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[buteo-sync-plugins-social] Ensure clean sync is applied in full. Con…
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…tributes to JB#52608

The google sync plugin can be tricked into performing a "partial clean
sync" if both the syncToken and syncTime are invalid. This state can
occur, for example, if the account has never managed to complete a fully
successful sync.

The result of this state is that all events are considered as insertions
(as opposed to modifications), while at the same time the notebook isn't
recreated from scratch. As a result, duplicate entries are added to the
calendar on each sync.

This change fixes this by identifying the case where the syncToken and
syncTime are both invalid and ensuring the clean sync semantics are
applied throughout the sync (so everything is an insertion, but the
notebook is also recreated and so starts empty).
  • Loading branch information
llewelld committed Feb 1, 2021
1 parent be42096 commit 5716a64
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Showing 2 changed files with 109 additions and 94 deletions.
202 changes: 108 additions & 94 deletions src/google/google-calendars/googlecalendarsyncadaptor.cpp
Expand Up @@ -1285,7 +1285,6 @@ void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::calendarsFinishedHandler()

void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::updateLocalCalendarNotebooks(const QString &accessToken, bool needCleanSync)
if (syncAborted()) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1314,7 +1313,11 @@ void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::updateLocalCalendarNotebooks(const QString &acce

// check to see if we need to perform a clean sync cycle with this notebook.
if (needCleanSync) {
// if the sync token is empty and the syncTime is invalid, perform a clean sync anyway
const bool effectiveCleanSync = (notebookNextSyncToken.isEmpty()
&& (!notebook->syncDate().isValid()
|| notebook->syncDate().toMSecsSinceEpoch() == 0));
if (needCleanSync || effectiveCleanSync) {
// we are performing a clean sync cycle.
// we will eventually delete and then insert this notebook.
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("queueing clean sync of local calendar" << notebook->name()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1364,7 +1367,7 @@ void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::updateLocalCalendarNotebooks(const QString &acce
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Syncing calendar events for Google account: " << m_accountId << " CleanSync: " << needCleanSync);

foreach (const QString &calendarId, calendars.keys()) {
const QString syncToken = needCleanSync ? QString() : serverCalendarIdToSyncToken.value(calendarId);
const QString syncToken = isCleanSync(calendarId) ? QString() : serverCalendarIdToSyncToken.value(calendarId);
requestEvents(accessToken, calendarId, syncToken);
Expand All @@ -1389,8 +1392,8 @@ void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::requestEvents(const QString &accessToken, const
// for a notebook, as it implements the SQL query using an inequality on both modifiedAfter
// and createdBefore; so instead we have to build a datetime which "should" satisfy
// the inequality for all possible local modifications detectable since the last sync.
const QDateTime syncDate = notebook ? notebook->syncDate().addSecs(1) : QDateTime();
bool needCleanSync = syncToken.isEmpty() || syncDate.isNull() || !syncDate.isValid();
QDateTime syncDate = notebook ? notebook->syncDate().addSecs(1) : QDateTime();
const bool needCleanSync = isCleanSync(calendarId);

if (!needCleanSync) {
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Previous sync time for Google account:" << m_accountId <<
Expand All @@ -1401,6 +1404,7 @@ void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::requestEvents(const QString &accessToken, const
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Clean sync required for Google account:" << m_accountId <<
"Calendar Id:" << calendarId <<
"- Ignoring last sync time:" << syncDate.toString());
syncDate = QDateTime();
} else {
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Invalid previous sync time for Google account:" << m_accountId <<
"Calendar Id:" << calendarId <<
Expand All @@ -1416,10 +1420,10 @@ void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::requestEvents(const QString &accessToken, const
// suffered from a 410 error due to the timeMin value being too long ago,
// and we detected that case and wrote the next sync date value to use here.
const QDateTime clampMin = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addYears(-1);
const QDateTime timeMin = (!syncDate.isValid() || (syncDate < clampMin)) ? clampMin : syncDate;
const QDateTime timeMax = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addYears(2);
syncDate = (!syncDate.isValid() || (syncDate < clampMin)) ? clampMin : syncDate;

