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[buteo-sync-plugins-social] Commit changes after all remote communica…
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…tion succeeds. Contributes to MER#1248

This commit delays any mkcal database activity until after all
communication with the Google Calendar has completed successfully.
This ensures that the database remains in a usable and recoverable
state, and minimises the chance that we need to perform a clean sync
cycle (which can result in lost-local-modifications).
It includes partial-upsync detection via a private extended property.

Contributes to MER#1248
  • Loading branch information
Chris Adams committed Sep 15, 2015
1 parent 3020ce1 commit 45a465c
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Showing 4 changed files with 987 additions and 371 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/google/google-calendars/google-calendars.pri
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
PKGCONFIG += libmkcal-qt5 libkcalcoren-qt5
SOURCES += $$PWD/googlecalendarsyncadaptor.cpp
HEADERS += $$PWD/googlecalendarsyncadaptor.h
HEADERS += $$PWD/googlecalendarsyncadaptor.h $$PWD/googlecalendarincidencecomparator.h

204 changes: 204 additions & 0 deletions src/google/google-calendars/googlecalendarincidencecomparator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
** Copyright (C) 2015 Jolla Ltd.
** Contact: Chris Adams <>
** This program/library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
** version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
** This program/library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** Lesser General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License along with this program/library; if not, write to the Free
** Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
** 02110-1301 USA


#include <QtDebug>

#include <memorycalendar.h>
#include <extendedcalendar.h>
#include <extendedstorage.h>
#include <icalformat.h>
#include <incidence.h>
#include <event.h>
#include <todo.h>
#include <journal.h>
#include <attendee.h>
#include <kdatetime.h>

#include "trace.h"

#define SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG_MAYBE(msg) if (printDebug) SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG(msg)

#define GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, func, desc) {\
if (a->func != b->func) {\
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG_MAYBE("Incidence" << desc << "" << "properties are not equal:" << a->func << b->func); \
return false;\

#define GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL_CUSTOM(failureCheck, desc, debug) {\
if (failureCheck) {\
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG_MAYBE("Incidence" << desc << "properties are not equal:" << desc << debug); \
return false;\

namespace GoogleCalendarIncidenceComparator {
void normalizePersonEmail(KCalCore::Person *p)
QString email = p->email().replace(QStringLiteral("mailto:"), QString(), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
if (email != p->email()) {

template <typename T>
bool pointerDataEqual(const QVector<QSharedPointer<T> > &vectorA, const QVector<QSharedPointer<T> > &vectorB)
if (vectorA.count() != vectorB.count()) {
return false;
for (int i=0; i<vectorA.count(); i++) {
if (vectorA[i].data() != vectorB[i].data()) {
return false;
return true;

bool eventsEqual(const KCalCore::Event::Ptr &a, const KCalCore::Event::Ptr &b, bool printDebug)
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL_CUSTOM(a->dateEnd() != b->dateEnd(), "dateEnd", (a->dateEnd().toString() + " != " + b->dateEnd().toString()));
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, transparency(), "transparency");

// some special handling for dtEnd() depending on whether it's an all-day event or not.
if (a->allDay() && b->allDay()) {
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL_CUSTOM(a->dtEnd().date() != b->dtEnd().date(), "dtEnd", (a->dtEnd().toString() + " != " + b->dtEnd().toString()));
} else {
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL_CUSTOM(a->dtEnd() != b->dtEnd(), "dtEnd", (a->dtEnd().toString() + " != " + b->dtEnd().toString()));

// some special handling for isMultiday() depending on whether it's an all-day event or not.
if (a->allDay() && b->allDay()) {
// here we assume that both events are in "export form" (that is, exclusive DTEND)
if (a->dtEnd().date() != b->dtEnd().date()) {
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG_MAYBE("have a->dtStart()" << a->dtStart().toString() << ", a->dtEnd()" << a->dtEnd().toString());
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG_MAYBE("have b->dtStart()" << b->dtStart().toString() << ", b->dtEnd()" << b->dtEnd().toString());
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG_MAYBE("have a->isMultiDay()" << a->isMultiDay() << ", b->isMultiDay()" << b->isMultiDay());
return false;
} else {
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, isMultiDay(), "multiday");

// Don't compare hasEndDate() as Event(Event*) does not initialize it based on the validity of
// dtEnd(), so it could be false when dtEnd() is valid. The dtEnd comparison above is sufficient.

