/* Copyright 2011-2012 Heikki Holstila This file is part of FingerTerm. FingerTerm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FingerTerm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FingerTerm. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "terminal.h" #include "ptyiface.h" #include "textrender.h" #include "util.h" Terminal::Terminal(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), iRenderer(0), iPtyIFace(0), iWindow(0), iUtil(0), iTermSize(0,0), iEmitCursorChangeSignal(true), iShowCursor(true), iUseAltScreenBuffer(false), iAppCursorKeys(false) { zeroChar.c = ' '; zeroChar.bgColor = defaultBgColor; zeroChar.fgColor = defaultFgColor; zeroChar.attrib = 0; escape = -1; iTermAttribs.currentFgColor = defaultFgColor; iTermAttribs.currentBgColor = defaultBgColor; iTermAttribs.currentAttrib = 0; iTermAttribs.cursorPos = QPoint(0,0); iMarginBottom = 0; iMarginTop = 0; resetBackBufferScrollPos(); iTermAttribs_saved = iTermAttribs; iTermAttribs_saved_alt = iTermAttribs; resetTerminal(); } void Terminal::setRenderer(TextRender* tr) { iRenderer = tr; if(tr) { tr->updateTermSize(); connect(this, SIGNAL(displayBufferChanged()), tr, SLOT(redraw())); connect(this, SIGNAL(cursorPosChanged(QPoint)), tr, SLOT(redraw())); connect(this, SIGNAL(termSizeChanged(QSize)), tr, SLOT(redraw())); } else { qDebug() << "warning: null text renderer"; } } void Terminal::setPtyIFace(PtyIFace *pty) { iPtyIFace = pty; if(!pty) { qDebug() << "warning: null pty iface"; } } void Terminal::setCursorPos(QPoint pos) { if( iTermAttribs.cursorPos != pos ) { int tlimit = 1; int blimit = iTermSize.height(); if(iTermAttribs.originMode) { tlimit = iMarginTop; blimit = iMarginBottom; } if(pos.x() < 1) pos.setX(1); if(pos.x() > iTermSize.width()+1) pos.setX(iTermSize.width()+1); if(pos.y() < tlimit) pos.setY(tlimit); if(pos.y() > blimit) pos.setY(blimit); iTermAttribs.cursorPos=pos; if(iEmitCursorChangeSignal) emit cursorPosChanged(pos); } } QPoint Terminal::cursorPos() { return iTermAttribs.cursorPos; } bool Terminal::showCursor() { if(iBackBufferScrollPos != 0) return false; return iShowCursor; } QList >& Terminal::buffer() { if(iUseAltScreenBuffer) return iAltBuffer; return iBuffer; } void Terminal::setTermSize(QSize size) { if( iTermSize != size ) { iMarginTop = 1; iMarginBottom = size.height(); iTermSize=size; resetTabs(); emit termSizeChanged(size); } } void Terminal::putString(QString str, bool unEscape) { if (unEscape) { str.replace("\\r", "\r"); str.replace("\\n", "\n"); str.replace("\\e", QChar(ch_ESC)); str.replace("\\b", "\b"); str.replace("\\t", "\t"); //hex while(str.indexOf("\\x") != -1) { int i = str.indexOf("\\x")+2; QString num; while(num.length() < 2 && str.length()>i && Util::charIsHexDigit(str.at(i))) { num.append(str.at(i)); i++; } str.remove(i-2-num.length(), num.length()+2); bool ok; str.insert(i-2-num.length(), QChar(num.toInt(&ok,16))); } //octal while(str.indexOf("\\0") != -1) { int i = str.indexOf("\\0")+2; QString num; while(num.length() < 3 && str.length()>i && (str.at(i).toLatin1() >= 48 && str.at(i).toLatin1() <= 55)) { //accept only 0-7 num.append(str.at(i)); i++; } str.remove(i-2-num.length(), num.length()+2); bool ok; str.insert(i-2-num.length(), QChar(num.toInt(&ok,8))); } } if(iPtyIFace) iPtyIFace->writeTerm(str); } void Terminal::keyPress(int key, int modifiers) { QChar