/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Jolla Ltd. ** Contact: Chris Adams ** ** This program/library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License ** version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. ** ** This program/library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Lesser General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License along with this program/library; if not, write to the Free ** Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA ** 02110-1301 USA ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "googlecalendarsyncadaptor.h" #include "googlecalendarincidencecomparator.h" #include "trace.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //---------------------------------------------- #define RFC3339_FORMAT "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z" #define RFC3339_FORMAT_NTZC "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z" #define RFC3339_QDATE_FORMAT_MS "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.zzzZ" #define RFC3339_QDATE_FORMAT_MS_NTZC "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.zzz" #define KDATEONLY_FORMAT "%Y-%m-%d" #define QDATEONLY_FORMAT "yyyy-MM-dd" #define KLONGTZ_FORMAT "%:Z" #define RFC5545_KDATETIME_FORMAT "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ" #define RFC5545_KDATETIME_FORMAT_NTZC "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S" #define RFC5545_QDATE_FORMAT "yyyyMMdd" namespace { static int GOOGLE_CAL_SYNC_PLUGIN_VERSION = 2; void errorDumpStr(const QString &str) { // Dump the entire string to the log. // Note that the log cannot handle newlines, // so we separate the string into chunks. Q_FOREACH (const QString &chunk, str.split('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts)) { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR(chunk); } } void traceDumpStr(const QString &str) { // 8 is the minimum log level for TRACE logs // as defined in Buteo's LogMacros.h if (Buteo::Logger::instance()->getLogLevel() < 8) { return; } // Dump the entire string to the log. // Note that the log cannot handle newlines, // so we separate the string into chunks. Q_FOREACH (const QString &chunk, str.split('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts)) { SOCIALD_LOG_TRACE(chunk); } } // returns true if the ghost-event cleanup sync has been performed. bool ghostEventCleanupPerformed() { QString settingsFileName = QString::fromLatin1("%1/%2/gcal.ini") .arg(QString::fromLatin1(PRIVILEGED_DATA_DIR)) .arg(QString::fromLatin1(SYNC_DATABASE_DIR)); QSettings settingsFile(settingsFileName, QSettings::IniFormat); return settingsFile.value(QString::fromLatin1("cleaned"), QVariant::fromValue(false)).toBool(); } void setGhostEventCleanupPerformed() { QString settingsFileName = QString::fromLatin1("%1/%2/gcal.ini") .arg(QString::fromLatin1(PRIVILEGED_DATA_DIR)) .arg(QString::fromLatin1(SYNC_DATABASE_DIR)); QSettings settingsFile(settingsFileName, QSettings::IniFormat); settingsFile.setValue(QString::fromLatin1("cleaned"), QVariant::fromValue(true)); settingsFile.sync(); } void uniteIncidenceLists(const KCalCore::Incidence::List &first, KCalCore::Incidence::List *second) { int originalSecondSize = second->size(); bool foundMatch = false; Q_FOREACH (KCalCore::Incidence::Ptr inc, first) { foundMatch = false; for (int i = 0; i < originalSecondSize; ++i) { if (inc->uid() == second->at(i)->uid() && inc->recurrenceId() == second->at(i)->recurrenceId()) { // found a match foundMatch = true; break; } } if (!foundMatch) { second->append(inc); } } } QString gCalEventId(KCalCore::Incidence::Ptr event) { // we abuse the comments field to store our gcal-id. // we should use a custom property, but those are deleted on incidence deletion. const QStringList &comments(event->comments()); Q_FOREACH (const QString &comment, comments) { if (comment.startsWith("jolla-sociald:gcal-id:")) { return comment.mid(22); } } return QString(); } void setGCalEventId(KCalCore::Incidence::Ptr event, const QString &id) { // we abuse the comments field to store our gcal-id. // we should use a custom property, but those are deleted on incidence deletion. const QStringList &comments(event->comments()); Q_FOREACH (const QString &comment, comments) { if (comment.startsWith("jolla-sociald:gcal-id:")) { // remove any existing gcal-id comment. event->removeComment(comment); break; } } event->addComment(QStringLiteral("jolla-sociald:gcal-id:%1").arg(id)); } void setRemoteUidCustomField(KCalCore::Incidence::Ptr event, const QString &uid, const QString &id) { // store it also in a custom property purely for invitation lookup purposes. if (!uid.isEmpty()) { event->setNonKDECustomProperty("X-SAILFISHOS-REMOTE-UID", uid.toUtf8()); } else { // Google Calendar invites are sent as invitations with uid suffixed with @google.com. if (id.endsWith(QLatin1String("@google.com"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { event->setNonKDECustomProperty("X-SAILFISHOS-REMOTE-UID", id.toUtf8()); } else { QString suffixedId = id; suffixedId.append(QLatin1String("@google.com")); event->setNonKDECustomProperty("X-SAILFISHOS-REMOTE-UID", suffixedId.toUtf8()); } } } QString gCalETag(KCalCore::Incidence::Ptr event) { return event->customProperty("jolla-sociald", "gcal-etag"); } void setGCalETag(KCalCore::Incidence::Ptr event, const QString &etag) { // note: custom properties are purged on incidence deletion. event->setCustomProperty("jolla-sociald", "gcal-etag", etag); } KDateTime datetimeFromUpdateStr(const QString &update) { // generally, this is an RFC3339 date with timezone information, like: // 2015-04-25T12:02:40.988Z // However, our version of KDateTime is old enough that we don't support this // date format directly. bool tzIncluded = update.endsWith('Z'); QDateTime qdt = tzIncluded ? QLocale::c().toDateTime(update, RFC3339_QDATE_FORMAT_MS) : QLocale::c().toDateTime(update, RFC3339_QDATE_FORMAT_MS_NTZC); if (tzIncluded) { qdt.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC); } return KDateTime(qdt, tzIncluded ? KDateTime::UTC : KDateTime::ClockTime); } QList datetimesFromExRDateStr(const QString &exrdatestr, bool *isDateOnly) { // possible forms: // RDATE:19970714T123000Z // RDATE;VALUE=DATE-TIME:19970714T123000Z // RDATE;VALUE=DATE-TIME:19970714T123000Z,19970715T123000Z // RDATE;TZID=America/New_York:19970714T083000 // RDATE;VALUE=PERIOD:19960403T020000Z/19960403T040000Z,19960404T010000Z/PT3H // RDATE;VALUE=DATE:19970101,19970120 QList retn; QString str = exrdatestr; *isDateOnly = false; // by default. if (str.startsWith(QStringLiteral("exdate"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { str.remove(0, 6); } else if (str.startsWith(QStringLiteral("rdate"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { str.remove(0, 5); } else { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("not an ex/rdate string:" << exrdatestr); return retn; } if (str.startsWith(';')) { str.remove(0,1); if (str.startsWith("DATE-TIME:", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { str.remove(0, 10); QStringList dts = str.split(','); Q_FOREACH (const QString &dtstr, dts) { if (dtstr.endsWith('Z')) { // UTC KDateTime kdt = KDateTime::fromString(dtstr, RFC5545_KDATETIME_FORMAT); kdt.setTimeSpec(KDateTime::Spec::UTC()); retn.append(kdt); } else { // Floating time KDateTime kdt = KDateTime::fromString(dtstr, RFC5545_KDATETIME_FORMAT_NTZC); kdt.setTimeSpec(KDateTime::Spec::ClockTime()); retn.append(kdt); } } } else if (str.startsWith("DATE:", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { str.remove(0, 5); QStringList dts = str.split(','); Q_FOREACH(const QString &dstr, dts) { QDate date = QLocale::c().toDate(dstr, RFC5545_QDATE_FORMAT); KDateTime kdt(date, KDateTime::Spec::ClockTime()); retn.append(kdt); } } else if (str.startsWith("PERIOD:", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("unsupported parameter in ex/rdate string:" << exrdatestr); // TODO: support PERIOD formats, or just switch to CalDAV for Google sync... } else if (str.startsWith("TZID=") && str.contains(':')) { str.remove(0, 5); QString tzidstr = str.mid(0, str.indexOf(':')); // something like: "Australia/Brisbane" KTimeZone tz = KSystemTimeZones::zone(tzidstr); str.remove(0, tzidstr.size()+1); QStringList dts = str.split(','); Q_FOREACH (const QString &dtstr, dts) { KDateTime kdt = KDateTime::fromString(dtstr, RFC5545_KDATETIME_FORMAT_NTZC); if (!kdt.isValid()) { // try parsing from alternate formats kdt = KDateTime::fromString(dtstr, RFC3339_FORMAT_NTZC); } if (!kdt.isValid()) { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("unable to parse datetime from ex/rdate string:" << exrdatestr); } else { if (tz.isValid()) { kdt.setTimeSpec(tz); } else { kdt.setTimeSpec(KDateTime::Spec::ClockTime()); SOCIALD_LOG_INFO("WARNING: unknown tzid:" << tzidstr << "; assuming clock-time instead!"); } retn.append(kdt); } } } else { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("invalid parameter in ex/rdate string:" << exrdatestr); } } else if (str.startsWith(':')) { str.remove(0,1); QStringList dts = str.split(','); Q_FOREACH (const QString &dtstr, dts) { if (dtstr.endsWith('Z')) { // UTC KDateTime kdt = KDateTime::fromString(dtstr, RFC5545_KDATETIME_FORMAT); if (!kdt.isValid()) { // try parsing from alternate formats kdt = KDateTime::fromString(dtstr, RFC3339_FORMAT); } if (!kdt.isValid()) { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("unable to parse datetime from ex/rdate string:" << exrdatestr); } else { // parsed successfully kdt.setTimeSpec(KDateTime::Spec::UTC()); retn.append(kdt); } } else { // Floating time KDateTime kdt = KDateTime::fromString(dtstr, RFC5545_KDATETIME_FORMAT_NTZC); if (!kdt.isValid()) { // try parsing from alternate formats kdt = KDateTime::fromString(dtstr, RFC3339_FORMAT_NTZC); } if (!kdt.isValid()) { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("unable to parse datetime from ex/rdate string:" << exrdatestr); } else { // parsed successfully kdt.setTimeSpec(KDateTime::Spec::ClockTime()); retn.append(kdt); } } } } else { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("not a valid ex/rdate string:" << exrdatestr); } return retn; } QJsonArray recurrenceArray(KCalCore::Event::Ptr event, KCalCore::ICalFormat &icalFormat) { QJsonArray retn; // RRULE KCalCore::Recurrence *kcalRecurrence = event->recurrence(); Q_FOREACH (KCalCore::RecurrenceRule *rrule, kcalRecurrence->rRules()) { QString rruleStr = icalFormat.toString(rrule); rruleStr.replace("\r\n", ""); retn.append(QJsonValue(rruleStr)); } // EXRULE Q_FOREACH (KCalCore::RecurrenceRule *exrule, kcalRecurrence->exRules()) { QString exruleStr = icalFormat.toString(exrule); exruleStr.replace("RRULE", "EXRULE"); exruleStr.replace("\r\n", ""); retn.append(QJsonValue(exruleStr)); } // RDATE (date) QString rdates; Q_FOREACH (const QDate &rdate, kcalRecurrence->rDates()) { rdates.append(QLocale::c().toString(rdate, RFC5545_QDATE_FORMAT)); rdates.append(','); } if (rdates.size()) { rdates.chop(1); // trailing comma retn.append(QJsonValue(QString::fromLatin1("RDATE;VALUE=DATE:%1").arg(rdates))); } // RDATE (date-time) QString rdatetimes; Q_FOREACH (const KDateTime &rdatetime, kcalRecurrence->rDateTimes()) { if (rdatetime.timeSpec() == KDateTime::Spec::ClockTime()) { rdatetimes.append(rdatetime.toString(RFC5545_KDATETIME_FORMAT_NTZC)); } else { rdatetimes.append(rdatetime.toUtc().toString(RFC5545_KDATETIME_FORMAT)); } rdatetimes.append(','); } if (rdatetimes.size()) { rdatetimes.chop(1); // trailing comma retn.append(QJsonValue(QString::fromLatin1("RDATE;VALUE=DATE-TIME:%1").arg(rdatetimes))); } // EXDATE (date) QString exdates; Q_FOREACH (const QDate &exdate, kcalRecurrence->exDates()) { exdates.append(QLocale::c().toString(exdate, RFC5545_QDATE_FORMAT)); exdates.append(','); } if (exdates.size()) { exdates.chop(1); // trailing comma retn.append(QJsonValue(QString::fromLatin1("EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:%1").arg(exdates))); } // EXDATE (date-time) QString exdatetimes; Q_FOREACH (const KDateTime &exdatetime, kcalRecurrence->exDateTimes()) { if (exdatetime.timeSpec() == KDateTime::Spec::ClockTime()) { exdatetimes.append(exdatetime.toString(RFC5545_KDATETIME_FORMAT_NTZC)); } else { exdatetimes.append(exdatetime.toUtc().toString(RFC5545_KDATETIME_FORMAT)); } exdatetimes.append(','); } if (exdatetimes.size()) { exdatetimes.chop(1); // trailing comma retn.append(QJsonValue(QString::fromLatin1("EXDATE;VALUE=DATE-TIME:%1").arg(exdatetimes))); } return retn; } KDateTime parseRecurrenceId(const QJsonObject &originalStartTime) { QString recurrenceIdStr = originalStartTime.value(QLatin1String("dateTime")).toVariant().toString(); QString recurrenceIdTzStr = originalStartTime.value(QLatin1String("timeZone")).toVariant().toString(); KDateTime recurrenceId = KDateTime::fromString(recurrenceIdStr, RFC3339_FORMAT); if (!recurrenceIdTzStr.isEmpty()) { recurrenceId = recurrenceId.toTimeSpec(KTimeZone(recurrenceIdTzStr)); } return recurrenceId; } QJsonObject kCalToJson(KCalCore::Event::Ptr event, KCalCore::ICalFormat &icalFormat, bool setUidProperty = false) { QString eventId = gCalEventId(event); QJsonObject start, end, reminders; QJsonArray attendees; const KCalCore::Attendee::List attendeesList = event->attendees(); if (!attendeesList.isEmpty()) { Q_FOREACH (auto att, attendeesList) { if (att->email().isEmpty()) { continue; } QJsonObject attendee; attendee.insert("email", att->email()); if (att->role() == KCalCore::Attendee::OptParticipant) { attendee.insert("optional", true); } const QString &name = att->name(); if (!name.isEmpty()) { attendee.insert("displayName", name); } attendees.append(attendee); } } // insert the date/time and timeZone information into the Json object. // note that timeZone is required for recurring events, for some reason. if (event->dtStart().isDateOnly() || (event->allDay() && event->dtStart().time() == QTime(0,0,0))) { start.insert(QLatin1String("date"), QLocale::c().toString(event->dtStart().date(), QDATEONLY_FORMAT)); } else { start.insert(QLatin1String("dateTime"), event->dtStart().toString(RFC3339_FORMAT)); start.insert(QLatin1String("timeZone"), QJsonValue(event->dtStart().toString(KLONGTZ_FORMAT))); } if (event->dtEnd().isDateOnly() || (event->allDay() && event->dtEnd().time() == QTime(0,0,0))) { // note: for iCal spec, allDay events need to have an end date of real-end-date+1 as end date is exclusive. end.insert(QLatin1String("date"), QLocale::c().toString(event->dateEnd().addDays(1), QDATEONLY_FORMAT)); } else { end.insert(QLatin1String("dateTime"), event->dtEnd().toString(RFC3339_FORMAT)); end.insert(QLatin1String("timeZone"), QJsonValue(event->dtEnd().toString(KLONGTZ_FORMAT))); } QJsonObject retn; if (!eventId.isEmpty()) retn.insert(QLatin1String("id"), eventId); if (event->recurrence()) { QJsonArray recArray = recurrenceArray(event, icalFormat); if (recArray.size()) { retn.insert(QLatin1String("recurrence"), recArray); } } retn.insert(QLatin1String("summary"), event->summary()); retn.insert(QLatin1String("description"), event->description()); retn.insert(QLatin1String("location"), event->location()); retn.insert(QLatin1String("start"), start); retn.insert(QLatin1String("end"), end); retn.insert(QLatin1String("sequence"), QString::number(event->revision()+1)); if (!attendees.isEmpty()) { retn.insert(QLatin1String("attendees"), attendees); } //retn.insert(QLatin1String("locked"), event->readOnly()); // only allow locking server-side. // we may wish to support locking/readonly from local side also, in the future. // if the event has no alarms associated with it, don't let Google add one automatically. if (event->alarms().count() == 0) { reminders.insert(QLatin1String("useDefault"), false); retn.insert(QLatin1String("reminders"), reminders); } if (setUidProperty) { // now we store private extended properties: local uid. // this allows us to detect partially-upsynced artifacts during subsequent syncs. // usually this codepath will be hit for localAdditions being upsynced, // but sometimes also if we need to update the mapping due to clean-sync. QJsonObject privateExtendedProperties; privateExtendedProperties.insert(QLatin1String("x-jolla-sociald-mkcal-uid"), event->uid()); QJsonObject extendedProperties; extendedProperties.insert(QLatin1String("private"), privateExtendedProperties); retn.insert(QLatin1String("extendedProperties"), extendedProperties); } return retn; } void extractStartAndEnd(const QJsonObject &eventData, bool *startExists, bool *endExists, bool *startIsDateOnly, bool *endIsDateOnly, bool *isAllDay, KDateTime *start, KDateTime *end) { *startIsDateOnly = false, *endIsDateOnly = false; QString startTimeString, endTimeString; QJsonObject startTimeData = eventData.value(QLatin1String("start")).toObject(); QJsonObject endTimeData = eventData.value(QLatin1String("end")).toObject(); if (!startTimeData.value(QLatin1String("date")).toVariant().toString().isEmpty()) { *startExists = true; *startIsDateOnly = true; // all-day event. startTimeString = startTimeData.value(QLatin1String("date")).toVariant().toString(); } else if (!startTimeData.value(QLatin1String("dateTime")).toVariant().toString().isEmpty()) { *startExists = true; startTimeString = startTimeData.value(QLatin1String("dateTime")).toVariant().toString(); } else { *startExists = false; } if (!endTimeData.value(QLatin1String("date")).toVariant().toString().isEmpty()) { *endExists = true; *endIsDateOnly = true; // all-day event. endTimeString = endTimeData.value(QLatin1String("date")).toVariant().toString(); } else if (!endTimeData.value(QLatin1String("dateTime")).toVariant().toString().isEmpty()) { *endExists = true; endTimeString = endTimeData.value(QLatin1String("dateTime")).toVariant().toString(); } else { *endExists = false; } if (*startExists) { if (!*startIsDateOnly) { KDateTime parsedStartTime = KDateTime::fromString(startTimeString, RFC3339_FORMAT); KDateTime ntzcStartTime = KDateTime::fromString(startTimeString, RFC3339_FORMAT_NTZC); if (ntzcStartTime.time() > parsedStartTime.time()) parsedStartTime = ntzcStartTime; // different format? let KDateTime detect the format automatically. if (parsedStartTime.isNull()) { parsedStartTime = KDateTime::fromString(startTimeString); } *start = parsedStartTime.toLocalZone(); } else { *start = KDateTime(QLocale::c().toDate(startTimeString, QDATEONLY_FORMAT), QTime(), KDateTime::ClockTime); start->setDateOnly(true); } } if (*endExists) { if (!*endIsDateOnly) { KDateTime parsedEndTime = KDateTime::fromString(endTimeString, RFC3339_FORMAT); KDateTime ntzcEndTime = KDateTime::fromString(endTimeString, RFC3339_FORMAT_NTZC); if (ntzcEndTime.time() > parsedEndTime.time()) parsedEndTime = ntzcEndTime; // different format? let KDateTime detect the format automatically. if (parsedEndTime.isNull()) { parsedEndTime = KDateTime::fromString(endTimeString); } *end = parsedEndTime.toLocalZone(); } else { // Special handling for all-day events is required. if (*startExists && *startIsDateOnly) { if (QLocale::c().toDate(startTimeString, QDATEONLY_FORMAT) == QLocale::c().toDate(endTimeString, QDATEONLY_FORMAT)) { // single-day all-day event *endExists = false; *isAllDay = true; } else if (QLocale::c().toDate(startTimeString, QDATEONLY_FORMAT) == QLocale::c().toDate(endTimeString, QDATEONLY_FORMAT).addDays(-1)) { // Google will send a single-day all-day event has having an end-date // of startDate+1 to conform to iCal spec. Hence, this is actually // a single-day all-day event, despite the difference in end-date. *endExists = false; *isAllDay = true; } else { // multi-day all-day event. // as noted above, Google will send all-day events as having an end-date // of real-end-date+1 in order to conform to iCal spec (exclusive end dt). *end = KDateTime(QLocale::c().toDate(endTimeString, QDATEONLY_FORMAT), QTime(), KDateTime::ClockTime); end->setDateOnly(true); *isAllDay = true; } } else { *end = KDateTime(QLocale::c().toDate(endTimeString, QDATEONLY_FORMAT), QTime(), KDateTime::ClockTime); end->setDateOnly(true); *isAllDay = false; } } } } void extractRecurrence(const QJsonArray &recurrence, KCalCore::Event::Ptr event, KCalCore::ICalFormat &icalFormat) { KCalCore::Recurrence *kcalRecurrence = event->recurrence(); kcalRecurrence->clear(); // avoid adding duplicate recurrence information for (int i = 0; i < recurrence.size(); ++i) { QString ruleStr = recurrence.at(i).toString(); if (ruleStr.startsWith(QString::fromLatin1("rrule"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { KCalCore::RecurrenceRule *rrule = new KCalCore::RecurrenceRule; if (!icalFormat.fromString(rrule, ruleStr.mid(6))) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("unable to parse RRULE information:" << ruleStr); traceDumpStr(QString::fromUtf8(QJsonDocument(recurrence).toJson())); } else { kcalRecurrence->addRRule(rrule); } } else if (ruleStr.startsWith(QString::fromLatin1("exrule"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { KCalCore::RecurrenceRule *exrule = new KCalCore::RecurrenceRule; if (!icalFormat.fromString(exrule, ruleStr.mid(7))) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("unable to parse EXRULE information:" << ruleStr); traceDumpStr(QString::fromUtf8(QJsonDocument(recurrence).toJson())); } else { kcalRecurrence->addExRule(exrule); } } else if (ruleStr.startsWith(QString::fromLatin1("rdate"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { bool isDateOnly = false; QList rdatetimes = datetimesFromExRDateStr(ruleStr, &isDateOnly); if (!rdatetimes.size()) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("unable to parse RDATE information:" << ruleStr); traceDumpStr(QString::fromUtf8(QJsonDocument(recurrence).toJson())); } else { Q_FOREACH (const KDateTime &kdt, rdatetimes) { if (isDateOnly) { kcalRecurrence->addRDate(kdt.date()); } else { kcalRecurrence->addRDateTime(kdt); } } } } else if (ruleStr.startsWith(QString::fromLatin1("exdate"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { bool isDateOnly = false; QList exdatetimes = datetimesFromExRDateStr(ruleStr, &isDateOnly); if (!exdatetimes.size()) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("unable to parse EXDATE information:" << ruleStr); traceDumpStr(QString::fromUtf8(QJsonDocument(recurrence).toJson())); } else { Q_FOREACH (const KDateTime &kdt, exdatetimes) { if (isDateOnly) { kcalRecurrence->addExDate(kdt.date()); } else { kcalRecurrence->addExDateTime(kdt); } } } } else { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("unknown recurrence information:" << ruleStr); traceDumpStr(QString::fromUtf8(QJsonDocument(recurrence).toJson())); } } } void extractOrganizer(const QJsonObject &creatorObj, const QJsonObject &organizerObj, KCalCore::Event::Ptr event) { if (!creatorObj.value(QLatin1String("displayName")).toVariant().toString().isEmpty() || !creatorObj.value(QLatin1String("email")).toVariant().toString().isEmpty()) { KCalCore::Person::Ptr organizer(new KCalCore::Person( creatorObj.value(QLatin1String("displayName")).toVariant().toString(), creatorObj.value(QLatin1String("email")).toVariant().toString())); event->setOrganizer(organizer); } else if (!organizerObj.value(QLatin1String("displayName")).toVariant().toString().isEmpty() || !organizerObj.value(QLatin1String("email")).toVariant().toString().isEmpty()) { KCalCore::Person::Ptr organizer(new KCalCore::Person( organizerObj.value(QLatin1String("displayName")).toVariant().toString(), organizerObj.value(QLatin1String("email")).toVariant().toString())); event->setOrganizer(organizer); } else { KCalCore::Person::Ptr organizer(new KCalCore::Person); event->setOrganizer(organizer); } } void extractAttendees(const QJsonArray &attendees, KCalCore::Event::Ptr event) { event->clearAttendees(); for (int i = 0; i < attendees.size(); ++i) { QJsonObject attendeeObj = attendees.at(i).toObject(); if (!attendeeObj.value(QLatin1String("organizer")).toVariant().toBool()) { KCalCore::Attendee::Ptr attendee(new KCalCore::Attendee( attendeeObj.value(QLatin1String("displayName")).toVariant().toString(), attendeeObj.value(QLatin1String("email")).toVariant().toString())); if (attendeeObj.find(QLatin1String("optional")) != attendeeObj.end()) { if (attendeeObj.value(QLatin1String("optional")).toVariant().toBool()) { attendee->setRole(KCalCore::Attendee::OptParticipant); } else { attendee->setRole(KCalCore::Attendee::ReqParticipant); } } event->addAttendee(attendee); } } } int nearestNemoReminderStartOffset(int googleStartOffset) { // Google supports arbitrary start offsets, whereas in Nemo's UI // we only allow specific reminder offsets. // See nemo-qml-plugin-calendar::NemoCalendarEvent::Reminder for // those offset definitions. // Also, Nemo reminder offsets are negative and in seconds, // whereas Google start offsets are positive and in minutes. if (googleStartOffset >= 0 && googleStartOffset <= 5) { return -5 * 60; // 5 minutes before event start } else if (googleStartOffset > 5 && googleStartOffset <= 15) { return -15 * 60; // 15 minutes before event start } else if (googleStartOffset > 15 && googleStartOffset <= 30) { return -30 * 60; // 30 minutes before event start } else if (googleStartOffset > 30 && googleStartOffset <= 60) { return -60 * 60; // 1 hour before event start } else if (googleStartOffset > 60 && googleStartOffset <= 120) { return -120 * 60; // 2 hours before event start } else if (googleStartOffset > 120 && googleStartOffset <= 1440) { return -1440 * 60; // 1 day before event start (24 hours) } else if (googleStartOffset > 1440) { return -2880 * 60; // 2 days before event start (48 hours) } // default reminder: 15 minutes before event start. return -15 * 60; } #define START_EVENT_UPDATES_IF_REQUIRED(event, changed) \ if (*changed == false) { \ event->startUpdates(); \ } \ *changed = true; #define UPDATE_EVENT_PROPERTY_IF_REQUIRED(event, getter, setter, newValue, changed) \ if (event->getter() != newValue) { \ START_EVENT_UPDATES_IF_REQUIRED(event, changed) \ event->setter(newValue); \ } #define END_EVENT_UPDATES_IF_REQUIRED(event, changed, startedUpdates) \ if (*changed == false) { \ SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Ignoring spurious change reported for:" << \ event->uid() << event->revision() << event->summary()); \ } else if (startedUpdates) { \ event->endUpdates(); \ } void extractAlarms(const QJsonObject &json, KCalCore::Event::Ptr event, int defaultReminderStartOffset, bool *changed) { int startOffset = -1; if (json.contains(QStringLiteral("reminders"))) { QJsonObject reminders = json.value(QStringLiteral("reminders")).toObject(); if (reminders.value(QStringLiteral("useDefault")).toBool()) { if (defaultReminderStartOffset > 0) { startOffset = defaultReminderStartOffset; } else { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("not adding default reminder even though requested: not popup or invalid start offset."); } } else { QJsonArray overrides = reminders.value(QStringLiteral("overrides")).toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < overrides.size(); ++i) { QJsonObject override = overrides.at(i).toObject(); if (override.value(QStringLiteral("method")).toString() == QStringLiteral("popup")) { startOffset = override.value(QStringLiteral("minutes")).toInt(); } } } if (startOffset > -1) { startOffset = nearestNemoReminderStartOffset(startOffset); SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("event needs reminder with start offset (seconds):" << startOffset); KCalCore::Alarm::List alarms = event->alarms(); int alarmCount = 0; // check that we have only one non-procedure alarm, // and then check to see if its start offset is correct. for (int i = 0; i < alarms.count(); ++i) { // we don't count Procedure type alarms. if (alarms.at(i)->type() != KCalCore::Alarm::Procedure) { alarmCount += 1; if (alarms.at(i)->startOffset().asSeconds() == startOffset) { // no change required to this alarm. } else { alarmCount += 1; // this will cause alarm modification. } } } if (alarmCount == 1) { // no need to modify alarms for this event SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("event already has reminder with start offset (seconds):" << startOffset); } else { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("setting event reminder with start offset (seconds):" << startOffset); START_EVENT_UPDATES_IF_REQUIRED(event, changed); for (int i = 0; i < alarms.count(); ++i) { if (alarms.at(i)->type() != KCalCore::Alarm::Procedure) { event->removeAlarm(alarms.at(i)); } } KCalCore::Alarm::Ptr alarm = event->newAlarm(); alarm->setEnabled(true); alarm->setStartOffset(KCalCore::Duration(startOffset)); } } } if (startOffset == -1) { // no reminders were defined in the json received from Google. // remove any alarms as required from the local event. KCalCore::Alarm::List alarms = event->alarms(); for (int i = 0; i < alarms.count(); ++i) { if (alarms.at(i)->type() != KCalCore::Alarm::Procedure) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("removing event reminder with start offset (seconds):" << alarms.at(i)->startOffset().asSeconds()); START_EVENT_UPDATES_IF_REQUIRED(event, changed); event->removeAlarm(alarms.at(i)); } } } } void jsonToKCal(const QJsonObject &json, KCalCore::Event::Ptr event, int defaultReminderStartOffset, KCalCore::ICalFormat &icalFormat, bool *changed) { bool alreadyStarted = *changed; // if this is true, we don't need to call startUpdates/endUpdates() in this function. if (!alreadyStarted && gCalETag(event) == json.value(QLatin1String("etag")).toVariant().toString()) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Ignoring non-remote-changed:" << event->uid() << "," << gCalETag(event) << "==" << json.value(QLatin1String("etag")).toVariant().toString()); return; // this event has not changed server-side since we last saw it. } KDateTime start, end; bool startExists = false, endExists = false; bool startIsDateOnly = false, endIsDateOnly = false; bool isAllDay = false; extractStartAndEnd(json, &startExists, &endExists, &startIsDateOnly, &endIsDateOnly, &isAllDay, &start, &end); if (gCalEventId(event) != json.value(QLatin1String("id")).toVariant().toString()) { START_EVENT_UPDATES_IF_REQUIRED(event, changed); setGCalEventId(event, json.value(QLatin1String("id")).toVariant().toString()); } if (gCalETag(event) != json.value(QLatin1String("etag")).toVariant().toString()) { START_EVENT_UPDATES_IF_REQUIRED(event, changed); setGCalETag(event, json.value(QLatin1String("etag")).toVariant().toString()); } setRemoteUidCustomField(event, json.value(QLatin1String("iCalUID")).toVariant().toString(), json.value(QLatin1String("id")).toVariant().toString()); extractRecurrence(json.value(QLatin1String("recurrence")).toArray(), event, icalFormat); extractOrganizer(json.value(QLatin1String("creator")).toObject(), json.value(QLatin1String("organizer")).toObject(), event); extractAttendees(json.value(QLatin1String("attendees")).toArray(), event); UPDATE_EVENT_PROPERTY_IF_REQUIRED(event, isReadOnly, setReadOnly, json.value(QLatin1String("locked")).toVariant().toBool(), changed) UPDATE_EVENT_PROPERTY_IF_REQUIRED(event, summary, setSummary, json.value(QLatin1String("summary")).toVariant().toString(), changed) UPDATE_EVENT_PROPERTY_IF_REQUIRED(event, description, setDescription, json.value(QLatin1String("description")).toVariant().toString(), changed) UPDATE_EVENT_PROPERTY_IF_REQUIRED(event, location, setLocation, json.value(QLatin1String("location")).toVariant().toString(), changed) UPDATE_EVENT_PROPERTY_IF_REQUIRED(event, revision, setRevision, json.value(QLatin1String("sequence")).toVariant().toInt(), changed) if (startExists) { UPDATE_EVENT_PROPERTY_IF_REQUIRED(event, dtStart, setDtStart, start, changed) } if (endExists) { if (!event->hasEndDate() || event->dtEnd() != end) { START_EVENT_UPDATES_IF_REQUIRED(event, changed); event->setHasEndDate(true); event->setDtEnd(end); } } else { UPDATE_EVENT_PROPERTY_IF_REQUIRED(event, hasEndDate, setHasEndDate, false, changed) } if (isAllDay) { UPDATE_EVENT_PROPERTY_IF_REQUIRED(event, allDay, setAllDay, false, changed) } extractAlarms(json, event, defaultReminderStartOffset, changed); END_EVENT_UPDATES_IF_REQUIRED(event, changed, !alreadyStarted); } bool remoteModificationIsReal(const QJsonObject &json, KCalCore::Event::Ptr event) { if (gCalEventId(event) != json.value(QLatin1String("id")).toVariant().toString()) { return true; // this event is either a partial-upsync-artifact or a new remote addition. } if (gCalETag(event) != json.value(QLatin1String("etag")).toVariant().toString()) { return true; // this event has changed server-side since we last saw it. } return false; // this event has not changed server-side since we last saw it. } bool localModificationIsReal(const QJsonObject &local, const QJsonObject &remote, int defaultReminderStartOffset, KCalCore::ICalFormat &icalFormat) { bool changed = true; KCalCore::Event::Ptr localEvent = KCalCore::Event::Ptr(new KCalCore::Event); KCalCore::Event::Ptr remoteEvent = KCalCore::Event::Ptr(new KCalCore::Event); jsonToKCal(local, localEvent, defaultReminderStartOffset, icalFormat, &changed); jsonToKCal(remote, remoteEvent, defaultReminderStartOffset, icalFormat, &changed); if (GoogleCalendarIncidenceComparator::incidencesEqual(localEvent, remoteEvent, true)) { return false; // they're equal, so the local modification is not real. } return true; } // returns true if the last sync was marked as successful, and then marks the current // sync as being unsuccessful. The sync adapter should set it to true manually // once sync succeeds. bool wasLastSyncSuccessful(int accountId, bool *needCleanSync) { QString settingsFileName = QString::fromLatin1("%1/%2/gcal.ini") .arg(QString::fromLatin1(PRIVILEGED_DATA_DIR)) .arg(QString::fromLatin1(SYNC_DATABASE_DIR)); if (!QFile::exists(settingsFileName)) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("gcal.ini settings file does not exist, triggering clean sync"); *needCleanSync = true; return false; } QSettings settingsFile(settingsFileName, QSettings::IniFormat); // needCleanSync will be true if and only if an unrecoverable error occurred during the previous sync. *needCleanSync = settingsFile.value(QString::fromLatin1("%1-needCleanSync").arg(accountId), QVariant::fromValue(false)).toBool(); bool retn = settingsFile.value(QString::fromLatin1("%1-success").arg(accountId), QVariant::fromValue(false)).toBool(); settingsFile.setValue(QString::fromLatin1("%1-success").arg(accountId), QVariant::fromValue(false)); int pluginVersion = settingsFile.value(QString::fromLatin1("%1-pluginVersion").arg(accountId), QVariant::fromValue(1)).toInt(); if (pluginVersion != GOOGLE_CAL_SYNC_PLUGIN_VERSION) { settingsFile.setValue(QString::fromLatin1("%1-pluginVersion").arg(accountId), GOOGLE_CAL_SYNC_PLUGIN_VERSION); SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Google cal sync plugin version mismatch, force clean sync"); retn = false; } settingsFile.sync(); return retn; } void setLastSyncSuccessful(QList accountIds) { QString settingsFileName = QString::fromLatin1("%1/%2/gcal.ini") .arg(QString::fromLatin1(PRIVILEGED_DATA_DIR)) .arg(QString::fromLatin1(SYNC_DATABASE_DIR)); QSettings settingsFile(settingsFileName, QSettings::IniFormat); Q_FOREACH(int accountId, accountIds) { settingsFile.setValue(QString::fromLatin1("%1-needCleanSync").arg(accountId), QVariant::fromValue(false)); settingsFile.setValue(QString::fromLatin1("%1-success").arg(accountId), QVariant::fromValue(true)); } settingsFile.sync(); } void setLastSyncRequiresCleanSync(QList accountIds) { QString settingsFileName = QString::fromLatin1("%1/%2/gcal.ini") .arg(QString::fromLatin1(PRIVILEGED_DATA_DIR)) .arg(QString::fromLatin1(SYNC_DATABASE_DIR)); QSettings settingsFile(settingsFileName, QSettings::IniFormat); Q_FOREACH(int accountId, accountIds) { settingsFile.setValue(QString::fromLatin1("%1-needCleanSync").arg(accountId), QVariant::fromValue(true)); settingsFile.setValue(QString::fromLatin1("%1-success").arg(accountId), QVariant::fromValue(false)); } settingsFile.sync(); } } GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor(QObject *parent) : GoogleDataTypeSyncAdaptor(SocialNetworkSyncAdaptor::Calendars, parent) , m_calendar(mKCal::ExtendedCalendar::Ptr(new mKCal::ExtendedCalendar(QLatin1String("UTC")))) , m_storage(mKCal::ExtendedCalendar::defaultStorage(m_calendar)) , m_storageNeedsSave(false) { setInitialActive(true); } GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::~GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor() { } QString GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::syncServiceName() const { return QStringLiteral("google-calendars"); } void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::sync(const QString &dataTypeString, int accountId) { m_storage->open(); // we close it in finalCleanup() m_prevSinceTimestamp[accountId] = lastSyncTimestamp(QLatin1String("google"), SocialNetworkSyncAdaptor::dataTypeName(SocialNetworkSyncAdaptor::Calendars), accountId); GoogleDataTypeSyncAdaptor::sync(dataTypeString, accountId); } void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::finalCleanup() { if (m_syncSucceeded.size()) { // there is only one account per sync run, even though we haven't fully // cleaned up the multi-account-isms from the member variables / API. int accountId = m_syncSucceeded.keys().first(); if (m_syncSucceeded[accountId]) { applyRemoteChangesLocally(accountId); // only update the local last sync timestamp if sync succeeded // otherwise, reset it back to the previous last sync timestamp. QDateTime newSyncTimestamp = m_syncSucceeded[accountId] ? m_newSinceTimestamp[accountId] : m_prevSinceTimestamp[accountId]; updateLastSyncTimestamp(QLatin1String("google"), SocialNetworkSyncAdaptor::dataTypeName(SocialNetworkSyncAdaptor::Calendars), accountId, newSyncTimestamp); if (!m_syncSucceeded[accountId]) { SOCIALD_LOG_INFO("Error occurred while applying remote changes locally; reset last sync timestamp to:" << newSyncTimestamp); } else { // also update the remote sync timestamp in each notebook. Q_FOREACH (const QString &updatedCalendarId, m_calendarsFinishedRequested.keys()) { // Update the sync date for the notebook, to the timestamp reported by Google // in the calendar request for the remote calendar associated with the notebook, // if that timestamp is recent (within the last week). If it is older than that, // update it to the current date minus one day, otherwise Google will return // 410 GONE "UpdatedMin too old" error on subsequent requests. QString updateTimestamp = m_calendarsFinishedRequested.value(updatedCalendarId); mKCal::Notebook::Ptr notebook = notebookForCalendarId(accountId, updatedCalendarId); if (!notebook) { // may have been deleted due to a purge operation. continue; } KDateTime oldSyncDate = notebook->syncDate(); KDateTime syncDate = datetimeFromUpdateStr(updateTimestamp); KDateTime yesterdayDate = KDateTime::currentDateTime(KDateTime::Spec::UTC()).addDays(-1); if (qAbs(syncDate.daysTo(yesterdayDate)) >= 7) { syncDate = yesterdayDate; } if (oldSyncDate < syncDate) { notebook->setSyncDate(syncDate); } m_storage->updateNotebook(notebook); m_storageNeedsSave = true; } } } } if (m_storageNeedsSave) { m_storage->save(); } m_storageNeedsSave = false; // set the success status for each of our account settings. QList succeededAccounts; Q_FOREACH (int accountId, m_syncSucceeded.keys()) { if (m_syncSucceeded.value(accountId)) { succeededAccounts.append(accountId); } } if (succeededAccounts.size()) { setLastSyncSuccessful(succeededAccounts); } QList cleanSyncAccounts; Q_FOREACH (int accountId, m_cleanSyncRequired.keys()) { if (m_cleanSyncRequired.value(accountId)) { cleanSyncAccounts.append(accountId); } } if (cleanSyncAccounts.size()) { setLastSyncRequiresCleanSync(cleanSyncAccounts); } if (!ghostEventCleanupPerformed()) { // Delete any events which are not associated with a notebook. // These events are ghost events, caused by a bug which previously // existed in the sync adapter code due to mkcal deleteNotebook semantics. // The mkcal API doesn't allow us to determine which notebook a // given incidence belongs to, so we have to instead load // everything and then find the ones which are ophaned. // Note: we do this separately / after the commit above, because // loading all events from the database is expensive. SOCIALD_LOG_INFO("performing ghost event cleanup"); m_storage->load(); KCalCore::Incidence::List allIncidences; m_storage->allIncidences(&allIncidences); mKCal::Notebook::List allNotebooks = m_storage->notebooks(); QSet notebookIncidenceUids; foreach (mKCal::Notebook::Ptr notebook, allNotebooks) { KCalCore::Incidence::List currNbIncidences; m_storage->allIncidences(&currNbIncidences, notebook->uid()); foreach (KCalCore::Incidence::Ptr incidence, currNbIncidences) { notebookIncidenceUids.insert(incidence->uid()); } } int foundOrphans = 0; foreach (const KCalCore::Incidence::Ptr incidence, allIncidences) { if (!notebookIncidenceUids.contains(incidence->uid())) { // orphan/ghost incidence. must be deleted. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("deleting orphan event with uid:" << incidence->uid()); m_calendar->deleteIncidence(m_calendar->incidence(incidence->uid(), incidence->recurrenceId())); foundOrphans++; } } if (foundOrphans == 0) { setGhostEventCleanupPerformed(); SOCIALD_LOG_INFO("orphan cleanup completed without finding orphans!"); } else if (m_storage->save()) { setGhostEventCleanupPerformed(); SOCIALD_LOG_INFO("orphan cleanup deleted" << foundOrphans << "; storage save completed!"); } else { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("orphan cleanup found" << foundOrphans << "; but storage save failed!"); } } m_storage->close(); } void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::purgeDataForOldAccount(int oldId, SocialNetworkSyncAdaptor::PurgeMode mode) { if (mode == SocialNetworkSyncAdaptor::CleanUpPurge) { // need to initialise the database m_storage->open(); // we close it in finalCleanup() } // We clean all the entries in the calendar // Delete the notebooks from the storage foreach (mKCal::Notebook::Ptr notebook, m_storage->notebooks()) { if (notebook->pluginName().startsWith(QString(QLatin1String("google-"))) && notebook->account() == QString::number(oldId)) { // remove the incidences and delete the notebook notebook->setIsReadOnly(false); m_storage->deleteNotebook(notebook); m_storageNeedsSave = true; } } if (mode == SocialNetworkSyncAdaptor::CleanUpPurge) { // and commit any changes made. finalCleanup(); } } void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::beginSync(int accountId, const QString &accessToken) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("beginning Calendar sync for Google, account" << accountId); bool needCleanSync = false; bool lastSyncSuccessful = wasLastSyncSuccessful(accountId, &needCleanSync); if (needCleanSync) { SOCIALD_LOG_INFO("performing clean sync"); } else if (!lastSyncSuccessful) { SOCIALD_LOG_INFO("last sync was not successful, attempting to recover without clean sync"); } m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].clear(); m_calendarIdToEventObjects[accountId].clear(); m_syncSucceeded[accountId] = true; // set to false on error requestCalendars(accountId, accessToken, needCleanSync); } void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::requestCalendars(int accountId, const QString &accessToken, bool needCleanSync, const QString &pageToken) { QList > queryItems; queryItems.append(QPair(QString::fromLatin1("key"), accessToken)); if (!pageToken.isEmpty()) { // continuation request queryItems.append(QPair(QString::fromLatin1("pageToken"), pageToken)); } QUrl url(QLatin1String("https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/users/me/calendarList")); QUrlQuery query(url); query.setQueryItems(queryItems); url.setQuery(query); QNetworkRequest request(url); request.setRawHeader("GData-Version", "3.0"); request.setRawHeader(QString(QLatin1String("Authorization")).toUtf8(), QString(QLatin1String("Bearer ") + accessToken).toUtf8()); QNetworkReply *reply = m_networkAccessManager->get(request); // we're requesting data. Increment the semaphore so that we know we're still busy. incrementSemaphore(accountId); if (reply) { reply->setProperty("accountId", accountId); reply->setProperty("accessToken", accessToken); reply->setProperty("needCleanSync", QVariant::fromValue(needCleanSync)); connect(reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(errorHandler(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); connect(reply, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QList)), this, SLOT(sslErrorsHandler(QList))); connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(calendarsFinishedHandler())); setupReplyTimeout(accountId, reply); } else { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("unable to request calendars from Google account with id" << accountId); m_syncSucceeded[accountId] = false; decrementSemaphore(accountId); } } void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::calendarsFinishedHandler() { QNetworkReply *reply = qobject_cast(sender()); int accountId = reply->property("accountId").toInt(); QString accessToken = reply->property("accessToken").toString(); bool needCleanSync = reply->property("needCleanSync").toBool(); QByteArray replyData = reply->readAll(); bool isError = reply->property("isError").toBool(); disconnect(reply); reply->deleteLater(); removeReplyTimeout(accountId, reply); // parse the calendars' metadata from the response. bool fetchingNextPage = false; bool ok = false; QJsonObject parsed = parseJsonObjectReplyData(replyData, &ok); if (!isError && ok) { // first, check to see if there are more pages of calendars to fetch if (parsed.find(QLatin1String("nextPageToken")) != parsed.end() && !parsed.value(QLatin1String("nextPageToken")).toVariant().toString().isEmpty()) { fetchingNextPage = true; requestCalendars(accountId, accessToken, needCleanSync, parsed.value(QLatin1String("nextPageToken")).toVariant().toString()); } // second, parse the calendars' metadata QJsonArray items = parsed.value(QStringLiteral("items")).toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < items.count(); ++i) { QJsonObject currCalendar = items.at(i).toObject(); if (!currCalendar.isEmpty() && currCalendar.find(QStringLiteral("id")) != currCalendar.end()) { // we only sync calendars which the user owns (ie, not autogenerated calendars) QString accessRole = currCalendar.value(QStringLiteral("accessRole")).toString(); if (accessRole == QStringLiteral("owner") || accessRole == QStringLiteral("writer")) { GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::CalendarInfo currCalendarInfo; currCalendarInfo.color = currCalendar.value(QStringLiteral("backgroundColor")).toString(); currCalendarInfo.summary = currCalendar.value(QStringLiteral("summary")).toString(); currCalendarInfo.description = currCalendar.value(QStringLiteral("description")).toString(); currCalendarInfo.change = NoChange; // we detect the appropriate change type (if required) later. if (accessRole == QStringLiteral("owner")) { currCalendarInfo.access = Owner; } else { currCalendarInfo.access = Writer; } QString currCalendarId = currCalendar.value(QStringLiteral("id")).toString(); m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].insert(currCalendarId, currCalendarInfo); } } } } else { // error occurred during request. SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("unable to parse calendar data from request with account" << accountId << "; got:"); errorDumpStr(QString::fromLatin1(replyData.constData())); m_syncSucceeded[accountId] = false; } if (!fetchingNextPage) { // we've finished loading all pages of calendar information // we now need to process the loaded information to determine // which calendars need to be added/updated/removed locally. updateLocalCalendarNotebooks(accountId, accessToken, needCleanSync); } // we're finished with this request. decrementSemaphore(accountId); } void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::updateLocalCalendarNotebooks(int accountId, const QString &accessToken, bool needCleanSync) { if (syncAborted()) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("sync aborted, skipping updating local calendar notebooks"); return; } // any calendars which exist on the device but not the server need to be purged. QStringList calendarsToDelete; QStringList deviceCalendarIds; foreach (mKCal::Notebook::Ptr notebook, m_storage->notebooks()) { // notebook pluginName is of form: google-calendarId // where the calendarId comes from the server. if (notebook->pluginName().startsWith(QStringLiteral("google-")) && notebook->account() == QString::number(accountId)) { QString currDeviceCalendarId = notebook->pluginName().mid(7); if (m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].contains(currDeviceCalendarId)) { // the server-side calendar exists on the device. if (needCleanSync) { // we are performing a clean sync cycle. // we will eventually delete and then insert this notebook. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("queueing clean sync of local calendar" << notebook->name() << currDeviceCalendarId << "for Google account:" << accountId); deviceCalendarIds.append(currDeviceCalendarId); m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId][currDeviceCalendarId].change = GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::CleanSync; } else { // we don't need to purge it, but we may need to update its summary/color details. deviceCalendarIds.append(currDeviceCalendarId); if (notebook->name() != m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].value(currDeviceCalendarId).summary || notebook->color() != m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].value(currDeviceCalendarId).color || notebook->description() != m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].value(currDeviceCalendarId).description || notebook->isReadOnly()) { // calendar information changed server-side. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("queueing modification of local calendar" << notebook->name() << currDeviceCalendarId << "for Google account:" << accountId); m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId][currDeviceCalendarId].change = GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Modify; } else { // the calendar information is unchanged server-side. // no need to change anything locally. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("No modification required for local calendar" << notebook->name() << currDeviceCalendarId << "for Google account:" << accountId); m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId][currDeviceCalendarId].change = GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::NoChange; } } } else { // the calendar has been removed from the server. // we need to purge it from the device. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("queueing removal of local calendar" << notebook->name() << currDeviceCalendarId << "for Google account:" << accountId); calendarsToDelete.append(currDeviceCalendarId); } } } // any calendarIds which exist on the server but not the device need to be created. foreach (const QString &serverCalendarId, m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].keys()) { if (!deviceCalendarIds.contains(serverCalendarId)) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("queueing addition of local calendar" << serverCalendarId << m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].value(serverCalendarId).summary << "for Google account:" << accountId); m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId][serverCalendarId].change = GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Insert; } } SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Syncing calendar events for Google account: " << accountId << " CleanSync: " << needCleanSync); foreach (const QString &calendarId, m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].keys()) { requestEvents(accountId, accessToken, calendarId, needCleanSync); m_calendarsBeingRequested.append(calendarId); } // now we can queue the calendars which need deletion. // note: we have to do it after the previous foreach loop, otherwise we'd attempt to retrieve events for them. foreach (const QString &currDeviceCalendarId, calendarsToDelete) { m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId][currDeviceCalendarId].change = GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Delete; } } void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::requestEvents(int accountId, const QString &accessToken, const QString &calendarId, bool needCleanSync, const QString &pageToken) { // get the last sync date stored into the notebook (if it exists). QString updatedMin; KDateTime syncDate; mKCal::Notebook::Ptr notebook = notebookForCalendarId(accountId, calendarId); if (notebook) { syncDate = notebook->syncDate(); } if (!needCleanSync && !syncDate.isNull() && syncDate.isValid()) { // we will use an updated-min parameter to reduce the amount of data // we request from Google. Note that we do not want to limit it // exactly to the syncDate, since we then