/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Jolla Ltd. * Contact: Richard Braakman * * You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: * * "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Nemo Mobile nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "seasidecache.h" static const QString AccountPath(QString::fromLatin1("/example/jabber/0")); class tst_Resolve : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public slots: void initTestCase(); void cleanupTestCase(); private: // only firstname and lastname are mandatory bool makeContact(QString firstname, QString lastname, QString phone, QString email, QString account); void makeContacts(); QList m_createdContacts; private slots: void resolveByPhone(); void resolveByPhoneNotFound(); void resolveByEmail(); void resolveByEmailNotFound(); void resolveByAccount(); void resolveByAccountNotFound(); void resolveDuringContactLink(); }; namespace { struct TestResolveListener : public SeasideCache::ResolveListener { TestResolveListener() : m_resolved(false), m_item(0) { } virtual void addressResolved(const QString &first, const QString &second, SeasideCache::CacheItem *item) { m_resolved = true; m_item = item; } bool m_resolved; SeasideCache::CacheItem *m_item; }; } // anonymous void tst_Resolve::initTestCase() { makeContacts(); SeasideCache::registerUser(this); } void tst_Resolve::cleanupTestCase() { SeasideCache::unregisterUser(this); QVERIFY(SeasideCache::manager()->removeContacts(m_createdContacts)); m_createdContacts.clear(); } bool tst_Resolve::makeContact(QString firstname, QString lastname, QString phone, QString email, QString account) { QContact contact; QContactName name; name.setFirstName(firstname); name.setLastName(lastname); if (!contact.saveDetail(&name)) return false; if (!phone.isEmpty()) { QContactPhoneNumber pn; pn.setNumber(phone); if (!contact.saveDetail(&pn)) return false; } if (!email.isEmpty()) { QContactEmailAddress e; e.setEmailAddress(email); if (!contact.saveDetail(&e)) return false; } if (!account.isEmpty()) { QContactOnlineAccount acc; acc.setAccountUri(account); acc.setValue(QContactOnlineAccount__FieldAccountPath, AccountPath); if (!contact.saveDetail(&acc)) return false; } if (!SeasideCache::manager()->saveContact(&contact)) return false; m_createdContacts << contact.id(); return true; } void tst_Resolve::makeContacts() { QVERIFY(makeContact("Alfred", "Alfredson", "+358474005000", "alfred@alfred.com", "")); QVERIFY(makeContact("Berta", "Berenstain", "", "berta.b@geemail.com", "berta.b@geemail.com")); QVERIFY(makeContact("Carlo", "Rizzi", "+358471112222", "", "")); QVERIFY(makeContact("Daffy", "Duck", "+358470009955", "daffyd@example.com", "")); QVERIFY(makeContact("Dafferd", "Duck", "", "daffy.d@example.com", "")); QVERIFY(makeContact("Ernest", "Everest", "+358477758885", "", "")); } void tst_Resolve::resolveByPhone() { SeasideCache::CacheItem *item; TestResolveListener listener; QString number("+358470009955"); item = SeasideCache::resolvePhoneNumber(&listener, number, true); if (!item) { QTRY_VERIFY(listener.m_resolved); item = listener.m_item; } QContactName name = item->contact.detail(); QCOMPARE(name.firstName(), QString::fromLatin1("Daffy")); } void tst_Resolve::resolveByPhoneNotFound() { SeasideCache::CacheItem *item; TestResolveListener listener; QString number("+358470000000"); item = SeasideCache::resolvePhoneNumber(&listener, number, true); if (!item) { QTRY_VERIFY(listener.m_resolved); item = listener.m_item; } QCOMPARE(item, (SeasideCache::CacheItem *)0); } void tst_Resolve::resolveByEmail() { SeasideCache::CacheItem *item; TestResolveListener listener; QString address("berta.b@geemail.com"); item = SeasideCache::resolveEmailAddress(&listener, address, true); if (!item) { QTRY_VERIFY(listener.m_resolved); item = listener.m_item; } QContactName name = item->contact.detail(); QCOMPARE(name.firstName(), QString::fromLatin1("Berta")); } void tst_Resolve::resolveByEmailNotFound() { SeasideCache::CacheItem *item; TestResolveListener