c(key); //qDebug() << key; resetBackBufferScrollPos(); if(c.isLetter() && (modifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier)) c = c.toUpper(); else if(c.isLetter()) c = c.toLower(); QString toWrite; if( key <= 0xFF ) { char asciiVal = c.toLatin1(); if(modifiers & Qt::AltModifier) toWrite.append(ch_ESC); if((modifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && c.isLower()) asciiVal -= 0x60; if((modifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && c.isUpper()) asciiVal -= 0x40; toWrite.append(asciiVal); if(iPtyIFace) iPtyIFace->writeTerm(toWrite); return; } char cursorModif='['; if(iAppCursorKeys) cursorModif = 'O'; if( key==Qt::Key_Up ) toWrite += QString("%1%2A").arg(ch_ESC).arg(cursorModif).toLatin1(); if( key==Qt::Key_Down ) toWrite += QString("%1%2B").arg(ch_ESC).arg(cursorModif).toLatin1(); if( key==Qt::Key_Right ) toWrite += QString("%1%2C").arg(ch_ESC).arg(cursorModif).toLatin1(); if( key==Qt::Key_Left ) toWrite += QString("%1%2D").arg(ch_ESC).arg(cursorModif).toLatin1(); if( key==Qt::Key_Enter || key==Qt::Key_Return ) { if(iNewLineMode) toWrite += "\r\n"; else toWrite += "\r"; } if( key==Qt::Key_Backspace ) toWrite += "\x7F"; if( key==Qt::Key_Tab ) toWrite = "\t"; if( key==Qt::Key_PageUp ) toWrite += QString("%1[5~").arg(ch_ESC).toLatin1(); if( key==Qt::Key_PageDown ) toWrite += QString("%1[6~").arg(ch_ESC).toLatin1(); if( key==Qt::Key_Home ) toWrite += QString("%1OH").arg(ch_ESC).toLatin1(); if( key==Qt::Key_End ) toWrite += QString("%1OF").arg(ch_ESC).toLatin1(); if( key==Qt::Key_Delete ) toWrite += QString("%1[3~").arg(ch_ESC).toLatin1(); if( key==Qt::Key_Escape ) { toWrite += QString(1,ch_ESC); } if(iPtyIFace) iPtyIFace->writeTerm(toWrite); } void Terminal::insertInBuffer(const QString& chars) { if(iTermSize.isNull()) { qDebug() << "null size terminal"; return; } iEmitCursorChangeSignal = false; for(int i=0; i cols (terminfo: xenl) { if(iNewLineMode) setCursorPos(QPoint(1,cursorPos().y()+1)); else setCursorPos(QPoint(cursorPos().x(), cursorPos().y()+1)); } } else if(ch.toLatin1()=='\r') { // carriage return setCursorPos(QPoint(1,cursorPos().y())); } else if(ch.toLatin1()=='\b' || ch.toLatin1()==127) { //backspace & del (only move cursor, don't erase) setCursorPos(QPoint(cursorPos().x()-1,cursorPos().y())); } else if(ch.toLatin1()=='\a') { // BEL if(escape==']') { // BEL also ends OSC sequence escape=-1; oscSequence(oscSeq); oscSeq.clear(); } else { iUtil->bellAlert(); } } else if(ch.toLatin1()=='\t') { //tab if(cursorPos().y() <= iTabStops.size()) { for(int i=0; i cursorPos().x()) { setCursorPos(QPoint( iTabStops[cursorPos().y()-1][i], cursorPos().y() )); break; } } } } else if(ch.toLatin1()==14 || ch.toLatin1()==15) { //SI and SO, related to character set... ignore } else { if( escape>=0 ) { if( escape==0 && (ch.toLatin1()=='[') ) { escape='['; //ansi sequence escSeq += ch; } else if( escape==0 && (ch.toLatin1()==']') ) { escape=']'; //osc sequence oscSeq += ch; } else if( escape==0 && multiCharEscapes.contains(ch.toLatin1())) { escape = ch.toLatin1(); escSeq += ch; } else if( escape==0 && ch.toLatin1()=='\\' ) { // ESC\ also ends OSC sequence escape=-1; oscSequence(oscSeq); oscSeq.clear(); } else if (ch.toLatin1()==ch_ESC) { escape = 0; } else if( escape=='[' || multiCharEscapes.contains(escape) ) { escSeq += ch; } else if( escape==']' ) { oscSeq += ch; } else