would not receive enough // remote events to determine correct delta from. We want at least // any modifications which also occurred during the PREVIOUS sync period. updatedMin = syncDate.addDays(-7).toString(); SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Previous update timestamp for Google account:" << accountId << "Calendar Id:" << calendarId << "- Timestamp:" << syncDate.toString()); } else if (needCleanSync) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Clean sync required for Google account:" << accountId << "Calendar Id:" << calendarId << "- Ignoring last sync timestamp:" << syncDate.toString()); } else { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Invalid previous update timestamp for Google account:" << accountId << "Calendar Id:" << calendarId << "- Timestamp:" << syncDate.toString()); } QList > queryItems; queryItems.append(QPair(QString::fromLatin1("key"), accessToken)); if (!needCleanSync && !updatedMin.isEmpty()) { // we're doing a delta update. We set the "updatedMin" and request deletions be shown. queryItems.append(QPair(QString::fromLatin1("showDeleted"), QString::fromLatin1("true"))); queryItems.append(QPair(QString::fromLatin1("updatedMin"), updatedMin)); } queryItems.append(QPair(QString::fromLatin1("timeMin"), QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addYears(-1).toString(Qt::ISODate))); queryItems.append(QPair(QString::fromLatin1("timeMax"), QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addYears(2).toString(Qt::ISODate))); if (!pageToken.isEmpty()) { // continuation request queryItems.append(QPair(QString::fromLatin1("pageToken"), pageToken)); } QUrl url(QString::fromLatin1("https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/%1/events").arg(calendarId)); QUrlQuery query(url); query.setQueryItems(queryItems); url.setQuery(query); QNetworkRequest request(url); request.setRawHeader("GData-Version", "3.0"); request.setRawHeader(QString(QLatin1String("Authorization")).toUtf8(), QString(QLatin1String("Bearer ") + accessToken).toUtf8()); QNetworkReply *reply = m_networkAccessManager->get(request); // we're requesting data. Increment the semaphore so that we know we're still busy. incrementSemaphore(accountId); if (reply) { reply->setProperty("accountId", accountId); reply->setProperty("accessToken", accessToken); reply->setProperty("calendarId", calendarId); reply->setProperty("needCleanSync", needCleanSync); connect(reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(errorHandler(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); connect(reply, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QList)), this, SLOT(sslErrorsHandler(QList))); connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(eventsFinishedHandler())); SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("requesting calendar events for Google account:" << accountId << ":" << url.toString()); setupReplyTimeout(accountId, reply); } else { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("unable to request events for calendar" << calendarId << "from Google account with id" << accountId); m_syncSucceeded[accountId] = false; decrementSemaphore(accountId); } } void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::eventsFinishedHandler() { QNetworkReply *reply = qobject_cast(sender()); int accountId = reply->property("accountId").toInt(); QString calendarId = reply->property("calendarId").toString(); QString accessToken = reply->property("accessToken").toString(); bool needCleanSync = reply->property("needCleanSync").toBool(); QByteArray replyData = reply->readAll(); bool isError = reply->property("isError").toBool(); int httpCode = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt(); QString replyString = QString::fromUtf8(replyData); SOCIALD_LOG_TRACE("-------------------------------"); SOCIALD_LOG_TRACE("Events response for calendar:" << calendarId << "from account:" << accountId); SOCIALD_LOG_TRACE("HTTP CODE:" << httpCode); Q_FOREACH (QString line, replyString.split('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts)) { SOCIALD_LOG_TRACE(line.replace('\r', ' ')); } SOCIALD_LOG_TRACE("-------------------------------"); disconnect(reply); reply->deleteLater(); removeReplyTimeout(accountId, reply); bool fetchingNextPage = false; bool ok = false; QString updated; QJsonObject parsed = parseJsonObjectReplyData(replyData, &ok); if (!isError && ok) { // If there are more pages of results to fetch, ensure we fetch them if (parsed.find(QLatin1String("nextPageToken")) != parsed.end() && !parsed.value(QLatin1String("nextPageToken")).toVariant().toString().isEmpty()) { fetchingNextPage = true; requestEvents(accountId, accessToken, calendarId, needCleanSync, parsed.value(QLatin1String("nextPageToken")).toVariant().toString()); } updated = parsed.value(QLatin1String("updated")).toVariant().toString(); // parse the default reminders data to find the default popup reminder start offset. if (parsed.find(QStringLiteral("defaultReminders")) != parsed.end()) { QJsonArray defaultReminders = parsed.value(QStringLiteral("defaultReminders")).toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < defaultReminders.size(); ++i) { QJsonObject defaultReminder = defaultReminders.at(i).toObject(); if (defaultReminder.value(QStringLiteral("method")).toString() == QStringLiteral("popup")) { m_serverCalendarIdToDefaultReminderTimes[accountId][calendarId] = defaultReminder.value(QStringLiteral("minutes")).toInt(); } } } // Parse the event list QJsonArray dataList = parsed.value(QLatin1String("items")).toArray(); foreach (const QJsonValue &item, dataList) { QJsonObject eventData = item.toObject(); // otherwise, we queue the event for insertion into the database. m_calendarIdToEventObjects[accountId].insertMulti(calendarId, eventData); } } else { // error occurred during request. SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("unable to parse event data from request with account" << accountId << "; got:"); errorDumpStr(QString::fromUtf8(replyData.constData())); m_syncSucceeded[accountId] = false; if (httpCode == 410) { // HTTP 410 GONE is emitted if the syncToken or updatedMin parameters are invalid. // We should trigger a clean sync if we hit this error. SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("received 410 GONE from server; marking account for clean sync:" << accountId); m_cleanSyncRequired[accountId] = true; } } if (!fetchingNextPage) { // we've finished loading all pages of event information // we now need to process the loaded information to determine // which events need to be added/updated/removed locally. QDateTime since = needCleanSync ? QDateTime() : m_prevSinceTimestamp[accountId]; finishedRequestingRemoteEvents(accountId, accessToken, calendarId, since, updated); // note that the updated timestamp string will be empty in the error case, // however we only use the updated timestamp string if m_syncSucceeded is true. } // we're finished this request. Decrement our busy semaphore. decrementSemaphore(accountId); } mKCal::Notebook::Ptr GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::notebookForCalendarId(int accountId, const QString &calendarId) const { foreach (mKCal::Notebook::Ptr notebook, m_storage->notebooks()) { if (notebook->pluginName() == QString::fromLatin1("google-%1").arg(calendarId) && notebook->account() == QString::number(accountId)) { return notebook; } } return mKCal::Notebook::Ptr(); } void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::finishedRequestingRemoteEvents(int accountId, const QString &accessToken, const QString &calendarId, const QDateTime &since, const QString &updateTimestampStr) { m_calendarsBeingRequested.removeAll(calendarId); m_calendarsFinishedRequested.insert(calendarId, updateTimestampStr); if (!m_calendarsBeingRequested.isEmpty()) { return; // still waiting for more requests to finish. } if (syncAborted()) { return; // sync was aborted before we received all remote data, and before we could upsync local changes. } // determine local changes to upsync. Q_FOREACH (const QString &finishedCalendarId, m_calendarsFinishedRequested.keys()) { // now upsync the local changes to the remote server QList changesToUpsync = determineSyncDelta(accountId, accessToken, finishedCalendarId, since); if (changesToUpsync.size()) { if (syncAborted()) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("skipping upsync of queued upsync changes due to sync being aborted"); } else if (m_syncSucceeded[accountId] == false) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("skipping upsync of queued upsync changes due to previous error during sync"); } else { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("upsyncing" << changesToUpsync.size() << "local changes to the remote server"); for (int i = 0; i < changesToUpsync.size(); ++i) { upsyncChanges(changesToUpsync[i].accountId, changesToUpsync[i].accessToken, changesToUpsync[i].upsyncType, changesToUpsync[i].kcalEventId, changesToUpsync[i].recurrenceId, changesToUpsync[i].calendarId, changesToUpsync[i].eventId, changesToUpsync[i].eventData); } } } else { // no local changes to upsync. // we can apply the remote changes and we are finished. } } } // Determine the sync delta, and then cache the required downsynced changes and return the required changes to upsync. QList GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::determineSyncDelta(int accountId, const QString &accessToken, const QString &calendarId, const QDateTime &since) { Q_UNUSED(accessToken) // in the future, we might need it to download images/data associated with the event. QList changesToUpsync; // Search for the device Notebook matching this CalendarId. // Only upsync changes if we're doing a delta sync, and upsync is enabled. bool upsyncEnabled = true; mKCal::Notebook::Ptr googleNotebook = notebookForCalendarId(accountId, calendarId); if (googleNotebook.isNull()) { // this is a new, never before seen calendar. SOCIALD_LOG_INFO("No local calendar exists for:" << calendarId << "for account:" << accountId << ". No upsync possible."); upsyncEnabled = false; } else if (!m_accountSyncProfile || m_accountSyncProfile->syncDirection() == Buteo::SyncProfile::SYNC_DIRECTION_FROM_REMOTE) { SOCIALD_LOG_INFO("skipping upload of local calendar changes to" << calendarId << "due to profile direction setting for account" << accountId); upsyncEnabled = false; } else if (!since.isValid()) { SOCIALD_LOG_INFO("Delta upsync with Google calendar" << calendarId << "for account" << accountId << "not required due to clean sync"); upsyncEnabled = false; } else { SOCIALD_LOG_INFO("Delta upsync with Google calendar" << calendarId << "for account" << accountId << "is enabled."); upsyncEnabled = true; } // re-order the list of remote events so that base recurring events will precede occurrences. QList eventObjects; foreach (const QJsonObject &eventData, m_calendarIdToEventObjects[accountId].values(calendarId)) { if (eventData.value(QLatin1String("recurringEventId")).toVariant().toString().isEmpty()) { // base event; prepend to list. eventObjects.prepend(eventData); } else { // occurrence; append to list. eventObjects.append(eventData); } } // parse that list to look for partial-upsync-artifacts. // if we upsynced some local addition, and then lost connectivity, // the remote server-side will report that as a remote addition upon // the next sync - but really it isn't. QHash upsyncedUidMapping; QSet partialUpsyncArtifactsNeedingUpdate; // set of gcalIds foreach (const QJsonObject &eventData, eventObjects) { QString eventId = eventData.value(QLatin1String("id")).toVariant().toString(); QString upsyncedUid = eventData.value(QLatin1String("extendedProperties")).toObject() .value(QLatin1String("private")).toObject() .value("x-jolla-sociald-mkcal-uid").toVariant().toString(); if (!upsyncedUid.isEmpty() && !eventId.isEmpty()) { upsyncedUidMapping.insert(upsyncedUid, eventId); } } // load local event changes from the database. KCalCore::Incidence::List deletedList, extraDeletedList, addedList, updatedList, allList; QMap allMap, updatedMap; QMap > deletedMap; // gcalId to incidenceUid,recurrenceId QSet cleanSyncDeletionAdditions; // gcalIds if (since.isValid()) { // delta sync. populate our lists. SOCIALD_LOG_TRACE("Loading existing data given delta sync method"); if (googleNotebook.isNull()) { SOCIALD_LOG_TRACE("No local notebook exists for remote; no existing data to load."); } else { m_storage->loadNotebookIncidences(googleNotebook->uid()); m_storage->allIncidences(&allList, googleNotebook->uid()); m_storage->insertedIncidences(&addedList, KDateTime(since), googleNotebook->uid()); m_storage->modifiedIncidences(&updatedList, KDateTime(since), googleNotebook->uid()); // mkcal's implementation of deletedIncidences() is unusual. It returns any event // which was deleted after the second (datetime) parameter, IF AND ONLY IF // it was created before that same datetime. // Unfortunately, mkcal also only supports second-resolution datetimes, which means // that the "last sync timestamp" cannot effectively be used as the parameter, since // any events which were added to the database due to the previous sync cycle // will (most likely) have been added within 1 second of the sync anchor timestamp. // To work around this, we need to retrieve