listener; QString address("example@example.com"); item = SeasideCache::resolveEmailAddress(&listener, address, true); if (!item) { QTRY_VERIFY(listener.m_resolved); item = listener.m_item; } QCOMPARE(item, (SeasideCache::CacheItem *)0); } void tst_Resolve::resolveByAccount() { SeasideCache::CacheItem *item; TestResolveListener listener; QString remoteUid("berta.b@geemail.com"); item = SeasideCache::resolveOnlineAccount(&listener, AccountPath, remoteUid, true); if (!item) { QTRY_VERIFY(listener.m_resolved); item = listener.m_item; } QContactName name = item->contact.detail(); QCOMPARE(name.firstName(), QString::fromLatin1("Berta")); } void tst_Resolve::resolveByAccountNotFound() { SeasideCache::CacheItem *item; TestResolveListener listener; QString remoteUid("example@example.com"); item = SeasideCache::resolveOnlineAccount(&listener, AccountPath, remoteUid, true); if (!item) { QTRY_VERIFY(listener.m_resolved); item = listener.m_item; } QCOMPARE(item, (SeasideCache::CacheItem *)0); } struct ItemWatcher : public SeasideCache::ItemData { QList m_constituents; bool m_aggregationComplete; ItemWatcher() : m_aggregationComplete(false) { } virtual void displayLabelOrderChanged(SeasideCache::DisplayLabelOrder) { } virtual void updateContact(const QtContacts::QContact&, QtContacts::QContact*, SeasideCache::ContactState) { } virtual void mergeCandidatesFetched(const QList &) { } virtual void aggregationOperationCompleted() { m_aggregationComplete = true; } virtual void constituentsFetched(const QList &ids) { m_constituents = ids; } virtual QList constituents() const { return m_constituents; } }; // Test that address resolutions don't interfere with contact linking void tst_Resolve::resolveDuringContactLink() { SeasideCache::CacheItem *item1; TestResolveListener listener1; QString address1("daffyd@example.com"); SeasideCache::CacheItem *item2; TestResolveListener listener2; QString address2("daffy.d@example.com"); item1 = SeasideCache::resolveEmailAddress(&listener1, address1, true); item2 = SeasideCache::resolveEmailAddress(&listener2, address2, true); if (!item1) { QTRY_VERIFY(listener1.m_resolved); item1 = listener1.m_item; } QVERIFY(item1); QCOMPARE(item1->displayLabel, QString::fromLatin1("Daffy Duck")); if (!item2) { QTRY_VERIFY(listener2.m_resolved); item2 = listener2.m_item; } QVERIFY(item2); QCOMPARE(item2->displayLabel, QString::fromLatin1("Dafferd Duck")); int iid = item1->iid; item1->itemData = new ItemWatcher; item2->itemData = new ItemWatcher; SeasideCache::aggregateContacts(item1->contact, item2->contact); // Fire off an address resolution simultaneously SeasideCache::CacheItem *item; QString number("+358477758885"); TestResolveListener listener; item = SeasideCache::resolvePhoneNumber(&listener, number, true); if (!item) { QTRY_VERIFY(listener.m_resolved); item = listener.m_item; } // Did the address resolution go ok? QCOMPARE(item->displayLabel, QString::fromLatin1("Ernest Everest")); // wait for the aggregation item1 = SeasideCache::existingItem(iid); QVERIFY(item1); QVERIFY(item1->itemData); QTRY_VERIFY(((ItemWatcher *) item1->itemData)->m_aggregationComplete); // the aggregate's constituents are not updated in the cache, so they // have to be reloaded before comparing. Is that a bug? SeasideCache::fetchConstituents(item1->contact); QTRY_COMPARE(item1->itemData->constituents().count(), 2); // Check that the expected two contacts are the constituents. int iid1 = item1->itemData->constituents()[0]; int iid2 = item1->itemData->constituents()[1]; item1 = SeasideCache::itemById(iid1); item2 = SeasideCache::itemById(iid2); QTRY_COMPARE(item1->contactState, SeasideCache::ContactComplete); QTRY_COMPARE(item2->contactState, SeasideCache::ContactComplete); QStringList names, expected; names << item1->displayLabel << item2->displayLabel; qSort(names); expected << QString::fromLatin1("Dafferd Duck") << QString::fromLatin1("Daffy Duck"); QCOMPARE(names, expected); } #include "tst_resolve.moc" QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN(tst_Resolve)