if( multiCharEscapes.contains(escape) ) { escSeq += ch; } else { escControlChar(QByteArray(1,ch.toLatin1())); escape=-1; } if( escape=='[' && ch.toLatin1() >= 64 && ch.toLatin1() <= 126 && ch.toLatin1() != '[' ) { ansiSequence(escSeq); escape=-1; escSeq.clear(); } if( multiCharEscapes.contains(escape) && escSeq.length()>=2 ) { escControlChar(escSeq); escape=-1; escSeq.clear(); } } else { if (ch.isPrint()) insertAtCursor(ch, !iReplaceMode); else if (ch.toLatin1()==ch_ESC) escape=0; else qDebug() << "unprintable char" << int(ch.toLatin1()); } } } iEmitCursorChangeSignal = true; emit displayBufferChanged(); } void Terminal::insertAtCursor(QChar c, bool overwriteMode, bool advanceCursor) { if(cursorPos().x() > iTermSize.width() && advanceCursor) { if(iTermAttribs.wrapAroundMode) { if(cursorPos().y()>=iMarginBottom) { scrollFwd(1); setCursorPos(QPoint(1, cursorPos().y())); } else { setCursorPos(QPoint(1, cursorPos().y()+1)); } } else { setCursorPos(QPoint(iTermSize.width(), cursorPos().y())); } } while(currentLine().size() < cursorPos().x() ) currentLine().append(zeroChar); if(!overwriteMode) currentLine().insert(cursorPos().x()-1,zeroChar); currentLine()[cursorPos().x()-1].c = c; currentLine()[cursorPos().x()-1].fgColor = iTermAttribs.currentFgColor; currentLine()[cursorPos().x()-1].bgColor = iTermAttribs.currentBgColor; currentLine()[cursorPos().x()-1].attrib = iTermAttribs.currentAttrib; if (advanceCursor) { setCursorPos(QPoint(cursorPos().x()+1,cursorPos().y())); } } void Terminal::deleteAt(QPoint pos) { clearAt(pos); buffer()[pos.y()-1].removeAt(pos.x()-1); } void Terminal::clearAt(QPoint pos) { if(pos.y() <= 0 || pos.y()-1 > buffer().size() || pos.x() <= 0 || pos.x()-1 > buffer()[pos.y()-1].size()) { qDebug() << "warning: trying to clear char out of bounds"; return; } // just in case... while(buffer().size() < pos.y()) buffer().append(QList()); while(buffer()[pos.y()-1].size() < pos.x() ) buffer()[pos.y()-1].append(zeroChar); buffer()[pos.y()-1][pos.x()-1] = zeroChar; } void Terminal::eraseLineAtCursor(int from, int to) { if(from==-1 && to==-1) { currentLine().clear(); return; } if(from < 1) from=1; from--; if(to < 1 || to > currentLine().size()) to=currentLine().size(); to--; if(from>to) return; for(int i=from; i<=to; i++) { currentLine()[i] = zeroChar; } } void Terminal::clearAll(bool wholeBuffer) { clearSelection(); if(wholeBuffer) { backBuffer().clear(); resetBackBufferScrollPos(); } buffer().clear(); setCursorPos(QPoint(1,1)); } void Terminal::ansiSequence(const QString& seq) { if(seq.length() <= 1 || seq.at(0)!='[') return; QChar cmdChar = seq.at(seq.length()-1); QString extra; QList params; int x=1; while(x tmp = seq.mid(x,seq.length()-x-1).split(';'); foreach(QString b, tmp) { bool ok=false; int t = b.toInt(&ok); if(ok) { params.append(t); } } if(x>1) extra = seq.mid(1,x-1); bool unhandled = false; switch(cmdChar.toLatin1()) { case 'A': //cursor up if(!extra.isEmpty()) { unhandled=true; break; } if(params.count()<1) params.append(1); if(params.at(0)==0) params[0]=1; setCursorPos(QPoint( cursorPos().x(), qMax(iMarginTop, cursorPos().y()-params.at(0)) )); break; case 'B': //cursor down if(!extra.isEmpty()) { unhandled=true; break; } if(params.count()<1) params.append(1); if(params.at(0)==0) params[0]=1; setCursorPos(QPoint( cursorPos().x(), qMin(iMarginBottom, cursorPos().y()+params.at(0)) )); break; case 