deleted incidences twice, and unite them. m_storage->deletedIncidences(&deletedList, KDateTime(since), googleNotebook->uid()); m_storage->deletedIncidences(&extraDeletedList, KDateTime(since).addSecs(1), googleNotebook->uid()); uniteIncidenceLists(extraDeletedList, &deletedList); Q_FOREACH(const KCalCore::Incidence::Ptr incidence, allList) { KCalCore::Event::Ptr eventPtr = m_calendar->event(incidence->uid(), incidence->recurrenceId()); QString gcalId = gCalEventId(incidence); if (gcalId.isEmpty() && upsyncedUidMapping.contains(incidence->uid())) { // partially upsynced artifact. It may need to be updated with gcalId comment field. partialUpsyncArtifactsNeedingUpdate.insert(gcalId); gcalId = upsyncedUidMapping.value(incidence->uid()); } if (gcalId.size() && eventPtr) { SOCIALD_LOG_TRACE("Have local event:" << gcalId << "," << eventPtr->uid() << ":" << eventPtr->recurrenceId().toString()); allMap.insert(gcalId, eventPtr); } // else, newly added locally, no gcalId yet. } Q_FOREACH(const KCalCore::Incidence::Ptr incidence, updatedList) { KCalCore::Event::Ptr eventPtr = m_calendar->event(incidence->uid(), incidence->recurrenceId()); QString gcalId = gCalEventId(incidence); if (gcalId.isEmpty() && upsyncedUidMapping.contains(incidence->uid())) { // TODO: can this codepath be hit? If it was a partial upsync artifact, // shouldn't it be reported as a local+remote addition, not local modification? // partially upsynced artifact partialUpsyncArtifactsNeedingUpdate.remove(gcalId); // will already update due to local change. gcalId = upsyncedUidMapping.value(incidence->uid()); } if (gcalId.size() && eventPtr) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Have local modification:" << incidence->uid() << "in" << calendarId); updatedMap.insert(gcalId, eventPtr); } // else, newly added+updated locally, no gcalId yet. } Q_FOREACH(const KCalCore::Incidence::Ptr incidence, deletedList) { QString gcalId = gCalEventId(incidence); if (gcalId.isEmpty() && upsyncedUidMapping.contains(incidence->uid())) { // TODO: can this codepath be hit? If it was a partial upsync artifact, // shouldn't it be reported as a local+remote addition, not local deletion? // partially upsynced artifact partialUpsyncArtifactsNeedingUpdate.remove(gcalId); // doesn't need update due to deletion. gcalId = upsyncedUidMapping.value(incidence->uid()); } if (gcalId.size()) { // Now we check to see whether this event was deleted due to a clean-sync (notebook removal). // If so, then another event (with the same gcalId association) should have been ADDED at the // same time, to fulfil clean-sync semantics (because the notebook uid is maintained). // If so, we treat it as a modification rather than delete+add pair. if (allMap.contains(gcalId)) { // note: this works because gcalId is different for base series vs persistent occurrence of series. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Have local deletion+addition from cleansync:" << gcalId << "in" << calendarId); cleanSyncDeletionAdditions.insert(gcalId); } else { // otherwise, it's a real local deletion. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Have local deletion:" << incidence->uid() << "in" << calendarId); deletedMap.insert(gcalId, qMakePair(incidence->uid(), incidence->recurrenceId())); updatedMap.remove(gcalId); // don't upsync updates to deleted events. } } // else, newly added+deleted locally, no gcalId yet. } } } // apply the conflict resolution strategy to remove any local or remote changes which should be dropped. int discardedLocalAdditions = 0, discardedLocalModifications = 0, discardedLocalRemovals = 0; int remoteAdditions = 0, remoteModifications = 0, remoteRemovals = 0, discardedRemoteModifications = 0, discardedRemoteRemovals = 0; QHash unchangedRemoteModifications; // gcalId to eventData. // For each each of the events downloaded from the server, determine // if the remote change invalidates a local change, or if a local // deletion invalidates the remote change. // Otherwise, cache the remote change for later storage to local db. foreach (const QJsonObject &eventData, eventObjects) { QString eventId = eventData.value(QLatin1String("id")).toVariant().toString(); QString parentId = eventData.value(QLatin1String("recurringEventId")).toVariant().toString(); bool eventWasDeletedRemotely = eventData.value(QLatin1String("status")).toVariant().toString() == QString::fromLatin1("cancelled"); if (eventWasDeletedRemotely) { // if modified locally and deleted on server side, don't upsync modifications if (allMap.contains(eventId)) { // currently existing base event or persistent occurrence which was deleted server-side remoteRemovals++; SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Have remote series deletion:" << eventId << "in" << calendarId); m_changesFromDownsync.insertMulti(calendarId, qMakePair(GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Delete, eventData)); if (updatedMap.contains(eventId)) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Discarding local event modification:" << eventId << "due to remote deletion"); updatedMap.remove(eventId); // discard any local modifications to this event, don't upsync. discardedLocalModifications++; } // also discard the event from the locally added list if it is reported there. // this can happen due to cleansync, or the overlap in the sync date due to mkcal resolution issue. for (int i = 0; i < addedList.size(); ++i) { const QString &gcalId(gCalEventId(addedList[i])); if (gcalId == eventId) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Discarding local event addition:" << addedList[i]->uid() << "due to remote deletion"); addedList.remove(i); discardedLocalAdditions++; break; } } } else if (!parentId.isEmpty() && allMap.contains(parentId)) { // this is a non-persistent occurrence deletion, we need to add an EXDATE to the base event. // we treat this as a remote modification of the base event (ie, the EXDATE addition) // and thus will discard any local modifications to the base event, and not upsync them. // TODO: use a more optimal conflict resolution strategy for this case! remoteRemovals++; SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Have remote occurrence deletion:" << eventId << "in" << calendarId); m_changesFromDownsync.insertMulti(calendarId, qMakePair(GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::DeleteOccurrence, eventData)); if (updatedMap.contains(parentId)) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Discarding local modification to recurrence series:" << parentId << "due to remote EXDATE addition. Sub-optimal resolution strategy!"); updatedMap.remove(parentId); discardedLocalModifications++; } // also discard the event from the locally added list if it is reported there. // this can happen due to cleansync, or the overlap in the sync date due to mkcal resolution issue. for (int i = 0; i < addedList.size(); ++i) { const QString &gcalId(gCalEventId(addedList[i])); if (gcalId == eventId) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Discarding local event addition:" << addedList[i]->uid() << "due to remote EXDATE addition. Sub-optimal resolution strategy!"); addedList.remove(i); discardedLocalAdditions++; break; } } } else { if (deletedMap.contains(eventId)) { // remote deleted event was also deleted locally, can ignore. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Event deleted remotely:" << eventId << "was already deleted locally; discarding both local and remote deletion"); deletedMap.remove(eventId); // discard local deletion. discardedLocalRemovals++; discardedRemoteRemovals++; } else { // remote deleted event never existed locally. // this can happen due to the increased updatedMin window // extending to prior to the account existing on the device. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Event deleted remotely:" << eventId << "was never downsynced to device; discarding"); discardedRemoteRemovals++; } } } else if (deletedMap.contains(eventId)) { // remote change will be discarded due to local deletion. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Discarding remote event modification:" << eventId << "due to local deletion"); discardedRemoteModifications++; } else if (allMap.contains(eventId)) { // remote modification of an existing event. KCalCore::Event::Ptr event = allMap.value(eventId); bool changed = false; if (partialUpsyncArtifactsNeedingUpdate.contains(eventId)) { // This event was partially upsynced and then connectivity died before we committed // and updated its comment field with the gcalId it was given by the remote server. // During this sync cycle, we will update it by assuming remote modification. // Note: this will lose any local changes made since it was partially-upsynced, // however the alternative is to lose remote changes made since then... // So we stick with our "prefer-remote" conflict resolution strategy here. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Reloading partial upsync artifact:" << eventId << "from server as a modification"); changed = true; } else { changed = remoteModificationIsReal(eventData, event); } if (!changed) { // Not a real change. We discard this remote modification, // but we track it so that we can detect spurious local modifications. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Discarding remote event modification:" << eventId << "in" << calendarId << "as spurious"); unchangedRemoteModifications.insert(eventId, eventData); discardedRemoteModifications++; } else { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Have remote modification:" << eventId << "in" << calendarId); remoteModifications++; m_changesFromDownsync.insertMulti(calendarId, qMakePair(GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Modify, eventData)); if (updatedMap.contains(eventId)) { // if both local and server were modified, prefer server. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Discarding local event modification:" << eventId << "due to remote modification"); updatedMap.remove(eventId); discardedLocalModifications++; } // also discard the event from the locally added list if it is reported there. // this can happen due to cleansync, or the overlap in the sync date due to mkcal resolution issue. for (int i = 0; i < addedList.size(); ++i) { const QString &gcalId(gCalEventId(addedList[i])); if (gcalId == eventId) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Discarding local event addition:" << addedList[i]->uid() << "due to remote modification"); addedList.remove(i); discardedLocalAdditions++; break; } } } } else { // pure remote addition. remote additions cannot invalidate local changes. // note that we have already detected (and dealt with) partial-upsync-artifacts // which would have been reported from the remote server as additions. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Have remote addition:" << eventId << "in" << calendarId); remoteAdditions++; m_changesFromDownsync.insertMulti(calendarId, qMakePair(GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Insert, eventData)); } } SOCIALD_LOG_INFO("Delta downsync from Google calendar" << calendarId << "for account" << accountId << ":" << "remote A/M/R: " << remoteAdditions << "/" << remoteModifications << "/" << remoteRemovals << "after discarding M/R:" << discardedRemoteModifications << "/" << discardedRemoteRemovals << "due to local deletions or identical data"); if (upsyncEnabled) { // Now build the local-changes-to-upsync data structures. int localAdded = 0, localModified = 0, localRemoved = 0; // first, queue up deletions. Q_FOREACH (const QString &deletedGcalId, deletedMap.keys()) { QString incidenceUid = deletedMap.value(deletedGcalId).first; KDateTime recurrenceId = deletedMap.value(deletedGcalId).second; localRemoved++; SOCIALD_LOG_TRACE("queueing upsync deletion for gcal id:" << deletedGcalId); UpsyncChange deletion; deletion.accountId = accountId; deletion.accessToken = accessToken; deletion.upsyncType = GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Delete; deletion.kcalEventId = incidenceUid; deletion.recurrenceId = recurrenceId; deletion.calendarId = calendarId; deletion.eventId = deletedGcalId; changesToUpsync.append(deletion); } // second, queue up modifications. Q_FOREACH (const QString &updatedGcalId, updatedMap.keys()) { KCalCore::Event::Ptr event = updatedMap.value(updatedGcalId); if (event) { QJsonObject localEventData = kCalToJson(event, m_icalFormat); if (unchangedRemoteModifications.contains(updatedGcalId) && !localModificationIsReal(localEventData, unchangedRemoteModifications.value(updatedGcalId), m_serverCalendarIdToDefaultReminderTimes[accountId].value(calendarId), m_icalFormat)) { // this local modification is spurious. It may have been reported // due to the timestamp resolution issue, but in any case the // event does not differ from the remote one. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Discarding local event modification:" << event->uid() << event->recurrenceId().toString() << "as spurious, for gcalId:" << updatedGcalId); discardedLocalModifications++; continue; } localModified++; QByteArray eventBlob = QJsonDocument(localEventData).toJson(); SOCIALD_LOG_TRACE("queueing upsync modification for gcal id:" << updatedGcalId); traceDumpStr(QString::fromUtf8(eventBlob)); UpsyncChange modification; modification.accountId = accountId; modification.accessToken = accessToken; modification.upsyncType = GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Modify; modification.kcalEventId = event->uid(); modification.recurrenceId = event->recurrenceId(); modification.calendarId = calendarId; modification.eventId = updatedGcalId; modification.eventData = eventBlob; changesToUpsync.append(modification); } } // finally, queue up insertions. Q_FOREACH (KCalCore::Incidence::Ptr incidence, addedList) { KCalCore::Event::Ptr event = m_calendar->event(incidence->uid(), incidence->recurrenceId()); if (event) { if (upsyncedUidMapping.contains(incidence->uid())) { const QString &eventId(upsyncedUidMapping.value(incidence->uid())); if (partialUpsyncArtifactsNeedingUpdate.contains(eventId)) { // We have already handled this one, by treating it as a remote modification, above. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Discarding partial upsync artifact local addition:" << eventId); discardedLocalAdditions++; continue; } } QString gcalId = gCalEventId(event); if (!gcalId.isEmpty()) { if (cleanSyncDeletionAdditions.contains(gcalId)) { // this event was deleted+re-added due to clean sync. treat it as a local modification // of the remote event. Note: we cannot update the extended UID property in the remote // event, because multiple other devices may depend on it. When we downsynced the event // for the re-add, we should have re-used the old uid. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Converting local addition to modification due to clean-sync semantics"); } else { // this event was previously downsynced from the remote in the last sync cycle. // we treat it as a local modification (as it may have changed locally since). // TODO: detect whether any actual change has occurred since it was downsynced. How? SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Converting local addition to modification due to it being a previously downsynced event"); } // convert the local event to a JSON object. QJsonObject localEventData = kCalToJson(event, m_icalFormat); // check to see if this differs from some discarded remote modification. // if it does not, then the remote and local are identical, and it's only // being reported as a local addition/modification due to the "since" timestamp // overlap. if (unchangedRemoteModifications.contains(gcalId) && !localModificationIsReal(localEventData, unchangedRemoteModifications.value(gcalId), m_serverCalendarIdToDefaultReminderTimes[accountId].value(calendarId), m_icalFormat)) { // this local addition is spurious. It may have been reported // due to the timestamp resolution issue, but in any case the // event does not differ from the remote one which is already updated. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Discarding local event modification:" << event->uid() << event->recurrenceId().toString() << "as spurious, for gcalId:" << gcalId); discardedLocalModifications++; continue; } localModified++; QByteArray eventBlob = QJsonDocument(localEventData).toJson(); SOCIALD_LOG_TRACE("queueing upsync modification for gcal id:" << gcalId); traceDumpStr(QString::fromUtf8(eventBlob)); UpsyncChange modification; modification.accountId = accountId; modification.accessToken = accessToken; modification.upsyncType = GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Modify; modification.kcalEventId = event->uid(); modification.recurrenceId = event->recurrenceId(); modification.calendarId = calendarId; modification.eventId = gcalId; modification.eventData = eventBlob; changesToUpsync.append(modification); } else { localAdded++; QByteArray eventBlob = QJsonDocument(kCalToJson(event, m_icalFormat, true)).toJson(); // true = insert extended UID property SOCIALD_LOG_TRACE("queueing up insertion for local id:" << incidence->uid()); traceDumpStr(QString::fromUtf8(eventBlob)); UpsyncChange insertion; insertion.accountId = accountId; insertion.accessToken = accessToken; insertion.upsyncType = GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Insert; insertion.kcalEventId = event->uid(); insertion.recurrenceId = event->recurrenceId(); insertion.calendarId = calendarId; insertion.eventId = QString(); insertion.eventData = eventBlob; changesToUpsync.append(insertion); } } } SOCIALD_LOG_INFO("Delta upsync with Google calendar" << calendarId << "for account" << accountId << ":" << "local A/M/R:" << localAdded << "/" << localModified << "/" << localRemoved << "after discarding A/M/R:" << discardedLocalAdditions << "/" << discardedLocalModifications << "/" << discardedLocalRemovals << "due to remote changes or identical data"); } return changesToUpsync; } void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::upsyncChanges(int accountId, const QString &accessToken, GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::ChangeType upsyncType, const QString &kcalEventId, const KDateTime &recurrenceId, const QString &calendarId, const QString &eventId, const QByteArray &eventData) { QUrl requestUrl = upsyncType == GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Insert ? QUrl(QString::fromLatin1("https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/%1/events").arg(calendarId)) : QUrl(QString::fromLatin1("https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/%1/events/%2").arg(calendarId).arg(eventId)); QNetworkRequest request(requestUrl); request.setRawHeader("GData-Version", "3.0"); request.setRawHeader(QString(QLatin1String("Authorization")).toUtf8(), QString(QLatin1String("Bearer ") + accessToken).toUtf8()); request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, QVariant::fromValue(QString::fromLatin1("application/json"))); QNetworkReply *reply = 0; QString upsyncTypeStr; switch (upsyncType) { case GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Insert: upsyncTypeStr = QString::fromLatin1("Insert"); reply = m_networkAccessManager->post(request, eventData); break; case GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Modify: upsyncTypeStr = QString::fromLatin1("Modify"); reply = m_networkAccessManager->put(request, eventData); break; case GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Delete: upsyncTypeStr = QString::fromLatin1("Delete"); reply = m_networkAccessManager->deleteResource(request); break; default: SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("UNREACHBLE - upsyncing non-change"); // always an error. m_syncSucceeded[accountId] = false; return; } // we're performing a request. Increment the semaphore so that we know we're still busy. incrementSemaphore(accountId); if (reply) { reply->setProperty("accountId", accountId); reply->setProperty("accessToken", accessToken); reply->setProperty("kcalEventId", kcalEventId); reply->setProperty("recurrenceId", recurrenceId.toString()); reply->setProperty("calendarId", calendarId); reply->setProperty("eventId", eventId); reply->setProperty("upsyncType", static_cast(upsyncType)); connect(reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(errorHandler(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); connect(reply, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QList)), this, SLOT(sslErrorsHandler(QList))); connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(upsyncFinishedHandler())); setupReplyTimeout(accountId, reply); SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("upsyncing change:" << upsyncTypeStr << "to calendarId:" << calendarId << "of account" << accountId << "to" << request.url().toString()); traceDumpStr(QString::fromUtf8(eventData)); } else { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("unable to request upsync for calendar" << calendarId << "from Google account with id" << accountId); m_syncSucceeded[accountId] = false; decrementSemaphore(accountId); } } void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::upsyncFinishedHandler() { QNetworkReply *reply = qobject_cast(sender()); int accountId = reply->property("accountId").toInt(); QString kcalEventId = reply->property("kcalEventId").toString(); KDateTime recurrenceId = KDateTime::fromString(reply->property("recurrenceId").toString()); QString calendarId = reply->property("calendarId").toString(); int upsyncType = reply->property("upsyncType").toInt(); QByteArray replyData = reply->readAll(); int httpCode = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt(); bool isError = reply->property("isError").toBool(); // QNetworkReply can report an error even if there isn't one... if (isError && reply->error() == QNetworkReply::UnknownContentError && upsyncType == GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Delete) { isError = false; // not a real error; Google returns an empty response. } disconnect(reply); reply->deleteLater(); removeReplyTimeout(accountId, reply); // parse the calendars' metadata from the response. if (isError) { // error occurred during request. SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("error" << httpCode << "occurred while upsyncing calendar data to Google account" << accountId << "; got:"); errorDumpStr(QString::fromUtf8(replyData)); m_syncSucceeded[accountId] = false; } else if (upsyncType == GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Delete) { // we expect an empty response body on success for Delete operations if (!replyData.isEmpty()) { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("error" << httpCode << "occurred while upsyncing calendar event deletion to Google account" << accountId << "; got:"); errorDumpStr(QString::fromUtf8(replyData)); m_syncSucceeded[accountId] = false; } } else { // we expect an event resource body on success for Insert/Modify requests. bool ok = false; QJsonObject parsed = parseJsonObjectReplyData(replyData, &ok); if (!ok) { QString typeStr = upsyncType == GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Insert ? QString::fromLatin1("insertion") : QString::fromLatin1("modification"); SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("error occurred while upsyncing calendar event" << typeStr << "to Google account" << accountId << "; got:"); errorDumpStr(QString::fromUtf8(replyData)); m_syncSucceeded[accountId] = false; } else { // TODO: reduce code duplication between here and the other function. // Search for the device Notebook matching this CalendarId mKCal::Notebook::Ptr googleNotebook = notebookForCalendarId(accountId, calendarId); if (googleNotebook.isNull()) { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("calendar" << calendarId << "doesn't have a notebook for Google account with id" << accountId); m_syncSucceeded[accountId] = false; } else { // cache the update to this event in the local calendar m_storage->loadNotebookIncidences(googleNotebook->uid()); KCalCore::Event::Ptr event = m_calendar->event(kcalEventId, recurrenceId); if (!event) { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("event" << kcalEventId << recurrenceId.toString() << "was deleted locally during sync of Google account with id" << accountId); m_syncSucceeded[accountId] = false; } else { SOCIALD_LOG_TRACE("Local upsync response json:"); traceDumpStr(QString::fromUtf8(replyData)); m_changesFromUpsync.insertMulti(calendarId, qMakePair(event, parsed)); } } } } // we're finished with this request. decrementSemaphore(accountId); } void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::applyRemoteChangesLocally(int accountId) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("applying all remote changes to local database"); foreach (const QString &serverCalendarId, m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].keys()) { switch (m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].value(serverCalendarId).change) { case GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::NoChange: { // No changes required. Note that this just applies to the notebook metadata; // there may be incidences belonging to this notebook which need modification. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("No metadata changes required for local notebook for server calendar:" << serverCalendarId); } break; case GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Insert: { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Adding local notebook for new server calendar:" << serverCalendarId); mKCal::Notebook::Ptr notebook = mKCal::Notebook::Ptr(new mKCal::Notebook); notebook->setIsReadOnly(false); notebook->setName(m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].value(serverCalendarId).summary); notebook->setColor(m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].value(serverCalendarId).color); notebook->setDescription(m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].value(serverCalendarId).description); notebook->setPluginName(QStringLiteral("google-") + serverCalendarId); notebook->setAccount(QString::number(accountId)); m_storage->addNotebook(notebook); m_storageNeedsSave = true; } break; case GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Modify: { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Modifications required for local notebook for server calendar:" << serverCalendarId); mKCal::Notebook::Ptr notebook = notebookForCalendarId(accountId, serverCalendarId); if (notebook.isNull()) { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("unable to modify non-existent calendar:" << serverCalendarId << "for account:" << accountId); m_syncSucceeded[accountId] = false; // we don't return immediately, as we want to at least attempt to // apply other database modifications if possible, in order to leave // the local database in a usable state even after failed sync. } else { notebook->setIsReadOnly(false); notebook->setName(m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].value(serverCalendarId).summary); notebook->setColor(m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].value(serverCalendarId).color); notebook->setDescription(m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].value(serverCalendarId).description); m_storage->updateNotebook(notebook); m_storageNeedsSave = true; } } break; case GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Delete: { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Deleting local notebook for deleted server calendar:" << serverCalendarId); mKCal::Notebook::Ptr notebook = notebookForCalendarId(accountId, serverCalendarId); if (notebook.isNull()) { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("unable to delete non-existent calendar:" << serverCalendarId << "for account:" << accountId); // m_syncSucceeded[accountId] = false; // don't mark as failed, since the outcome is identical. } else { notebook->setIsReadOnly(false); m_storage->deleteNotebook(notebook); m_storageNeedsSave = true; } } break; case GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::DeleteOccurrence: { // this codepath should never be hit. SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("invalid DeleteOccurrence change reported for calendar:" << serverCalendarId << "from account:" << accountId); } break; case GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::CleanSync: { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Deleting and recreating local notebook for clean-sync server calendar:" << serverCalendarId); QString notebookUid; // reuse the old notebook Uid after recreating it due to clean sync. // delete mKCal::Notebook::Ptr notebook = notebookForCalendarId(accountId, serverCalendarId); if (!notebook.isNull()) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("deleting notebook:" << notebook->uid() << "due to clean sync"); notebookUid = notebook->uid(); notebook->setIsReadOnly(false); m_storage->deleteNotebook(notebook); } else { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("could not find local notebook corresponding to server calendar:" << serverCalendarId); } // and then recreate. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("recreating notebook:" << notebook->uid() << "due to clean sync"); notebook = mKCal::Notebook::Ptr(new mKCal::Notebook); notebook->setIsReadOnly(false); if (!notebookUid.isEmpty()) { notebook->setUid(notebookUid); } notebook->setName(m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].value(serverCalendarId).summary); notebook->setColor(m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].value(serverCalendarId).color); notebook->setDescription(m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[accountId].value(serverCalendarId).description); notebook->setPluginName(QStringLiteral("google-") + serverCalendarId); notebook->setAccount(QString::number(accountId)); m_storage->addNotebook(notebook); m_storageNeedsSave = true; } break; } } SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("finished updating local notebooks, about to apply remote event delta locally"); QStringList calendarsNeedingLocalChanges = m_changesFromDownsync.keys() + m_changesFromUpsync.keys(); calendarsNeedingLocalChanges.removeDuplicates(); Q_FOREACH (const QString &updatedCalendarId, calendarsNeedingLocalChanges) { // save any required changes to the local database updateLocalCalendarNotebookEvents(accountId, updatedCalendarId); m_storageNeedsSave = true; } // this becomes our new sync anchor. In theory there could be lost updates because this timestamp will be greater // than the point at which we requested local changes; but the alternative is cache the timestamp at the point // just before we request local changes, and in that case, on the next sync we would get local changes (including additions) // reported for every remote change which was applied above... m_newSinceTimestamp[accountId] = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); // next sync should get all local changes made after this point in time. } void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::updateLocalCalendarNotebookEvents(int accountId, const QString &calendarId) { QList > changesFromDownsyncForCalendar = m_changesFromDownsync.values(calendarId); QList > changesFromUpsyncForCalendar = m_changesFromUpsync.values(calendarId); if (changesFromDownsyncForCalendar.isEmpty() && changesFromUpsyncForCalendar.isEmpty()) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("No remote changes to apply for calendar:" << calendarId << "for Google account:" << accountId); return; // no remote changes to apply. } // Set notebook writeable locally. mKCal::Notebook::Ptr googleNotebook = notebookForCalendarId(accountId, calendarId); if (!googleNotebook) { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("no local notebook associated with calendar:" << calendarId << "from account:" << accountId << "to update!"); m_syncSucceeded[accountId] = false; return; } // write changes required to complete downsync to local database googleNotebook->setIsReadOnly(false); if (!changesFromDownsyncForCalendar.isEmpty()) { // build the partial-upsync-artifact mapping for this set of changes. QHash upsyncedUidMapping; for (int i = 0; i < changesFromDownsyncForCalendar.size(); ++i) { const QPair &remoteChange(changesFromDownsyncForCalendar[i]); QString gcalId = remoteChange.second.value(QLatin1String("id")).toVariant().toString(); QString upsyncedUid = remoteChange.second.value(QLatin1String("extendedProperties")).toObject() .value(QLatin1String("private")).toObject() .value("x-jolla-sociald-mkcal-uid").toVariant().toString(); if (!upsyncedUid.isEmpty() && !gcalId.isEmpty()) { upsyncedUidMapping.insert(upsyncedUid, gcalId); } } // build up map of gcalIds to local events for this change set QMap allLocalEventsMap; KCalCore::Incidence::List allLocalEventsList; m_storage->loadNotebookIncidences(googleNotebook->uid()); m_storage->allIncidences(&allLocalEventsList, googleNotebook->uid()); Q_FOREACH(const KCalCore::Incidence::Ptr incidence, allLocalEventsList) { KCalCore::Event::Ptr eventPtr = m_calendar->event(incidence->uid(), incidence->recurrenceId()); QString gcalId = gCalEventId(incidence); if (gcalId.isEmpty()) { gcalId = upsyncedUidMapping.value(incidence->uid()); } if (gcalId.size() && eventPtr) { allLocalEventsMap.insert(gcalId, eventPtr); } } // re-order remote changes so that additions of recurring series happen before additions of exception occurrences. // otherwise, the parent event may not exist when we attempt to insert the exception. // similarly, re-order remote deletions of exceptions so that they occur before remote deletions of series. QList > reorderedChangesFromDownsyncForCalendar; for (int i = 0; i < changesFromDownsyncForCalendar.size(); ++i) { const QPair &remoteChange(changesFromDownsyncForCalendar[i]); QString parentId = remoteChange.second.value(QLatin1String("recurringEventId")).toVariant().toString(); if (parentId.isEmpty()) { reorderedChangesFromDownsyncForCalendar.append(remoteChange); } } for (int i = 0; i < changesFromDownsyncForCalendar.size(); ++i) { const QPair &remoteChange(changesFromDownsyncForCalendar[i]); QString parentId = remoteChange.second.value(QLatin1String("recurringEventId")).toVariant().toString(); if (!parentId.isEmpty()) { if (remoteChange.first == GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Delete || remoteChange.first == GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::DeleteOccurrence) { reorderedChangesFromDownsyncForCalendar.prepend(remoteChange); } else { reorderedChangesFromDownsyncForCalendar.append(remoteChange); } } } // apply the remote changes locally. for (int i = 0; i < reorderedChangesFromDownsyncForCalendar.size(); ++i) { const QPair &remoteChange(reorderedChangesFromDownsyncForCalendar[i]); const QJsonObject eventData(remoteChange.second); const QString eventId = eventData.value(QLatin1String("id")).toVariant().toString(); QString parentId = eventData.value(QLatin1String("recurringEventId")).toVariant().toString(); KDateTime recurrenceId = parseRecurrenceId(eventData.value("originalStartTime").toObject()); switch (remoteChange.first) { case GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Delete: { // currently existing base event or persistent occurrence which needs deletion SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Event deleted remotely:" << eventId); m_calendar->deleteEvent(allLocalEventsMap.value(eventId)); } break; case GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::DeleteOccurrence: { // this is a non-persistent occurrence, we need to add an EXDATE to the base event. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Occurrence deleted remotely:" << eventId << "for recurrenceId:" << recurrenceId.toString()); KCalCore::Event::Ptr event = allLocalEventsMap.value(parentId); event->startUpdates(); event->recurrence()->addExDateTime(recurrenceId); event->endUpdates(); } break; case GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Modify: { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Event modified remotely:" << eventId); KCalCore::Event::Ptr event = allLocalEventsMap.value(eventId); bool changed = false; // modification, not insert, so initially changed = "false". jsonToKCal(eventData, event, m_serverCalendarIdToDefaultReminderTimes[accountId].value(calendarId), m_icalFormat, &changed); } break; case GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::Insert: { // add a new local event for the remote addition. KCalCore::Event::Ptr event; if (recurrenceId.isValid()) { // this is a persistent occurrence for an already-existing series. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Persistent occurrence added remotely:" << eventId); KCalCore::Event::Ptr parentEvent = allLocalEventsMap.value(parentId); if (parentEvent.isNull()) { // it might have been newly added in this sync cycle. Look for it from the calendar. QString parentEventUid = m_recurringEventIdToKCalUid.value(accountId).value(parentId); parentEvent = parentEventUid.isEmpty() ? parentEvent : m_calendar->event(parentEventUid, KDateTime()); if (parentEvent.isNull()) { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("Cannot find parent event:" << parentId << "for persistent occurrence:" << eventId); m_syncSucceeded[accountId] = false; continue; // we don't return, but instead attempt to finish other event modifications } } // dissociate the persistent occurrence event = m_calendar->dissociateSingleOccurrence(parentEvent, recurrenceId, recurrenceId.timeSpec()).staticCast(); if (event.isNull()) { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("Could not dissociate occurrence from recurring event:" << parentId << recurrenceId.toString()); m_syncSucceeded[accountId] = false; continue; // we don't return, but instead attempt to finish other event modifications } } else { // this is a new event in its own right. SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Event added remotely:" << eventId); event = KCalCore::Event::Ptr(new KCalCore::Event); // check to see if another Jolla device uploaded this event. // if so, we want to use the same local UID it did. QString localUid = eventData.value(QLatin1String("extendedProperties")).toObject() .value(QLatin1String("private")).toObject() .value("x-jolla-sociald-mkcal-uid").toVariant().toString(); if (localUid.size()) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Event" << eventId << "was synced by another Jolla device, reusing local uid:" << localUid); event->setUid(localUid); } } bool changed = true; // set to true as it's an addition, no need to check for delta. jsonToKCal(eventData, event, m_serverCalendarIdToDefaultReminderTimes[accountId].value(calendarId), m_icalFormat, &changed); // direct conversion if (!m_calendar->addEvent(event, googleNotebook->uid())) { SOCIALD_LOG_ERROR("Could not add dissociated occurrence to calendar:" << parentId << recurrenceId.toString()); m_syncSucceeded[accountId] = false; continue; // we don't return, but instead attempt to finish other event modifications } m_recurringEventIdToKCalUid[accountId].insert(eventId, event->uid()); } break; default: break; } } } // write changes required to complete upsync to the local database for (int i = 0; i &remoteChange(changesFromUpsyncForCalendar[i]); KCalCore::Event::Ptr event(remoteChange.first); const QJsonObject eventData(remoteChange.second); // all changes are modifications to existing events, since it was an upsync response. bool changed = false; jsonToKCal(eventData, event, m_serverCalendarIdToDefaultReminderTimes[accountId].value(calendarId), m_icalFormat, &changed); if (changed) { SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Two-way calendar sync with account" << accountId << ": re-updating event:" << event->summary()); m_storageNeedsSave = true; } } }