queryItems.append(QPair<QString, QString>(QString::fromLatin1("timeMin"), timeMin.toString(Qt::ISODate)));
queryItems.append(QPair<QString, QString>(QString::fromLatin1("timeMin"), syncDate.toString(Qt::ISODate)));
queryItems.append(QPair<QString, QString>(QString::fromLatin1("timeMax"), timeMax.toString(Qt::ISODate)));
if (!pageToken.isEmpty()) { // continuation request
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1549,7 +1553,7 @@ void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::eventsFinishedHandler()
// we've finished loading all pages of event information
// we now need to process the loaded information to determine
// which events need to be added/updated/removed locally.
finishedRequestingRemoteEvents(accessToken, calendarId, syncToken, nextSyncToken, syncToken.isEmpty() ? QDateTime() : since);
finishedRequestingRemoteEvents(accessToken, calendarId, syncToken, nextSyncToken, since);

// we're finished this request. Decrement our busy semaphore.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1697,96 +1701,97 @@ QList<GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::UpsyncChange> GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::determ
QMap<QString, QPair<QString, QDateTime> > deletedMap; // gcalId to incidenceUid,recurrenceId
QSet<QString> cleanSyncDeletionAdditions; // gcalIds

if (since.isValid() && !googleNotebook.isNull()) {
// delta sync. populate our lists of local changes.
if (!isCleanSync(calendarId) && !googleNotebook.isNull()) {
// delta sync, not a clean sync. populate our lists of local changes.
SOCIALD_LOG_TRACE("Loading existing data given delta sync method");
if (googleNotebook.isNull()) {
SOCIALD_LOG_TRACE("No local notebook exists for remote; no existing data to load.");
} else {
m_storage->allIncidences(&allList, googleNotebook->uid());
m_storage->insertedIncidences(&addedList, QDateTime(since), googleNotebook->uid());
m_storage->modifiedIncidences(&updatedList, QDateTime(since), googleNotebook->uid());

// mkcal's implementation of deletedIncidences() is unusual. It returns any event
// which was deleted after the second (datetime) parameter, IF AND ONLY IF
// it was created before that same datetime.
// Unfortunately, mkcal also only supports second-resolution datetimes, which means
// that the "last sync timestamp" cannot effectively be used as the parameter, since
// any events which were added to the database due to the previous sync cycle
// will (most likely) have been added within 1 second of the sync anchor timestamp.
// To work around this, we need to retrieve deleted incidences twice, and unite them.
m_storage->deletedIncidences(&deletedList, QDateTime(since), googleNotebook->uid());
m_storage->deletedIncidences(&extraDeletedList, QDateTime(since).addSecs(1), googleNotebook->uid());
uniteIncidenceLists(extraDeletedList, &deletedList);

Q_FOREACH(const KCalendarCore::Incidence::Ptr incidence, allList) {
if (incidence.isNull()) {
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Ignoring null incidence returned from allIncidences()");
KCalendarCore::Event::Ptr eventPtr = m_calendar->event(incidence->uid(), incidence->recurrenceId());
QString gcalId = gCalEventId(incidence);
if (gcalId.isEmpty() && upsyncedUidMapping.contains(incidence->uid())) {
// partially upsynced artifact. It may need to be updated with gcalId comment field.
gcalId = upsyncedUidMapping.value(incidence->uid());
if (gcalId.size() && eventPtr) {
SOCIALD_LOG_TRACE("Have local event:" << gcalId << "," << eventPtr->uid() << ":" << eventPtr->recurrenceId().toString());
allMap.insert(gcalId, eventPtr);
} // else, newly added locally, no gcalId yet.
m_storage->allIncidences(&allList, googleNotebook->uid());
m_storage->insertedIncidences(&addedList, QDateTime(since), googleNotebook->uid());
m_storage->modifiedIncidences(&updatedList, QDateTime(since), googleNotebook->uid());