'C': //cursor fwd if(!extra.isEmpty()) { unhandled=true; break; } if(params.count()<1) params.append(1); if(params.at(0)==0) params[0]=1; setCursorPos(QPoint( qMin(iTermSize.width(),cursorPos().x()+params.at(0)), cursorPos().y() )); break; case 'D': //cursor back if(!extra.isEmpty()) { unhandled=true; break; } if(params.count()<1) params.append(1); if(params.at(0)==0) params[0]=1; setCursorPos(QPoint( qMax(1,cursorPos().x()-params.at(0)), cursorPos().y() )); break; case 'E': //cursor next line if(!extra.isEmpty()) { unhandled=true; break; } if(params.count()<1) params.append(1); if(params.at(0)==0) params[0]=1; setCursorPos(QPoint( 1, qMin(iMarginBottom, cursorPos().y()+params.at(0)) )); break; case 'F': //cursor prev line if(!extra.isEmpty()) { unhandled=true; break; } if(params.count()<1) params.append(1); if(params.at(0)==0) params[0]=1; setCursorPos(QPoint( 1, qMax(iMarginTop, cursorPos().y()-params.at(0)) )); break; case 'G': //go to column if(!extra.isEmpty()) { unhandled=true; break; } if(params.count()<1) params.append(1); if(params.at(0)==0) params[0]=1; setCursorPos(QPoint( params.at(0), cursorPos().y() )); break; case 'H': //cursor pos case 'f': //cursor pos if(!extra.isEmpty()) { unhandled=true; break; } while(params.count()<2) params.append(1); if (iTermAttribs.originMode) setCursorPos(QPoint( params.at(1), params.at(0)+iMarginTop-1 )); else setCursorPos(QPoint( params.at(1), params.at(0) )); break; case 'J': //erase data if(!extra.isEmpty() && extra!="?") { unhandled=true; break; } if(params.count()>=1 && params.at(0)==1) { eraseLineAtCursor(1,cursorPos().x()); for(int i=0; i=1 && params.at(0)==2) { clearAll(); } else { eraseLineAtCursor(cursorPos().x()); for(int i=cursorPos().y(); i=1 && params.at(0)==1) { eraseLineAtCursor(1,cursorPos().x()); } else if(params.count()>=1 && params.at(0)==2) { currentLine().clear(); } else { eraseLineAtCursor(cursorPos().x()); } break; case 'L': // insert lines if(!extra.isEmpty()) { unhandled=true; break; } if(cursorPos().y() < iMarginTop || cursorPos().y() > iMarginBottom) break; if(params.count()<1) params.append(1); if(params.at(0)==0) params[0]=1; if(params.at(0) > iMarginBottom-cursorPos().y()) scrollBack(iMarginBottom-cursorPos().y(), cursorPos().y()); else scrollBack(params.at(0), cursorPos().y()); setCursorPos(QPoint(1,cursorPos().y())); break; case 'M': // delete lines if(!extra.isEmpty()) { unhandled=true; break; } if(cursorPos().y() < iMarginTop || cursorPos().y() > iMarginBottom) break; if(params.count()<1) params.append(1); if(params.at(0)==0) params[0]=1; if(params.at(0) > iMarginBottom-cursorPos().y()) scrollFwd(iMarginBottom-cursorPos().y(), cursorPos().y()); else scrollFwd(params.at(0), cursorPos().y()); setCursorPos(QPoint(1,cursorPos().y())); break; case 'P': // delete characters if(!extra.isEmpty()) { unhandled=true; break; } if(params.count()<1) params.append(1); if(params.at(0)==0) params[0]=1; for(int i=0; iwriteTerm(toWrite); } else unhandled=true; break; case 'd': //go to row if(!extra.isEmpty()) { unhandled=true; break; } if(params.count()<1) params.append(1); if(params.at(0)==0) params[0]=1; setCursorPos(QPoint( cursorPos().x(), params.at(0) )); break; case 'g': //tab stop manipulation if(params.count()==0) params.append(0); if(params.at(0)==0 && extra=="") { //clear tab at current position if(cursorPos().y() <= iTabStops.size()) { int