return true;

bool todosEqual(const KCalCore::Todo::Ptr &a, const KCalCore::Todo::Ptr &b, bool printDebug)
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, hasCompletedDate(), "hasCompletedDate");
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL_CUSTOM(a->dtRecurrence() != b->dtRecurrence(), "dtRecurrence", (a->dtRecurrence().toString() + " != " + b->dtRecurrence().toString()));
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, hasDueDate(), "hasDueDate");
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL_CUSTOM(a->dtDue() != b->dtDue(), "dtDue", (a->dtDue().toString() + " != " + b->dtDue().toString()));
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, hasStartDate(), "hasStartDate");
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, isCompleted(), "isCompleted");
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL_CUSTOM(a->completed() != b->completed(), "completed", (a->completed().toString() + " != " + b->completed().toString()));
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, isOpenEnded(), "isOpenEnded");
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, percentComplete(), "percentComplete");
return true;

bool journalsEqual(const KCalCore::Journal::Ptr &, const KCalCore::Journal::Ptr &, bool)
// no journal-specific properties; it only uses the base incidence properties
return true;

// Checks whether a specific set of properties are equal.
bool copiedPropertiesAreEqual(const KCalCore::Incidence::Ptr &a, const KCalCore::Incidence::Ptr &b, bool printDebug)
if (!a || !b) {
qWarning() << "Invalid paramters! a:" << a << "b:" << b;
return false;

// Do not compare created() or lastModified() because we don't update these fields when
// an incidence is updated by copyIncidenceProperties(), so they are guaranteed to be unequal.
// TODO compare deref alarms and attachment lists to compare them also.
// Don't compare resources() for now because KCalCore may insert QStringList("") as the resources
// when in fact it should be QStringList(), which causes the comparison to fail.
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, type(), "type");
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, duration(), "duration");
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, hasDuration(), "hasDuration");
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, isReadOnly(), "isReadOnly");
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, comments(), "comments");
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, contacts(), "contacts");
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, altDescription(), "altDescription");
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, categories(), "categories");
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, customStatus(), "customStatus");
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, description(), "description");
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL_CUSTOM(!qFuzzyCompare(a->geoLatitude(), b->geoLatitude()), "geoLatitude", (QString("%1 != %2").arg(a->geoLatitude()).arg(b->geoLatitude())));
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL_CUSTOM(!qFuzzyCompare(a->geoLongitude(), b->geoLongitude()), "geoLongitude", (QString("%1 != %2").arg(a->geoLongitude()).arg(b->geoLongitude())));
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, hasGeo(), "hasGeo");
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, location(), "location");
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, secrecy(), "secrecy");
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, status(), "status");
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, summary(), "summary");

// check recurrence information. Note that we only need to check the recurrence rules for equality if they both recur.
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL_CUSTOM(a->recurs() != b->recurs(), "recurs", a->recurs() + " != " + b->recurs());
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL_CUSTOM(a->recurs() && *(a->recurrence()) != *(b->recurrence()), "recurrence", "...");

// some special handling for dtStart() depending on whether it's an all-day event or not.
if (a->allDay() && b->allDay()) {
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL_CUSTOM(a->dtStart().date() != b->dtStart().date(), "dtStart", (a->dtStart().toString() + " != " + b->dtStart().toString()));
} else {
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL_CUSTOM(a->dtStart() != b->dtStart(), "dtStart", (a->dtStart().toString() + " != " + b->dtStart().toString()));

// Some servers insert a mailto: in the organizer email address, so ignore this when comparing organizers
KCalCore::Person personA(*a->organizer().data());
KCalCore::Person personB(*b->organizer().data());
GIC_RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_EQUAL_CUSTOM(personA != personB, "organizer", (personA.fullName() + " != " + personB.fullName()));

switch (a->type()) {
case KCalCore::IncidenceBase::TypeEvent:
if (!eventsEqual(a.staticCast<KCalCore::Event>(), b.staticCast<KCalCore::Event>(), printDebug)) {
return false;
case KCalCore::IncidenceBase::TypeTodo:
if (!todosEqual(a.staticCast<KCalCore::Todo>(), b.staticCast<KCalCore::Todo>(), printDebug)) {
return false;
case KCalCore::IncidenceBase::TypeJournal:
if (!journalsEqual(a.staticCast<KCalCore::Journal>(), b.staticCast<KCalCore::Journal>(), printDebug)) {
return false;
case KCalCore::IncidenceBase::TypeFreeBusy:
case KCalCore::IncidenceBase::TypeUnknown:
SOCIALD_LOG_DEBUG_MAYBE("Unable to compare FreeBusy or Unknown incidence, assuming equal");
return true;


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