#!/bin/sh # Check that all files that should have the current version agree on it # The configure.ac is hand-edited, assume it must be sane AC_PATH=configure.ac AC_VERS=$(sed '/AC_INIT/!d; s/AC_INIT(dsme, \(.*\))/\1/' $AC_PATH) RES=0 # The Makefile is hand-edited, make sure it stays in sync MAK_PATH=Makefile.custom MAK_VERS=$(grep '^VERSION.*:=' $MAK_PATH |sed -e 's/^.*:=[[:space:]]*//') if [ "$MAK_VERS" != "$AC_VERS" ]; then echo >&2 "$AC_PATH=$AC_VERS vs $MAK_PATH=$MAK_VERS" RES=1 fi # The .spec is either in rpm subdir or where ever rpmbuild got it from SPEC_PATH=${RPM_SOURCE_DIR:-rpm}/${RPM_PACKAGE_NAME:-dsme}.spec SPEC_VERS=$(grep '^Version:' $SPEC_PATH |sed -e 's/^.*:[[:space:]]*//') if [ "$SPEC_VERS" != "$AC_VERS" ]; then echo >&2 "$AC_PATH=$AC_VERS vs $SPEC_PATH=$SPEC_VERS" # When building untagged commits via obs the spec will have as # a version something like "+.". # Accept those, if version matches up to the first '+'. if [ "${SPEC_VERS%%+*}" = "$AC_VERS" ]; then echo >&2 " (ignored - assuming $AC_VERS + work in progress)" else RES=1 fi fi if [ $RES != 0 ]; then echo >&2 "Conflicting package versions" fi # Stop the rpm-build ifthere were conflicts exit $RES