idx = iTabStops[cursorPos().y()-1].indexOf(cursorPos().x()); if(idx != -1) iTabStops[cursorPos().y()-1].removeAt(idx); } } else if(params.at(0)==3 && extra=="") { //clear all tabs iTabStops.clear(); } break; case 'n': if(params.count()>=1 && params.at(0)==6 && extra=="") { // write cursor pos QString toWrite = QString("%1[%2;%3R").arg(ch_ESC).arg(cursorPos().y()).arg(cursorPos().x()).toLatin1(); if(iPtyIFace) iPtyIFace->writeTerm(toWrite); } else unhandled=true; break; case 'p': if(extra=="!") { // reset terminal resetTerminal(); } else unhandled=true; break; case 's': //save cursor if(!extra.isEmpty()) { unhandled=true; break; } iTermAttribs_saved = iTermAttribs; break; case 'u': //restore cursor if(!extra.isEmpty()) { unhandled=true; break; } iTermAttribs = iTermAttribs_saved; break; case 'm': //graphics mode if(!extra.isEmpty()) { unhandled=true; break; } if(params.count() > 0) { if(params.contains(0)) { iTermAttribs.currentFgColor = defaultFgColor; iTermAttribs.currentBgColor = defaultBgColor; iTermAttribs.currentAttrib = attribNone; } if(params.contains(1)) iTermAttribs.currentAttrib |= attribBold; if(params.contains(4)) iTermAttribs.currentAttrib |= attribUnderline; if(params.contains(7)) iTermAttribs.currentAttrib |= attribNegative; if(params.contains(22)) iTermAttribs.currentAttrib &= ~attribBold; if(params.contains(24)) iTermAttribs.currentAttrib &= ~attribUnderline; if(params.contains(27)) iTermAttribs.currentAttrib &= ~attribNegative; foreach(int p, params) { if(p >= 30 && p<= 37) { iTermAttribs.currentFgColor = p-30; } if(p >= 40 && p<= 47) { iTermAttribs.currentBgColor = p-40; } } if(params.contains(39)) iTermAttribs.currentFgColor = defaultFgColor; if(params.contains(49)) iTermAttribs.currentBgColor = defaultBgColor; } else { iTermAttribs.currentFgColor = defaultFgColor; iTermAttribs.currentBgColor = defaultBgColor; iTermAttribs.currentAttrib = attribNone; } break; case 'h': if(params.count()>=1 && params.contains(1) && extra=="?") { // application cursor keys iAppCursorKeys = true; } else if(params.count()>=1 && params.contains(3) && extra=="?") { //column mode // not supported, just clear screen, move cursor home & reset scrolling region clearAll(); resetTabs(); iMarginTop = 1; iMarginBottom = iTermSize.height(); } else if(params.count()>=1 && params.contains(6) && extra=="?") { //origin mode enable iTermAttribs.originMode = true; } else if(params.count()>=1 && params.contains(7) && extra=="?") { //wraparound mode enable iTermAttribs.wrapAroundMode = true; } else if(params.count()>=1 && params.contains(12) && extra=="?") { // start blinking cursor // just ignore, we don't blink } else if(params.count()>=1 && params.contains(25) && extra=="?") { // show cursor iShowCursor = true; } else if(params.count()>=1 && params.contains(1049) && extra=="?") { //use alt screen buffer & save cursor iTermAttribs_saved_alt = iTermAttribs; iUseAltScreenBuffer = true; iMarginTop = 1; iMarginBottom = iTermSize.height(); resetBackBufferScrollPos(); clearAll(); resetTabs(); emit displayBufferChanged(); } else if(params.count()>=1 && params.contains(4) && extra=="") { iReplaceMode = true; } else if(params.count()>=1 && params.contains(20) && extra=="") { iNewLineMode = true; } else unhandled=true; break; case 'l': if(params.count()>=1 && params.contains(1) && extra=="?") { // normal cursor