// mkcal's implementation of deletedIncidences() is unusual. It returns any event
// which was deleted after the second (datetime) parameter, IF AND ONLY IF
// it was created before that same datetime.
// Unfortunately, mkcal also only supports second-resolution datetimes, which means
// that the "last sync timestamp" cannot effectively be used as the parameter, since
// any events which were added to the database due to the previous sync cycle
// will (most likely) have been added within 1 second of the sync anchor timestamp.
// To work around this, we need to retrieve deleted incidences twice, and unite them.
m_storage->deletedIncidences(&deletedList, QDateTime(since), googleNotebook->uid());
m_storage->deletedIncidences(&extraDeletedList, QDateTime(since).addSecs(1), googleNotebook->uid());
uniteIncidenceLists(extraDeletedList, &deletedList);

Q_FOREACH(const KCalendarCore::Incidence::Ptr incidence, allList) {
if (incidence.isNull()) {
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Ignoring null incidence returned from allIncidences()");
Q_FOREACH(const KCalendarCore::Incidence::Ptr incidence, updatedList) {
if (incidence.isNull()) {
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Ignoring null incidence returned from modifiedIncidences()");
KCalendarCore::Event::Ptr eventPtr = m_calendar->event(incidence->uid(), incidence->recurrenceId());
QString gcalId = gCalEventId(incidence);
if (gcalId.isEmpty() && upsyncedUidMapping.contains(incidence->uid())) {
// TODO: can this codepath be hit? If it was a partial upsync artifact,
// shouldn't it be reported as a local+remote addition, not local modification?
// partially upsynced artifact
gcalId = upsyncedUidMapping.value(incidence->uid());
partialUpsyncArtifactsNeedingUpdate.remove(gcalId); // will already update due to local change.
if (gcalId.size() && eventPtr) {
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Have local modification:" << incidence->uid() << "in" << calendarId);
updatedMap.insert(gcalId, eventPtr);
} // else, newly added+updated locally, no gcalId yet.
KCalendarCore::Event::Ptr eventPtr = m_calendar->event(incidence->uid(), incidence->recurrenceId());
QString gcalId = gCalEventId(incidence);
if (gcalId.isEmpty() && upsyncedUidMapping.contains(incidence->uid())) {
// partially upsynced artifact. It may need to be updated with gcalId comment field.
gcalId = upsyncedUidMapping.value(incidence->uid());
Q_FOREACH(const KCalendarCore::Incidence::Ptr incidence, deletedList) {
if (incidence.isNull()) {
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Ignoring null incidence returned from deletedIncidences()");
QString gcalId = gCalEventId(incidence);
if (gcalId.isEmpty() && upsyncedUidMapping.contains(incidence->uid())) {
// TODO: can this codepath be hit? If it was a partial upsync artifact,
// shouldn't it be reported as a local+remote addition, not local deletion?
// partially upsynced artifact
gcalId = upsyncedUidMapping.value(incidence->uid());
partialUpsyncArtifactsNeedingUpdate.remove(gcalId); // doesn't need update due to deletion.
if (gcalId.size()) {
// Now we check to see whether this event was deleted due to a clean-sync (notebook removal).
// If so, then another event (with the same gcalId association) should have been ADDED at the
// same time, to fulfil clean-sync semantics (because the notebook uid is maintained).
// If so, we treat it as a modification rather than delete+add pair.
if (allMap.contains(gcalId)) {
// note: this works because gcalId is different for base series vs persistent occurrence of series.
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Have local deletion+addition from cleansync:" << gcalId << "in" << calendarId);
} else {
// otherwise, it's a real local deletion.
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Have local deletion:" << incidence->uid() << "in" << calendarId);
deletedMap.insert(gcalId, qMakePair(incidence->uid(), incidence->recurrenceId()));
updatedMap.remove(gcalId); // don't upsync updates to deleted events.
m_deletedGcalIdToIncidence.insert(gcalId, incidence);
} // else, newly added+deleted locally, no gcalId yet.
if (gcalId.size() && eventPtr) {
SOCIALD_LOG_TRACE("Have local event:" << gcalId << "," << eventPtr->uid() << ":" << eventPtr->recurrenceId().toString());
allMap.insert(gcalId, eventPtr);
} // else, newly added locally, no gcalId yet.

