() { return QSize(iFontWidth, iFontHeight); } bool TextRender::allowGestures() { return iAllowGestures; } void TextRender::setAllowGestures(bool allow) { if (iAllowGestures != allow) { iAllowGestures = allow; emit allowGesturesChanged(); } } QPointF TextRender::scrollBackBuffer(QPointF now, QPointF last) { int xdist = qAbs(now.x() - last.x()); int ydist = qAbs(now.y() - last.y()); int fontSize = fontPointSize(); int lines = ydist / fontSize; if(lines > 0 && now.y() < last.y() && xdist < ydist*2) { sTerm->scrollBackBufferFwd(lines); last = QPointF(now.x(), last.y() - lines * fontSize); } else if(lines > 0 && now.y() > last.y() && xdist < ydist*2) { sTerm->scrollBackBufferBack(lines); last = QPointF(now.x(), last.y() + lines * fontSize); } return last; } void TextRender::doGesture(PanGesture gesture) { if( gesture==PanLeft ) { sUtil->notifyText(sUtil->settingsValue("gestures/panLeftTitle", "Alt-Right").toString()); sTerm->putString(sUtil->settingsValue("gestures/panLeftCommand", "\\e\\e[C").toString(), true); } else if( gesture==PanRight ) { sUtil->notifyText(sUtil->settingsValue("gestures/panRightTitle", "Alt-Left").toString()); sTerm->putString(sUtil->settingsValue("gestures/panRightCommand", "\\e\\e[D").toString(), true); } else if( gesture==PanDown ) { sUtil->notifyText(sUtil->settingsValue("gestures/panDownTitle", "Page Up").toString()); sTerm->putString(sUtil->settingsValue("gestures/panDownCommand", "\\e[5~").toString(), true); } else if( gesture==PanUp ) { sUtil->notifyText(sUtil->settingsValue("gestures/panUpTitle", "Page Down").toString()); sTerm->putString(sUtil->settingsValue("gestures/panUpCommand", "\\e[6~").toString(), true); } }