keys iAppCursorKeys = false; } else if(params.count()>=1 && params.contains(3) && extra=="?") { //column mode // not supported, just clear screen, move cursor home & reset scrolling region clearAll(); resetTabs(); iMarginTop = 1; iMarginBottom = iTermSize.height(); } else if(params.count()>=1 && params.contains(6) && extra=="?") { //origin mode disable iTermAttribs.originMode = false; } else if(params.count()>=1 && params.contains(7) && extra=="?") { //wraparound mode disable iTermAttribs.wrapAroundMode = false; } else if(params.count()>=1 && params.contains(12) && extra=="?") { // stop blinking cursor // no need to do anything, we don't blink } else if(params.count()>=1 && params.contains(25) && extra=="?") { // hide cursor iShowCursor = false; } else if(params.count()>=1 && params.contains(1049) && extra=="?") { //return from alt screen buffer & restore cursor iUseAltScreenBuffer = false; iTermAttribs = iTermAttribs_saved_alt; iMarginBottom = iTermSize.height(); iMarginTop = 1; resetBackBufferScrollPos(); resetTabs(); emit displayBufferChanged(); } else if(params.count()>=1 && params.contains(4) && extra=="") { iReplaceMode = false; } else if(params.count()>=1 && params.contains(20) && extra=="") { iNewLineMode = false; } else unhandled=true; break; case 'r': // scrolling region if(!extra.isEmpty()) { unhandled=true; break; } if(params.count() < 2) { while(params.count() < 2) params.append(1); params[0] = 1; params[1] = iTermSize.height(); } if(params.at(0) < 1) params[0] = 1; if(params.at(1) > iTermSize.height()) params[1] = iTermSize.height(); iMarginTop = params.at(0); iMarginBottom = params.at(1); if(iMarginTop >= iMarginBottom) { //invalid scroll region if(iMarginTop == iTermSize.height()) { iMarginTop = iMarginBottom - 1; } else { iMarginBottom = iMarginTop + 1; } } setCursorPos(QPoint( 1, iMarginTop )); break; default: unhandled=true; break; } if (unhandled) qDebug() << "unhandled ansi sequence " << cmdChar << params << extra; } void Terminal::oscSequence(const QString& seq) { if(seq.length() <= 1 || seq.at(0)!=']') return; // set window title if( seq.length() >= 3 && seq.at(0)==']' && (seq.at(1)=='0' || seq.at(1)=='2') && seq.at(2)==';' ) { if(iWindow) { iUtil->setWindowTitle(seq.mid(3)); } return; } qDebug() << "unhandled OSC" << seq; } void Terminal::escControlChar(const QString& seq) { QChar ch; if(seq.length()==1) { ch = seq.at(0); } else if (seq.length()>1 ){ // control sequences longer than 1 characters if( seq.at(0) == '(' || seq.at(0)==')' ) // character set, ignore this for now... return; if( seq.at(0) == '#' && seq.at(1)=='8' ) { // test mode, fill screen with 'E' clearAll(true); for(int i=0; i line; for(int j=0; j' || ch.toLatin1()=='=') { //app keypad/normal keypad - ignore these for now... } else if(ch.toLatin1()=='H') { // set a tab stop at cursor position while(iTabStops.size() < cursorPos().y()) iTabStops.append(QList()); iTabStops[cursorPos().y()-1].append(cursorPos().x()); qSort(iTabStops[cursorPos().y()-1]); } else if(ch.toLatin1()=='D') { // cursor down/scroll down one line scrollFwd(1, cursorPos().y()); } else if(ch.toLatin1()=='M') { // cursor up/scroll up one line scrollBack(1, cursorPos().y()); } else if(ch.toLatin1()=='E') { // new line if(cursorPos().y()==iMarginBottom) { scrollFwd(1); setCursorPos(QPoint(1,cursorPos().y())); } else { setCursorPos(QPoint(1,cursorPos().y()+1)); } } else