Q_FOREACH(const KCalendarCore::Incidence::Ptr incidence, updatedList) {
if (incidence.isNull()) {
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Ignoring null incidence returned from modifiedIncidences()");
KCalendarCore::Event::Ptr eventPtr = m_calendar->event(incidence->uid(), incidence->recurrenceId());
QString gcalId = gCalEventId(incidence);
if (gcalId.isEmpty() && upsyncedUidMapping.contains(incidence->uid())) {
// TODO: can this codepath be hit? If it was a partial upsync artifact,
// shouldn't it be reported as a local+remote addition, not local modification?
// partially upsynced artifact
gcalId = upsyncedUidMapping.value(incidence->uid());
partialUpsyncArtifactsNeedingUpdate.remove(gcalId); // will already update due to local change.
if (gcalId.size() && eventPtr) {
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Have local modification:" << incidence->uid() << "in" << calendarId);
updatedMap.insert(gcalId, eventPtr);
} // else, newly added+updated locally, no gcalId yet.
Q_FOREACH(const KCalendarCore::Incidence::Ptr incidence, deletedList) {
if (incidence.isNull()) {
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Ignoring null incidence returned from deletedIncidences()");
QString gcalId = gCalEventId(incidence);
if (gcalId.isEmpty() && upsyncedUidMapping.contains(incidence->uid())) {
// TODO: can this codepath be hit? If it was a partial upsync artifact,
// shouldn't it be reported as a local+remote addition, not local deletion?
// partially upsynced artifact
gcalId = upsyncedUidMapping.value(incidence->uid());
partialUpsyncArtifactsNeedingUpdate.remove(gcalId); // doesn't need update due to deletion.
if (gcalId.size()) {
// Now we check to see whether this event was deleted due to a clean-sync (notebook removal).
// If so, then another event (with the same gcalId association) should have been ADDED at the
// same time, to fulfil clean-sync semantics (because the notebook uid is maintained).
// If so, we treat it as a modification rather than delete+add pair.
if (allMap.contains(gcalId)) {
// note: this works because gcalId is different for base series vs persistent occurrence of series.
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Have local deletion+addition from cleansync:" << gcalId << "in" << calendarId);
} else {
// otherwise, it's a real local deletion.
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG("Have local deletion:" << incidence->uid() << "in" << calendarId);
deletedMap.insert(gcalId, qMakePair(incidence->uid(), incidence->recurrenceId()));
updatedMap.remove(gcalId); // don't upsync updates to deleted events.
m_deletedGcalIdToIncidence.insert(gcalId, incidence);
} // else, newly added+deleted locally, no gcalId yet.
} else {
if (googleNotebook.isNull()) {
SOCIALD_LOG_TRACE("No local notebook exists for remote; no existing data to load.");

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2898,6 +2903,15 @@ void GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::clampEventTimeToSync(KCalendarCore::Event::Ptr e

bool GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::isCleanSync(const QString &calendarId) const
if (m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo.contains(calendarId)) {
return (m_serverCalendarIdToCalendarInfo[calendarId].change == GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::CleanSync);
} else {
return false;

QJsonObject GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor::kCalToJson(KCalendarCore::Event::Ptr event, KCalendarCore::ICalFormat &icalFormat, bool setUidProperty) const
QString eventId = gCalEventId(event);
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/google/google-calendars/googlecalendarsyncadaptor.h
Expand Up @@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ class GoogleCalendarSyncAdaptor : public GoogleDataTypeSyncAdaptor
const QString &calendarId, const QString &syncToken,
const QString &nextSyncToken, const QDateTime &since);
void clampEventTimeToSync(KCalendarCore::Event::Ptr event) const;
bool isCleanSync(const QString &calendarId) const;

static void setCalendarProperties(mKCal::Notebook::Ptr notebook,
const CalendarInfo &calendarInfo,
Expand Down

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