if(ch.toLatin1()=='c') { // full reset resetTerminal(); } else if(ch.toLatin1()=='g') { // visual bell iUtil->bellAlert(); } else { qDebug() << "unhandled escape code ESC" << seq; } } QList& Terminal::currentLine() { while(buffer().size() <= cursorPos().y()-1) buffer().append(QList()); if( cursorPos().y() >= 1 && cursorPos().y() <= buffer().size() ) { return buffer()[cursorPos().y()-1]; } // we shouldn't get here return buffer()[buffer().size()-1]; } const QStringList Terminal::printableLinesFromCursor(int lines) { QStringList ret; int start = cursorPos().y() - lines; int end = cursorPos().y() + lines; for(int l=start-1; l= 0 && l < buffer().size()) { for(int i=0; i maxScrollBackLines) { backBuffer().removeFirst(); } } void Terminal::scrollBack(int lines, int insertAt) { if(lines <= 0) return; adjustSelectionPosition(lines); bool useBackbuffer = true; if(insertAt==-1) { insertAt = iMarginTop; useBackbuffer = false; } insertAt--; while(lines>0) { if(!iUseAltScreenBuffer) { if(iBackBuffer.size()>0 && useBackbuffer) buffer().insert(insertAt, iBackBuffer.takeLast()); else buffer().insert(insertAt, QList()); } else { buffer().insert(insertAt, QList()); } int rm = iMarginBottom; if(rm >= buffer().size()) rm = buffer().size()-1; buffer().removeAt(rm); lines--; } } void Terminal::scrollFwd(int lines, int removeAt) { if(lines <= 0) return; adjustSelectionPosition(-lines); if(removeAt==-1) { removeAt = iMarginTop; } removeAt--; while(buffer().size() < iMarginBottom) buffer().append(QList()); while(lines>0) { buffer().insert(iMarginBottom, QList()); if(!iUseAltScreenBuffer) iBackBuffer.append( buffer().takeAt(removeAt) ); else buffer().removeAt(removeAt); lines--; } trimBackBuffer(); } void Terminal::resetTerminal() { iBuffer.clear(); iAltBuffer.clear(); iBackBuffer.clear(); iTermAttribs.currentFgColor = defaultFgColor; iTermAttribs.currentBgColor = defaultBgColor; iTermAttribs.currentAttrib = 0; iTermAttribs.cursorPos = QPoint(1,1); iTermAttribs.wrapAroundMode = true; iTermAttribs.originMode = false; iTermAttribs_saved = iTermAttribs; iTermAttribs_saved_alt = iTermAttribs; iMarginBottom = iTermSize.height(); iMarginTop = 1; iShowCursor = true; iUseAltScreenBuffer = false; iAppCursorKeys = false; iReplaceMode = false; iNewLineMode = false; resetBackBufferScrollPos(); resetTabs(); clearSelection(); } void Terminal::resetTabs() { iTabStops.clear(); for(int i=0; i()); while(tab <= iTermSize.width()) { iTabStops.last().append(tab); tab += 8; } } } void Terminal::pasteFromClipboard() { QClipboard *cb = QGuiApplication::clipboard(); if(cb->mimeData()->hasText() && !cb->mimeData()->text().isEmpty()) { if(iPtyIFace) { resetBackBufferScrollPos(); iPtyIFace->writeTerm(cb->mimeData()->text()); } } } const QStringList Terminal::grabURLsFromBuffer() { QStringList ret; QByteArray buf; //backbuffer if ((iUtil->settingsValue("general/grabUrlsFromBackbuffer").toBool() && !iUseAltScreenBuffer) || backBufferScrollPos() > 0) //a lazy workaround: just grab everything when the buffer is being scrolled (TODO: make a proper fix) { for (int i=0; iconfigPath()+"/menu.xml" ); if(f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly|QIODevice::Text)) { ret = f.readAll(); f.close(); } return ret; } void Terminal::scrollBackBufferFwd(int lines) { if(iUseAltScreenBuffer || lines<=0) return; clearSelection(); iBackBufferScrollPos -= lines; if(iBackBufferScrollPos < 0) iBackBufferScrollPos = 0; if (iRenderer) { iRenderer->setShowBufferScrollIndicator(iBackBufferScrollPos != 0); iRenderer->redraw(); } } void Terminal::scrollBackBufferBack(int lines) { if (iUseAltScreenBuffer || lines<=0) return; clearSelection(); iBackBufferScrollPos += lines; if (iBackBufferScrollPos > iBackBuffer.size()) iBackBufferScrollPos = iBackBuffer.size(); if (iRenderer) { iRenderer->setShowBufferScrollIndicator(iBackBufferScrollPos != 0); iRenderer->redraw(); } } void Terminal::resetBackBufferScrollPos() { if(iBackBufferScrollPos==0 && iSelection.isNull()) return; iBackBufferScrollPos = 0; clearSelection(); if (iRenderer) { iRenderer->setShowBufferScrollIndicator(false); iRenderer->redraw(); } } void Terminal::copySelectionToClipboard() { if (selection().isNull()) return; QClipboard *cb = QGuiApplication::clipboard(); cb->clear(); QString text; QString line; // backbuffer if (iBackBufferScrollPos > 0 && !iUseAltScreenBuffer) { int lineFrom = iBackBuffer.size() - iBackBufferScrollPos + selection().top() - 1; int lineTo = iBackBuffer.size() - iBackBufferScrollPos + selection().bottom() - 1; for (int i=lineFrom; i<=lineTo; i++) { if (i >= 0 && i < iBackBuffer.size()) { line.clear(); int start = 0; int end = iBackBuffer[i].size()-1; if (i==lineFrom) start = selection().left()-1; if (i==lineTo) end = selection().right()-1; for (int j=start; j<=end; j++) { if (j >= 0 && j < iBackBuffer[i].size() && iBackBuffer[i][j].c.isPrint()) line += iBackBuffer[i][j].c; } text += line.trimmed() + "\n"; } } } // main buffer int lineFrom = selection().top()-1-iBackBufferScrollPos; int lineTo = selection().bottom()-1-iBackBufferScrollPos; for (int i=lineFrom; i<=lineTo; i++) { if (i >= 0 && i < buffer().size()) { line.clear(); int start = 0; int end = buffer()[i].size()-1; if (i==lineFrom) start = selection().left()-1; if (i==lineTo) end = selection().right()-1; for (int j=start; j<=end; j++) { if (j >= 0 && j < buffer()[i].size() && buffer()[i][j].c.isPrint()) line += buffer()[i][j].c; } text += line.trimmed() + "\n"; } } //qDebug() << text.trimmed(); cb->setText(text.trimmed()); } void Terminal::adjustSelectionPosition(int lines) { // adjust selection position when terminal contents move if (iSelection.isNull() || lines==0) return; int tx = iSelection.left(); int ty = iSelection.top() + lines; int bx = iSelection.right(); int by = iSelection.bottom() + lines; if (ty<1) { ty = 1; tx = 1; } if (by>iTermSize.height()) { by = iTermSize.height(); bx = iTermSize.width(); } if (by<1 || ty>iTermSize.height()) { clearSelection(); return; } iSelection = QRect(QPoint(tx,ty), QPoint(bx,by)); if (iRenderer) iRenderer->redraw(); } void Terminal::setSelection(QPoint start, QPoint end) { if (start.y() > end.y()) qSwap(start, end); if (start.y() == end.y() && start.x() > end.x()) qSwap(start, end); if (start.x() < 1) start.rx() = 1; if (start.y() < 1) start.ry() = 1; if (end.x() > iTermSize.width()) end.rx() = iTermSize.width(); if (end.y() > iTermSize.height()) end.ry() = iTermSize.height(); iSelection = QRect(start, end); if (iRenderer) iRenderer->redraw(); } void Terminal::clearSelection() { if (iSelection.isNull()) return; iSelection = QRect(); if (iUtil) iUtil->selectionFinished(); if (iRenderer) iRenderer->redraw(); } QRect Terminal::selection() { return iSelection; }